3717 Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 10, October 2024
Nadhila Adlina Sabila, Hendratmoko
Kwik Kian Gie Institute of Business and Informatics, Indonesia
Email: [email protected], hendratmoko@kwikkiangie.ac.id
The study aims to analyze the effect of price perception and taste on customer loyalty
mediated by customer satisfaction at Mixue Ice Cream & Tea Sumur Batu. This research was
conducted using the PLS-SEM method with the SmartPLS 4.0 program. The number of
respondents used in this research were 100 respondents. The result of this research shows that
price perception has positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction, taste has positive
and significant effect on customer satisfaction, customer satisfaction has positive and
significant effect on customer loyalty, price perception has positive and significant effect on
customer loyalty, taste has positive and significant effect on customer loyalty, price
perception has positive and not significant effect on customer loyalty mediated by customer
satisfaction, taste has positive and significant effect on customer loyalty mediated by
customer satisfaction
Keywords: Price perception, taste, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty
By Badan Pusat Statistik (2023b, p. 92) The population of Indonesia in 2022 is 275.773
million people with a growth rate of 1.17% per year. With such a large growth rate, Indonesia
is a very strategic market destination for many companies to develop their business and
industry. One of the industries that attracts a lot of interest from business people is the food
and beverage industry.
Figure 1. Increasing the Contribution of the Food and Beverage Industry to GDP in Indonesia
(Source: Central Statistics Agency Website)
Badan Pusat Statistik (2023a, p. 126) also explained that the contribution of the food
and beverage industry to the Gross Distribution Product (GDP) in Indonesia increased from
pISSN: 2723-4339 e-ISSN: 2548-1398
Vol. 6, No. 10, October 2024
The Effect of Price Perception and Taste on Loyalty Mediated by Customer Satisfaction at
Mixue Ice Cream & Tea Sumur Batu
3718 Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 10, October 2024
2020 to 2021 by 2.54% to 775.098 billion rupiah, and increased again in 2022 by 4.90% to
813.062 billion rupiah.
In general, the food and beverage industry or it can also be called the culinary business
is related to food processing activities. The scope of the culinary business includes all
economic activities related to food and beverages. (Hasbiana, 2022, p. 6)
Culinary businesses come in all shapes and sizes. There are in the form of restaurants,
stalls, bars and lounges, coffee, canteens, pubs, clubs, food courts, food outlets, room service,
dining rooms, catering, taverns and others. There are also local, national, and international
scales. (Trianasari, 2021, p. 2)
Figure 2. Number of Culinary Businesses by Type of Business in 2022
(Source: Central Statistics Agency Website)
According to Badan Pusat Statistik (2023c, p. 1) There are as many as 10.900 culinary
businesses spread throughout Indonesia in 2022. A total of 9.464 businesses are in the form of
restaurants or restaurants, 359 businesses are catering, and the remaining 1.077 businesses are
included in other categories.
One of the brands of the culinary business in the form of a stall that has just entered and
immediately become a trend in Indonesia is Mixue Ice Cream & Tea. To date, Mixue has
more than 33.000 outlets spread across 12 countries in the Asia-Pacific region. In Indonesia,
Mixue has more than 2400 outlets. One of the outlets is located on Jl. Sumur Batu Raya
No.14, RT.7/RW.1, Kel. Sumur Batu, Kemayoran District, Central Jakarta City, DKI Jakarta.
