How to cite:
R Sarmida Christina Simanjuntak, Vausani Irfa, Hermiyanti (2024) Penerapan Komunikasi
Terapeutik Perawat Pada Motivasi Sembuh Pasien COVID-19 Diruang Rawat Inap Rumah Sakit
Awal Bros Pekanbaru, (06) 08,
Penerapan Komunikasi Terapeutik Perawat Pada Motivasi Sembuh Pasien COVID-19
Diruang Rawat Inap Rumah Sakit Awal Bros Pekanbaru
R Sarmida Christina Simanjuntak,
Vausani Irfa,
London School Of Public Relations, Indonesia
Rumah Sakit Awal Bros Pekanbaru, Indonesia
Therapeutic Communication is a form of treatment process by professional health service
personnel on patients suffering from a certain disease, by staying in a certain inpatient room
according to the type of disease they are experiencing, inpatient facilities are provided and run
systematically by medical and non-medical personnel, provided by health service providers.
Self-aware therapeutic communication aims for patient healing. Therefore, it is necessary to
know how nurses understand the meaning and importance of therapeutic communication
itself, because this understanding can affect the quality of therapeutic communication
provided by nurses. The quality of therapeutic communication can be determined from the
service felt by the patient and the level of satisfaction felt by the patient. The research design
uses a qualitative research method with 11 samples. This study aims to determine the
application of therapeutic communication in the inpatient room of Awal Bros Hospital
Pekanbaru. The results of the study show that the communication between nurses and patients
has gone well. This is reflected in the way nurses provide gentle direct communication and
pleasant facial expressions
Keywords: COVID-19, Therapeutic Communication, Motivation
At the beginning of 2020, the world was shocked by an infectious disease whose cause
is unknown, this severe infectious disease began with a report from China to the World
Health Organization (WHO), namely 44 cases of patients suffering from severe pneumonia
located in the city of Wuhan, Hubei province, China. This is suspected to have come from the
buying and selling of fish, marine animals and other animals in a wet market. Precisely on
January 10, 2020, it was identified that the infection was caused by the new coronavirus after
the genetic code was discovered. According to the WHO, coronaviruses are a large family of
viruses that can cause respiratory infections ranging from the common cold to more severe
illnesses such as Middle East Respiratory Sindrome (MERS), and Severe Acute Respiratory
Syndrome (SARS) (Handayani et al., 2020a)
Further research showed that there was a close relationship with the coronavirus, which
was the cause of the Severe Acute Respitatory Syndrome (SARS) that broke out in Hong
Kong in 2003, so the WHO named it a novel coronavirus (nCoV19). Not long after that there
began to be reports from several other provinces of China and had spread out of China, this is
pISSN: 2723-4339 e-ISSN: 2548-1398
Vol. 6, No. 10, Oktober 2024
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associated with travel history made by people from the city of Wuhan in China, Japan, South
Korea, Macau, Thailand, Hong Kong, the United States, Malaysia, Singapore, until reaching a
total of 25 countries including the United Arab Emirates, France, Viet Nam, Cambodia and
Germany. This is a growing pandemic threat where there are many cases of human-to-human
transmission, namely transmission from patients to medical workers who provide treatment,
where medical workers have no history of traveling to markets that have been closed
(Handayani et al., 2020b).
Several reports also show that there is transmission in companions of Chinese tourists
who travel to Japan, and there are reports that there is transmission with people who live in
the same house with patients from China who have been confirmed to have COVID-19, where
the trips made in addition to meeting them also go to their partner's house in the United States
so that human to human transmission) that occurred directly will have an extraordinary
impact on this case. At the end of January 2020, there was an extraordinary increase in cases
that occurred in a matter of 24 hours, reaching 2000 confirmed cases of COVID-19.
Therefore, at the end of January 2020, WHO established a Global Emergency status on this
Corona virus case and on February 11, 2020, WHO named it as COVID-19 (Handayani et al.,
Based on the latest data from World Health Organization (WHO), 2020) the number of
COVID-19 cases in the world reached 128,202,664 cases. In the data, the United States until
now still places the first position in the world COVID-19 case rate with a total of 31,028,530
cases. The second place is followed by Brazil with a total of 12,577,354 cases. Indonesia
reported the first case on March 2, 2020, which was allegedly contracted from a foreigner
visiting Indonesia.
