How to cite:
Intan Puspita Rini, Dwi Muhammad Naufal, Muhammad Syahrul Kanji, Tiara Amelia, Esa
Nurjannah (2024) Analysis of Factors Affecting the Stock Price of Manufacturing Companies in the
Food and Beverage Sub-Sector Listed on the IDX in 2020-2022, (06) 07,
Published by:
Ridwan Institute
Intan Puspita Rini, Dwi Muhammad Naufal, Muhammad Syahrul Kanji, Tiara
Amelia, Esa Nurjannah
Universitas Islam Jakarta, Indonesia
The purpose of this journal is to investigate the influence of profitability and liquidity
on the stock prices of manufacturing companies, particularly in the food and beverage
subsector listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) during the period 2020-2022.
The background of this journal stems from increased competition in the business world,
prompting companies to adapt to avoid bankruptcy. One way to enhance capital is
through the sale of stocks. The data sources for this journal are financial reports of
manufacturing companies, specifically in the food and beverage subsector listed on the
IDX from 2020 to 2022. The type of data used is secondary data derived from financial
reports of companies in the food and beverage subsector listed on the IDX during the
period 2020-2022, with a population consisting of 87 companies. The sampling method
employed was purposive sampling, resulting in a total of 23 companies and 69 research
samples from 2020 to 2022. This journal employs data analysis techniques including
various regression analysis methods. Based on the research findings from various
methodologies, it is found that profitability (Net Profit Margin) significantly influences
stock prices. However, liquidity (Current Ratio) does not significantly affect food and
beverage companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX).
Keywords: Stock Price, Liquidity, and Profitability.
In the increasingly advanced business world, Indonesia is one of the countries that
offers promising market potential in investment, especially in the manufacturing industry.
As a work unit that produces products, a company must utilize the right sources of
internal and external funding to increase production capacity and other investments.
Before investing in the capital market, of course, investors do careful calculations and
considerations. Understanding the magnitude of the influence of variables that can affect
the effect of fluctuations on purchases requires gathering a variety of information.
Changes in supply and demand can affect stock prices. For investors, stock price is a
pISSN: 2723-4339 e-ISSN: 2548-1398
Vol. 6, No. 07, Juli 2024
Analysis of Factors Affecting the Stock Price of Manufacturing Companies in the Food and
Beverage Sub-Sector Listed on the IDX in 2020-2022
Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 07, Juli 2024 3269
benchmark of a company's good or bad performance. Companies must operate in pursuit
of maximum profits and share those profits with investors to create mutual wealth.
The capital market is an effective platform to increase fund growth through
investment, where investors invest capital in the form of stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and
other securities which are then sold and bought in the capital market. Therefore, the
capital market can be considered as like the goods and services market in general, there
are buying and selling transactions between business entities and investors. One way that
entrepreneurs can use to raise funds is by investing in the capital market. When a
company makes an investment, it receives funds from investors who have invested their
capital in the company with the aim of increasing the development and growth of the
Stocks are one of the most common financial products and can be traded by the
general public through stock exchanges and investment companies. The advantages of
investing in stocks can be divided into two categories: dividends and capital gains.
Dividends are a part of the profits distributed by the company to investors as a result of
the profits earned by the company. Meanwhile, Capital gain is the result of the subtraction
of the price at the time of buying with the price at the time of sale. On the other hand, the
risks of investing in stocks include the risk of liquidation and Capital Loss.
The stock price itself continues to fluctuate, so investors are expected to conduct a
comprehensive analysis to minimize risk and increase profits. An important factor in
analyzing stock prices is the availability of financial statements of public companies.
Many accounting procedures included in financial statements serve as a means of
interaction between real financial events, the activities of business organizations, and
shareholders (stockholders).
According to (Simanjuntak, 2024), several fundamental factors affect stock prices
as independent variables, namely Earnings Per Share (EPS), Dividend Per Share (DPS),
Net Profit Margin (NPM), Return On Assets (ROA), and Price Earning Rition (PER).
