An Analysis of Using Slang Word in Social Media X
Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 08, Agustus 2024 3569
From the diagram above, it can be seen that the slang words used on social media X for
the 3 samples researcher took are fresh and creative of 17%, flippant of 17%, imitative of
23%, acronym of 20% and clipping of 23%. The slang words most frequently used by the 3
samples that researchers took on social media X were Clipping and imitative with a
percentage of 23%.
Based on research result regarding the analysis of the use of slang word on social media
X, It can be concluded that slang is a form of language that is changed or shortened, so that
the concept is shorter and easier to understand by certain groups. According to Chaer and
Agustina (2014), slang words are a unique and secret social type that is only used by certain
groups. This is very limited and unknown to people outside the group. In this study,
researchers analyzed the use of slang words on three of X's social media accounts from 2017
to 2024, Taylor Swift, Ed Sheeran HQ, and Lady Gaga Now. Researchers found 5 types of
slang words used by 3 users of social media account X, namely fresh and creative, flippant,
imitative, acronyms, and clipping. The types of slang words that most used on social media X
are clipping and imitation with a percentage of 23%. This research highlights the importance
of understanding and utilizing slang words to improve communication and understanding
between various social media platforms.
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