The Influence of Product Quality, Price and E-Wom on the Purchase Decision

  • Michael Dwiputra Kwik Kian Gie School of Business, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Product Quality, Price, e-Wom (Electronic Word-of-Mouth), Purchase Decision, Perfumed., Indonesia perfume brand


This research aims to find out about the effect of Product Quality, Price and e-Wom (Electric-word-of-mouth) on Purchase Decision on Hambel Co. Perfume. who are domiciled in DKI Jakarta. The sampling technique of this research is non-probability sampling, by purposive sampling where obtained sample of 115 respondents. Data were processed using the SPSS 25 and analyzed through descriptive statistical, classical assumption, and multiple regression analysis tests (F-test, t-test, and coefficient determination) to determine the goodness fit of model and the relationship between variables. The test results show that all three variables passed the classical assumption test and gave the (BLUE) result. The results of multiple regression analysis indicate that the variables X1, X2 and X3 have a significant effect of 29.4% on Y. The conclusion of this study is that Product Quality and Sales Promotion have a positive and significant effect on Customer Satisfaction.


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