How to cite:
Farien Dwi Putri, Hendratmoko (2024) The Effect of Human Resource Planning and Work
Environment Mediated by Motivation on Employee Performance at PT Bumi Guna Fokusindo, (06)
Farien Dwi Putri, Hendratmoko
Kwik Kian Gie Jakarta, Indonesia
This study aims to evaluate PT Bumi Guna Fokusindo's efforts in improving employee
performance through human resource (HR) planning, the work environment, and the
mediating role of motivation. The issues raised focus on the effectiveness of HR
planning and work environment conditions in influencing performance, and to what
extent motivation acts as a mediator in the relationship between these variables. The
study analyzes the impact of HR planning and the work environment on employee
performance; the role of motivation in mediating the influence of HR planning and the
work environment on performance; and the direct effect of motivation on employee
performance. Primary data was collected through questionnaires and analyzed using the
Partial Least Squares (PLS) technique with SmartPLS 4.0. The results show that HR
planning has a positive and significant effect on employee performance, emphasizing
the importance of effective HR planning. However, the work environment does not have
a significant effect on employee performance, although it shows a positive direction.
Motivation also does not show a significant influence. HR planning does not
significantly affect employee motivation. On the other hand, the work environment has
been proven to significantly increase motivation. However, when employee
performance is mediated by motivation between HR planning and the work
environment, its effect remains insignificant.
Keywords: Human Resource Planning (HRP), Work Environment, Motivation and
Employee Performance.
An organization/company in realizing its existence in order to achieve its
business objectives, requires a number of workers who are able to carry out the entire
volume of work. These workers may already be in the organization/company, while it
may also be necessary to plan human resources oriented to the results of job analysis so
that the necessary workers can be fulfilled both in terms of quantitative (number) and
qualitative (quality). With the availability of a number of workers who are relevant to
the demands of the job description and or specifications, it is expected that the entire
volume of work can be carried out productively and with quality, not only in the
pISSN: 2723-4339 e-ISSN: 2548-1398
Vol. 6, No. 10, Oktober 2024
Farien Dwi Putri, Hendratmoko
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production process with all the work that supports it but also in marketing which
requires the ability to provide quality service for consumers. (Nawawi, 2016, p. 136).
For this reason, HR planning must be carried out professionally, because it will
determine the qualifications of workers who have a major influence on the success or
failure of the company in realizing its competitive existence now and in the future. With
proper planning for a certain period of time, information will be obtained about the
human resources needed to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of work
implementation, because reducing adding and even rearranging the placement of
workers will have no meaning or benefit if it just adds to the cost, while the work goes
on as before. Likewise, it will be worse if it results in the implementation of work
becoming more ineffective and inefficient, in the form of decreased productivity
(quantitative and qualitative) or worsening services provided to consumers. In other
words, HR planning should not lead and plunge the company into the abyss of loss,
because the provision or additional financing (cost) for HR does not affect its realization
as a competitive organization/company. (Nawawi, 2016).
Therefore, it is necessary to improve the quality of human resources (HR). HR is
one of the important elements so that a business or company can run well. HR plays an
active role in developing and managing a company in order to have an innovative,
creative, and real work impact in a company because the progress and retreat of a
company are determined by how good the HR in it is. In improving performance and
developing the quality of HR, professional-based human resource planning is needed.
HR planning intends to make arrangements for the flow of worker movements within
the organization, which means it is a process to utilize available human resources
effectively and efficiently. Human resource planning at PT Bumi Guna Functional must
be functioned first in order to ensure that the company's needs regarding employee
needs will be met appropriately.
Human Resource Planning at PT Bumi Guna Fokusindo that occurs there are
still some employees who work not in accordance with their educational background
and there is still a lack of employee experience in carrying out work, this makes
employees not enthusiastic about doing the assigned tasks so that the tasks are not
completed on time.
A gap between supply and demand for human resources in a company or
organization is something that needs to be considered in top-level management
decision-making. Doing strategic planning to formulate the problem of the gap between
supply and demand for human resources in a company, it is necessary to do human
resource planning as a way to anticipate future uncertainties. (Haqiqi, 2017).