Cases in Indonesia are increasing day by day, until on March 29, 2020 there were 1,115
cases with the number of deaths reaching up to 102 people. The death rate in Indonesia
reached 9%, this is the highest death rate achievement. Taken from data from the COVID-19
handling task force in Indonesia until March 30, 2021, it was found that there were 1,501,093
cases confirmed positive for COVID-19, of which the recovery rate was 1,317,119 and the
death rate was 40,581 people. The number of confirmed positive COVID-19 patients in Riau
as of March 30, 2021 is 34,592 cases, of which the recovery rate reaches 32,473 and the
number of deaths is 846 people. In the Pekanbaru city area, the number of confirmed positive
cases of COVID-19 as of March 30, 2021 amounted to 16,563 cases, with a recovery rate of
15,559 and 351 deaths (Hamid et al., 2020).
Awal Bros Pekanbaru Hospital is one of the private hospitals that has type B and has
been certified by the Complete Level of Dep Kes RI Accreditation and ISO 9001 as well as
Joint Commission International (JCI) Accreditation has collaborated with the Social Security
Administration Agency (BPJS). Awal Bros Hospital Pekanbaru always prioritizes quality
service, focuses on patient safety and prepares an inpatient facility of 251 beds. Awal Bros
Hospital always focuses on patient safety and maintaining the quality of hospital services, so
the hospital has excellent services including the Oncology Center, Heart and Blood Vessel
Center (Cardiaology Center), Stroke Center, and Integrated Geriatrics (Marketing, 2018).
Based on data from the medical records of the Awal Bros Pekanbaru hospital, the total
number of confirmed COVID-19 patients from April 2020 to December 2020 was 1178
patients, with a recovery rate of 835 people and a death rate of 32 people. And from January
2021 to March 2021, as many as 455 people were confirmed to have COVID-19 with a
recovery rate of 436 people and a death rate of 19 people (Rekam Medis, 2021).
Hospitals that have an administrative function in the field of health services, one of
which is nursing services. The implementation of health services in hospitals is determined by
Penerapan Komunikasi Terapeutik Perawat Pada Motivasi Sembuh Pasien COVID-19
Diruang Rawat Inap Rumah Sakit Awal Bros Pekanbaru
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three main components, including the type of service provided, management as service
managers and nursing staff as nursing service providers. In the implementation of nursing
practice, communication has an important role in creating and fostering therapeutic
relationships that will have an influence on the quality of nursing services. Quality nursing
services are not only focused on accuracy in providing services but also with the ability to
create and foster communication relationships that can provide patient healing (therapeutic
communication). Therapeutic communication is communication that is carried out
professionally. By having good therapeutic communication, nurses will more easily establish
a trusting relationship with patients, and this will be more effective for nurses in providing
professional satisfaction in nursing care (Kusumo, 2017).
Nursing services that have good quality are services that always strive for satisfaction
and expectations from patients. The nursing service quality assurance approach prioritizes the
outcome of nursing services or what will be produced or resulting from nursing services.
Quality service results are only possible by the right work. Thus, patients will always be in the
best nursing service organization because all health needs and diseases of the patient are very
concerned and then served in health with the best quality (Hardhiyani, 2013).
Nurses are expected to have the ability and skills to communicate therapeutically in
carrying out their functions and roles as nurses, and this will be a determinant for the success
of professional nursing services or care provided by paying attention to the needs of patients
as a whole. This is done so that patients when patients and their families are suddenly stressed
or things that cannot be changed by patients and their families who receive them.
A nurse must have communication skills, which is a critical skill and integral of the
nursing care provided. Communication in nursing is called therapeutic communication,
therapeutic communication carried out by a nurse during nursing intervention so as to provide
therapeutic efficacy for the patient's healing process (Nurhasanah, 2015).
This therapeutic communication will be created if there is a relationship of mutual trust
between nurses and patients. In the context of providing nursing services, there is a sense of
trust from patients that the nurse who will provide nursing services is capable and capable to
overcome their complaints. In addition, nurses must be able to provide guarantees for the
quality of nursing services so that patients do not hesitate, worry, and be pessimistic in
undergoing the nursing service process. It is not uncommon to find patients refusing when
treated by one of the nurses. This is because patients doubt the abilities of nurses. To reduce
the patient's doubts, the nurse should prepare herself before meeting the patient. For this
reason, nurses need special abilities and social care that includes intellectual, technical, and
interpersonal skills that are reflected in caring or affection and love in communicating with
Therapeutic communication is consciously planned communication, the purpose of
which is focused on healing the client. Therapeutic communication is a medium for giving
and receiving between nurses and clients in a verbal and non-verbal manner (Afnuhazi, 2015).
