How to cite:
Livionara Verista Kurniawan, Freddy Rangkuti (2024) Analysis of the Influence of Location, Price,
Hotel Reputation and Service Quality on Purchase Decisions at Hotel Santika Kelapa Gading, (06)
Livionara Verista Kurniawan, Freddy Rangkuti
Kwik Kian Gie School of Business, Indonesia
The growth of the tourism sector in Indonesia shows very significant figures after the
pandemic. As a result, the need for accommodation and MICE facilities continues to increase.
This also has an impact on increasing the number of hotels, resulting in tight competition in
the Indonesian market. This research aims to determine the influence of location, price, hotel
reputation and service quality on purchasing decisions at the Santika Kelapa Gading Hotel.
The hypothesis in this research will be tested quantitatively using SPSS. The sampling
technique in this research is probability sampling using a simple random sampling approach
by distributing questionnaires to several samples from the population list who are customers
of the Santika Kelapa Gading hotel. The total sample of Santika Kelapa Gading hotel
customers who filled out the questionnaire was 150 respondents. Based on the research
results, it is known that there is no influence of location and price on purchasing decisions.
However, there is a positive and significant influence of service quality and hotel reputation
on purchasing decisions at the Santika Kelapa Gading hotel. The four factors of location,
price, hotel reputation and service quality simultaneously influence purchasing decisions and
have a moderate coefficient of determination. This means that these four variables have
sufficient ability to be able to provide predictions or explanations of purchasing decision
variables at Hotel Santika Kelapa Gading.
Keywords: Location; Price; Reputation; Service Quality; Purchasing Decisions.
One of the important sectors that is experiencing rapid growth around the world is
tourism. According to Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 10 of 2009, tourism is a
term that refers to a business group that works on planning, promoting, delivering, and
providing vacation services to visitors.
The growth of the tourism sector in Indonesia shows very significant numbers after the
pandemic. DKI Jakarta is one of the regions with a high growth rate on the island of Java.
Tourism drives the economic growth of countries, including Indonesia, through foreign
exchange receipts, infrastructure development, and the creation of jobs and business
opportunities (Indonesian Central Statistical, 2019). The jobs created from the tourism sector
also contribute to people's income, which directly improves the welfare of the nation's life.
The growth of the tourism industry is also currently being supported and intensified by
the current Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Sandiaga Uno. Some examples of
pISSN: 2723-4339 e-ISSN: 2548-1398
Vol. 6, No. 10, Oktober 2024
Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 10, Oktober 2024 6513
things done by Sandiaga Uno, for example, are making proposals to increase the number of
national holidays (CNN Indonesia, 2023) dan mengadakan event-event berkelas internasional
(Hendriyani, 2023). With these supports, it is hoped that they can also play a role in
improving the tourism industry in Indonesia.
UNWTO (United Nation World Tourism Organization) noted that international tourists
grew by 86% or reached 235 million international trips in the first quarter of 2023. The global
recovery, which will be gradual throughout 2023, is supported by pent-up demand, a gradual
recovery of air connectivity, and the reopening of a number of countries such as China and
other major destinations in Asia (Kemenparakraf, 2020).
DKI Jakarta has strategic value as a tourist destination because it has many natural,
cultural, and artificial tourism resources throughout the city and Regency of the Thousand
Islands. In addition, DKI Jakarta as the capital of the country has the advantage of
accessibility both from land, sea and air transportation. Several tourist destinations that have
become icons of DKI Jakarta are also supporting factors for the growth of the tourism
industry, such as National Monuments, Old Town Tours, Thousand Islands Tourism, and
other tourist destinations.
The number of tourists and foreigners visiting DKI Jakarta Province has continued to
increase in recent years except during the pandemic, according to the following data collected
by the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of DKI Jakarta Province.