Another factor that can improve employee performance is the work
environment, which includes physical and psychological conditions in the workplace
that affect employees. The work environment is one of the important factors in creating
employee performance and has a direct influence on employees in completing their
work, so that in the end it will improve organizational performance. A work
The Effect of Human Resource Planning and Work Environment Mediated by
Motivation on Employee Performance at PT Bumi Guna Fokusindo
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environment condition is said to be good if employees can carry out activities optimally,
healthily, safely, and comfortably. (Karlina, 2018).
In addition, the work environment in a company or organization needs to be
considered, this is because the work environment has a direct influence on employees.
A conducive work environment provides a sense of security and allows employees to
work optimally. If the employee likes the work environment where he works, then the
employee will feel at home in his workplace, and do his activities so that working time
is used effectively. Conversely, if the work environment is inadequate, it will reduce
employee performance. (Suryani, 2019).
The implementation of work by workers in a company environment basically
takes place in the condition of workers as humans, as mentioned above. The
inner/psychological atmosphere of a worker as an individual in the company community
that is his/her work environment has a very big influence on the implementation of
his/her work. The inner atmosphere is seen in the spirit or passion of work that produces
work activities as a contribution to the achievement of the business objectives of the
organization/company where he works. From a psychological point of view, the fact
shows that being passionate or excited and conversely not passionate or not excited by a
worker in carrying out his work is greatly influenced by the work motivation that drives
him. In other words, every worker needs strong motivation to be willing to carry out
work enthusiastically, passionately, and dedicatedly. (Nawawi, 2016).
The next factor that can affect the quality of employee performance is
motivation, where the role of motivation is an internal or external drive that affects the
level of effort and perseverance of employees in carrying out their duties. Motivation
can come from various sources, including compensation, recognition, opportunities for
career development, and a supportive work environment. Motivated employees tend to
have higher performance because they feel valued and eager to achieve organizational
goals. (Robbins & Judge, 2013).
Companies with high performance will be realized if supported by existing
human resources. Performance is the result of work as a description of the work that has
been done in the organization. Understanding performance is directed to the real and
clear work results of an organization. Many things affect employee performance in
agencies, which include a conducive work environment, tool knowledge, attitudes,
improvement and discipline, responsibility, work motivation, abilities, skills, and
managerial techniques. (Komarudin, 2018).
In the ever-evolving dynamics of the work environment, interesting phenomena
arise as curiosity about employee performance is closely related to structured human
resource planning, motivation, and the work environment. Global challenges,
technological changes, and fierce competition in the market have triggered questions
about how the complex interactions between HR planning strategies, the role of work
motivation, and work environment conditions can shape the quality of individual
performance within the organization. In this context, further exploration of these
phenomena is expected to yield deep and relevant insights to inform human resource
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management policies and organizational strategies that are more adaptive and
responsive to change.
HR planning in organizations has actually existed since the recognition of
organizations as a forum for joint efforts in achieving a goal. (Tiwa, 2022, p. 59). Based
on a research journal conducted by (Chakraborty & Biswas, 2020), it shows that one of
the human resource planning activities, namely recruitment plans, has a negative and
insignificant impact on performance. Besides that, Ibrahim et al. (2022) Their research
results state that motivation has no significant effect on employee performance. Tahiri
et al. (2022) Also stated that not all motivational tools have a significant effect on
employee performance. Although some motivational tools have a strong relationship
with employee performance design is not significant as a predictor in the model. In
research conducted by Ocfa Indah Nst & A Dewantoro Marsono (2023) No significant
relationship was found between the work environment and employee performance. This
suggests that the physical or social conditions of the work environment may not have a
significant direct influence on employee performance.
The research method is a scientific way to obtain data with the aim of specific
uses. Sugiyono (2020, p. 2). This process involves various systematic and planned steps,
starting from problem formulation, data collection, and data analysis, to drawing
conclusions. In research methods, researchers must use an objective and rational
approach to ensure that the data obtained is valid and reliable. In addition, research
methods also allow researchers to test hypotheses, answer research questions, and
contribute to existing knowledge. Thus, proper application of research methods is
essential to achieve accurate and useful results in various fields of study.