Therapeutic communication aims to develop everything in the patient's mind and self in a
more positive direction which will later be able to reduce the burden of feelings in facing and
taking action about their health and trusting relationships (Nurhayati et al., 2023).
Entering the era of globalization, various health services, including hospitals, are
required to further improve work professionalism and the quality of health services which
leads to motivation to heal patients. The success of health services in nursing care can be
measured from the speed of patient recovery, the decrease in patient anxiety, and the increase
in patient satisfaction with health services. Patients who are sick need advice and
encouragement from doctors and nurses who handle them. The influence of the patient's
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motivation for the treatment itself will increase the patient's recovery. According to Sobur
(2013), “motivasi merupakan suatu proses yang menyeluruh terhadap proses atau gerakan
yang mendorong dari dalam diri individu sehingga menimbulkan perilaku yang positif”.
Motivation to heal is a force that comes from within the patient that encourages behavior
towards the desired recovery. Many problems arise when a person suffering from a certain
disease has a motivation for his own healing. This obstacle may occur due to a lack of support
from the environment that exists in him.
Patients really need a lot of support and help from others around them, information
support is very necessary for patients to get the necessary instructions and information (Smet,
The main goal of patients entering the hospital is to achieve recovery, but there are
some patients who have low motivation to recover. The low motivation to recover by the
patient is shown by the patient's refusal to receive treatment from the medical team. The
patient removes the infusion attached to his body or refuses to be given medication by the
medical team. The patient's state of mind is very influential to be able to inhibit or encourage
the patient's recovery from the disease. Likewise, the existence of motivation can affect the
patient's recovery, because with the motivation of the patient to do treatment. Motivation to
heal is a force that comes from within the patient that encourages the behavior to heal that he
wants to achieve. Many problems arise when a person suffering from a particular disease does
not have the motivation for his own recovery, this obstacle may occur due to a lack of support
from the environment in him. Motivation with sufficient intensity will give direction to
individuals to do things diligently and continuously (Adanu, 2017).
Research Rosenstein (2013), With respondents as patients undergoing hospitalization in
one of the developed country hospitals, namely the United States, out of 150 patients, it was
found that around 53% of patients said they were satisfied and the rest said they were not
satisfied with therapeutic communication. Lakatoo's research in four different hospitals in the
United States showed that nurses' communication was positively correlated with patient
satisfaction communication.
Research has been conducted Mongi (2020) with the title of the research on the
relationship between nurses' therapeutic communication and patient satisfaction levels in the
outpatient room of GMIM Kalooran Amurang hospital, illustrated that from a study
conducted on 42 respondents, it was found that most nurses had good therapeutic
Other research conducted by Kusumo (2017), with the title of the research on the
influence of nurse therapeutic communication on outpatient satisfaction at Jogja Hospital, it
was found that from the research conducted on 285 respondents, it was found that 147
respondents answered satisfied with outpatient services.
Research conducted by Faridah et al. (2021), with the title The Relationship between
Nursing Services and Therapeutic Communication with Inpatient Satisfaction at Dr.
Loekmono Hadi Kudus Hospital illustrates that most of the therapeutic communication is
stated to be good around 55.1%.
According to the Public Relations of Awal Bros Pekanbaru Hospital, through pre-
research on March 29, 2021 which interviewed 10 patients who had recovered from COVID-
19 who were treated in the inpatient room of Awal Bros Hospital, and received good
therapeutic communication from the nurses of the inpatient room of Awal Bros Hospital
Pekanbaru so that patients were enthusiastic about recovering from their illness.
The impact felt by the 10 confirmed COVID-19 patients who were treated in the
inpatient room of Awal Bros hospital, was physically and psychologically disturbing,
Penerapan Komunikasi Terapeutik Perawat Pada Motivasi Sembuh Pasien COVID-19
Diruang Rawat Inap Rumah Sakit Awal Bros Pekanbaru
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physically they suffered damage to the body in the lungs, and psychologically they
experienced fear, anxiety and discomfort during this pandemic. Awal Bros Pekanbaru
Hospital strives to provide treatment both physically and psychologically. This research has
been started from the beginning of 2020 to 2021.
