Comparison of Deep Learning and Machine Learning Model for Phishing Email Classification

  • Randy Himawan Bina nusantara university
  • Amalia Zahra Bina nusantara university
Keywords: Phishing, Recurrent Convolutional Neural Network, Random Forest, Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency, Fasttext


Email is a medium in business communication that people use everyday and not only holds sensitive information but also identity for the user and organization. The uniqueness of information contained make phishing detection and remedy cannot be applied generally. Existing method applied in common on security software such as blacklisting keyword or email address is not enough to outpace evolving phishing method. Nowadays the implementation of machine learning and deep learning grow rapidly fast and the method used by machine learning and deep learning that can learn pattern of inputs and natural language processing making classification to detect email phishing promising, this study present proposed method of phishing mail classification by comparing the use of machine learning and deep learning model, The algorithm used in this paper are recurrent convolutional neural network and random forest with tf-idf and fasttext word embedding. The Dataset contain phishing and legitimate of an email gathered from a trading company in Indonesia. The dataset will be split into 70% for training and 30% for testing. As a result of this comparison, the random forest model with tf-idf word embedding achieve highest accuracy of 100% for the dataset used and the highest accuracy for recurrent convolutional neural network model with fasttext is 98.21%.


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