How to cite:
Sunita Caroline Pontoh, M. Sudirman (2024) Implementation of Parate Executie Based on Article 6
of Law Number 4 of 1996 concerning Guarantee of Dependent Rights to the Auction of Objects of
Dependent Rights (06) 07,
Published by:
Ridwan Institute
Sunita Caroline Pontoh, M. Sudirman
Universitas Jayabaya, Indonesia
In general, there are laws that provide protection to banks as lenders to obtain
repayment of their debts when the debtor is in default, this is stated in Article 1131 of
the Civil Code which reads: "All assets of the Debtor, whether movable or immovable,
whether existing ones or those that will be in the future become dependents/guarantees.
Debtor's assets, both movable and immovable, both present and future will become
dependents/guarantee for their debts”. Then Law Number 4 of 1996 was born which
specifically regulates the implementation of Mortgage (UUHT). One of the
characteristics of the UUHT is that it is easy and certain to execute, which means
executing the mortgage certificate. must be carried out but can still provide legal
certainty for interested parties, in this case, the auction seller, auction buyer and
auctioneer. Therefore, in carrying out executions based on parate execution, it must be
able to provide convenience and legal certainty for all interested parties
Keywords: Parate Executie, Auction, Mortgage, Legal Certainty.
The community, both individually and in the form of business entities that strive to
increase their consumptive or productive needs, urgently needs loan facilities by banks in
the form of credit, which is very important for the improvement of their business (Simon
& Samosir, 2022). Loans made by creditors to debtors are always stated in the form of an
agreement as a bond that contains an agreement on rights and obligations between
creditors and debtors, basically an agreement is a written document that contains the
purpose and how the parties benefit, are protected and limited in their responsibilities in
reaching the agreement (Wardani & Afriansyah, 2020).
Credit agreements between creditors and debtors often do not run smoothly because
the loaned funds are problematic or cannot be returned by the debtor to the bank as a
creditor or even become bad credit (Djumhana, Di Indonesia, & Penerbit, 2008). To
prevent this risk, banks as creditors take steps from the beginning by requiring a guarantee
for debt repayment in the event of bad loans by the debtor (Bastian & Junaidi, 2019). In
general, there is a law that provides protection to banks as lenders to get repayment of
pISSN: 2723-4339 e-ISSN: 2548-1398
Vol. 6, No. 07, Juli 2024
Sunita Caroline Pontoh, M. Sudirman
3238 Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 07, Juli 2024
their receivables when the debtor experiences default, it is stated in Article 1131 of the
Civil Code which contains: "All assets of the Debtor, both movable and immovable, both
those that exist now and those that will be in the future become dependents/guarantees for
their debts”.
In particular, the Government made Law Number 4 of 1996 concerning Dependent
Rights on Land and Land-related Objects (UUHT) in order to provide special protection
to each creditor. The UUHT has the privilege of providing guarantees to creditors to be
able to quickly obtain repayment of their receivables when the debtor defaults. So that if
the debtor defaults, the creditor does not need to file a lawsuit in Court but can directly
apply for execution based on the certificate of dependent rights.
The convenience obtained from the birth of the UUHT is in the form of execution if
the debtor is injured in the promise, in Article 20 of the UUHT provides 3 (three) options
in carrying out the execution of the certificate of dependent rights, namely (Lutfiya et al.,
a. Article 20 paragraph (1) letter a, based on the right of the First Dependent Right
Holder to sell the object of the Dependent Right over its own power through a public
auction as referred to in the provisions of Article 6 of the Law (Parate Executie);
b. Article 20 paragraph (1) letter b, the execution is carried out on the basis of the
executory title contained in the Certificate of Dependent Rights, as referred to in
Article 14 paragraph (2) of the UUHT. In this case, based on the irahs listed in the
Certificate of Dependent Rights which contain the words "FOR JUSTICE BASED ON
THE ONE GOD". The object of the dependent rights is sold through a public auction
according to the procedures determined by the laws and regulations (Title Executorial);
c. Article 20 paragraph (2), agreement between the grantor and the holder of the Right of
Dependency, the sale of the object of the Right of Dependency can be carried out
under the hands if thereby it will be possible to obtain the highest price that benefits all
parties (Sale under the hands).
Parate Executie which is regulated in the UUHT is ambiguous, this is because there
are multiple interpretations between Article 6 of the UUHT and General Explanation
number 9 of the UUHT and Explanation of Article 14 paragraphs (2) and (3) of the
UUHT which states that the implementation of Parate Executie is carried out based on
Article 224 H.I.R and Article 258 R.Bg (Poesoko, 2013). This condition finally makes the
principle of ease and certainty of the law of parate executie The right of dependency is
not achieved, because in the end the creditor in this case the holder of the right of
dependency cannot carry out the execution of the right of dependency easily in
accordance with the ideals of the establishment of the Law on the Right of Dependency as
stated in the General Explanation of the Law on the Right of Dependency (Harahap &
Minin, 2017).
