How to cite:
Reisha Savira Mulyawati Ardiansyah, Eriana Kartadjumena (2024) Profitability and Capital
Structure's Effect on Firm Value: The Moderating Influence of Company Size, (06) 10,
Reisha Savira Mulyawati Ardiansyah, Eriana Kartadjumena
Widyatama University, Indonesia
This study aims to examine and test the influence of profitability and capital structure on firm
value, with company size as a moderating variable in technology companies listed on the
Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) for the period 2019-2022. This quantitative research
employs convenience sampling with a sample size of 32 companies. The data used in this
study is secondary data, comprising 94 financial statements. The analysis was conducted
using moderated regression analysis with the assistance of eViews version 13. The results
indicate that profitability does not affect firm value, whereas capital structure does influence
firm value. Additionally, company size weakens the effect of profitability and capital
structure on firm value
Keywords: Capital structure, Firm Size, Firm Value, Profitability, Technology Companies.
According to Salvatore (2005), the primary goal of a company is to enhance its value,
particularly for publicly listed companies, to increase shareholder wealth. Financial reports
and good financial ratios can indicate a well-run business and increase company value.
Emphasize the importance of company value for shareholder prosperity, measured by ratios
like Price to Book Value (PBV), which reflects the company's stock price relative to its book
value per share.
The Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) oversees stock trading and classifies industries
into sectors like IDXTECHNO, which includes technology companies. In August 2023, the
IDXTECHNO index declined by -0.91%, contrasting the overall market growth. Several key
companies in this index saw significant stock price drops and net losses, such as PT Digital
Mediatama Maxima Tbk. and PT Global Digital Niaga, Tbk.
The decline in IDXTECHNO can be attributed to the depreciation in the stock prices of
several companies classified within this category. When companies constituting the stock
index simultaneously experience a reduction in their share prices, the index itself is
consequently affected and declines. Several companies within the top ten constituents of
IDXTECHNO reported a decrease in their stock prices and incurred net losses during the
month of August 2023. Below is a list of the top ten constituents of IDXTECHNO
pISSN: 2723-4339 e-ISSN: 2548-1398
Vol. 6, No. 10, Oktober 2024
Profitability and Capital Structure's Effect on Firm Value: The Moderating Influence of
Company Size
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Table 1 Top Ten Constituent Companies On IDXTECHNO
Nama Perusahaan
DCI Indonesia
15.34 T
Rp 632,8 M
GoTo Gojek
Tokopedia Tbk.
14.31 T
-Rp 7.160
11.33 T
Rp -389,27
Elang Mahkota
Teknologi Tbk.
8.98 T
-Rp 444,18
Global Digital
Niaga Tbk.
8.66 T
-Rp 1.750
M Cash Integerasi
2.47 T
Rp 3.550 M
Electronic Tbk.
2.04 T
Rp 272 M
NFC Indonesia
1.81 T
Rp 3,03 M
Digital Mediatama
Maxima Tbk.
0.86 T
Rp 10,48 M
0.84 T
Rp 26,02 M
The decline in technology sector stocks is attributed to financial performance falling
short of market expectations. Such losses are inevitable due to the substantial investments and
extended timelines required for establishing a digital ecosystem. According to Nafan Aji
Gusta, an Analyst at Mirae Sekuritas, achieving profitability in technology firms is a gradual
process (Gumilar, 2023).
The continuous decline in stock prices of IDXTECHNO companies, despite increased
consumer bases for firms like Gojek and Bukalapak, is problematic for investors, as it
negatively impacts the company's value. Companies must sustain their stock prices to deliver
optimal returns to shareholders. A high Price-to-Book Value (PBV) ratio boosts market
confidence in the company's future prospects and signifies significant shareholder wealth
(Hermuningsih, 2013). Investors evaluate a company's value based on its financial
performance, as detailed in financial statements. Improved financial performance is expected
to enhance company value, thereby increasing investor returns. Better financial performance
correlates with higher company value and greater investor returns (Widagdo et al., 2020).
Thus, a company's increased value can attract potential investors seeking returns on their
The Price-to-Book Value (PBV) ratio is a valuable metric for assessing firm value as it
compares the share price to the company's book value. Share demand typically increases with
rising share prices, driven by enhanced profitability, higher dividend payouts, and improved
company liquidity. It is anticipated that better financial performance will correspondingly
enhance firm value. Essentially, stronger financial performance leads to higher firm value and
increased returns for investors (Widagdo et al., 2020).
