How to cite:
Chelly Theresye Langi (2024) Human Resource Development to Improve Employee Performance at
the Sulawesi One River Regional Center, North Sulawesi Province, (06) 07,
Published by:
Ridwan Institute
Chelly Theresye Langi, Maria H. Pratiknjo, Burhan Niode
Universitas Sam Ratulangi, Indonesia
This research aims to analyze human resource development to improve employee
performance at the Sulawesi River One Regional Office, North Sulawesi Province. The
research uses a research design with a qualitative descriptive approach. This research focuses
on the stages of HR development as a strategy to improve employee performance based on
indicators consisting of motivation, personality and with 12 informants. Data analysis is
carried out in the stages of data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions or
verification. The research results show that in the context of developing human resources to
improve employee performance at BWS 1 North Sulawesi Province on motivation indicators,
there are two forms of motivation, namely direct motivation and indirect motivation. Where
direct motivation is in the form of praise, awards, bonuses and service stars. Meanwhile,
indirect motivation involves providing job support facilities. Developing human resources
from personality indicators, leaders build a sense of ownership of the work given, a "sense of
belonging" and provide a form of cadre formation for subordinates by developing skills at
work. Based on skill indicators, employees are given coaching and counseling that is oriented
towards the ability to carry out work with quality results and leaders hone employees' abilities
by providing work and individuals must be willing to develop themselves, including being
able to take advantage of digital opportunities as part of self-investment and being able to set
priorities well. The conclusion of this research is that human resource development for
employees at BWS 1 North Sulawesi province has been carried out in order to improve
employee performance both in terms of motivation, personality and skills.
Keywords: Strategy, Development, HR, Performance
Performance is very important and has an attraction because it is very beneficial, where
an institution or organization wants employees to be able to carry out their work in
accordance with their abilities to achieve the goal of good work results (Eka S, Sunoharyo, &
Utami, 2016). Without good performance from all employees, success in achieving goals will
be very difficult to achieve. Performance basically includes mental attitudes and behaviors
that always have the view that the work carried out today must be of higher quality than the
performance of past work. Employees will feel proud and satisfied with their achievements
based on the performance they provide for the workplace.
pISSN: 2723-4339 e-ISSN: 2548-1398
Vol. 6, No. 07, Juli 2024
Human Resource Development to Improve Employee Performance at the Sulawesi One River
Regional Center, North Sulawesi Province
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Performance has become a terminology or concept used for various discussions and
discussions, especially in the framework of encouraging the success of organizations or
human resources. Especially today, organizations are faced with the challenges of high
competition, the era of global market competition, advances in information technology, and
increasingly wide demands of customers or service users (Putri & Muid, 2017). In fact,
performance is a key question to the effectiveness of work or the success of an organization
where an institution or organization depends on the resources it has where human resources
are the most important resources in an organization or institution.
Human resources are the most important or main asset for an organization or institution
that is an active planner and actor in all activities carried out in the organization or institution
(Dessler, 2015). Human resources have thoughts, feelings, desires, status, and educational
backgrounds whose mindset can be brought into an organizational environment. In other
words, the success of an organization or institution is supported by the existence of qualified
human resources who are motivated to carry out the tasks and responsibilities given and have
attitudes and behaviors as well as habits, ethics and morals and have skills as the ability to
carry out the tasks given (Rosi, Suparman, & Pdi, 2020).
An organization or institution is formed to achieve a certain goal. Organizations can be
in the form of improving services, fulfilling market demands, improving the quality of
products or services, increasing competitiveness, and improving organizational performance.
Each organization, team, or individual can define its own goals. The achievement of
organizational goals shows the work results/work achievements of the organization and shows
as the performance or performance of the organization. The results of the organization's work
are obtained from a series of activities carried out by the organization. To ensure that these
activities can achieve the expected results. Management efforts are needed in carrying out
their activities through human resource development, including the human resource
development process.
The human resource development carried out includes various tasks in operational
activities, to improve the performance of employees consisting of various sections
(Rosmajudi, 2019). The implementation of human resource development at the Sulawesi I
River Regional Center of North Sulawesi Province is aimed at providing additional
knowledge in the form of theory and practice for employees. With the knowledge gained in
the training, it is hoped that employee performance can improve. Office operational activities
are mostly carried out by operational employees. To be able to carry out operational activities
properly, skilled and good performance operational employees are needed. The Sulawesi
River Regional Center I, North Sulawesi Province carries out human resource development
for its operational employees with the aim of being able to improve employee performance so
that it can support the company's operational activities to the maximum.
