How to cite:
Dian Alanudin (2024) Exploring The Strategic Role of Knowledge Transfer in Fostering Continuous
Innovation and Competitive Advantage in Indonesia Creative Industry 4.0, (06) 08,
Dian Alanudin
Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Jakarta, Indonesia
In Indonesia's Creative Industry 4.0, effective knowledge transfer is crucial for fostering
continuous innovation. Despite the country's cultural richness, the transfer of knowledge
within the creative sector remains suboptimal, hindering growth and innovation. Tacit
knowledge predominantly resides within individuals, limiting dissemination within
organizations and resulting in the loss of heritage and creative assets. However, amidst these
challenges, significant opportunities exist, Indonesia's creative industry, with notable unicorns
and a large workforce, has the potential for economic growth and development. Yet, the
transition to Industry 4.0 demands enhanced knowledge transfer capabilities. While Industry
4.0 presents opportunities for Indonesia to compete globally, effective knowledge transfer
remains limited. This study aims to address this gap by investigating the nature and
consequences of knowledge transfer within Indonesia's creative industry, with a focus on
fostering continuous innovation. By prioritizing knowledge transfer and leveraging ICT and
HRM resources, firms can enhance their competitive advantage and performance in the
dynamic landscape of Industry 4.0. Through this research, insights are provided to facilitate
sustained growth and innovation in Indonesia's creative industry.
Keywords: Knowledge transfer, continuous innovation, knowledge creation, creative industry
Indonesia is the world's biggest archipelago, with 17,508 islands populated by over 360
ethnic groups. Indonesia is rich in cultural diversity and customs, with a very stunning natural
landscape, accompanied by a variety of excellent gastronomic pleasures. This is one of the
main factors supporting the creative industry in Indonesia that should be able to grow and
develop optimally (van den Broek et al., 2021). However, this is difficult to happen because
the archiving and transfer of knowledge from one generation to the next is not going well.
This phenomenon is also reflected in the Indonesian creative industry. knowledge is still in
the individual as tacit knowledge has not resided in the company or organization. Knowledge
transfer within and between organizations in Indonesia's creative industry 4.0 is still lacking.
The primary transfer of knowledge occurs between individuals (tacit to tacit) or between
individuals and organizations (tacit to explicit). Individuals still have intrinsic knowledge,
skills, and abilities that cannot be adequately developed and distributed in the creative
business. 4.0. It is not adequately distributed and transferred inside the company or
organization (Argote & Ingram, 2000). Changes in the knowledge or performance of recipient
pISSN: 2723-4339 e-ISSN: 2548-1398
Vol. 6, No. 08, Agustus 2024
Exploring The Strategic Role of Knowledge Transfer in Fostering Continuous Innovation and
Competitive Advantage in Indonesia Creative Industry 4.0
Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 08, Agustus 2024 3793
units can indicate that organizational knowledge, such as routines or best practices, has been
transferred. Transferring organizational information, such as best practices, can be a tough
task. This phenomenon has resulted in a lot of heritage and creative assets being lost and
cannot be optimally developed and disseminated for the expansion of creative industry 4.0.
These conditions make it difficult to preserve and innovate in a sustainable manner for the
organizations. For example, the extinct traditional food recipes, the extinction of batik skills,
or the creativity of making digital films are not transferred, developed, and reside in the
organization (Casadesus‐Masanell & Zhu, 2013).
Besides all the obstacles, live beneath the opportunities and challenges behind them.
Indonesia's creative industry in the industrial era 4.0 is still promising. Although it is not an
easy task to create a knowledge transfer to increase the capabilities and competitive advantage
of an organization, this fundamental asset is needed to create many opportunities. Industry
creative is thick with idea creation and creation in creating and developing products and
services. because the character of the industry emphasizes creativity, knowledge is often in
tacit knowledge and not disseminated into explicit knowledge (Krishnamoorthi & Mathew,
Indonesia has one decacorn (Go-Jek) and four unicorns: Ovo, Tokopedia, Bukalapak,
and Traveloka. Furthermore, Indonesia employs 17 million people in the creative industry
sector. As an inclusive economy, creative economy 4.0 has the ability to generate and enhance
wealth, improve quality of life, and promote human development. According to the findings
of these projects, businesses all over the world should begin to shift their perspectives on the
world today in order to support continuous innovation in the world of future (Mikalef et al.,
2020). Successful discovery, management, and the ability to transfer knowledge within and
across the company are growing. Nonetheless, corporations are not adequately prepared for
this challenge, much alone enter industry 4.0. Finally, in the new future brought about by the
fourth industrial revolution, success is defined by information transmission and management.
Furthermore, most businesses, whether large and small, have already recognized the value of
information transfer (Ferreira Moutinho, 2016). Companies in the creative industry 4.0
recognize knowledge transfer as a critical competence that adds value. Optimizing the
utilization of knowledge transfer through talents, abilities, and information is one strategy to
enhance Indonesia's creative industry 4.0, allowing them to compete worldwide (Nambisan,
Zahra, et al., 2019).
Knowledge transfer is indispensable for the sustainability of product and service
development in the creative industry 4.0. through interconnection, world knowledge transfer
should be facilitated with the assistance of technology. In addition, by increasing human
intelligence, and the ability to produce creative ideas obtained through experience, the
inability to knowledge transfer can be minimized.