Profitability can influence the fluctuations in a company's stock price (Hikmah et al.,
2019). Profitability impacts stock prices, and the technology sector's stock decline is
Reisha Savira Mulyawati Ardiansyah, Eriana Kartadjumena
6306 Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 10, Oktober 2024
attributed to unmet financial performance expectations. Noteworthy companies like Gojek
and Bukalapak, despite increased user transactions, experienced net losses and falling stock
prices post-IPO, highlighting challenges in financial performance and liquidity risks.
Capital structure is crucial to a company's overall value. An optimal capital structure
balances debt and equity to minimize costs and maximize returns. According to Brigham &
Houston (2011), a well-managed capital structure, as measured by ratios such as the Debt-to-
Equity Ratio (DER), significantly influences company value. A high DER indicates greater
financial leverage and risk, whereas a balanced ratio reflects a stable financing approach.
Effective management of capital structure impacts investor confidence and market valuation.
Firm size can moderate the relationship between capital structure and company value. Larger
firms often have more resources and better access to capital markets, allowing them to
manage debt more effectively and potentially mitigate the risks associated with high leverage.
This size advantage can enhance the positive effects of a well-structured capital mix on
company value, making firm size a critical factor in financial strategy and performance
Companies must optimize their financial performance to sustain or increase stock
prices, thereby attracting investors by demonstrating strong profitability, liquidity, and low
leverage, which collectively enhance company value and shareholder returns. Strong
profitability and an efficient capital structure are generally associated with higher firm values,
as improved financial performance leads to better returns for investors.
This study aims to determine whether profitability and capital structure positively
impact firm value, addressing phenomena and research gaps identified in previous studies.
Researchers seek to examine the relationship between profitability, capital structure, and firm
value, with firm size as a moderating variable, to provide valuable insights for investors and
companies in enhancing firm value.
The data for this study comes from the annual financial statements of technology
companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) for the period 2019-2022. This
research adopts a quantitative approach, utilizing financial data with independent variables
(profitability, capital structure) and a moderating variable (firm size). The dependent variable
is firm value, assessed through the minimum, maximum, and average values of each indicator.
Profitability is measured using the Return on Assets (ROA) indicator, capital structure using
the Debt to Equity Ratio (DER) indicator, firm size using the natural logarithm of total assets,
and firm value using the Price to Book Value (PBV) indicator.
This study can be classified as causal research, as it aims to identify, describe, and
determine the direction of the relationship between profitability and capital structure on firm
value, with firm size acting as a moderator. The population comprises all annual financial
reports of technology companies listed on the IDX. The sample was selected using
convenience sampling, a method that involves collecting information from a population that is
conveniently accessible. A total of 32 companies and 94 financial reports were included in the
sample. The operational definitions and variable measurements are detailed in Table 1.
Profitability and Capital Structure's Effect on Firm Value: The Moderating Influence of
Company Size
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Table 2 Operational Definition
Firm Value
Firm value is investors' perceptions of
the level of frequent success firms linked
with price stocks
Price Book Value
Brigham and
Ratio profitability is the objective ratio
for knowing the ability firm to produce
profit during a certain period.
Return on Asset
combination of long-term debt, short-
term debt, preferred stock, and common
stock used by a company to finance its
Debt to Equity
Brigham dan
Firm Size
The firm size describes how big or small
something firm is, seen as how a great
firm more easily gets funds from
Natural Log
indicator of Total
Source: Data Processed, 2024
Hypothesis testing and data analysis in this study involve descriptive analysis, panel
data regression tests, and Moderated Regression Analysis (MRA). Before choosing the
appropriate panel data regression model, three approaches must be considered: the Common
Effect Model (CEM), Fixed Effect Model (FEM), and Random Effect Model (REM). To
determine the most suitable model for this study, three tests are conducted: the Chow Test,
Hausman Test, and Lagrange Multiplier Test. The regression equation used in this study is as
= α + β
+ β
+ β
M + ε
In this study, the moderator variable is firm Size. Firm size will moderate the
relationship between ROA and DER on Firm Value. Thus, the panel data moderation
regression equation can be formulated as follows:
Y = α + β
+ β
+ β
M + β
M + β
M + ε
Y = Predicted value
α = Constant
= Regression coefficient
= Regression coefficient of X and M variable interaction
Reisha Savira Mulyawati Ardiansyah, Eriana Kartadjumena
6308 Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 10, Oktober 2024
M = Firm Size
M = Interaction between ROA and Firm Size variables
M = Interaction between DER and Firm Size variables
ε = Residual Value
The method used to determine the sample in this study is convenience sampling, where
this study indicates that the sample is a representation of the existing population and is in
accordance with the objectives of the study. Companies included in the IDXTECHNO
classification in 2019-2022 amounted to 32 companies, the data used in this study amounted
to 94 financial reports. This is because there are several companies that have started listing
their shares on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in the current period, so this is included in the
unbalanced data panel.