Business people must have a strategy so that their business can grow and develop, one
of which is by making customer satisfaction a top priority. Customer satisfaction is influenced
by performance compared to customer expectations. If the performance is far from
expectations, then customers will feel dissatisfied. If the performance is in line with
expectations, customers will be satisfied. If the performance exceeds expectations, the
customer will feel very satisfied. Higher customer satisfaction rates will result in more loyal
customers. (Kotler & Armstrong, 2021, p. 35)
According to Kotler & Armstrong (2021, p. 171), A very loyal customer can be a real
asset. Customers are not directly loyal to a company. Rather, the company must be able to
create reasons and values for customers so that these customers become loyal. (Wirtz &
Lovelock, 2016, p. 141)
The Effect of Price Perception and Taste on Loyalty Mediated by Customer Satisfaction at
Mixue Ice Cream & Tea Sumur Batu
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One of the reasons offered by Mixue Ice Cream & Tea is the many flavor variants that
are equipped with a variety of additional toppings. Taste is a factor that is predicted to affect
customer satisfaction in the culinary business (Mutiara et al., 2020). If the taste felt by
customers is equal to or more than expected, then customers will feel satisfied and become
Another factor that can also affect this is the price of the product. The price set for a
product can be considered a feature of the product. Customers will have a perception of the
price by comparing the price set with a price or price range that has been formed in the
customer's mind for the product. (Firmansyah, 2018, p. 185). If the product price set by a
company is good, customer satisfaction will increase (Rahayu, 2020). This will also increase
the number of loyal customers to the company.
On holidays, the queue of customers of Mixue Ice Cream & Tea Sumur Batu can be
clearly seen from the storefront. The age range of its own customers varies, ranging from
children to adults. Most of the customers buy ice cream products that are served using cones
or cups. Mixue's ice cream products themselves have a sweet vanilla taste that suits the tongue
of Indonesians and is relatively affordable. This makes the Mixue Ice Cream & Tea Sumur
Batu outlet often crowded with customers.
Based on the phenomenon that has been described, the author is interested in finding out
the relationship between taste and price perception that will cause satisfaction for customers
so that these customers become loyal.
This study uses a quantitative method. This method is also referred to as the positivistic
method because it is based on the philosophy of positivism. The philosophy of positivism
views reality/phenomenon as something that can be classified, relatively fixed, concrete,
observable, measurable, and the relationship of symptoms is causal.
Quantitative methods are used to research a specific population or representative
sample. The research process is deductive, where to answer the formulation of the problem,
concepts or theories are used so that a hypothesis can be created. The hypothesis is then tested
through field data collection. Data collection uses research instruments so that the data used is
in the form of numbers. The data that has been collected is then analyzed. Data analysis is
quantitative/statistical with the aim of testing predetermined hypotheses. Since sampling is
generally carried out randomly, the results of the study can be generalized to the population in
which the sample was taken. (Sugiyono, 2020, p. 16)
The data source used in this study is primary data obtained from the first source
(research subject). The data collection technique uses communication techniques. The
communication technique is by distributing a list of statements (questionnaires) through
google forms. In this study, the data analysis technique used to determine the effect of price
perceptions and taste on loyalty through customer satisfaction Mixue Ice Cream & Tea Sumur
Batu uses the help of the SmartPLS 4.0 program to facilitate the calculation and data analysis
The Effect of Price Perception and Taste on Loyalty Mediated by Customer Satisfaction at
Mixue Ice Cream & Tea Sumur Batu
3720 Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 10, October 2024
The main purpose of hypothesis testing is to test the structure of the relationships
expressed in a series of equations that describe all the relationships between the variables
Table 1. Direct Relationship Testing
Deviation (90%)
Price Perception → Customer Satisfaction
Taste → Customer Satisfaction
Customer Satisfaction → Customer Loyalty
Price Perception → Customer Loyalty
Taste → Customer Loyalty
Source: Appendix 13, page 87
Table 2. Indirect Relationship Testing (Mediation)
Standard Deviation
Price Perception Customer
Satisfaction → Customer Loyalty
Taste Customer Satisfaction
Customer Loyalty
Source: Appendix 14, page 88
Table 3. Conclusion of Research Testing Against Hypothesis (Direct and Indirect)
Price Perception Customer
Significant positives
Significant positives
Taste → Customer Satisfaction
Significant positives
Significant positives
Customer Satisfaction
Customer Loyalty
Significant positives
Significant positives
Price Perception Customer
Significant positives
Significant positives
Taste → Customer Loyalty
Significant positives
Significant positives
Price Perception Customer
Satisfaction Customer
Significant positives
Significant positives
Taste → Customer Satisfaction
→ Customer Loyalty
Significant positives
Significant positives
Source: Primary data processed, 2024
The Effect of Price Perception and Taste on Loyalty Mediated by Customer Satisfaction at
Mixue Ice Cream & Tea Sumur Batu
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Figure 2. Bootstrapping Test Results
The Effect of Price Perception on Customer Satisfaction (H1)
Based on Error! Reference source not found.Error! Reference source not found.
