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Edward Nangoy, Corry Novita Mahama, Angelina Stevany Regina Masengi (2024) Narrative
Review: Current Updates in The Treatment of Malaria, (06) 10
Edward Nangoy, Corry Novita Mahama, Angelina Stevany Regina Masengi
Universitas Sam Ratulangi, Indonesia
Malaria is an infectious disease caused by the Plasmodium parasite and transmitted
through the bite of female Anopheles mosquitoes. Although global efforts to control the
disease have increased, malaria remains a major health threat, especially in developing
countries. This study aims to identify recent developments in malaria treatment
methods. This study uses a narrative review method. Data collection was carried out
through a literature review by searching for relevant research articles, reports, and books
from various scientific databases. The collected data were then analyzed in three stages,
namely data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results showed
that updates in malaria treatment include the development of new drugs and
combination therapies, prevention efforts through vaccines, more individualized
treatment approaches, and community involvement in treatment programs. These
initiatives provide new hope in the fight against malaria.
Keywords: Current treatment, Treatment, Malaria.
Malaria is a disease caused by protozoa from the Plasmodium parasite and is one
of the leading causes of death and morbidity in many developing countries. It is
estimated that around 3.3 billion people worldwide are at risk of contracting this
disease. Malaria is also a significant health problem in tropical and subtropical regions
(Kendie et al., 2021). Globally, there are 247 million positive cases of malaria reported
in 84 malaria-endemic countries. Indonesia is one of the malaria-endemic countries with
a total of 443,530 cases, of which 89% of positive cases come from Papua Province
(Ministry of Health, 2023).
The government is targeting national malaria elimination by 2030. Based on the
2020-2024 National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN), the target is for 408
districts/cities in Indonesia to be free from malaria. By 2023, 389 districts/cities have
reached the maintenance stage or have been declared malaria-free. There are five
strategies implemented together with local governments, related agencies, and
community elements. First, the implementation of comprehensive policies, including
increasing detection, case finding, and diagnostics. Second, strengthening surveillance.
pISSN: 2723-4339 e-ISSN: 2548-1398
Vol. 6, No. 10, Oktober 2024
Narrative Review: Current Updates in The Treatment of Malaria
Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 10, Oktober 2024 6509
Third, providing treatment. Fourth, controlling risk factors. Fifth, empowering the role
of the private sector and society (Indonesia, 2020).
Since 2000, the development and widespread rollout of rapid diagnostic tools
(RDTs), insecticide-treated bed nets (ITNs), and artemisinin-based combination
therapies (ACTs) have been the cornerstones of malaria control efforts. Continued
investment in the development and deployment of next-generation tools is critical to
achieving the global malaria elimination target by 2030. Several malaria vaccines are
currently in development. Like the RTS,S vaccine, many of these vaccines target the
malaria parasite before it enters the human liver, where it can multiply rapidly. The
most advanced vaccine candidate is R21, which has completed Phase 3 clinical trials. In
addition, there are other vaccines that focus on preventing parasite transmission, as well
as vaccines specifically designed to protect women during pregnancy (WHO, 2023).
Previous research by (Hanboonkunupakarn & White, 2022) showed that targeted
malaria eradication using focal mass treatment with dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine has
been proven to be a safe and effective malaria elimination accelerator, but overall
progress towards malaria elimination has been slow. Since 2015, the number of malaria
cases globally has increased. Since new drugs will not be widely available in the near
future, active measures to conserve current antimalarials should be the highest priority.
Another study by (Daily, Minuti, & Khan, 2022) showed that malaria prevention and
treatment depend on the species and drug sensitivity of the parasite from the area of
transmission. Intravenous artesunate is the first-line therapy for severe malaria.
This study enriches the theory in clinical epidemiology by highlighting the latest
developments in malaria treatment and disease distribution patterns and their impact on
public health management strategies. So that it can help in formulating a more
comprehensive theory about the relationship between treatment, drug resistance, and
case management at the population level. This study aims to identify the latest
developments in malaria treatment methods.