Table 1. Number of DKI Jakarta Star Hotel Accommodations by Regency/City, 2018
Number of accommodations available at star hotels by city
Seribu iland
South Jakarta
East Jakarta
Central Jakarta
West Jakarta
North Jakarta
DKI Jakarta
Source : Badan Pusat Statistik DKI Jakarta (2022)
From the room occupancy rate (TPK) in 2023, the occupancy rate in both star and non-
star hotels in DKI Jakarta Province has increased from the previous year. Hotel room
occupancy rate of 61.51% in 2023 and 59.63% in 2022 (Badan Pusat Statistik DKI Jakarta,
Figure 2 Hotel Room Occupancy Rates in Jakarta Jan 2021- Dec 2023
Source : Badan Pusat Statistik DKI Jakarta (2023)
Analysis of the Influence of Location, Price, Hotel Reputation and Service Quality on Purchase
Decisions at Hotel Santika Kelapa Gading
6514 Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 10, Oktober 2024
As mentioned earlier, the number of foreign tourists to DKI Jakarta continues to
increase every year. The number of hotels, both star and non-star, continues to increase. As a
result, the increasing number of hotel rooms results in stiff competition between local and
international brands in the Indonesian market.
The hotel and MICE (Meeting, Incentives, Conferences, and Exhibition) industry in
DKI Jakarta is also active in collaborating with related industries, such as event organizers,
travel agents, airlines, and technology companies. This collaboration aims to improve the
experience and added value for guests and event participants.
With its ongoing economic growth and position as Indonesia's business and financial
center, DKI Jakarta has great potential to continue to grow as a leading destination for the
hotel business and MICE industry. Support from the government and stakeholders is expected
to strengthen Jakarta's position in the national and regional tourism industry.
With more than 270 million inhabitants, Indonesia is one of the largest markets in
Southeast Asia, and the hospitality industry has many markets to explore. In addition, this
increase in the domestic market gives hotels in Indonesia the opportunity to attract domestic
tourists who want to see the beauty of their own country. In addition, stable economic growth
and the increasing number of middle-class residents are other factors that have led to an
increase in demand for accommodation. This will allow the hotel to provide different types of
accommodation to meet the different needs and preferences of guests (, 2024).
Santika Indonesia Hotels & Resorts is one of the local brands competing in this market.
This hospitality group is under PT. Grahawita Santika, which is one of the business units of
Kompas Gramedia. Santika Indonesia Hotels & Resorts was first established on August 22,
1981, and currently has 116 hotel rooms in more than 40 cities in Indonesia.
Santika Kelapa Gading, Jakarta is the 77th hotel in the Santika Indonesia Hotel Group
and the 22nd in the Santika Three-star Hotel Group. The hotel, which consists of 151 rooms,
has a Sports and Entertainment Mall concept that was chosen to allow guests to pass the time
by doing the things they love. The hotel is also intended to be an ideal destination for guests
to do business activities, overnight accommodation, sports and culinary.
In today's hospitality industry, the competition to increase the room occupancy rate of
each hotel is getting fiercer. Therefore, to attract customers, hospitality industry entrepreneurs
must have the ability to compete.
Hotel Santika Kelapa Gading itself uses various strategies to compete in the hospitality
industry which is currently very competitive. Some of the strategies implemented by the
management of Hotel Santika Kelapa Gading are as follows: Quality Maintenance: These
hotels may focus on maintaining the quality of services and facilities to ensure a satisfactory
experience for their guests. Product Innovation: By continuously delivering innovations in
amenities and services, such as new food menus, state-of-the-art room technology, or an
exciting program of guest activities, the hotel can maintain guest interest and satisfaction.
Effective Marketing: Through smart and targeted marketing strategies, such as online
advertising campaigns, special promotions, and partnerships with travel agencies, these hotels
can expand their reach and attract more potential guests. Focus on Market Segmentation: By
understanding the needs and preferences of specific market segments, such as business or
family travelers, these hotels can tailor their services to meet specific demands. Reputation
Management: By nurturing and improving their reputation through positive guest reviews,
responsiveness to feedback, and an active presence on online platforms, these hotels can build
trust and attract potential guests.
Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 10, Oktober 2024 6515
By implementing this strategy effectively, Hotel Santika Kelapa Gading can maintain its
position in the competitive hospitality industry market. The implementation of competitive
strategies today is very important considering that consumer considerations in choosing hotels
as places to stay, MICE (Meeting, Incentive, Convention & Exhibition) and other travel
activities do not only lie in one factor, but several factors that affect each other.