In the implementation of the auction sale of the execution of the object of the right
of dependency using the parate executie mechanism in Article 6 of the UUHT, the
creditor or holder of the right of dependency as the seller of the object of the right of
Implementation of Parate Executie Based on Article 6 of Law Number 4 of 1996 concerning
Guarantee of Dependent Rights to the Auction of Objects of Dependent Rights
Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 07, July 2024 3239
dependency is obliged to the delivery of movable goods and/or immovable goods, this is
expressly regulated in Article 12 paragraph (1) letter j of the Regulation of the Minister of
Finance of the Republic of Indonesia Number 122 of 2023 concerning Guidelines for the
Implementation of Auctions. However, in the Minister of Finance Regulation Number
122 of 2023, it is not regulated regarding the obligation of creditors as auction sellers to
control physically first so that even though the auction has been completed, the execution
process of the object of dependent rights using the Parate Executie mechanism cannot be
said to have been completed because the auction of the execution of dependent rights can
be said to have been completed when the auction buyer has mastered the object of the
execution of the right Dependents (Retnaningsih, Nasution, Velentina, & Manthovani,
Based on the description above, where there is a legal problem regarding the non-
regulation of the obligation for creditors as auction sellers to first control the object of
physical execution of dependent rights for the convenience and legal certainty in the
implementation of execution based on Article 6 of the UUHT. So in this case, the author
is interested in studying and analyzing in a scientific paper with the title "Implementation
of Parate Executie based on Article 6 of Law Number 4 of 1996 concerning the
Guarantee of Dependent Rights to the Auction of Objects of Dependent Rights
This research method uses a doctrinal research method, namely legal research is
studied from various aspects such as theoretical aspects, principles, philosophy,
comparison, structure/composition, consistency, general explanation and explanation of
articles, formality and binding force of a law as well as the language used either legal
language or translation language. As it can provide a wide range of descriptions
(Taekema, 2018). The analysis was carried out in a qualitative descriptive manner using
the deductive method. Conclusions are drawn prescriptively (Ali, 2021).
Implementation of Parate Executie on the Auction of Objects of Dependent Rights
based on Article 6 of Law Number 4 of 1996 concerning Dependent Rights
Article 6 of the UUHT says "if the debtor is injured in the promise, the first holder
of the Right of Dependency has the right to sell the object of the Right of Dependency
on its own power through a public auction and take the repayment of its receivables
from the proceeds of the sale" . The term in Article 1178 paragraph (2) of the Civil
Code is known as parate executie. The term "parate executie" etymologically comes
from the word "paraat" meaning ready to be handed, so parate executie is said to be a
means of execution that is ready in hand (Lutfiya et al., 2020). According to the legal
dictionary, parate executie means direct implementation without going through the
process (Court or Judge's determination). "Parate execution is an execution carried out
when a creditor sells certain goods belonging to the debtor without having to obtain an
executory title" (Fajarwati, 2017).
Sunita Caroline Pontoh, M. Sudirman
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Of the three ways of executing the certificate of dependency, parate executie is
the easiest and simplest way for creditors to recover their receivables, when the debtor
is injured in a promise compared to the execution through the assistance and
intervention of the District Court (Lutfiya et al., 2020).
In practice, the process of implementing parate executie has undergone a shift in
meaning and not all State Property and Auction Service Offices (KPKNL) are willing to
carry out auction sales of objects of dependent rights based on Article 6 of the Law
(parate executie) on the grounds that every public sale (auction) of the object of
dependent rights must go through the fiat of the Chief Court. This is motivated by the
mistake of the framers of the Law and the Judiciary in understanding the two execution
institutions, namely between the parate executie and the execution based on the
executory title (Wibowo, 2023).
If the parate executie still has to go through the fiat of the chief justice, then the
position of the parate (ready to be handed over) as the right to sell over one's own power
is lost. Meanwhile, parate executie is in principle a simplified execution without
involving the court. If in the parate executie it is required to obtain an order based on
the determination/fiat of the Chief Justice of the District Court, then the sale is no
different from the execution on the basis of the executory title in the Certificate of
Dependent Rights and the execution of a court decision that has permanent legal force
(Wibowo, 2023).