This study uses a narrative review method. Narrative is a research method in
social sciences that functions to describe or explain an event, incident, or series of
events that are chronologically interconnected (Yusri, 2020). Data collection was
carried out through a literature review by searching for relevant research articles,
reports, and books from various scientific databases. Data collection was carried out
through a literature review by searching for relevant research articles, reports, and books
from various scientific databases, such as PubMed, Google Scholar, and health journals
related to malaria treatment. The data that has been collected is then analyzed in three
stages, namely data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. These three
stages are carried out repeatedly to produce a comprehensive and accountable analysis.
Edward Nangoy, Corry Novita Mahama, Angelina Stevany Regina Masengi
6510 Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 10, Oktober 2024
The disease mechanism of malaria occurs through the relationship between two
main hosts, the female Anopheles mosquito and humans. When a female mosquito bites
a human, the parasite's life cycle begins. The mosquito draws blood while introducing
sporozoites from its saliva into the human body. The malaria parasite then invades red
blood cells (RBCs), resulting in a decrease in hemoglobin, and releases acid digestion
vacuoles due to heme digestion, which are toxic to the parasite itself (Nureye & Assefa,
2020). Malaria is a health problem that can also have a significant economic impact,
especially because the disease is widespread in countries and regions experiencing
poverty, hindering social and economic development in the area (Lukwa, Mawoyo,
Zablon, Siya, & Alaba, 2019). In addition to infecting humans, malaria parasites can
also infect other animals, such as reptiles, birds and mammals. To date, more than 200
Plasmodium species have been formally identified, with each species having a different
host (Nandal et al., 2024).
However, despite malaria being a major challenge, developments in medical
research and technology have brought advances in the management and treatment of the
disease. In recent decades, malaria treatment development programs have progressed
through partnerships in pharmaceutical development, aiming to find more effective and
efficient therapies in the fight against malaria (Ashley & Phyo, 2018). One of the main
reasons for the importance of malaria treatment updates is due to the increasing parasite
resistance to existing drugs. Malaria parasites, particularly Plasmodium falciparum,
have shown increasing resistance to many antimalarial drugs. This resistance poses a
serious threat to malaria control efforts (Ippolito, Moser, Kabuya, Cunningham, &
Juliano, 2021).
Over the past two decades, malaria treatment updates have focused on responding
to the problem of drug resistance, particularly to Plasmodium falciparum. This parasite
has now become highly resistant to most of the antimalarial drugs that were once
effective, so the medical world's attention is focused on developing new drugs. This
approach aims to combat parasite resistance more effectively and prevent the return of
malaria outbreaks in tropical regions (Nandal et al., 2024). Given the complexity of
malaria and the growing challenge of drug resistance, treatment renewal efforts are
urgently needed. More innovative and diverse approaches need to be implemented to
address the problem of drug resistance, including by introducing new antimalarials that
are more effective and resistant to mutated parasites (Monroe, Williams, Ogoma,
Karema, & Okumu, 2022).
In addition to resistance, updates in malaria treatment are also important because
they have the primary goal of improving treatment success and bringing malaria closer
to global elimination. Providing more appropriate and effective treatment will result in
improved patient recovery rates. Better treatment can lead to faster treatment and fewer
complications, thereby reducing morbidity and mortality from malaria. Achieving these
cure rates allows populations vulnerable to infection, especially in endemic areas, to be
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better protected from long-term health impacts. Thus, continuously updating and
improving treatment methods are steps towards a more achievable malaria elimination.
With these reasons in mind, updates in malaria treatment have been a major focus.
This includes several important aspects, including the development of new drugs and
more effective drug combinations. Artemisinin remains the main foundation in malaria
treatment to date. However, with the increasing risk of parasite resistance, researchers
are constantly working to develop more effective drug combinations. Artemisinin-based
combination therapy (ACT) is one of the most important steps in treating malaria,
especially when combined with vector control interventions. This strategy has
significantly reduced the burden of malaria caused by Plasmodium falciparum
worldwide (Bhatt et al., 2015).