The research used by the author is Human Resource Planning, Work Environment
Mediated by Motivation on Employee Performance at PT Bumi Guna Fokusindo. The
subject of this research is employees who are working at PT Bumi Guna Fokusindo, the
research period was conducted in July 2024.
In this study, the research design used refers to the methodology described by
Schindler (2022) In his book “Business Research Methods”. These dimensions include
various important aspects of research design such as research objectives, the
researcher's ability to manipulate the variables to be studied, the scope of the topic, the
emphasis on measuring research techniques, the complexity of the design, data
collection methods, the research environment, the time dimension, and the awareness of
participants in the research.
H1: HR Planning → Employee Performance
The results of hypothesis testing show that HR planning has a significant positive
effect on employee performance with a path coefficient value of 0.525. This result is
supported by a p-value of 0.008 which indicates a significant positive or strong
The Effect of Human Resource Planning and Work Environment Mediated by
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statistical significance. This is reinforced by the non-zero confidence interval, which is
from 0.167 to 0.911, reinforcing that the effect of HR planning on employee
performance is indeed positive and has a consistent impact on employee performance in
this context. The f square value of 0.543 indicates that HR planning makes a meaningful
contribution to the variation in employee performance.
The results of this study are in line with the findings of Jayasukmana &
Muhammadi (2021), which shows that HR planning is significantly positive, this is also
in line with research conducted by Nonong (2022), which states that if better HR
planning is implemented, it will be able to improve performance even better.
H2: Work Environment → Employee Performance
Testing the relationship between work environment and employee performance
shows a small path coefficient of 0.199, with a p-value of 0.539. This indicates that the
effect of the work environment on positive employee performance is not statistically
significant. The wide confidence interval, which is from -0.527 to 0.760, includes zero,
which means that the effect of the work environment on employee performance can be
positive or negative and has no certainty of direction. The very small f square value,
0.047, indicates that the work environment has almost no effect on employee
performance. The results of the study are in line with the findings of Karlina (2018),
which shows that work environment variables have no relationship to performance.
H3: Motivation → Employee Performance
Testing the relationship between motivation and employee performance shows a
small path coefficient of 0.229, with a p-value of 0.471. This indicates that the effect of
motivation on positive employee performance is not statistically significant. The wide
confidence interval, which is from -0.325 to 0.932, includes zero, which means that the
effect of motivation on employee performance can be positive or negative and has no
certainty of direction. The very small f square value, 0.064, indicates that motivation
has almost no effect on employee performance.
The results of the study are in line with the findings of Gandung (2024), which
shows that work motivation has no significant effect on employee performance. This
was also stated by Tahiri et al. (2022), in their findings that not all motivational tools
have a significant effect on employee performance. Although most motivational tools
have a strong relationship with employee performance, work design is not significant as
a predictor in the model.
H4: HR Planning → Motivation
Testing the relationship between HR planning and motivation showed a very
small path coefficient of 0.047, with a p-value of 0.854. This indicates that the effect of
HR planning on positive motivation is not statistically significant. The wide confidence
interval, from -0.399 to 0.578, includes zero, which means that the effect of HR
planning on motivation can be positive or negative and has no certainty of direction.
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The very small f square value of 0.001 indicates that HR planning has almost no effect
on employee motivation.
The results of the study are in line with the findings of Siagian (2017) This shows
that HR planning has an insignificant effect on employee performance. In his research,
Gunantar (2022) Shows that there are indicators of HR planning that are not significant,
namely competence, this indicates that the competency element in HR planning does
not directly contribute to improving employee performance. In addition, the effect of
HR planning on work environment and employee performance was also insignificant,
underlining that the competency aspect may not be effective enough in influencing these
factors in the context of this study. As such, these results suggest that HR planning,
specifically related to competencies, needs to be revisited or refined to increase its
impact on the work environment and employee performance.