This research method uses descriptive qualitative research with a phenomenological
approach and an in-depth interview method. Qualitative research is the process of capturing
information and actual conditions in the life of an object that is related to solving a problem,
both from a theoretical point of view and a practical point of view. Qualitative research aims
to describe, interpret and analyze data in depth, completeness and structure to obtain the
essence in the form of stories and language of each individual. (Nursalam, 2016). This study
aims to determine the relationship between therapeutic communication and motivation to
recover from confirmed COVID-19 patients. In this study, the analysis technique used is
qualitative data analysis. Data analysis was carried out throughout the study and was carried
out continuously from the beginning to the end of the study. The qualitative analysis process
is the process of reducing, summarizing, and taking the essence of the data that has been
collected, so that it becomes meaningful and simpler (Notoadmojo, 2012).
This study uses a triangulation technique by collecting data by other methods. In
qualitative research that uses interview, observation and survey techniques. To get the truth of
the information and a complete picture of the information obtained, the researcher can use
source triangulation. This research will be carried out at the Awal Bros Hospital Pekanbaru in
the Pinere inpatient room on the grounds that the Awal Bros Hospital Pekanbaru is one of the
private hospitals that has been certified by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia
Full Level Accreditation and ISO 9001 as well as Joint Commission International (JCI)
Accreditation and has collaborated with the Social Security Administration Agency (BPJS)
and the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia.
Although there are still some obstacles in its implementation such as noise, less time
from nurses due to the ever-increasing number of patients, cultural and language differences
from patients. Based on the observations of researchers in the field, nurses Based on the
results of interviews conducted by researchers on 11 respondents, it can be understood that the
implementation of therapeutic communication according to (Nurhayati et al., 2023), carried
out by nurses and doctors for COVID-19 patients who are being treated in the inpatient room
at Awal Bros Pekanbaru hospital can run well and be able to provide motivation to recover for
patients being treated. Nurses and doctors are able to maintain effective communication even
though it takes effort and hard work during the current pandemic situation.
conducting therapeutic communication in the inpatient room of Awal Bros Pekanbaru
hospital sometimes do not match what is desired as mentioned by (Afandi et al., 2023). This
can still be seen when nurses have begun to be exhausted because they have been using
personal protective equipment for a long time, therapeutic communication is no longer
effective. This is also evident when nurses have to serve many patients who exceed their
capacity, and when they have to prioritize patients who are critical and need intensive care.
The increasing number of COVID-19 cases being treated is a challenge for health workers to
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further improve communication with patients, in the hope that it will provide motivation for
patients to recover. The routine of activities that are very dense, the ratio of the number of
nurses and patients that do not match makes the nurses feel bored. Boredom causes feelings of
empathy to erode and even disappear from the daily life of nurses. To overcome this problem,
the hospital does several ways including rotating nurses, providing additional food and
vitamin intake, providing housing facilities so that they do not come into contact with family
after returning from work, and providing additional income.
In providing education to patients, it is hoped that health workers will not confuse
patients who are being treated, it is hoped that health workers will be able to create
innovations in communication so that patients can be motivated to pass difficult times while
being treated. An attitude of honesty must also be instilled, because honesty is the main
capital so that therapeutic communication is very valuable, without honesty it is impossible
for therapeutic communication between health workers and patients to establish a relationship
of mutual trust. In communicating with patients, doctors and nurses must be able to show an
attitude of openness and sensitivity to the patient's circumstances and conditions, as well as an
attitude of sincerity and sincerity. In communicating therapeutically with patients, health
workers must be able to ensure that the sentences spoken can be understood and understood
well by patients.
Researchers concluded that the implementation of therapeutic communication in the
inpatient rooms of COVID-19 patients was successfully carried out quite well, although the
obstacles found were very many, but the solutions they sought to be able to get out of the
problems caused by this pandemic succeeded in bringing their patients to be motivated to
recover immediately from the COVID-19 disease.
Some patients who are communicated with sometimes become very irritable. This can
happen because it is the nature of the patient or the effects of drugs that make him emotionally
vulnerable. The condition of irritable patients is certainly a big obstacle for nurses because
they have to choose well every sentence to be spoken. In communication that causes patients
to become irritable like this, nurses should apologize more so that patients become more
comfortable in communicating, even if the nurse has no mistakes. Sometimes the barriers that
occur in therapeutic communication do not only come from the patient, but also from the
nurse herself. Some nurses do not have the patience to conduct therapeutic communication.
This impatience can cause inhibition and even disconnection of therapeutic communication
carried out. Good therapeutic communication must also be supported with good insights by
the nurse.