The unit of analysis in this study is the company. The object of this study is the
financial report. The subjects in this study are technology sector companies listed on the
Indonesia Stock Exchange for the 2019-2022 period. The independent variables in this study
are profitability, liquidity, and leverage with the addition of a moderating variable, namely
company size. The dependent variable in this study is the value of the Company.
Descriptive analysis provides an overview or description of data seen from the average
value (mean), maximum, minimum, and standard deviation of each variable. The results of
descriptive statistical analysis showed in Table 2.
Table 3 Descriptive Statistics
Std. Deviation
Capital structure
Firm Size
Firm Value
Source: The Processed Primary Data (2024)
The descriptive statistics of this research are listed in table 2. The descriptive
profitability test results show that Envy Technologies Indonesia Tbk (ENVY) has a minimum
of -3,753. The maximum value is owned by Tourindo Guide Indonesia Tbk (PGJO). The
mean 0,001, the standard deviation value more significant than the mean in the sample
identification, meaning that the profitability variable has a high level of data variation.
Descriptive capital structure test results shows that Anabatic Technologies Tbk (ATIC) has a
minimum of -81.31. The maximum value is 15,769 also from Anabatic Technologies Tbk
(ATIC). Mean -0,309. the standard deviation value more significant than the mean in the
sample identification, meaning that the capital structure variable has a high level of data
Profitability and Capital Structure's Effect on Firm Value: The Moderating Influence of
Company Size
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The descriptive firm size test results show that Tourindo Guide Indonesia Tbk (PGJO)
has a minimum of 23,16. Maximum value 32,57 from GoTo Gojek Tokopedia Tbk. Mean
value 27,53, the mean value more significant than the standard deviation in the sample
identification, has been optimal to represent the overall observation data. Descriptive firm
value test results shows that Anabatic Technologies Tbk (ATIC) has a minimum of -17,18.
The maximum value is 86,03 from DCI Indonesia Tbk. Mean 5,35, the standard deviation
value more significant than the mean in the sample identification, meaning that the capital
structure variable has a high level of data variation.
To examine the moderating effects of firm size on the relationship between
profitability and capital structure on firm value, a Moderated Regression Analysis (MRA) was
conducted. The results of the MRA provide insights into whether and how firm size
strengthens or weakens these relationships. The following table 3 presents the detailed
findings of the MRA statistical test results.
Table 4 MRA Statistical Test Results
Dependent Variable: Y
Method: Panel Least Squares
Date: 09/07/24 Time: 19:22
Sample: 2019 2022
Periods included: 4
Cross-sections included: 32
Total panel (unbalanced) observations: 94
Std. Error
Source: Eviews13
Based on the MRA regression results in the table above, the MRA equation can be
Y = 8.84870 - 47.87728 ROA + 16.95652 DER - 0.14519 FirmSize+ 1.99232 ROA*FirmSize
- 0.57316 DER*FirmSize + e
Effect of Profitability on Firm Value
The profitability variable has a regression coefficient 47.87728, this shows that the
variable has a positive influence on the company value variable. This means that if
Profitability (ROA) increases by one unit, the company value will increase by 47.87728
assuming other variables remain constant. The probability value for the profitability variable
is 0.48871. The value is greater than the α value (0.48871 > 0.05) indicating that the
profitability variable has no effect on the firm value variable. From these results it can be seen
that the first hypothesis is rejected, there is no positive influence of profitability on firm value
in technology companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange.