According to Kotler et al. (2022, p. 91) The consumer decision-making process about a
purchase consists of five stages: problem recognition, information search, evaluating
alternatives, making decisions about purchases, and acting after purchase. Before the actual
purchase, this process begins and continues after the purchase.
Figure 3 Five-Stage Model of the Consumer Buying Process
Source : (Kotler et al., 2022)
Many factors, including product quality, price, service, location as well as a company's
reputation can influence a consumer's choice to buy. Company stimuli such as product, price,
and location can have an impact on a customer's purchasing decision.
Companies can convey credibility through solid past performance, good reputation,
product quality, and good service. The credibility they feel is also a function of the image and
attractiveness of the company's marketers, the reputation of the companies that provide their
products, and the media in which they advertise. Companies with an established reputation
have an easier time selling their products than companies with a lower reputation (Schiffman
& Wisenblit, 2019, p. 219).
Service quality is a key driver of customer satisfaction that influences purchasing
decisions. There are five determinants of service quality: reliability, responsiveness,
assurance, empathy, and reality. To create customer value, companies must strive to provide
superior service across all of these dimensions, while focusing on the services that customers
value the most (Kotler et al., 2022).
However, there are also other studies that show that the research to be studied can be
contradictory, namely by finding research that produces contradictions or research gaps.
The following is an example of the exposure of the results of previous research related
to the influence of price on purchase decisions:
There is a significant influence of price on the decision to buy a room at the Grand
Royal Denai Bukittinggi hotel (Wira Novrilla, 2018). There is an influence on the price of the
purchase decision of the Star Hotel Semarang room (Putranti & Budiatmo, 2020), There is an
influence of price on the decision to buy a hotel through online booking (Thi et al., 2020), the
positive and significant influence of price on the decision to stay again at Hotel Algoritma
Palembang (Wella & Elfanso, 2022), there is an influence of price perception on the decision
to stay at the POP Kelapa Gading hotel (Hastoko & Stevany, 2022), The influence of price on
hotel room booking decisions at online travel agents in Batam city (Alhamdi, 2023).
However, there is also a study where there is no effect of price on the decision to stay at
the Golden View hotel in Batam (Amilia Santia et al., 2022), there is no effect of price
perception on the decision to stay again at the Kyriad Arra Amandaru hotel, Cepu, Central
Java (Handrianto et al., 2023).
Analysis of the Influence of Location, Price, Hotel Reputation and Service Quality on Purchase
Decisions at Hotel Santika Kelapa Gading
6516 Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 10, Oktober 2024
Then also on the influence of location on the purchase decision, based on previous
studies, it is known that there is a positive and significant influence of location on the decision
to stay at Travelodge Hotel Batam (Laras Prastianty Ramli et al., 2022), the presence of a
positive and significant influence of location on the decision to re-stay at Hotel Algoritma
Palembang (Wella & Elfanso, 2022), there is a significant influence of location on the
decision to stay at Golden View Hotel Batam (Amilia Santia et al., 2022), there is an
influence of location on the decision to stay at the POP Kelapa Gading hotel (Hastoko &
Stevany, 2022), there is a positive and significant influence of location on the decision to stay
at the Mercure Jakarta Gatot Subroto hotel (Praptiningrum & Talumantak, 2022), there is a
significant influence of location on the decision to stay again at the Kyriad Arra Amandaru
Hotel, Cepu, Central Java (Handrianto et al., 2023).
On the other hand, there is also a study where there is no influence of location on the
decision to stay at the Gran Melia Jakarta hotel (Muhammad Farhan ; Surono, 2023), There is
no influence on the decision to buy a room at the Grand Royal Denai Bukittinggi hotel (Wira
Novrilla, 2018).
Furthermore, the influence of service quality on purchase decisions based on previous
research is known to have an influence on service quality on purchase decisions at the Riez
Palace Tegal hotel (Brendan Ecstasia, 2018), the influence of service quality on the decision
to stay at Star Hotel Semarang (Putranti & Budiatmo, 2020), There is a positive and
significant influence of service quality on the decision to stay at Travelodge Hotel Batam
(Laras Prastianty Ramli et al., 2022), the existence of a positive and significant influence on
the quality of service on the decision to stay again at Hotel Algoritma Palembang (Wella &
Elfanso, 2022), there is a significant influence of service quality on the decision to stay again
at the POP Kelapa Gading hotel (Hastoko & Stevany, 2022), there is a significant positive
influence of service quality on consumers' purchase decisions to stay at hotels in Medan City
(David William et al., 2023).