ACTs remain the only widely used treatment for uncomplicated falciparum
malaria. This is even true in regions such as the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS),
where artemisinin resistance (ART-R) is widespread. Currently, there are five ACT
combinations recommended by WHO for the treatment of malaria, namely artemether-
lumefantrine, artesunate-mefloquine (ASMQ), dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine,
artesunate-amodiaquine, and artesunate-sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine (WHO, 2015).
These combinations rely on fast-acting artemisinin derivatives, combined with slower-
acting drugs that last longer in the body to ensure the remaining parasites are
ACTs consist of artemisinin derivatives such as artemether, artesunate, or
dihydroartemisinin which are very potent and fast-acting, but have a short plasma half-
life. Therefore, ACTs are combined with slower-acting partner drugs such as
lumefantrine, amodiacuine, mefloquine, piperacuine, sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine, or
pyronaridine. These partner drugs last longer in the blood, so elimination of parasites
that may persist after artemisinin clears most of the parasites in the body. Treatment of
malaria with artemisinin can reduce the parasite load by 10,000-fold every 48 hours, or
one parasite life cycle. After a three-day course of ACT treatment, the remaining
parasites are then cleared by the partner drug (Dhorda, Amaratunga, & Dondorp, 2021).
However, in some areas, resistance to ACTs has begun to emerge. Malaria
parasites, such as Plasmodium falciparum, show the ability to mutate and survive
despite appropriate treatment. This resistance refers to the ability of the parasite to
survive or multiply despite being given a dose of a drug that is normally effective
(Alaithan, Kumar, Islam, Liappis, & Nava, 2023). This phenomenon has encouraged
researchers to develop new drugs that aim to overcome the increasing drug resistance.
The development of these new drugs aims to maintain the effectiveness of malaria
treatment in the long term.
Several promising new antimalarial drugs are currently in the clinical
development stage (Dhorda et al., 2021). Among these drugs are cipargamine
(KAE609) and ganaplacide (KAF156). Cipargamine is a spiroindolone compound that
has a higher speed of action than artemisinin, while ganaplacide is an
imidazolopiperazine that works at different stages of the parasite life cycle. Despite
Edward Nangoy, Corry Novita Mahama, Angelina Stevany Regina Masengi
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these new drugs, there are other compounds, such as 4-aminoquinoline ferroquine,
which are not a new class of compounds. Currently, these new drugs are undergoing
phase II clinical trials and are not expected to be available for rapid use in areas where
artemisinin resistance (ART-R) is common or emerging (Ashley & Phyo, 2018; Tse,
Korsik, & Todd, 2019).
AstraZeneca has also discovered a new antimalarial drug known as ZY-19489,
which is currently in phase I clinical trials. ZY-19489, previously known as MMV 253
or compound 12, is part of the triaminopyrimidine group. Although the exact
mechanism of action of this drug is not yet known, ZY-19489 showed potent
antimalarial activity against asexual blood stages of Plasmodium falciparum, both in in
vitro assays and in mouse models. However, it did not show significant activity against
the form of the parasite present in the liver or its sexual phase.
Results from the first phase 1 trial in healthy volunteers showed that the drug has
good efficacy and safety. No resistance was detected in cases of relapse, indicating that
the problem was due to insufficient exposure to the drug rather than the presence of a
genetic mutation. Therefore, further studies are needed to explore the potential of ZY-
19489 in combination with partner drugs, to treat the liver stage and sexual phase of the
parasite and prevent infection recurrence and resistance (Barber et al., 2022). In this
regard, the Medicines for Malaria Venture (MMV) plans to study ZY-19489 in
combination with ferroquine, which is a 4-aminoquinoline that inhibits heme
detoxification (Alaithan et al., 2023).
In addition to the development of new drugs and combinations, progress in
malaria treatment can also be seen from prevention efforts, including through malaria
vaccines. The administration of malaria vaccines aims to reduce the burden of infection
in endemic areas. Currently, two promising malaria vaccines, RTS,S/AS01 and
R21/MM, are available and are being evaluated for their performance in the field
(González-Sanz, Berzosa, & Norman, 2023).