This is reviewed from the General Explanation number 9 of the UUHT stating
"One of the characteristics of a strong dependent right is that it is easy and certain in the
implementation of its execution, if the debtor is injured in the promise. Although in
general the provisions on execution have been regulated in the applicable civil
procedure law, it is considered necessary to include specifically provisions on the
execution of dependent rights in this law, namely those that regulate the institution of
the parate executie as referred to in Article 224 of the Updated Indonesian Regulations
(Het Herziene Indonesisch Reglement) and Article 258 of the Regulations Legal
Procedures for Areas Outside Java and Madura (Reglement tot Regeling van het
Rechtswezen in de Gewesten Buiten Java en Madura)." and Explanation of Article 14
paragraphs (2) and (3) of the UUHT which states "The Irah-irah stated in the certificate
of dependent rights and in the provisions of this paragraph, is intended to affirm the
existence of executory force in the Certificate of Dependent Rights, so that if the debtor
defaults on the promise, it is ready to be executed as well as a court decision that has
obtained permanent legal force, through procedures and by using the institution of
parate executie in accordance with the provisions of the Civil Procedure Law." The two
explanations above explain that the implementation of the parate executie refers to the
provisions of Article 224 H.I.R. and 258 R.Bg and the Civil Code (Arifin, 2016).
If Article 14 paragraph (2) and paragraph (3) and General Explanation number 9
of the Law are related to Article 224 of the HIR, it can be interpreted that the Law does
not specifically regulate the procedure for the execution of the object of dependent
rights, but still uses the provisions in the Civil Procedure Law as a provision for the
Implementation of Parate Executie Based on Article 6 of Law Number 4 of 1996 concerning
Guarantee of Dependent Rights to the Auction of Objects of Dependent Rights
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implementation of execution. This is strengthened by the provision in Article 26 of the
Law which stipulates that "as long as there are no laws and regulations regulating it, the
regulations regarding the execution of hypotheks that exist at the beginning of the entry
into force of this Law apply to the execution of the Right of Dependency" (Bunga,
From this explanation, the interpretation based on the law regarding the procedure
for parate executie is the same as the procedure for the execution of the certificate of
Dependent Rights, namely using procedures in accordance with the Civil Procedure
Law (Gunawan, Anggraeni, & Fitri, 2023). Therefore, if the debtor is really injured in
the promise (default) of the parate executie must go through permission and on the
order of the Chief of the District Court, to be able to carry out the promise to sell under
his own power, by selling the object of the Right of Dependency, but the sale is based
on Article 224 HIR/258 RBg. Here the implementation of the parate executie
experiencing a double meaning, on the one hand the implementation is directly through
a public auction (Article 6 of the UUHT) but on the other hand must obtain fiat from the
Chief of the District Court (based on Article 224 HIR/258 RBg) (Bunga, 2022).
In order not to lose its meaning as the general explanation of the Law number 3
letter d. regarding the ease and certainty in the implementation of its execution, the
Government through the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia issued a
Regulation of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia which has been
amended several times and the last amendment is the Regulation of the Minister of
Finance of the Republic of Indonesia Number 122 of 2023 concerning Guidelines for
the Implementation of Auctions (Permenkeu Number 122 of 2023). The implementation
of the auction sale of the execution of the object of the right of dependency using the
parate executie mechanism in Article 6 of the UUHT, the creditor or holder of the right
of dependency as the seller of the object of the right of dependency is obliged to the
delivery of movable goods and/or immovable goods, this is expressly regulated in
Article 12 paragraph (1) letter j of the Minister of Finance Regulation Number 122 of
However, in the Minister of Finance Regulation Number 122 of 2023, there is no
regulation that requires creditors to first master the object of the guarantee of dependent
rights which will be executed using the parate executie mechanism. With no regulation
regarding the control of auction objects by creditors in the Minister of Finance
Regulation Number 122 of 2023, it can raise various problems in carrying out the
parate executie. This can be seen by the existence of SEMA No. 7 of 2012 in number
XIII of the General Civil Sub-Chamber, which states "The auction of Dependent Rights
carried out by the creditors themselves through the Auction Office, if the auctioneer
does not want to vacate the auctioned object, cannot be emptied based on Article 200
paragraph (11) of the HIR but must file a lawsuit. Because the auction mentioned above
is not an execution auction but a voluntary auction" (Bunga, 2022).Which will eliminate
the easy and definite feature in the implementation of the execution of the right of
dependency as stated in the General Explanation number 3 letter d of the UUHT.
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The implementation of parate executie of the Right of Dependency on land in
practice is very difficult to carry out because there is a distortion of meaning where the
parate executie is equated with the execution of the grosse deed, namely the fiat of the
Court. In terms of norms, it is actually very clear the context of the substance in Article
6, but it is as if Article 6 stands alone and has no legitimacy. This has given rise to
various different interpretations in carrying out the implementation of the parate
executie, whether it can be carried out as stipulated in Article 6 itself, or whether it must
be interpreted in accordance with the understanding of the execution of the grosse deed
(executive title).
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Sunita Caroline Pontoh, M. Sudirman (2024)
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Syntax Idea
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