Insight here means the ability to use and apply knowledge in therapeutic
communication. Every nurse has certainly received provisions on how to deal with patients
well and correctly. If the nurse's insight is lacking, then the therapeutic communication
carried out will certainly not be able to run well. The most interesting finding is that when
patients and nurses can establish friendship by conducting intensive communication during
the treatment period, it provides its own advantages for patients, where patients will feel more
comfortable and quickly recover, and the advantage for nurses is that they are happier in
Penerapan Komunikasi Terapeutik Perawat Pada Motivasi Sembuh Pasien COVID-19
Diruang Rawat Inap Rumah Sakit Awal Bros Pekanbaru
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carrying out their duties so that the burden will feel lighter so that empathy can be well
Patients before getting the orthopedic communication process experienced many
problems during treatment. Before they get therapeutic communication from health workers,
such as the patient becomes fussy about his condition, the patient feels disturbed by the
situation of his room, the patient feels very lonely because he is away from his family, and
small things that can change his or her emotional situation.
However, after receiving therapeutic communication from health workers, patients
understand and understand how to deal with difficult times in the midst of a pandemic, which
will provide motivation to be able to get out of problems and recover from COVID-19 soon.
Summary of the speakers
Positive thinking
Of the eleven speakers, all sa\\\\\\id that they tried to think positively in dealing with the
COVID-19 pandemic that is currently sweeping the world. The obstacle felt by all health
workers is the use of uncomfortable personal protective equipment, making emotions easily
changeable. The solution carried out by the resource persons is to create a comfortable
working atmosphere, so that they can think positively and act positively.
Empathy and not sympathy
All speakers said that empathy was eroded by the sense of boredom and fatigue caused
by the large number of cases and the high death rate caused by COVID-19. The obstacles felt
by health workers are the number of officers and the number of patients are not balanced. The
solution is to maintain the stamina of nurses by ensuring the intake of vitamins and nutritious
food, providing facilities for resting places after care and providing additional income.
All the speakers said that honesty should be prioritized in conducting therapeutic
communication, and this will build the patient's trust in the nurse who is caring for them. The
obstacle felt is the bad news caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, making it difficult for
patients to believe in what the nurses are doing can make them recover and escape the grip of
this pandemic.
Accept patients as they are
All speakers said that providing services to patients requires sincerity and sincerity, so
that patients can feel comfortable when being treated. The barriers felt by nurses are almost
non-existent, but one resource person said that sometimes it is difficult to communicate
because of the language barrier in patients. The solution is communication by making video
calls with the patient's family, nurses must be more patient in dealing with the patient.
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All the speakers said that sensitivity to the patient's feelings can be done by immediately
responding to the call, greeting if the patient looks pensive, and showing an open attitude
from the nurse. The obstacle felt is that sometimes there is an attitude that unintentionally
offends the patient. The solution is to increase concern for patients and the surrounding
Not confusing and expressive enough
All the speakers said that they must be able to communicate clearly and understandably
with the patient. The obstacle felt is the use of N95 masks, making nurses easily tired in
speaking. Solutions made with the help of stationery and mobile phones to communicate.
The results of the study in the inpatient room of Awal Bros Pekanbaru Riau hospital
showed that therapeutic communication between nurses and patients had gone well. This is
reflected in the way nurses provide gentle direct communication and pleasant facial
expressions to patients as well as with a talent for caring to patients by listening carefully to
patients' complaints. And this provides motivation to heal the patient being treated, with six
factors, namely positive thinking, empathy rather than sympathy, honesty, accepting the
patient as they are, sensitive to the patient's feelings, not confusing. Of the six therapeutic
communication factors, the best application by nurses and doctors at Awal Bros Pekanbaru
hospital is positive thinking, and the weakest is empathy.
Factors that hinder the establishment of therapeutic communication in the inpatient
room of Awal Bros Hospital Pekanbaru Riau are; lack of empathy for nurses due to boredom
due to very dense activity routines, inappropriate comparisons of the number of nurses and
patients. Boredom causes feelings of empathy to erode and even disappear from the daily life
of nurses. The solutions carried out by nurses and patients include increasing mental and
psychological training, getting closer to the creator, training themselves to be patient in the
midst of a pandemic, so that they can make peace with the situation, rotate nurses, maintain
nurses' stamina by providing extra food and vitamins, provide adequate facilities when nurses
are off guard, and provide additional income.
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R Sarmida Christina Simanjuntak, Vausani Irfa, Hermiyanti (2024)
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