The RTS,S/AS01 vaccine is a recombinant protein-based vaccine that uses T
epitope repeats of the P. falciparum sporozoite surface antigen. The vaccine also
contains hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) and proprietary adjuvant AS01. In phase
III trials, the RTS, S/AS01 vaccine demonstrated partial protection against clinical
malaria in children aged 5 to 17 months who received three doses, plus a booster given
at 20 months of age. The efficacy of this vaccine was recorded at 36% (95% CI 32-40),
providing new hope in malaria prevention efforts among children (González-Sanz et al.,
Meanwhile, the R21/MM vaccine is a virus-like particle based on the P.
falciparum circumsporozoite and fused with N-terminal HBsAg, and uses the patented
M matrix as an adjuvant. In phase II trials, the vaccine showed impressive efficacy of
74% (95% CI 63-82%) with the use of low-dose MM adjuvant, and increased to 77%
(95% CI 67-84%) when combined with high-dose MM adjuvant. The R21/MM trial was
implemented alongside other malaria prevention strategies, such as passive and active
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case detection, bed net use, SMC (comprehensive management strategy), and indoor
residual spraying (Butler & Stricker, 2019).
Although both vaccines have shown promising results, data on the protective
resistance of the vaccines are limited, and neither has met the expected baseline
requirements. Currently, there is also a lack of data comparing the use of R21/MM and
RTS,S/AS01 vaccines directly. There is no fully effective malaria vaccine, so research
continues to develop safe and effective vaccines to prevent malaria.
There are several other vaccines currently under research, including the attenuated
sporozoite vaccine known as PfSPZ (Butler & Stricker, 2019). In addition, there are also
protein-based vaccines designed to target other stages in the parasite's life cycle, such as
Rh5, Pfs35, and Pfs230 (Minassian et al., 2021). In addition, research is also exploring
DNA- and mRNA-based vaccines (Mallory et al., 2021).
Furthermore, malaria treatment updates are also increasingly personalized with
the arrival of a rapid and accurate diagnostic test, the Rapid Diagnostic Test (RDT).
RDT for malaria is an examination method that measures a patient's antibodies against
specific antigens from one or more plasmodium species. According to Aryani (2023),
RDTs have become an important tool in efficiently detecting malaria infections.
The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends increasing the use of RDTs
as an integral part of the management and surveillance of malaria infection. RDTs offer
several advantages, including high sensitivity, rapid results, and affordable cost. This
convenience makes them a commonly used option in malaria testing. The use of RDTs
helps doctors quickly identify the type of malaria parasite infecting a patient. This aids
in more precise treatment adjustments, thereby improving the effectiveness of therapy
and patient outcomes. This approach represents a significant advance in malaria
diagnosis and treatment strategies, leading to more efficient management that is
responsive to individual needs.
Following on from the prevention approach, there has also been a renewal of the
direct community engagement approach. Globally, malaria control programs have
adopted a community-based approach known as community engagement (ACE) to
design and implement malaria interventions. According to Awasthi et al. (2024), this
approach emphasizes the importance of working with communities in the design and
implementation of culturally appropriate interventions. In this way, wider acceptance
and participation among at-risk groups is expected, while also developing a sense of
local ownership to improve the sustainability of malaria prevention efforts.
Increasing public awareness is one of the main focuses through health campaigns,
where communities are given a better understanding of malaria prevention and
treatment. Intervention activities include promoting the use of long-lasting insecticide-
treated nets (LLINs), indoor residual spraying (IRS), and environmental management to
control vectors, which includes larviciding and chemoprophylaxis as preventive
measures. In addition, the program also emphasizes the importance of early diagnosis
and prompt treatment of positive cases, which is essential for disease control and
strengthening surveillance.
Edward Nangoy, Corry Novita Mahama, Angelina Stevany Regina Masengi
6514 Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 10, Oktober 2024
Furthermore, community involvement in the malaria elimination program is
emphasized. Communities are encouraged to actively report malaria cases and follow
recommended treatment procedures. This approach not only strengthens malaria
elimination efforts, but also builds communities that are more responsive and proactive
in facing the threat of malaria. Active community involvement is expected to strengthen
public health programs and achieve better results in controlling the disease.