Meanwhile, there is also a study that shows the relationship between the quality of
service and the decision to stay at Hotel Santika Kelapa Gading insignificantly and weakly
(Handayani & Arifiansyah, 2022), There is no influence between the quality of service and
the decision to stay at the Mercure Jakarta Gatot Subroto hotel (Praptiningrum & Talumantak,
Finally, the influence of reputation on purchase decisions based on previous studies is
known to have the influence of brand image on purchase decisions at the Riez Palace Tegal
hotel (Brendan Ecstasia, 2018), the influence of brand image on the decision to stay again at
Hotel Kyriad Arra Amandaru, Cepu, Central Java (Handrianto et al., 2023). However, in
other studies, it is known that brand image has no effect on the decision to stay at the Mercure
Jakarta Gatot Subroto hotel.
This study uses a communication method, by asking questions to the research subjects
related to the variables in the research, namely Location, Price, Reputation and Service
Quality. This study uses a formal study starting with a hypothesis or research question that
then involves the proper procedures and specifications of the data source. The purpose of this
formal study is to test the hypothesis or answer to the question that exists within the limits of
the research problem in this study, the author uses a questionnaire as a primary data collection
instrument and in a questionnaire, there are two important conditions that apply, namely
validity and reliability.
Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 10, Oktober 2024 6517
Analysis Research Variables
Location Variables
The results showed that the majority of respondents (95%) rated the location of Hotel
Santika Kelapa Gading as very strategic, with an average score of 4.04 on a Likert scale of 5.
This indicates that an easily accessible and strategic location is a major consideration for
guests in choosing a hotel. On the average response value for the Location variable, the
highest score of 4.27 stated that the Santika Kelapa Gading Hotel parking lot was safe and
secure and the lowest score of 3.81 stated that the Santika Kelapa Gading Hotel was close to
bus stops / stations, tourist attractions and shopping centers. From the results of this study, it
is considered important for Hotel Santika Kelapa Gading to continue to maintain the security
of the parking area and the overall location of the hotel.
Price Variables
The results of this study show that the average value of the Price variable is 4.06 which
is in the range of the agreeable scale. Based on the range of variable data scales, the price
interval is obtained from 3.86-4.26. With this data, it is believed that 95% of respondents
agree that the prices offered by Hotel Santika Kelapa Gading are quite affordable, and the
ease of payment is in line with consumer expectations. In the average value of the
respondent's response to the Price variable, the highest score of 4.37 stated that the payment
method at Hotel Santika Kelapa Gading is quite easy for consumers. The lowest score is 3.81
which states that the Hotel Santika Kelapa Gading promo program is attractive to consumers.
This shows that it is important for Hotel Santika Kelapa Gading to maintain the existing
payment methods/methods while still innovating and adapting to technological developments.
Service Quality Variables
From the results of the study, it is known that the average value on the Service Quality
variable is 4.13 which is in the range of the agreeable scale. Based on the variable data scale
range, the Service Quality interval was obtained at 3.92 - 4.36. With this data, it is believed
that 95% of respondents agree if the Quality of Service provided by Hotel Santika Kelapa
Gading is Good in accordance with consumer expectations. On average, the respondents'
responses found the highest score of 4.35, stating that consumers were satisfied with the
friendliness and politeness of the staff of Hotel Santika Kelapa Gading. The lowest score is
3.84 which states that consumers often use hotel facilities such as lobby lounges and
restaurants. It is very important for Hotel Santika Kelapa Gading to continuously improve the
quality of service, especially the friendliness and courtesy of the staff of Hotel Santika Kelapa
Gading. To further improve the quality of service at Hotel Santika Kelapa Gading, it is
necessary to upgrade supporting facilities such as lobby lounges and restaurants and consider
adding a coffee shop in the lobby area.
