Sunita Caroline Pontoh, M. Sudirman
3242 Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 07, Juli 2024
The implementation of parate executie of the Right of Dependency on land in
practice is very difficult to carry out because there is a distortion of meaning where the
parate executie is equated with the execution of the grosse deed, namely the fiat of the
Court. In terms of norms, it is actually very clear the context of the substance in Article
6, but it is as if Article 6 stands alone and has no legitimacy. This has given rise to
various different interpretations in carrying out the implementation of the parate
executie, whether it can be carried out as stipulated in Article 6 itself, or whether it must
be interpreted in accordance with the understanding of the execution of the grosse deed
(executive title).
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