The implementation of human resource development must be well planned to get
satisfactory results and in accordance with expectations. Before implementing, it is necessary
to conduct an analysis to find out the type and method of development needed by employees.
Choosing the right method will help in the smooth implementation. To find out whether the
results obtained are in accordance with the objectives, an evaluation of the implementation of
human resource development is needed. With careful planning, it is hoped that the
implementation of human resource development can run in accordance with the goals that the
company wants to achieve (Puspita & Harto, 2014).
The Human Resource Development Strategy (HR) must be in line with the
organization's business strategy, because to achieve the business strategy that has been
outlined, the cooperation of human elements that support it is needed. Therefore, to achieve
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this goal, a strategy is needed to achieve it. This is because strategy is the basic alternative
chosen in an effort to achieve goals based on the consideration that the selected alternative is
estimated to be the most optimal (Rosmajudi, 2019).
Strategy is at the heart of every decision taken now and concerns the future. Each
strategy is always associated with an effort to achieve a goal in the future, both near and far.
Without the goal you want to achieve, there is no need to develop a strategy. Furthermore, a
strategy can only be developed if there are at least two options. Without it, people simply take
the only alternative that exists and can be explored. Employee Training and Development
(HR) is a planned effort by an organization to improve the knowledge, skills, and abilities of
employees (Gustiana, Hidayat, & Fauzi, 2022). This training is oriented towards improving
the ability to do specific work, and development is more emphasized to do work in the future.
The reasons for training and development can include: the recruited employees have not been
able to do their jobs well, there are changes in the work environment, to increase productivity,
and to adjust to regulations.
By looking at the description above, the author is interested in conducting an analysis of
human resource development strategies in improving employee performance. Here, the author
makes the Sulawesi River Regional Center I of North Sulawesi Province as the object of
research. In accordance with the problem to be discussed, the author took the title "Human
Resource Development to Improve Employee Performance at the Sungau Sulawesi One
Regional Hall, North Sulawesi Province. This study aims to analyze the development of
human resources to improve employee performance at the Sulawesi One River Regional
Center, North Sulawesi Province.
The research uses a research design with a qualitative descriptive approach that aims to
understand the phenomenon of what the research subject experiences holistically by
describing in the form of words and language in a special natural context and by utilizing
various scientific methods (Lexy, 2011). In this study, what is described is a human resource
development strategy in improving employee performance at the Sulawesi One River
Regional Center, North Sulawesi province. The data collection techniques used in this study
consist of frank observation and disguised observation, semi-structured interviews and
Data analysis is a process of systematically searching for and compiling data obtained
from the results of interviews, field notes, and documentation by organizing data into
categories and describing them into units, synthesizing and arranging them into patterns and
choosing which ones are important and what will be studied to make conclusions so that they
are easily understood by yourself and others (Tarsito, 2014). The data analysis process carried
out in this study consists of three steps, namely data reduction, data presentation and
conclusion drawing.
Human Resource Development Strategy to Improve Employee Performance at the
Sulawesi One River Regional Center, North Sulawesi Province
Human resource development is an integrated part of human resource management. The
management and development of human resources of an organization is an integrated system.
Human resource development is one of the key factors for an organization's success in
Human Resource Development to Improve Employee Performance at the Sulawesi One River
Regional Center, North Sulawesi Province
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achieving goals effectively and efficiently. The success of the organization is largely
determined by the quality of human resources as the main capital (human capital), especially
the people who work in the organization, including in the Sulawesi One River Regional
Center, North Sulawesi Province.
Human resource development is urgently needed which aims to obtain capable and
professional employees/employees so that it is necessary to be given skills, motivation and
grow a personality that is responsible for the job tasks given as an effort to prepare qualified
employees so that the goals of the organization/company to be achieved can increase. The HR
development strategy is carried out by developing employee human resources which can be
done through training, education, coaching, recruitment, system changes, providing
opportunities and awards.
In this study, the author focuses on the human resource development strategy carried out
by the Sulawesi One River Regional Center of North Sulawesi Province to improve employee
performance by focusing on human resource development indicators consisting of motivation,
personality and skills.
The motivation carried out is by providing encouragement, enthusiasm in the form of
counseling and coaching about awareness that employees are subjects in the organization.
Employees are motivated for career or personal development by providing support or support
to employees to continue their higher education. As a subject, employees as the driving force
of the organization, in this case the Sulawesi One River Regional Center of North Sulawesi
Province is determined by the quality of the existing employees. This aims to have qualified
employees who have a large contribution to the organization that deserves to get positions and
facilities. The awareness process provided is expected to motivate employees to always
improve their knowledge and work quality. Providing motivation is carried out in the form of
briefings through calls to employees personally by the leadership.