results of the H1 test, namely price perception on customer satisfaction, show that price
perception has a positive and significant influence on customer satisfaction with a positive
line coefficient of 0.145 and P-values of 0.031 < 0.05. This can be interpreted that in the
context of the research or analysis carried out, there is a positive relationship between price
perception and customer satisfaction levels and this relationship is quite strong or statistically
significant. In other words, when a customer has a positive view of the price of a product, it
means that the perception of price significantly affects the overall level of customer
satisfaction. With a confidence level of 90%, the influence of price perception in increasing
customer satisfaction ranges from 0.031 to 0.283. Based on this explanation, the first
hypothesis proposed in this study is that price perception has a positive effect on customer
satisfaction received.
These results are supported by proprietary research. Salim et al (2020) which states that
price perception is one of the factors that affect customer satisfaction because the price that
has been set by a company is a benchmark for the company on the level of customer
satisfaction. Affordable prices balanced by good quality will increase customer satisfaction.
Another study by Faeruza & Soliha (2023) also states that price perception has a
positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction, which means that the more
appropriate the price perception given to customers, the higher the customer satisfaction.
In this study, Mixue Ice Cream & Tea Sumur Batu customers felt that price perception
affected customer satisfaction levels significantly. This can be interpreted that Mixue Ice
Cream & Tea Sumur Batu customers seeing or understanding the price of a product has a big
impact on the level of customer satisfaction with the products offered.
The Effect of Price Perception and Taste on Loyalty Mediated by Customer Satisfaction at
Mixue Ice Cream & Tea Sumur Batu
3722 Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 10, October 2024
The Effect of Taste on Customer Satisfaction (H2)
Based on Table 1, the results of testing H2, namely taste on customer satisfaction, show
that taste has a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction with a positive path
coefficient of 0.647 and P-values of 0.000 <0.05. The better the taste perceived by customers,
the higher the likelihood that they will feel satisfied with the product. This can be interpreted
that good taste can be a major factor that can increase customer satisfaction in the context of
the research or analysis conducted. With a 90% confidence level, the effect of taste in
increasing customer satisfaction ranges from 0.526 to 0.760. Based on this explanation, the
second hypothesis proposed in this study, namely taste has a positive influence on customer
satisfaction received.
In line with research Zulfa et al (2022) which states that taste has a considerable
influence on customer satisfaction. The richer the taste of a food, the more customers are
interested in coming which allows customer satisfaction to increase.
Other research belongs to Sutedjo & Saputri (2023) also stated that taste has a
significant impact on customer satisfaction. The more savory and delicious the products
offered by the company, the more satisfied customers will be.
In this study, Mixue Ice Cream & Tea Sumur Batu customers felt that the ice cream
products presented had a fragrant aroma, a taste that matched expectations, a soft or consistent
texture, and the right temperature. This provides customers with a pleasant experience while
consuming the product and can build significant customer satisfaction.