They are considered a good indicator for investment decision-making. These factors
significantly influence a stock's price level, so it cannot be assumed that the stock price
will be stable or fluctuate depending on the company's performance. Companies in the
food and beverage industry need to maintain financial performance and maintain business
performance in order to achieve the goals of their establishment and attract investors to
invest their money. The financial performance of a company is a comprehensive picture
of the company's financial position, which is analyzed using financial analysis tools. The
various types of financial performance analyzed include liquidity ratios, activity,
solvency, profitability, and profitability. Financial ratio analysis involves calculating and
interpreting financial ratios obtained from financial information contained in financial
statements. These financial ratios are used to reflect the financial state of the company and
provide a clearer picture of the company's financial position. Therefore, ratio analysis can
be used as an effective tool to predict the financial status and future performance of a
company. The financial condition of a company plays an important role when analyzing
stock price performance.
Intan Puspita Rini, Dwi Muhammad Naufal, Muhammad Syahrul Kanji, Tiara Amelia,
Esa Nurjannah
3270 Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 07, Juli 2024
Profitability is a company's ability to generate profits that shows that the company
can meet its obligations to lenders and is an important element in determining the
company's future prospects. Profitability is a measure used to assess a company's ability
to generate profits as stated by Kasmir in 2018. To maintain stability and existence in the
business world, every company certainly strives for high profitability, which determines
the company's survival in the future. In addition, profitability also affects investor policies
and investments. If a company has good profitability, then many investors will invest in
the company or invest in its shares. To measure the size of the profit margin, the net profit
margin (NPM) is used. This ratio shows what percentage of net profit is generated from
each sale. Net profit margin is a ratio used to measure the ratio of net profit to net sales
(Mustakim, 2021).
At the same time, in increasing the profit of a company, the company's management
must be able to reduce costs effectively and efficiently so that the increase can run
smoothly. If a company has high profitability, it must be accompanied by a good level of
liquidity ratio. This makes it easier for the company to allocate dividend funds to
shareholders, while strengthening its liquidity position. (Aryanto, 2023) explained that the
liquidity ratio measures a company's ability to meet its short-term obligations. This ratio
is very important because failure to pay obligations can lead to the bankruptcy of the
company. This ratio measures a company's short-term liquidity capacity by looking at
current assets against its liabilities.
To measure the level of liquidity, researchers use the Current Ratio (CR) which can
measure the liquidity status of a company and also as an indicator to find out and predict
the extent of the company's ability to meet its financial obligations. The current ratio can
show the ability of a company's current assets to cover its short-term liabilities (Harahap,
From the results of a previous study by Hakim, Pasaribu, Gulo, Katharina, &
Kalsum, (2023) the study discussed how Earnings Per Share, Return On Equity, and Net
Profit Margin affect the stock prices of consumer goods industry companies listed on the
Indonesia Stock Exchange (Harahap, 2011; Lutfi & Sunardi, 2019). The results of the
partial test (t-test) show that Earnings Per Share has a significant influence on the stock
price. Meanwhile, the Ratio on Equity does not have a significant effect on the stock
price, and the Net Profit Margin also does not have a significant effect on the stock price.
In the research of Haryani, (2021) they discussed how liquidity, profitability, and
solvency of companies affect the stock prices of banking companies listed on the
Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). The study shows that the Current Ratio, Return on
Asset, and Debt to Equity Ratio have a significant influence on the Stock Price
simultaneously. But on the other hand, the Current Ratio and Debt to Equity Ratio do not
have a significant influence on stock prices (Tangngisalu, 2022).
Based on the previous studies mentioned above, there is a difference (research gap)
in the results of these studies. Therefore, the researcher is interested in examining the
influence of profitability (net profit margin) and liquidity (current ratio) of manufacturing
Analysis of Factors Affecting the Stock Price of Manufacturing Companies in the Food and
Beverage Sub-Sector Listed on the IDX in 2020-2022
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companies on stock prices in the food and beverage subsector listed on the IDX from
2020 to 2022.
This type of research uses quantitative research. According to Sugiono, (2019),
quantitative research is a research method based on the philosophy of positivism, which
is considered a scientific method because it has fulfilled the rules concretely or
empirically, objectively, measurably, rationally, and systematically.