Reisha Savira Mulyawati Ardiansyah, Eriana Kartadjumena
6310 Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 10, Oktober 2024
The results of this study indicate that profitability has no significant influence on firm
value. The results are in line with research conducted by Firdaus (2019), Hapsoro and Falih
(2020), and Reschiawati, Syahdina, and Handayani (2020). The results show that if the
change in profitability increases or decreases, it will not affect to firm value. Many
technology companies are operating in a growth phase, where they invest their revenues back
into research and development of new products, marketing, and business expansion. Investors
may be more focused on the company's long-term prospects in adopting or creating new
technologies that will generate competitive advantages, rather than just looking at current
Effect of Capital Structure on Firm Value
The capital structure variable has a regression coefficient of 16.95652, this shows that
the variable has a positive influence on the firm value variable. This means that if Return on
Assets (ROA) increases by one unit, the firm value will increase by 16.95652 assuming other
variables remain constant. The probability value for the capital structure variable is 0.03292.
The value is smaller than the α value (0.03292 < 0.05) indicating that the capital structure
variable has an effect on firm value. From these results it can be seen that the second
hypothesis is accepted, namely that there is a positive influence of capital structure on firm
value in technology companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange.
There is a positive influence of capital structure on the firm value of technology
companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. This indicates that technology companies
with a well-optimized capital structure can enhance their firm value. A balanced mix of debt
and equity financing allows these companies to leverage their growth opportunities while
maintaining financial flexibility. Additionally, an effective capital structure can signal to
investors that the company is well-managed and capable of sustaining its growth, leading to
increased investor confidence and higher firm value. This finding is supported by research
conducted by Dewi et al. (2024), Hirdinis (2019), Saragih et al. (2019) which concluded that
capital structure, approximated by the debt-to-equity ratio, has a positive and significant effect
on firm value (PBV).
Firm Size Moderates the Effect of Profitability on Firm Value.
The estimated results of the interaction variable between profitability and company size
has a regression coefficient of 1.99232, this shows that the variable has a positive influence of
the interaction variable between capital structure and firm value variable. The probability
value is 0.47240. The probability value above the α value (0.47240 > 0.05) indicates that the
interaction variable is between profitability and company size. From these results it can be
seen that H0 is rejected and shows that company size weakens the influence of profitability on
firm value in technology companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange.
Firm size weakens the influence of profitability on the firm value of technology
companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. This is consistent with the research
conducted by Fitria and Irkhami (2021) and Rosihana (2023). It indicates that larger
technology companies are more oriented towards long-term growth rather than short-term
profitability. In this regard, investors may consider the future growth potential of the company
more than current profits when assessing its value. Investors believe that large technology
companies have the ability to withstand changes in profitability due to their large resources,
Profitability and Capital Structure's Effect on Firm Value: The Moderating Influence of
Company Size
Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 10, Oktober 2024 6311
access to broad markets, and flexibility to adapt to market changes. Additionally, larger
technology companies tend to have strong institutional shareholders who prioritize long-term
growth. This can reduce the pressure to achieve a certain level of profitability that may affect
the firm's value. Thus, Firm size cannot moderate profitability's effect on the firm value.
Firm Size Moderates the Effect of Capital structure on Firm Value
The estimated results of the interaction variable between capital structure and company
size have a regression coefficient of -0.57316, this shows that the variable has a negative
influence of the interaction variable between capital structure and firm value variable. The
probability is 0.03647. The probability value shows below the α value (0.03647 < 0.05).
These results indicate that company size can weaken the relationship between capital structure
and firm value.
The firm size weakens the effect of capital structure on firm value. The firm size
weakens the effect of capital structure on firm value. Larger firms often have more diversified
operations, greater access to capital markets, and stronger bargaining power with creditors
and suppliers. As a result, they may not rely as heavily on their capital structure to influence
their firm value compared to smaller firms. Additionally, larger firms often have more
established reputations and creditworthiness, which can lead to lower costs of capital and less
sensitivity to changes in their capital structure. In contrast, smaller firms might experience
more significant changes in firm value due to adjustments in their capital structure, as they
typically face higher risks and costs associated with financing. Therefore, the moderating
effect of firm size suggests that the relationship between capital structure and firm value is
less pronounced for larger firms, as they benefit from economies of scale and other
advantages that mitigate the impact of their capital structure decisions.
This study aims to investigate the firm size in moderating the effect of profitability and
capital structure on firm value. The results of this study indicate that profitability have no
significant influence against firm value. The results also showed there is a positive influence
of capital structure on the firm value. The results showed that firm size weaken the effect of
profitability and capital structure on firm value, because technology companies are considered
to have sufficient resources to cope with changes in profitability and possess the flexibility to
adapt to market fluctuations.
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Copyright holder:
Reisha Savira Mulyawati Ardiansyah, Eriana Kartadjumena (2024)
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Syntax Idea
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