Analysis of Factors that Influence the Use of Online Investment Applications (Ajaib)
Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 08, Agustus 2024 3503
Overall, the variables used in the research are all fit to use, with the overall quality of
the outer model declared valid through convergent and discriminant validity tests. All model
variables are also reliable with all dependent variables having the ability to influence the
dependent variable with at least a weak effect. Overall, the variables used in the research are
all fit to use, with the overall quality of the external model being considered valid even when
testing convergent and discriminant validity. All model variables are also reliable with all
dependent variables having the ability to influence their dependent variables with at least a
weak effect.
This research contributes to studying the acceptance of Ajaib Application from PT
Takjub Teknologi Indonesia in order to fulfill the sources for studying the Indonesian fintech
acceptance model. Furthermore, this research is expected to provide evidence regarding the
influence of User Interface (UI), perceived security (PS), perceived risk (PR), perceived
usefulness, perceived ease of use, attitudes towards use, and Behavioral Intention to Use on
Actual System Usage of Ajaib online investment application. For companies, it is hoped that
the results of this research will be useful as consideration and input for PT Takjub Teknologi
Indonesia in an effort to increase interest in using the Ajaib mutual fund application. For
future researchers, this research can be used as a reference source regarding the factors that
influence investors' interest in using the Ajaib mutual fund application. For investors and the
public, it is hoped that this research can be used as a source of information so that it can
provide insight to investors and the public that the Ajaib mutual fund application can be easily
used to support mutual fund transactions
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