The motivation process carried out at the Sulawesi One River Regional Center, North
Sulawesi Province, is with direct motivation and indirect motivation.
Direct Motivation
The form of direct motivation given, namely the leader provides direct motivation to
each subordinate to meet his needs and satisfaction where the leader gives praise, awards,
holiday allowances (bonuses) and service stars, including to the leader who receives from the
leader of the higher position.
Indirect Motivation
The indirect motivation given by the leadership at the Sulawesi One River Regional
Center of North Sulawesi Province is by providing facilities that support and support work
passion and smooth work so that employees feel at home and enthusiastic about doing their
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work. The facilities in question consist of good electronic devices, bright and comfortable
workspaces, a harmonious work atmosphere and appropriate work placement.
The leadership of the Sulawesi One River Regional Center of North Sulawesi Province
in providing motivation, the leadership motivates employees by building good social
relationships and creating a positive and pleasant work atmosphere, giving appreciation for
improving performance to employees. In addition, the leadership controls employees when
carrying out work as part of motivation in carrying out tasks and work. Motivation plays an
important role in human resource development because it will encourage the performance of
an organization both in terms of work comfort as a team and in terms of individual work
comfort which becomes more advanced or accelerates the process of completing tasks and
responsibilities at work to achieve goals.
Work motivation is very important, especially for employees who want to survive or
develop their careers, where to develop a career even to reach a higher career level, without
work motivation it is impossible to achieve high work performance. (Putra, 2021) It is stated
that work motivation is a psychological process in a person will be influenced by internal
factors and external factors of employees. Motivation has principles including the principle of
participation, the principle of communication, the principle of acknowledging the contribution
of subordinates and the principle of delegation of authority.
Employees are a potential success to keep pace with changes and advances in various
aspects that affect the workload of leaders. It is required to have the availability of manpower
that meets needs at all times. In developing work productivity, each employee must be able to
show his or her personality purely in the midst of society. A person's personality is one of the
factors in human resource development to improve employee performance. In general,
employees as human beings will not show their personality sincerely and purely which
intends to cover up their weaknesses or distinctive characteristics so that their actions can be
accepted by the community and organizational groups for employees. Personality according
to Sedarmayanti, (2018) It is a comprehensive pattern of all abilities, behaviors, deeds, and
habits of a person, both in terms of security, mental, spiritual, and emotional, which are
arranged in a distinctive way by obtaining influence from outside.
The personality of employees at the Sulawesi One River Regional Center, North
Sulawesi Province shows that the employees carry out their work well and honestly as part of
themselves to develop the quality of human resources that have an impact on the performance
of their own employees. In addition, career development by employees is carried out for
employees who have work ability or who have high performance so that it is good to get a job
promotion. In addition, employees have a work commitment to the organization that must be
accompanied by employees to obtain a job according to the given workload which
automatically creates a "sense of belonging" or a sense of belonging to the organization.
Leaders must also provide support for subordinates where leaders must carry out cadre
regeneration as a form of career development for employees under their leadership. Even a
good leader is a leader who prepares cadres who are able to replace and continue their
Human Resource Development to Improve Employee Performance at the Sulawesi One River
Regional Center, North Sulawesi Province
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leadership. Employees must also be given the opportunity to develop without discrimination
in any matter.
Personality is often heard to be related to a person's condition or disposition. Personality
can be interpreted as a person's identity, so it concerns many issues of character, nature, which
are reflected in a person's deeds and deeds. A person with a personality is a person who is
aware of himself and can understand his personality well. A person with a strong personality
is a person who can determine for himself, what to do, as what, what to want and so on,
because the personality is structured or disposition, which is arranged in a hierarchical order
based on general and important things. In addition to those that are carried from birth, other
psychological tendencies obtained from experience also play a role. Thus, it can be basically
concluded that personality is a need, a complex need caused by many internal factors and
factors that determine the personality in question where the combination of internal and
external factors gives rise to a unique picture, meaning that there are no two. Individuals who
are completely identical between one person and another.
Therefore, the difference in a person's background will create a unique personality. The
background in question includes biological, social, psychological, cultural, physical, and
spiritual backgrounds. The uniqueness of each person's background will create uniqueness in
each person. Each individual is seen as a person who has a unique dynamic in his behavior
(Fatwikiningsih, 2020). Therefore, there are individuals who are dynamic, fast, and
productive, but there are also individuals who are static, slow, and less productive. Judging
from the realization process, each individual can be seen as being in the process of
development towards achieving self-realization. Individuals will go through stages of
continuous development. His presence as an employee at this time is essentially an existence
in a stage of development which is the result of past stages and is a starting point for the
stages of development in the future.