Dian Alanudin
3794 Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 08, Agustus 2024
Figure 1. Indonesia five sectors priority with regional competitiveness
Figure 2. The Five Sectors “Making Indonesia 4.0”
The five industries highlighted in Indonesia's "making 4.0" initiative are all critical to
the global economy, and Indonesia must become a big player in these sectors. The
aforementioned "Making Indonesia 4.0" roadmap lists five sectors as priority sectors: food
and beverage, automotive, textiles, electronics, and chemicals. Thus, these sectors are
predicted to boost the country's exports in the future and promote the growth of the
manufacturing sector's contribution to Indonesia's GDP. All parties must commit and work
together to achieve the road map's success. Knowledge transfer is important to industry 4.0
and the new digital economy. Knowledge transfer is becoming increasingly common and
important, as are the opportunities that come with it (Nambisan, Wright, et al., 2019).
Adequate competencies and technologies are essential for catching up with these new
prospects. Organisations must adopt creative techniques and ways of thinking in order to
establish and sustain a competitive advantage. This means that organizations must be able to
use new capabilities, such as advanced technology, modern management methods, or
innovative business strategies, to safeguard and advance the interests of all stakeholders,
including employees, customers, business partners, and shareholders (Sonenshein et al.,
2017). Furthermore, organizations must seek out and capitalize on new market opportunities,
generate additional revenue streams, and provide innovative consumer experiences.
Furthermore, by developing and retaining long-term knowledge, companies ensure that all
parties engaged reap long-term advantages from their efforts, so improving the organisation's
Exploring The Strategic Role of Knowledge Transfer in Fostering Continuous Innovation and
Competitive Advantage in Indonesia Creative Industry 4.0
Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 08, Agustus 2024 3795
market competitiveness. To summarize, the new ecosystem offered by industry 4.0 comprises
new collaborative operational models that use information transfer as insight to make
decisions and increase operating efficiency while supporting continuous innovation. With the
amount of information flow in Industry 4.0, businesses require new competencies in this
increasingly interconnected environment. One such skill is knowledge transmission in
Indonesia's creative 4.0 (Teece, 2010).
From these viewpoints, the researcher perceives many hurdles, problems, and
opportunities in the Indonesian creative industry 4.0 phenomena. Individuals still have
intrinsic knowledge, skills, and abilities that cannot be adequately cultivated and transmitted
to enhance the creative sector. 4.0. Knowledge transmission is not sufficiently
institutionalized inside the enterprise or organization. Important factors, such as tacit and
explicit knowledge, as well as internal and external resources to assist knowledge transfer in
the creative 4.0 business, are still underdeveloped. Crucial resources such as information and
communication technology (ICT) and human resource management (HRM) remain
underexplored in the creative business, resulting in undeveloped knowledge transmission.
Furthermore, the promising nature of Indonesia's creative industry 4.0 provides numerous
prospects for growth and overcome a critical gap, namely the strategic role of knowledge
transfer in establishing a new competitive advantage and sustaining growth through constant
innovation. This situation is at the heart of the key issue that will enable Indonesia's creative
industry 4.0 to contribute more to the country's GDP through value creation while also
promoting a long-term influence on the three bottom lines: people, environment, and profit.
From the phenomenon explained above, the lack of knowledge transfer in the creative
industry 4.0 induces difficulties in fostering continuous innovation, this event is the focus of
this study. These knowledge transfer processes as intangible assets that are crucial to enhance
the firm competitive advantage in creative industry 4.0 through continuous innovation.
Knowledge transfer is an important competency to create and foster opportunity creations and
in the end, will be enhancing continuous innovation. Without this capability and skills, the
firms will find difficulty in developing continuously and sustaining growth in industry 4.0.
The purpose of this study is to contribute to knowledge transfer and innovation area
through investigating the nature of this new capability that leads to certain knowledge and
innovation activities and its consequences to the industry 4.0 firms' competitive advantage
performance. Furthermore, this study also sheds light on implementing knowledge transfer of
innovation practice in industry 4.0 companies. These efforts are trying to extend and integrate
our understanding of knowledge transfer through new phenomena and perspectives, especially
in Indonesia’s creative industry 4.0.
The way the company optimizes and maximizes the use of knowledge in fostering its
continuous innovation in industry 4.0 is crucial for the company to cope with the turbulent
environment nowadays. There are several competencies needed in utilizing knowledge
transfer to improve continuous innovation activities in industry 4.0. This study aims at
investigating and raises a research question: “How does knowledge transfer contribute to
fostering continuous innovation and creating competitive advantage in Indonesia's Creative
Industry 4.0?” This research consists of three sections that start with the introduction that
explains the phenomenon as a background and the importance of this study. Secondly, discuss
the conceptual and theoretical framework used in this study starting from the field of the
research, grand theory, up until the derived proposition approach and discusses the theoretical
proposed model development. Finally, the last section discusses the conclusions remarks of
this research
Dian Alanudin
3796 Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 08, Agustus 2024
This study employs a qualitative approach using a case study method to gain an in-depth
understanding of the phenomenon of knowledge transfer within Indonesia's creative industry
in the era of Industry 4.0. This approach allows for an in-depth exploration of the processes,
challenges, and opportunities associated with knowledge transfer within creative
organizations. The research adopts an exploratory design aimed at identifying and
understanding the factors influencing the effectiveness of knowledge transfer. The case
studies focus on creative companies in Indonesia that have implemented elements of Industry
4.0, including the use of information and communication technology (ICT) and innovative
human resource management (HRM).
Based on the knowledge transfer in fostering continuous innovation in the context of
knowledge and innovation research as well as the theoretical discussed above, in this section,
the propositions are developed based on the previous study in the literature to address the
research question mention in introduction section. The proposed model is based on the
theories presented in figure 2.4. In this model, knowledge creation performs as the mediation
of knowledge transfer and continuous innovation. In the end, competitive advantage is a
consequence output. Therefore, in