Portrait of Sexual Abuse in Vanessa Wye in Novel My Dark Vanessa

  • Farah Rasfia Putri Faculty of administration and humanities University of Muhammadiyah Sukabumi
Keywords: Pelecehan Seksual, Tokoh, Novel


Cases of sexual violence and abuse of children and women are very alarming crimes. Every year there are many victims who experience sexual abuse. This phenomenon is also illustrated in the novel My Dark Vanessa by Kate Elizabeth Russell. The novel tells the story of a sexual relationship between a 15-year-old student named Vanessa Wye and Jacob Strane who is her 42-year-old English teacher, presented in the perspective of an adult Vanessa Wye who is 30 years old. The researcher chose the novel because it was in accordance with the research theme to be discussed. In this study, researchers used Kelly's theory which explains the forms of sexual harassment which are divided into 3 parts, namely Visual, Verbal and Physical. Using this theory and mimetic approach, researchers aim to identify the forms of sexual harassment experienced by the main female character, Vanessa Wye, then the data will be searched using reading and recording techniques. After successfully obtained, the collected data will be discussed using descriptive - qualitative methods. So that in the end this research will produce forms of violence or sexual harassment experienced by Vanessa Wye




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