The Use Of Mini Dairy In Teaching Writing
Syntax Idea, Vol. 3, No 1, Januari 2021 209
score is 66,56. Based on the data, the writer concludes that the students have not
understood yet about recount text especially in writing skill. Thus, treatment activity is
important to improve students writing ability. The treatment is calling mini diary to
order as media.
After giving treatment by applying mini diary as media in teaching writing
recount text, the writer conducts post-test in the experimental group to measure the
students ability after getting the treatment. In this test, the students are asked to write a
recount text into two paragraphs based on their unforgettable experience. The result of
the post test shows that most of students (71%) got higher score more than equal to
75, and the others (29%) got lower score than 75, with the highest score is 88, the
lowest score is 62 and the mean score is 77,09. Referring to the difference between pre-
test and post-test score, it can be stated that the students ability in writing recount text of
the eighth grade students of SMPN 4 Kuningan who are taught by using mini diary as
media is improved. It can be seen from the data that the mean score of post test is 77.09
while pre-test is 66,56 and the standard deviation (SDx) is 11,30. It implies that there is
a significant progress of the students achievement score in writing recount text after
using mini diary as teaching media.
By comparing the result of students pre-test and post test score in experimental
class, the writer finds that students writing ability increases after getting treatment,
using mini diary as media. The students motivation in writing English especially
recount text increased because the students got fun and interesting situation in teaching
writing recount text, so that the students can express their ideas, thought, and feelings to
be poured down into recount text in mini diary freely.
Similar to the experimental group, in the first meeting of control group, the
students also given pre-test to measure their ability in writing recount text before getting
the material. The results are the highest score is 80, the lowest score is 55 and the mean
score is 67. After doing pre-test, the writer gave students material of recount text
without using treatment. For the control class, the writer uses common method in
teaching. It only explained about past tense, generic structure of recount text to the
students without using mini diary as media. After teaching writing recount text in the
control group finished, the students also are given post-test which the scores will be
compared with the score of the pre-test. In the result of post-test, the writer finds that
some of the students got higher score, around 80 to 85, but it is does not mean that all
of them got the high score, most of the students (65%) still get lower score, namely less
than 75. It means only several students (24%) of the control class get the score more
than equal to 75, the highest score is 85 while the lowest score is 61 and the mean score
is 72.5. The result of post-test in the control class shows that the students writing ability
is better than before but most of them still got lower scores or less than 75.
Referring to post-test scores in the control class above, then it is compared with
pre-test scores, there is increase of students’ writing ability. Based on the result of the
whole test in control class, it can be seen that the mean score of post test is 72.5, pre-test