The type of data source for this research is secondary data derived from the
financial statements of manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock
Exchange (IDX) in the food and beverage subsector for the period 2020 to 2022. The
sampling method used in this study is the purposive sampling method, so that a sample
of 69 data was obtained from 2020 to 2022 as seen in Table 1.
Table 1 Sampling Criteria
Food and beverage sub-sector companies listed on the IDX for the
period 2020-2022
Companies that do not publish complete financial statements
Companies that are not profitable from 2020-2022
Sample Size
Source: Data processed
The population in this study consists of company data totaling 87 companies.
Based on the specified sampling criteria, a sample of 23 company data was obtained.
The sample of company data collected from 2020 to 2022 amounted to 69.
The data analysis of this study includes the Classical Assumption Test, Model
Conformance Test, Multiple Linear Regression Test, and Hypothesis Test. This analysis
was carried out using the SPSS22 application, which is known to have high statistical
calculation capabilities (Hustia, Arifai, Afrilliana, & Novianty, 2021). The model
framework in this study is:
Figure 1. Research Model
Based on the research model used, the hypothesis generated for this study is:
H1 : Profitability (X1) has a significant influence on the stock price (Y).
H2: liquidity (X2) has a significant influence on stock price(Y).
Transformasi data menggunakan SPSS adalah upaya yang bertujuan untuk
Scaling the size of the original data into another format that meets the assumptions of
diverse analysis. There are three reasons why data is transformed according to Ghozali,
(2013), namely: (1) errors in data input, (2) failure to specify the existence of missing
Intan Puspita Rini, Dwi Muhammad Naufal, Muhammad Syahrul Kanji, Tiara Amelia,
Esa Nurjannah
3272 Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 07, Juli 2024
values in computer programs, (3) the existence of extreme values that are not distributed
normally. In this study, the transformation used is Log Natural (LN) in SPSS.
Figure 1 Normality Test Results
Source : Results of data processing through SPSS ver.22, 2024
In Figure 1 above, the results of the normality test show that the significance value
(p-value) of 0.000 is less than or below 0.05, so the combined test data shows that the
data is not normally distributed. In Statistics, if the data is not normally distributed, then
data transformation can be carried out to change the scale of the original data size into
another form that meets the underlying assumptions of statistical analysis. The purpose
of SPSS data transformation is to change the size scale of the original data into another
form that allows for more effective statistical analysis (Ghozali, 2013). The results of
the data normality test after removing the outlier and using SPSS version 22 can be seen
in the following table:
Figure 2 Results of the normality test after the transform
Analysis of Factors Affecting the Stock Price of Manufacturing Companies in the Food and
Beverage Sub-Sector Listed on the IDX in 2020-2022
Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 07, Juli 2024 3273
Source : Results of data processing through SPSS ver.22, 2024
In table 2.2, the significance value (p-value) obtained is greater than the
significance level of 0.05, which is 0.200. Therefore, it can be seen that the normality
test data is normally distributed according to the outlier data.
Figure 3 Determination Test Results (R2)
Source : Results of data processing through SPSS ver.22, 2024
Based on figure 3, the adjust R-squared value is obtained at 0.269. This value
shows that 26.9% of the stock price variation (Y) in this study can be explained by the
independent variables of net profit margin (NPM) and current ratio (CR). While the
remaining 73.1% is explained by other variables that are not included in the model
Figure 4 Partial Test (t-Test) of NPM and CR Variables After Transform
Source : Results of data processing through SPSS ver.22, 2024
Based on Table 2.5, t calculated the NPM variable (X1) has a value of 7.354 and a
significance of 0.000. Since his Significance value was less than 5% alpha, Ha was
accepted and Ho was rejected. This shows that NPM (X1) as an individual has a
significant influence on the stock price. On the other hand, the t calculation variable CR
(X2) has a value of -0.813 and a significance of 0.419. Because the significance
exceeded 5% alpha, Ha was rejected and Ho was accepted. This means that CR (X2)
does not have a significant influence on the stock price individually.