However, despite continued advances in malaria treatment, a number of
challenges remain that affect the effectiveness of efforts to treat the disease. One of the
main challenges is access to treatment. In some areas, especially in remote or less
developed areas, access to quality malaria medicines is still very limited. In addition, the
cost of malaria treatment is also a burden for communities, especially in developing
countries. Low-income communities often struggle to afford treatment, even for
treatment that is necessary to save lives. Further complicating the challenge is climate
change. Climate change can expand the distribution areas of Anopheles mosquitoes,
which are the main vectors of malaria. As temperatures rise and rainfall patterns change,
new areas that were previously unaffected can become breeding grounds for these
mosquitoes. Thus, efforts must be made to overcome these challenges so that malaria
treatment reforms can be effective. To ensure the effectiveness of malaria treatment
reforms, concrete measures are needed to overcome these barriers.
From the results obtained, it can be concluded that updates in malaria treatment
include the development of new drugs as well as combination therapies, prevention
efforts through vaccines, more individualized treatment approaches, and community
involvement in treatment programs. These initiatives provide new hope in the fight
against malaria. However, many challenges remain. Limited access to quality treatment,
high costs, and environmental factors that influence the spread of malaria are some of
the issues that need to be addressed. Therefore, close collaboration between
governments, health institutions, researchers and communities is necessary to achieve
the goal of reform in malaria treatment and to effectively achieve elimination of the
Therefore, this research provides a compelling story of what leaders have done
and how they have enacted COVID-19 and its impacts on organisations through the lens
of adaptive leadership. In light of the adaptive leadership theory by DeRue, our results
depict the dynamic nature of leadership actions and environmentespecially work
arrangements in a pandemic. We have now identified a new kind of leadership practice
that can be best described as hybrid, collaborative, and inclusive leadership. This hybrid
approach represents a change from the conventional leadership paradigm that was
centred on anticipatory responses to uncertainty.
As the author also quoted from the book of Paul Hersey and Kenneth Blanchard
about situational leadership may still be relevant: “There is no single ‘best’ style of
Narrative Review: Current Updates in The Treatment of Malaria
Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 10, Oktober 2024 6515
leadership. The most effective leaders are those who can change their style to meet the
needs of their followers and the demands of the situation."
The quote above has reiterated the need for flexibility and adaptive-ability in
leadership rather than to stick with the fixed method. By elaborating more on this, the
authors conclude that adaptive leadership in the midst of changing eras, specifically
pandemics, has gone hand in hand to prove that leadership in many practices has a back
and forth correlation both from the individual leader contingency plan and its
circumstances readiness.
Moreover, our study highlights the leading actors’ significance in building
organizational capacity and effectiveness in the post-COVID-19 era. The case can
therefore be made that by changing their leadership styles to suit the new environment,
leaders can effectively manage the complexities of the post-pandemic team
environment. Hybrid, collaborative, and inclusive leadership is a new era in leadership
concept and practice that The results show that updates in malaria treatment include the
development of new drugs as well as combination therapies, prevention efforts through
vaccines, more individualized treatment approaches, and community involvement in
treatment programs. The findings show that there have been advances in malaria
treatment, which include the development of new drugs and more effective combination
therapies. In addition, malaria vaccines such as RTS,S/AS01 and R21/MM are now
available as an additional preventive measure, although challenges related to vaccine
effectiveness and availability still need to be addressed. A more individualized approach
is also key, with the use of rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) facilitating more precise
detection and treatment based on the type of infecting parasite. Furthermore, the
importance of community involvement is also increasingly recognized in malaria
treatment programs. Community-based approaches help increase awareness, case
reporting and active participation in prevention efforts through the use of long-lasting
insecticide-treated nets (LLINs) and indoor residual spraying (IRS) activities. However,
despite significant progress, challenges such as limited access to treatment, the high cost
of treatment, and the impact of climate change expanding the distribution areas of
Anopheles mosquitoes remain a major barrier. Therefore, based on these findings,
further collaboration between governments, health organizations, researchers and
communities is needed to overcome these challenges and achieve sustainable malaria
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Copyright holder:
Edward Nangoy, Corry Novita Mahama, Angelina Stevany Regina Masengi(2024)
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Syntax Idea
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