The Effect of Customer Satisfaction on Customer Loyalty (H3)
Based on table 1, the results of the H3 test, namely customer satisfaction to customer
loyalty, show that customer satisfaction has a positive and significant influence on customer
loyalty with a positive path coefficient of 0.379 and P-values of 0.000 < 0.05. High levels of
customer satisfaction tend to have a positive and statistically strong impact on customer
loyalty. Customers who are satisfied with their experience, are likely to stick to the products
that a particular brand offers in the future. With a trust level of 90%, the influence of customer
satisfaction in increasing customer loyalty ranges from 0.217 to 0.526. Based on this
explanation, the third hypothesis proposed in this study is that customer satisfaction has a
positive influence on customer loyalty received.
In line with our research Zulfa et al (2022) which proves that customer satisfaction has a
significant and positive effect on customer loyalty. Customers who have a high level of
satisfaction have the possibility to form loyalty which will then create a feeling of loyalty.
The higher the level of satisfaction, the more customer loyalty will also continue to increase.
Other research belongs to Sutedjo & Saputri (2023) also states that satisfaction has a
significant and positive effect on customer loyalty which illustrates that the better the
satisfaction felt by customers, the more customer loyalty will increase.
In this study, Mixue Ice Cream & Tea Sumur Batu customers felt that the level of
loyalty satisfaction affected customers significantly. When customers are satisfied with the
The Effect of Price Perception and Taste on Loyalty Mediated by Customer Satisfaction at
Mixue Ice Cream & Tea Sumur Batu
Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 10, October 2024 3723
ice cream products consumed, it is likely that customers will return and make repeated
purchases of the product in the same place.
The Effect of Price Perception on Customer Loyalty (H4)
Based on table 1, the results of the H4 test, namely price perception on customer
loyalty, show that price perception has a positive and significant influence on customer
loyalty with a positive path coefficient of 0.178 and P-values of 0.033 < 0.05. This can be
interpreted as the customer views price as an important factor, its influence on loyalty is
strong enough to significantly influence the customer's decision to remain loyal to a particular
product. In other words, when customers have a positive perception of the price of a product,
customers tend to be more loyal to the brand or company. In short, it can be interpreted that a
positive price perception can increase customer loyalty levels. With a confidence level of
90%, the influence of price perception in increasing customer loyalty ranges from 0.031 to
0.353. Based on this explanation, the fourth hypothesis proposed in this study is that price
perception has a positive influence on customer loyalty received.
Yateno et al (2024) In his research, it is stated that price perception can significantly
affect customer loyalty. Products that have low prices or prices that are in accordance with the
quality will further increase customer interest in making repurchases.
Another study that supports these results is the research of Sombolinggi et al (2021)
which states that price perception is significantly related to customer loyalty. Price perception
is an important variable in building loyalty so that customers do not move to other places.
In this study, Mixue Ice Cream & Tea Sumur Batu customers felt that price perception
affected customer loyalty significantly. When customers feel that the value received is worth
or greater than the price paid, customers will be loyal to the product or brand even if the price
offered is high.
The Effect of Taste on Customer Loyalty (H5)
Based on Table 1, the results of testing H5, namely taste on customer loyalty, show that
taste has a positive and significant effect on customer loyalty with a positive path coefficient
of 0.392 and P-values 0.000 <0.05. This can be interpreted that the taste of a product has a
real impact in making customers remain loyal to a particular brand or product. When
customers perceive a product to have a good taste, customers tend to buy the product again or
remain loyal to a brand. Practically, this result shows the importance for manufacturers to
maintain the taste quality of the products offered in order to maintain and increase customer
loyalty. With a 90% confidence level, the effect of taste in increasing customer loyalty ranges
from 0.238 to 0.555. Based on this explanation, the fifth hypothesis proposed in this study,
namely taste has a positive influence on customer loyalty received.
In line with our research Yateno et al (2024) which proves that taste has a significant
effect on customer loyalty. Customers tend to repurchase food that is good and according to
their tastes. In addition, these loyal customers will also recommend the product to others.
