The Effect of Human Resource Planning and Work Environment Mediated by Motivation on Employee Performance at PT Bumi Guna Fokusindo

  • Farien Dwi Putri Kwik Kian Gie Jakarta
  • Hendratmoko Hendratmoko Kwik Kian Gie Jakarta


This study aims to evaluate PT Bumi Guna Fokusindo's efforts in improving employee
performance through human resource (HR) planning, the work environment, and the
mediating role of motivation. The issues raised focus on the effectiveness of HR
planning and work environment conditions in influencing performance, and to what
extent motivation acts as a mediator in the relationship between these variables. The
study analyzes the impact of HR planning and the work environment on employee
performance; the role of motivation in mediating the influence of HR planning and the
work environment on performance; and the direct effect of motivation on employee
performance. Primary data was collected through questionnaires and analyzed using the
Partial Least Squares (PLS) technique with SmartPLS 4.0. The results show that HR
planning has a positive and significant effect on employee performance, emphasizing
the importance of effective HR planning. However, the work environment does not have
a significant effect on employee performance, although it shows a positive direction.
Motivation also does not show a significant influence. HR planning does not
significantly affect employee motivation. On the other hand, the work environment has
been proven to significantly increase motivation. However, when employee
performance is mediated by motivation between HR planning and the work
environment, its effect remains insignificant


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