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Randy Himawan, Amalia Zahra (2024) Comparison of Deep Learning and Machine Learning Model
for Phishing Email Classification, (06) 10,
Randy Himawan, Amalia Zahra
Bina Nusantara University, Indonesia
Email is a medium in business communication that people use everyday and not only holds
sensitive information but also identity for the user and organization. The uniqueness of
information contained make phishing detection and remedy cannot be applied generally.
Existing method applied in common on security software such as blacklisting keyword or
email address is not enough to outpace evolving phishing method. Nowadays the
implementation of machine learning and deep learning grow rapidly fast and the method used
by machine learning and deep learning that can learn pattern of inputs and natural language
processing making classification to detect email phishing promising, this study present
proposed method of phishing mail classification by comparing the use of machine learning
and deep learning model, The algorithm used in this paper are recurrent convolutional neural
network and random forest with tf-idf and fasttext word embedding. The Dataset contain
phishing and legitimate of an email gathered from a trading company in Indonesia. The
dataset will be split into 70% for training and 30% for testing. As a result of this comparison,
the random forest model with tf-idf word embedding achieve highest accuracy of 100% for
the dataset used and the highest accuracy for recurrent convolutional neural network model
with fasttext is 98.21%.
Keywords: Phishing, Recurrent Convolutional Neural Network, Random Forest, Term
Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency, Fasttext
Email phishing attack happened almost everytime, threaten individual, organization and
business alike that can lead to financial loss and information breach. Most common attack
happened is the business email compromised (BEC). Altough phishing is an old method that
recorded happened in 1996 (Karim et al., 2023), it always evolving paralel with developing
event and technologies. Attackers used various method to conduct the attack, most of the time
they use conversation hijacking or sending bulk of email contain malicious aplication and url
in order to gain financial fraud (Sheneamer, 2021; Thapa et al., 2023). Unlike malicious bulk
email that security software can detect and mitigate, conversation hijacking is difficult to
detect and observe by system and inexperienced user, attacker can register legitimate domain
and some of them mimic legitimate sender domain (Khan et al., 2015; Sah & Parmar, 2017).
Most of email platform already implemented security measure to accomodate the
problem (Fernandes et al., 2014), such as blacklisting certain keyword inside email and
malicios domain but this solution is not enough due to user or organization might have
different correspondence and different information context contained, in addition the sensivity
contained might prevent organization and or user to share the email as a data to improve
pISSN: 2723-4339 e-ISSN: 2548-1398
Vol. 6, No. 10, Oktober 2024
Randy Himawan, Amalia Zahra
6408 Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 10, Oktober 2024
detection in current security software (Magdy et al., 2022; Somesha & Pais, 2022). The
attacker usually use different email address or create new domain to repeat the attack.
From that issue, to better comprehend existing email phishing detection trend, literature
studies performed. This paper demonstrate model comparison of previous works that achieve
good acccuracy result to classify phishing email. The literature using recurrent convolutional
neural network algorithm demonstrated by(Somesha & Pais, 2022) and the random forest
algorithm with fasttext word embedding demostrated by (Lai et al., 2015). This experiment
can be a base model to develop mail security system internally.
Overview of the method or experiment step ilustrated on figure 1, Dataset gathered and
cleaned, the next step we embed the defined feature with tf-idf or fasttext (Atawneh &
Aljehani, 2023; Lian et al., 2015). The next step is classification, The classification process
will be using machine learning and deep learning model. In the classifier, email subject and
body processed with RCNN and RF alogrithm with TF-IDF and fasttext word embedding.
Figure 1 Experiment step
RCNN is a model developed to solve the limitations of Convolutional Neural Network
(CNN) and Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) (Breiman, 2001) 
RCNN is stack of recurrent convolutional layer (RCLs) that inserted with max-pooling layer
when needed. The first step of RCNN model is a recurrent bi-directional that can produce less
noise compared to other neural network models. With this structure, RCNN can extract more
            -
pooling layer that automatically select which feature that has the most prominent role.
Random forest is a machine learning algortihm that developed by Breiman L (Karim et
al., 2023). This model is a structured classifier tree like that independent and identical. Each
tree contain random vector that give vote to the most popular class. Random forest used by
many classification task due to the performance to process complex relation in data and
pattern that not linear in multi dimension dataset (Rigatti, 2017).
Feature used in this experiment are subject and body content, the feature will be divide
into 3 category such as subject only, subject with body, and body only. By separate the feature
into this category we can see the most corelated feature that contribute to accuracy. The next
step we process word embedding to the feature respectively using TF-IDF or fasttext, we
used two word embedding as a comparison which embedding will produce highest accuracy.
After word embedding the next step will be the classification using RCNN and RF algortihm.
Comparison of Deep Learning and Machine Learning Model for Phishing Email
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The percentage data used for testing both model is 20% with shuffle and stratify configuration
to get better balanced in data distribution for testing.
This section disclose the evaluation of the result obtain by using experiment step
explained previously. The first experiment we use RCNN and TF-IDF word embedding, from
this experiment we achieve result of 71.97% accuracy and 0.59 loss as displayed on figure 2.
From the graph there is no significant increase of accuracy on bigger epoch (Ilie et al., 2021).
Figure 2 RCNN with TF-IDF graph result
The experiment using RCNN and subject only feature with Fasttext we got highest
accuracy of 86.08% and 0.51 loss. By using fasttext there is an increase of accuracy and
decreased loss than TF-IDF (Chawla et al., 2023). The using higher epoch also improve the
validation accuracy score as seen on figure 3.
Figure 3 RCNN with fasttext graph result
Experiment using random forest and TF-IDF achieve 100% accuracy using subject as a
feature and the fasttext embedding achieve 99.15% accuracy using the same feature. The
detailed result of random forest experiment can be seen in table 1 below.
Table 1 Random forest experiment result
The experiment on the combination of three different feature, two word embedding and
two algorithm with 2514 data can be summarized in table 1. the highest accuracy achieved by
the combination of RF and TF-IDF model with subject only feature gaining 100% accuracy.
Randy Himawan, Amalia Zahra
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Table 2 All experiment accuracy result
The model was experimented to classify phishing email in an business organization,
once the three combination of features were determined from the mail dataset, then the
classification process was applied using selected algorithm and word embedding to get the
result. The model experimented gave the highest accuracy values of 100% by using random
forest algorithm, TF-IDF word embedding and subject as a feature. The result for deep
trained better.
It may be a future work to study the latest phishing trend from different sources of
dataset to gain better training and test result for the model, tuning the model parameter, and
input support for mixed language and writings in email such as japanese, mandarin, arabic
and other language.
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Randy Himawan, Amalia Zahra (2024)
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Syntax Idea
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