Individual personalities help shape the culture and image of the organization. Therefore,
every organization that is uskes is highly dependent on the personality traits of its employees
even though everyone has a different personality, there are certain characteristic traits and
common between individuals (Rony, 2021). Likewise with the employees at the Sulawesi One
River Regional Center, North Sulawesi Province. Each employee has a different character and
The results of observations and research conducted show that the number of jobs owned
is very large, and there is often a build-up, but the number of available employees is not
balanced with the number of existing jobs. On the other hand, there are employees who
cannot complete the impression of procrastinating on the work given. So that sometimes it
hinders the work of other employees because the results of the work made by other employees
are related to other jobs, but if the work is not completed automatically in terms of reporting
the work cannot be continued, which inevitably causes the work of other employees to have to
complete the work. This is of course an employee who does not complete or execute the work
properly is automatically not responsible for the work given so that it can be assessed that
such an individual personality cannot work as a team or group.
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Personality includes the whole mind, feelings and behavior, consciousness and
unconsciousness. Therefore, a personality test is needed in the personnel selection procedure
to predict job performance. This is closely related to individual behavior that can affect
performance where individual behavior can have a positive and significant effect on employee
performance and organizational culture.
In the era of globalization and increasingly fierce business competition, corporate
organizations often rely on employees to optimize their operations. But employee success
depends not only on the service provider, but also on the skills and performance of the
employees involved. Therefore, skill development for employees is essential to improve
overall team performance. The skills possessed by each employee are a valuable asset for the
organization, including by the Sulawesi River Regional Center 1 of North Sulawesi province.
This is because by developing employee skills, organizations can improve performance and
achieve desired goals more effectively. The skills possessed are inseparable from effective
communication skills, which can build relationships, namely effective communication helps
build good relationships with colleagues and superiors, so as to create a harmonious work
environment. In addition, being able to convey ideas, namely in the form of the ability to
communicate ideas and ideas clearly and persuasively, can help employees contribute their
thoughts to the progress of the company. Communication as part of HR skills can overcome
conflicts where good communication makes it easier for employees to overcome conflicts and
differences of opinion professionally.
The skills of employees at the Sulawesi One River Regional Center of North Sulawesi
Province, the employees work according to their respective abilities and in accordance with
their respective duties. Among employees who have expertise in the field of computers (IT),
the employee performs work related to work on the computer, in addition to employees who
specialize in making reports, it will be carried out according to the ability of the management
department. In other words, every employee only focuses on work even though sometimes
there are some things that of course ask for help and are assisted by other colleagues because
the time needed to complete the work is not enough if it is only done alone.
The development of skills and abilities as a result of the business carried out is
inseparable from the hard work of employees so that it is necessary to supervise the process of
performing tasks while paying attention to the potential and expertise of employees. The skill
development system at the Sulawesi One River Regional Center, North Sulawesi Province is
obtained from employee self-development where employees continue to learn well in
adjusting to the field of work, especially for new employees/interns and cooperation in
guidance from old employees to new employees/interns.
In providing and supporting employee skills, the Sulawesi One River Regional Center
of North Sulawesi Province emphasizes skills as part of coaching and conceling for all
employees who are oriented towards the ability to carry out quality work. With qualified
skills, of course, it can provide benefits for the organization. In the theory put forward by
Alfarisyi & Satrio, (2021) which explains that skill is an operational technical ability and
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Regional Center, North Sulawesi Province
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mastery of a certain field, which is a work. Likewise with the research conducted by Sulia &
Kumjian, (2017) which shows the results of the research that in its implementation, employee
skills are not only education and training but can also improve employee performance.
Based on the results of the research and discussion that has been described, the author
draws the conclusion that the motivation given by the leadership and also built by employees
in the context of human resource development to improve performance, shows that the better
and more work motivation given and owned by employees in BWS Satu North Sulawesi
province, the performance of employees will increase. The motivation given is in the form of
awards, praises, bonuses and even work support facilities. The personality of employees who
are in BWS in one North Sulawesi province in addition to self-improvement, the leadership
always provides reinforcement and direction regarding the sense of belonging to the
workplace, "sense of belonging" in its implementation the leadership places employees
according to the talents and potential of employees because talented employees are assets for
the organization in order to win the competition. The skills of employees at BWS in one
province of North Sulawesi are developed to improve performance through leaders who
actively hone their skills and individuals who are able to take advantage of digital
opportunities and are able to develop skills in working as part of self-investment and are able
to set priorities well.
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