H5: Work Environment → Motivation
Work environment was found to have a significant positive influence on employee
motivation, with a path coefficient of 0.636. The p-value of 0.007 indicates a strong
statistically significant positive, while the non-zero confidence interval of 0.099 to
0.941 confirms that this effect is consistently positive. The f square value of 0.659
indicates that the work environment has a considerable contribution to increasing
employee motivation.
The results of the study are in line with the findings of Tarmizi et al. (2021)
Found that organizational culture (as part of the work environment) has a positive
influence on employee motivation, which is consistent with the finding that a conducive
work environment increases motivation. This is also in line with the results of research
conducted by Nusraningrum et al. (2024) Where the work environment has a positive
and significant influence on motivation.
H6: HR Planning → Motivation → Employee Performance
This hypothesis tests the mediating effect of motivation in the relationship
between HR planning and employee performance. The test results show that the path
coefficient for this indirect effect is 0.011, which is very small. The p-value of 0.931
indicates that this effect is not statistically significant, which means there is no strong
evidence that motivation mediates the relationship between HR planning and employee
performance. The confidence interval between -0.246 and 0.249 includes zero,
indicating uncertainty in the direction and magnitude of the effect. With an Upsilon v
value of 0.00, this result also suggests that the mediating effect of motivation on the
relationship between HR planning and employee performance is very small or not very
structurally significant.
The results of the study are in line with the findings of Pramita (2019), where
motivation as mediation of workload, which is one of the important factors to consider
in HR planning, shows no significant effect on employee performance. Oktavianti et al.
(2022) found that transformational leadership where in the context of HR planning,
The Effect of Human Resource Planning and Work Environment Mediated by
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transformational leadership plays an important role in developing and managing
employees, shows the results of transformational leadership have a positive influence on
performance through motivation, but this influence is not significant. This means that
motivation does not significantly mediate the effect of transformational leadership on
H7: Work Environment → Motivation → Employee Performance
This hypothesis examines the role of motivation as a mediator in the relationship
between work environment and employee performance. The results show a path
coefficient of 0.146, which indicates a positive effect of this mediation path. However,
the p-value of 0.551 indicates that this effect is not statistically significant, the
confidence interval from -0.231 to 0.736 includes zero. The very small Upsilon v value
of 0.00 indicates that the mediating effect of motivation on the relationship between
work environment and employee performance is very small or not structurally
The results of the study are in line with the findings of Tahiri et al. (2022) Showed
that some motivational factors do not always mediate the relationship between external
variables (such as work environment) and employee performance, supporting the result
that motivation is not always a significant mediator in this context. Research conducted
by Ocfa Indah Nst & A Dewantoro Marsono (2023) Also found that motivation does
not play a mediating role between work environment and employee performance nor
between work culture and employee performance. This suggests that although
motivation is important, it does not act as an intermediary in these specific relationships
in the context of this study.
Evaluation of goodness of fit and model fit.
PLS is a variance-based SEM analysis with the aim of testing the theory of the
model that focuses on prediction studies. Therefore, several measures were developed to
declare the proposed model acceptable such as R square, Q square, NFI, PLS predict,
and Goodness of Fit Index (GoF Index) as well as checking the robustness of the model
by testing the linearity of the relationship between variables. (Hair et al., 2019).
Table 1. R Square and Q Square
R-square adjusted
Employee Performance
The R square statistical measure illustrates the amount of endogenous variation
that can be explained by other exogenous/endogenous variables in the model. According
to Chin (1998) the qualitative interpretation value of R square is 0.19 (low influence),
0.33 (moderate influence), and 0.66 (high influence). Based on the processing results
above, it can be said that the magnitude of the influence of HR planning and work
environment on motivation is 42.1% (moderate influence). The magnitude of the
Farien Dwi Putri, Hendratmoko
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influence of HR planning, work environment, and motivation on employee performance
is 52.3% (moderate influence).
Q square describes a measure of accuracy, namely how well each change in
exogenous/endogenous variables is able to predict endogenous variables. This measure
is a form of validation in PLS to state the suitability of model predictions (predictive
relevance). The Q square value above 0 states that the model has predictive relevance
but in (Hair, Black, Babin, & Anderson, 2019) The qualitative Q square interpretation
value is 0 (low influence), 0.25 (moderate influence), and 0.50 (high influence). Based
on the Q square value on employee performance, it shows a moderate effect, and on
motivation, it shows a low effect.
