Comprehensive Research Study of Challenges and Opportunities in Electric Vehicle Adoption: Case Study in Jakarta

  • Jiang Liang Liang Universitas Indonesia
  • Lita Sari Barus Universitas Indonesia
  • William Ong Zhejiang University
  • Jasmine Citra Maharani Universitas Indonesia
Keywords: electric vehicle (EV), Jakarta, environment, Variables for adopting EV


This article delves into the potential of electric vehicle (EV) adoption in Central Jakarta, a densely populated area grappling with significant urban and transportation challenges. Trams are an environmentally friendly mode of transport that is environmentally friendly, efficient, comfortable, accessibility, and enhances the aesthetic value of the city. Trams do not produce exhaust emissions, so they can help reduce air pollution in big cities. This is important for improving air quality and public health. The research variables include cost implications, environmental impact, and other relevant aspects of transitioning from fuel-based cars and motorcycles to electric vehicles. The research extensively explores various reputable sources such as papers, journals, and research studies relevant to the chosen research variables, enhancing the credibility of the findings. The study reveals that while the adoption of EVs presents several opportunities, such as reducing traffic congestion and environmental pollution, it also poses significant challenges. These include high costs of EVs, lack of charging infrastructure, and consumers' unfamiliarity with the technology. The research suggests that addressing these challenges requires an integrated and comprehensive solution, including policy measures such as increasing public charging infrastructure, transforming tax schemes, and providing incentives for EV users. This research contributes to the ongoing discourse on sustainable urban transportation, providing valuable insights for policymakers, academia, and the local community in Jakarta and beyond.


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