Hotel Reputation Variables
Analysis of the Influence of Location, Price, Hotel Reputation and Service Quality on Purchase
Decisions at Hotel Santika Kelapa Gading
6518 Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 10, Oktober 2024
From the results of the study, it is known that the average value on the Hotel Reputation
variable is 4.20 which is in the range of the agreeable scale. Based on the variable data scale
range, the Hotel Reputation interval was obtained of 3.99 - 4.41. With this data, it is believed
that 95% of respondents agree if the Reputation of Hotel Santika Kelapa Gading is said to be
Good in the eyes of consumers. On average, the respondent's response found the highest score
of 4.27, stating that you have heard of Hotel Santika Kelapa Gading before. The lowest score
of 4.10 which states I would recommend Hotel Santika Kelapa Gading to others. This reflects
that Hotel Santika Kelapa Gading under the auspices of the big name Santika Hotel & Resort
Indonesia has a good reputation in the eyes of consumers. It is important for Hotel Santika
Kelapa Gading to maintain an already good reputation for the company's business continuity.
Purchase Decision Variables
The results of this study show that the average value on the Purchase Decision variable
is 3.84 which is in the range of the approval scale. Based on the scale range of the Purchase
Decision variable data, an interval of 3.64 - 4.03 was obtained. With this data, it is believed
that 95% of respondents agree to make a Purchase Decision at Santika Kelapa Gading. On
average, the respondents' responses to the Purchase Decision variable were found to have the
highest score of 4.07 which stated that consumers would return to Hotel Santika Kelapa
Gading because of the quality of service and good facilities. The lowest score is 3.49 which
states that consumers do not switch to other hotels, because for consumers Hotel Santika
Kelapa Gading is the best. It is very important for Hotel Santika Kelapa Gading to maintain
and continue to innovate to improve the quality of existing services and facilities, to retain
existing consumers and attract new consumers to choose Hotel Santika Kelapa Gading.
Hypothesis Test Results
Based on the results of previous tests and analyses using SPSS, it is known that there is
an influence on the variables of Location, Price, Quality of Service & Hotel Reputation
simultaneously on the variables of Purchase Decision. As for the influence of each
independent variable individually on the bound variable, the following results were obtained:
1. There is no effect of Location (X1) on Purchase Decision (Y)
2. There is no effect of Price (X2) on Purchase Decision (Y)
3. There is an effect of Quality of Service (X3) on Purchase Decision (Y)
4. There is an influence of Hotel Reputation (X4) on Purchase Decision (Y)
The Influence of Location on Purchase Decisions
The results of this study show that Location has no effect on Purchase Decisions. This is
supported by previous research by (Wira Novrilla, 2018) at Grand Royal Denai Hotel
Bukittinggi, that the location does not have a significant effect on the decision to buy a room
at Grand Royal Denai Hotel Bukittinggi. There has been previous research by (Muhammad
Farhan ; Surono, 2023) that the Location has no influence on the Stay Decision and to
Increase Customer Loyalty at Gran Melia Jakarta. Other research conducted by
(Praptiningrum & Talumantak, 2022) at the Mercure Jakarta Gatot Subroto Hotel shows that
Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 10, Oktober 2024 6519
the location affects the Purchase Decision. Research with the same results was also conducted
by (Hastoko & Stevany, 2022) that Location affects the Decision to Stay at the POP Hotel
Kelapa Gading. In the research conducted by the author at Hotel Santika Kelapa Gading, the
location variable does not affect the purchase decision, this is due to the reputation and big
name of Hotel Santika in general supported by the good reputation of Hotel Santika Kelapa
Gading itself as one of the business units of the large group of Hotel Santika Indonesia which
stands under the banner of Graha Wita Santika.
