Reinventing Ethical Substance of Pancasila in Article 33 of the 1945 Constitution: a Study of
Indonesia’s Actual Economic System Based on Honneth’s Young Hegelian Concept of Social
Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 08, Agustus 2024 3557
Pancasila to economic practices that are in accordance with Pancasila values) by involving the
people in extractive economic sectors related to natural resources such as fishing businesses,
salt manufacturing businesses, businesses in forestry, mining, plantation, and animal
husbandry sectors. Extractive businesses have an important role in utilizing natural resources,
opening jobs, and increasing economic profits. Extractive economic activities that involve the
people will increase people's awareness of economic democracy and political democracy in
environmental security-oriented economic activities and community welfare-oriented
economic activities (Sutrisna, Kurnia, Siagian, Ismadji, & Wenten, 2022). This is important to
consider morally and decide politically, including:
First, how to use natural resources efficiently and sustainably by involving the
community in managing natural resources such as mines, forests, and plantations together
with the state or state-owned enterprises as the implementation of Article 33, (1-5) in the 1945
Second, how to implement economic democracy, which means the economy must be
based on the principles of togetherness, efficiency, justice, and people's welfare. In practice,
this leads to policies of income redistribution, protection of workers' rights, and more
equitable access to economic opportunities.
Third, how state ownership of strategic sectors can influence foreign investment so that
the involvement of foreign investors in state ownership can provide legal certainty for
people's welfare and sufficient stability for investment.
Fourth, how State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) are responsible for managing vital
sectors such as energy, transportation and telecommunications can affect the efficiency,
quality of service and resilience of the country's economy.
Fifth, what is the balance between public and private interests in managing natural
resources? The private sector also plays a role in creating jobs, innovation, and economic
Amendment of Article 33 (1-5) in the 1945 Constitution is a manifestation of the
noble values or morality of Pancasila that in economic practice, Pancasila values underlie and
legitimize economic development to bring justice to all Indonesians. Article 33 contains the
economic foundations and management of natural resources to be conducted as follows.
Article 33, Paragraph (1) The economy is structured as a joint venture based on the
principle of kinship. The meaning of Article 33, Paragraph (1) is that the economic system
used and developed should not use competitive and individualistic principles. This verse can
be interpreted if the economy is structured from the national level to various regions in
Indonesia. According to Vlieks, (2022) the entire economic structure is based on the principle
of kinship.
Article 33, Paragraph (2) Branches of production which are important for the state and
which affect the lives of many people are controlled by the state. Article 33 Paragraph (3)
Earth and water and the natural resources contained therein are controlled by the state and
used for the greatest prosperity of the people. The meaning of Article 33, Paragraphs (2 and 3)
is that all branches of production from the earth and water which affect the lives of many
people can be processed and used by the state for the benefit of the wider community and for
the prosperity of the people. Control by the state means that the economy is not only
controlled by individuals or groups of people but must be used for the benefit of the wider
community and for the prosperity of all people. Therefore, control of economic resources that
concern the public interest is controlled by the state.
Article 33, Paragraph (4) The national economy is organized based on economic
democracy with the principles of togetherness, fair efficiency, sustainability, environmental