Figure 5 Multiple Linear Regression Test After Transform
Source : Results of data processing through SPSS ver.22, 2024
From the results of the regression analysis, a constant value of 9.345, a regression
coefficient value to profitability (X1) of 0.772, and a liquidity coefficient value (X2) of
-0.159 were obtained. In this study, the equations of the multiple regression model
developed to test hypotheses are:
Intan Puspita Rini, Dwi Muhammad Naufal, Muhammad Syahrul Kanji, Tiara Amelia,
Esa Nurjannah
3274 Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 07, Juli 2024
α = Constant
β1, β 2 = Regression coefficient of each proxy
Y = Stock price
X1 = Profitability
X2 = Liquidity
e = error
The meaning of the resulting regression equation is:
The value of the α constant of 9.345 shows that when profitability and liquidity
are valued at 0, then the stock price is 9.345.
The value of the profitability regression coefficient is 0.772 with a positive value.
Thus, it can be assumed that every 1 unit increase in profitability will increase the share
price by 0.772 units, with other independent variables considered constant. The value of
the liquidity regression coefficient is -0.159 with a negative value. It can be assumed
that every increase of 1 unit of liquidity will decrease the stock price by -0.159 units,
with other independent variables considered constant.
Profitability as measured by net profit margin has a significant influence on stock
prices. This is evidenced by the results of the t-count test of 7.354 with a significance of
0.000. Based on these facts, it can be concluded that Ha was accepted and Ho was
rejected, meaning that a significant influence of NPM was found partially on the stock
price. This is in accordance with previous research conducted by Widiawati & Ilat,
(2016) that NPM has a significant influence on the stock price of banking companies
listed on the IDX. Nainggolan, (2019)also found something similar in his research. The
NPM ratio indicates a company's ability to generate net profit. When net profit
increases, investors are more willing to buy the stock, causing the stock price to rise.
Liquidity measured by the Current Ratio does not have a significant effect on the
stock price. This is strengthened by the results of the t-count test of -0.813, with a
significance value of 0.419. Based on these facts, it can be concluded that if Ha is
rejected and Ho is accepted, then there is no significant influence of CR on the stock
price partially. The results of this study are in line with previous research conducted by
(Sunardi, Husain, & Kadim, 2020) which revealed that the liquidity represented by the
Curent Ratio did not have a significant influence on the share price of manufacturing
companies in the food and beverage subsector listed on the IDX in the 2020-2022
period. These findings also support previous research that shows that if a company has
good liquidity, then investors do not need to worry about whether the capital invested in
the company will provide profits or not. This is because investors tend to avoid
companies with low liquidity because they will suffer losses. The percentage
contribution of the influence supported by profitability and liquidity variables on the
share price of the food and beverage subsector is 26.9%, and the remaining 73.1% is
Analysis of Factors Affecting the Stock Price of Manufacturing Companies in the Food and
Beverage Sub-Sector Listed on the IDX in 2020-2022
Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 07, Juli 2024 3275
explained by external variables (Amir et al., 2023). This can be seen from the results of
the determination coefficient test with an R-squared value of 0.269.
Based on this study, it was concluded that the profitability variable (X1): the
probability variable measured by the net profit margin proved to have a significant
influence on the stock price, so H1 was accepted. This shows that the higher the NPM,
the more productive the company's performance, so that investors can be more
confident in investing in the company. This conclusion is in accordance with the theory
that profitability has a positive effect on stock prices. Liquidity Variable (X2): H2 was
rejected because it proved that the liquidity variable (X2) measured by the Current Ratio
had no effect on the stock price. This shows that the company's ability to meet its short-
term obligations is not met. Generally, the higher the liquidity ratio, the greater the
company's ability to meet its short-term obligations. This conclusion is different from
previous research which found that liquidity has a negative effect on stock prices
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Copyright holder:
Intan Puspita Rini, Dwi Muhammad Naufal, Muhammad Syahrul Kanji, Tiara Amelia,
Esa Nurjannah (2024)
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Syntax Idea
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