Another study that supports these results is the proprietary research Zulfa et al (2022)
which states that taste also has an impact on customer loyalty. Customer loyalty is very easy
to create if customers are satisfied with what is expected, in this case the taste of the product
The Effect of Price Perception and Taste on Loyalty Mediated by Customer Satisfaction at
Mixue Ice Cream & Tea Sumur Batu
3724 Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 10, October 2024
consumed. The good taste of a product makes customers want to come back in the future so
that it can create loyalty in customers.
In this study, customers of Mixue Ice Cream & Tea Sumur Batu felt that taste
significantly affected customer loyalty. The satisfying taste can provide a pleasant and
satisfying experience for customers. It includes the aroma, taste, texture, temperature, and
overall ice cream eating experience offered by Mixue Ice Cream & Tea. A pleasant
experience can create a strong emotional connection between customers and brands that
contributes to long-term loyalty.
The Effect of Price Perception on Loyalty Mediated by Customer Satisfaction (H6)
Based on Table 2, the results of the H6 test, namely price perception towards loyalty
through customer satisfaction, show that price perception has a positive and insignificant
influence on loyalty through customer satisfaction with a positive path coefficient of 0.055
and P-values of 0.60 > 0.05. While price can affect a customer's view of a product or brand,
its effect on customer satisfaction is not strong enough to significantly affect a customer's
level of loyalty to a product or brand. This means that customers do not need to be satisfied
first with the price perception of a product to become loyal. As long as customers have a
positive perception of the price of a product, then customers will become loyal. With a
confidence level of 90%, the influence of price perception in increasing loyalty through
customer satisfaction ranges from 0.008 to 0.124. Based on this explanation, the sixth
hypothesis proposed in this study is that price perception has a positive influence on loyalty
through customer satisfaction received.
Customer satisfaction does not act as a mediator (non-mediator) between price
perception and customer loyalty. This means that while a positive price perception can
directly increase customer loyalty, customer satisfaction does not play a role in linking price
perception to customer loyalty. In other words, customers can become more loyal to a brand
or company if customers have a positive perception of the price of the product without having
to go through the customer satisfaction process which is an intermediary in this influence.
This is evidenced by the perception of price having a positive and significant effect on
customer loyalty.
This opinion is supported by research belonging to Wahyu Wijayanti et al (2015) which
states that customer satisfaction does not mediate the relationship between price perception
and customer loyalty because the value of the influence is smaller than when price perception
affects customer loyalty directly.
Another study that supports these results is the proprietary research Ronasih &
Widhiastuti (2021) which states that price perception does not have a significant effect on
loyalty through customer satisfaction which means that customer satisfaction cannot mediate
the influence of price perception on customer loyalty.
In this study, Mixue Ice Cream & Tea Sumur Batu customers felt that price perception
did not affect the level of loyalty through customer satisfaction. This is because many other
factors play an overall role. Brands that successfully combine value, quality, service, and
price in line with customer expectations are more likely to be successful in maintaining
The Effect of Price Perception and Taste on Loyalty Mediated by Customer Satisfaction at
Mixue Ice Cream & Tea Sumur Batu
Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 10, October 2024 3725
customer loyalty in the long run. Customers will be loyal to a product as long as the price
perception is good regardless of the level of satisfaction felt by the customer, because
customer satisfaction acts as a non-mediator in this study.
The Effect of Taste on Loyalty Mediated by Customer Satisfaction (H7)
Based on table 2, the results of the H7 test, namely taste on loyalty through customer
satisfaction, show that taste has a positive and significant influence on loyalty through
customer satisfaction with a positive path coefficient of 0.245 and P-values of 0.000 < 0.05.