The Effect of Price on Purchase Decisions
The results of this study show that Price has no effect on Purchase Decisions. This
research is supported by previous research conducted by Handrianto et al., (2023) at the
Kyriad Arra Amandaru Cepu Hotel, Central Java, that the price does not affect the decision to
stay. While other research states that there is an influence of Price on the decision to stay
made by (Susanta Nugraha et al., 2015) At the Puri Saron Hotel, research with the same
results was also carried out by oleh Handayani & Arifiansyah, (2022) at Hotel Santika Kelapa
Gading, that the price affects the decision to stay. The results of this study show that the Price
variable has no effect on the Purchase Decision. In this case the allocative role of price plays a
significant role in helping buyers maximize the value of the benefits for their money by
directing them towards the best option. The more experience a consumer has with a product
category, the greater their ability to utilize product information. Greater convenience with
product categories also enhances learning during purchasing decision making (Schiffman &
Wisenblit, 2019). Consumers in this case maximize the value of the benefits of the price paid
to benefit from the Purchase Decision taken.
The Effect of Service Quality on Purchase Decisions
The results of this study show that there is an influence of Service Quality on Purchase
Decisions. Previous research conducted by. The results of the same study were also shown by
(Putranti & Budiatmo, 2020) at Star Hotel Semarang, where Service Quality affects the Stay
Decision. There is also a previous study that states that there is no effect of Service Quality
on the Stay Decision made by (Praptiningrum & Talumantak, 2022) which shows that the
Quality of Service has no effect on the Booking Decision of the Mercure Jakarta Gatot
Subroto Hotel. In this study, it is shown that Service Quality has an effect on Purchase
Decisions. This is reinforced by the fact that customers evaluate the quality of a company's
services by comparing their perception of the company's services with their own expectations.
SERVQUAL is seen as a generic measurement tool that can be applied in various service
industries (Lovelock, 2016, p. 136).
The Influence of Hotel Reputation on Purchase Decisions
The results of this study show that there is an influence of Hotel Reputation on Purchase
Decisions. Previous research by Keni Keni, Ai Ping Teoh, Rajendran Muthuveloo, 2019 in
Analysis of the Influence of Location, Price, Hotel Reputation and Service Quality on Purchase
Decisions at Hotel Santika Kelapa Gading
6520 Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 10, Oktober 2024
The Impact of Service Quality and Corporate Reputation Toward Tourist Loyalty: A Study of
the Indonesian Hotel Industry stated that Hotel Reputation has a positive effect on tourist
loyalty (Keni et al., 2020). Another study by Nguyen Thi Huong LY & Phuong Viet Le-
Hoang, 2020 also states that Reputation has a positive effect on guests' intention to book a
hotel (Thi et al., 2020). This study also shows that Hotel Reputation affects Purchase
Decisions. This is supported by (Fombrun, 2018) which concludes that the company's
reputation is the consumer's perception of the company's ability to provide the best service, or
an assessment of the past state and future prospects regarding the quality of the company or
This study examines four variables, namely Location, Price, Service Quality and Hotel
Reputation on Purchase Decisions at Hotel Santika Kelapa Gading. After conducting
calculations and analysis in accordance with the research objectives, the author draws the
conclusion that Location does not have a significant effect on the Purchase Decision. This
condition is due to the reputation and great name of Santika Indonesia Hotels & Resorts in
general and supported by the good reputation of Hotel Santika Kelapa Gading itself as one of
the business units of the large group of Hotel Santika Indonesia which stands under the banner
of PT. Grahawita Santika. Price does not have a significant effect on the Purchase Decision at
Hotel Santika Kelapa Gading. In this case the allocative role of price plays a significant role
in helping buyers maximize the value of the benefits for their money by directing them
towards the best option. Consumers in this case maximize the value of the benefits of the
price paid to benefit from the Purchase Decision taken. Service Quality affects the Purchase
Decision. Hotel Santika Kelapa Gading provides Good Service Quality in accordance with
consumer expectations. Hotel Reputation affects Purchase Decisions, From the average value
of the Reputation Variable it is believed that 95% of respondents agree that the Reputation of
Hotel Santika Kelapa Gading is said to be Good in the eyes of consumers. The Hotel's
Location, Price, Quality of Service, & Reputation simultaneously influence the Purchase
Decision. From the results of the F test in this study, a Sig value of < 0.05 was obtained. With
these results, it can be concluded that the factors of Location, Price, Service Quality, and
Hotel Reputation together play an important role in determining the Purchase Decision by
consumers of Hotel Santika Kelapa Gading.
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Syntax Idea
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