Table 2 Goodness of Fit Index (GoF Index)
Saturated model
Estimated model
Normed Fit Index (NFI) is one of the original incremental fit indices. It is the ratio
of the difference in the chi-square (χ²) values for the fit model and the null model,
divided by the chi-square value for the null model. The NFI ranges between 0 and 1,
where a model with a perfect fit would result in an NFI of 1 (Hair et al., 2019).
The NFI of 0.608 indicates that the tested model has a moderate level of fit with
the data. In the context of the Normed Fit Index (NFI), a value of 1 indicates a perfect
fit between the model and the data, while a value of 0 indicates no fit. With a value of
0.608, this means that the tested model explains about 60.8% of the variance explained
by the null model, indicating a moderate fit.
Table 3 PLS Predict
Hair et al (2019) State that PLS is an SEM analysis with predictive purposes.
Therefore, it is necessary to develop a form of model validation measure to show how
good the predictive power of the proposed model is. PLS prediction works as a form of
validation of the strength of the PLS prediction test. To show that the PLS results have a
good predictive measure, it needs to be compared with the basic model, namely the
linear regression model (LM). The PLS model is said to have predictive power if the
RMSE (Root mean squared error) or MAE (Mean absolute error model) PLS size is
The Effect of Human Resource Planning and Work Environment Mediated by
Motivation on Employee Performance at PT Bumi Guna Fokusindo
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lower than the linear regression model. If all PLS model measurement items have
RMSE (Root mean square error) and MAE (Mean absolute error) values lower than the
linear regression model, the PLS model has high predictive power. If most of it has
medium predictive power. Based on the results of the RMSE and MAE values, most of
the number of PLS model measurement items with RMSE and MAE values are lower
than the LM (linear regression) model. This shows that the proposed PLS model has
medium predictive power.
Table 4 Linearity Test
Path Coefficient
QE (HR Planning) -> Employee
Linearity fulfilled
QE (Work Environment) -> Employee
Linearity fulfilled
QE (Motivation) -> Employee
Linearity not met
QE (HR Planning) -> Motivation
Linearity fulfilled
QE (Work Environment) -> Motivation
Linearity not met
Hair et al (2019) Mention that checking the linearity of the relationship between
variables is necessary. The assumption built in the influence between variables is linear.
This check is part of the robustness model in SEM PLS. The check carried out is to test
the quadratic form of the variable (QE = Quadrate Effect). Based on the processing
results, the P value> 0.05. The quadratic effect is not fulfilled, so the influence between
variables is linear
Based on the results of the research that has been conducted, several conclusions
are obtained as follows Human resource planning (HR) has a positive and significant
influence on employee performance. This shows that good HR planning can
significantly improve employee performance. Therefore, companies must focus on
effective HR planning to improve performance. The work environment has no
significant influence on employee performance, although the work environment shows a
positive direction, its effect on employee performance is not significant. This could
indicate that other factors may be more instrumental in improving employee
performance than the work environment alone. Motivation has no significant effect on
employee performance, although motivation is expected to improve employee
performance, the results show that its effect is not significant. This may indicate that
employees' internal or external motivation is not strong enough to have a direct impact
on performance. Human resource (HR) planning has no significant effect on motivation,
these results indicate that HR planning does not directly increase employee motivation.
The work environment has a positive and significant effect on motivation, a good work
environment is proven to significantly increase employee motivation. This shows that
creating a comfortable and supportive work environment can encourage employee
motivation. HR planning mediated by motivation has no significant effect on employee
performance. This shows that motivation cannot mediate the influence between HR
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planning and employee performance significantly. In other words, despite good HR
planning, without strong motivation, employee performance may not improve. The
work environment mediated by motivation has no significant effect on employee
performance. Motivation does not significantly mediate the relationship between work
environment and employee performance. While the work environment influences
motivation, it is not strong enough to significantly improve employee performance.
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Farien Dwi Putri, Hendratmoko(2024)
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Syntax Idea
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