This can be interpreted that the taste of the product directly contributes to customer
satisfaction. When customers are satisfied with the taste of the products consumed, this tends
to increase the overall level of customer satisfaction. High customer satisfaction then plays an
important role in shaping customer loyalty. Customers who are satisfied with the taste of the
product are more likely to repurchase the product in the future and even recommend it to
others. In other words, good or satisfying taste not only influences the customer's current
purchasing decision but also builds a long-term relationship with the brand or product. With a
trust level of 90%, the influence of taste in increasing loyalty through customer satisfaction
ranges from 0.136 to 0.353. Based on this explanation, the seventh hypothesis proposed in
this study is that taste has a positive influence on loyalty through customer satisfaction
Customer satisfaction acts as a partial mediator where with the existence of mediator
variables, either directly or indirectly, independent variables affect dependent variables. This
is evidenced by the taste that has a positive and significant effect on customer loyalty.
Customer satisfaction acts as a partial mediator because while satisfaction levels can increase
customer loyalty, other factors such as initial preference for taste also play a role. This means
that even if the product meets the customer's taste, satisfaction is still necessary to maintain a
high level of loyalty. In short, customer satisfaction is a partial mediator between taste and
customer loyalty because the level of satisfaction helps bridge the customer's positive feelings
towards the product with the loyalty behavior desired by the company.
In line with our research Zulfa et al (2022) which proves that taste can affect loyalty
through customer satisfaction. Customers who are satisfied with the taste of a product from a
particular company are more likely to come back to enjoy that product again.
Another study that supports these results is the proprietary research Wijaya & Nasir
(2024) which states that there is a significant influence of taste variables on customer loyalty
mediated by customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction is one of the factors to create
customer loyalty, therefore product taste plays an active role in creating customer satisfaction.
In this study, Mixue Ice Cream & Tea Sumur Batu customers felt that taste significantly
affected the level of loyalty through customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction acts as a
partial mediator which means that customers will remain loyal directly because of good taste.
Good and satisfying taste can play a significant role in influencing customer satisfaction
which will create loyalty to the brand. This shows the importance of taste quality and a
positive sensory experience in building long-term relationships between brands and
The Effect of Price Perception and Taste on Loyalty Mediated by Customer Satisfaction at
Mixue Ice Cream & Tea Sumur Batu
3726 Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 10, October 2024
Based on research conducted on Mixue Ice Cream & Tea Sumur Batu customers
regarding price perception, taste, loyalty and customer satisfaction. So it can be concluded
that price perception has a positive and significant influence on customer satisfaction at
Mixue Ice Cream & Tea Sumur Batu. The better the price perception in the customer's mind,
the higher the customer satisfaction. Taste has a positive and significant influence on
customer satisfaction at Mixue Ice Cream & Tea Sumur Batu. The better the taste that
customers feel, the more customer satisfaction will increase. Customer satisfaction has a
positive and significant influence on customer loyalty at Mixue Ice Cream & Tea Sumur Batu.
The better the level of satisfaction felt by customers, the higher the customer satisfaction.
Price perception has a positive and significant influence on customer loyalty at Mixue Ice
Cream & Tea Sumur Batu. The better the price perception in the customer's mind, the more
customer loyalty will increase. Taste has a positive and significant influence on customer
loyalty at Mixue Ice Cream & Tea Sumur Batu. The better the taste that customers feel, the
more customer loyalty will increase. Price perception has a positive and insignificant
influence on loyalty through customer satisfaction at Mixue Ice Cream & Tea Sumur Batu.
Customer satisfaction does not play a role as a mediator (non-mediator) between price
perception and customer loyalty because customer satisfaction does not play a role in
connecting price perception with customer loyalty because price perception has a direct
influence on customer loyalty. Taste has a positive and significant influence on loyalty
through customer satisfaction at Mixue Ice Cream & Tea Sumur Batu. Customer satisfaction
plays a role as a partial mediator because both directly and indirectly taste affects customer
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Yuddie Gunawan (2024)
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Syntax Idea
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The Effect of Price Perception and Taste on Loyalty Mediated by Customer Satisfaction at
Mixue Ice Cream & Tea Sumur Batu
3728 Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 10, October 2024