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Lina Aviyanti, Della Merlinda, Amalia Weka Gani (2024) Enhancing Students' Science Process
Skills on Sound Waves Through Learning Cycle 7E Integrated with Phet (06) 07,
Published by:
Ridwan Institute
Lina Aviyanti, Della Merlinda, Amalia Weka Gani
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Email: lina.aviyant[email protected]
This study is prompted by the lack of science process skills among students in physics
learning. Through the implementation of the Learning Cycle 7E integrated with PhET, this
study aims to enhance students' science process skills on sound waves. A pre-experimental
research design with one group pretest-posttest design was used, involving 30 students of
grade XI in one of the high schools in Bandung. The instruments employed in this study
comprise science process skills test, observation sheets on the implementation of learning
model, and student response questionnaire. The paired sample t-test and N-Gain were used to
assess the enhancement in students' science process skills. The findings revealed that the
implementation of the Learning Cycle 7E integrated with PhET can enhance students' science
process skills in the moderate category, with an N-gain score of 0.63. In addition, the paired
sample t-test revealed significant differences in students' science process skills after engaging
in classroom learning. The implementation of the Learning Cycle 7E integrated with PhET
has shown the "very good" category, and received positive responses from students. This
study has provided evidence that integrating the Learning Cycle 7E with PhET can improve
students' science process skills on sound waves.
Keywords: Learning Cycle 7E Model; PhET Simulations; Science Process Skills
The profile of high school graduates in the revised 2013 Curriculum illustrates the idea
that education should not only generate graduates who have conceptual knowledge, but also
have strong character, attitudinal competence, and relevant skills to face the challenges of the
world (Melis, 2022). In addition to this, the revised 2013 curriculum aims to prepare
Indonesian young people to have the ability to live as individuals and citizens who are
faithful, productive, creative, innovative, and affective and able to contribute to the life of
society, nation, state, and world civilization which results in students being required to be
more active in the learning process (Clarisa, Danawan, Muslim, & Wijaya, 2020; Dalilah,
Rusnayati, & Kaniawati, 2023). In line with this, currently one of the important goals in
education is to present science process skills and conceptual understanding among students
(Putri, Koto, & Putri, 2018). Science process skills are the steps performed by students when
they apply the scientific method in finding answers or solving problems (Ikhsanudin &
Subali, 2023; Lederman et al., 2014). Science process skills are competencies that graduates
should have, and schools have the responsibility to provide effective learning approaches to
develop these competencies among students (Ningsih, 2019). According to Listiani &
Kusuma, (2024) science process skills are important for the development of students for
pISSN: 2723-4339 e-ISSN: 2548-1398
Vol. 6, No. 07, Juli 2024
Enhancing Students' Science Process Skills on Sound Waves Through Learning Cycle 7E
Integrated with Phet
Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 07, Juli 2024 3227
provision in developing science so that students get new knowledge that is already owned to
the fullest.
Science process skills is a way of thinking in science to construct scientific knowledge
as done by scientists (Putri et al., 2018). (AFIFATURRIZQI, 2012) revealed that science
process skills stimulate students to be active in the learning process which involves various
activities such as observing, making temporary answers, conducting experimental activities,
analyzing data, making conclusions, and presenting the findings obtained. This is in line with
Hariyanti, (2018) which states that students' science process skills are very important to
develop in science learning because it can help students combine concepts obtained through
investigation activities to produce appropriate evidence through data analysis activities.
According to an interview with a high school physics teacher in Bandung, the current
learning process has not improved students' science process skills due to limited experimental
equipment in the laboratory. Apart from that, the average final exam score in physics is less
than satisfactory, as shown in Table 1.
Table 1. Average score of students' final exam in Physics subject
School Year
Minimum Completion Criteria
Average Final Exam Score
Based on Table 1, the learning outcomes in psychomotor aspects of science process
skills show that students are less trained due to a learning environment that does not support
the development of psychomotor skills, such as a lack of facilities or laboratory equipment,
which can limit students' ability to develop science process skills (Yulianto, 2018). As a
result, it is possible to conclude that low student learning outcomes are due to a lack of
training in science process skills in physics learning.
Several factors contribute to inadequate scientific process skills, including students'
limited understanding of science concepts and a lack of laboratory equipment (Jack, 2013),
books as the only source for learning (Igboegwu Ekene & Egbutu Rita, 2011), and learning
activities that do not explore and practice students' science process skills Putri et al., 2018;
Sukarno & Hamidah, (2013) stated that students' lack of proficiency in science process skills
is caused by the limited availability of laboratory equipment and unsuitable for usage. This
consequently restricts the opportunity to conduct experiments that can teach students' science
process skills.
In fact, students' science process skills can be developed through experimental activities
in the laboratory or investigative activities to find answers to a problem by formulating
hypotheses, conducting experiments, analysing data, and drawing conclusions. In this study,
experimental or practical activities were carried out using a virtual laboratory as an effort to
overcome problems related to the lack of laboratory equipment at schools. A virtual
laboratory is an application on a computer that allows students to conduct virtual experimental
or practical activities. Virtual laboratory applications that are widely used are the Physics
Education Technology (PhET) simulations. This application was developed since 2002 by
Nobel Laureate Carl Wieman at the University of Colorado which is a media simulation of
science material by utilizing computer technology (Sujanem, Suswandi, & Yasa, 2019),
designed to be interactive and can improve students' science process skills (Muzana, Lubis, &
Wirda, 2021).
The Learning Cycle 7E model is one of the learning models that can help students
improve their science process skills (Novebrini, Salamah, Agustin, & Azmi, 2021). This
Lina Aviyanti, Della Merlinda, Amalia Weka Gani
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learning model promotes student-centered activities, which allows students to actively engage
in the learning process in the classroom. In addition, the Learning Cycle 7E model is a
learning cycle model that actively involves students through 7 phases of learning.
The activities carried out in the Learning Cycle 7E model are as follows: a) Elicit Phase,
this phase begins with basic questions related to the lesson to be learned by taking easy
examples known to students such as phenomena in everyday life and related to the topic to be
studied; b) Engagement Phase, this phase is used to focus students' attention, stimulate
students' thinking skills and enhance students' interest and motivation towards the concepts to
be taught; c) Exploration Phase, during this phase, students are given the opportunity to work
in small groups, to observe data, record data, isolate variables, design and plan experiments,
create graphs, interpret results, develop hypotheses and report their findings; d) Explanation
Phase, at this stage students are introduced to new concepts, laws and theories so that students
can conclude and explain the results of their findings at the Explore stage; e) Elaboration
Stage, at this stage students are trained to be able to apply the new knowledge and concepts
learned to new situations; f) Evaluation Stage, at this stage the teacher evaluates students'
mastery of skills which can be done by giving a written test at the end of the lesson or an oral
test during the learning process.; g) Extended stage, at this stage aims to think, search, find,
and explain examples of the application of concepts that have been learned. This activity can
even stimulate students to look for relationships between concepts and enable students to
explain more complex phenomena.
Apart from that, this study focuses on eight aspects of science process skills proposed
by (Rustaman, 2007) which are hypothesizing, applying ideas or concepts, observing,
grouping, organizing experiments, interpreting, communicating, and predicting. Previous
research demonstrated that the Learning Cycle model can improve students' science process
skills (Khotimah, Utami, & Prihatiningtyas, 2018). This study seeks to analyse the
improvement in students' science process skills after implementing Learning Cycle 7E
integrated with PhET simulations on sound wave as well as students respond to this learning
The research method employed in this study was a quantitative, using a pre-
experimental research design with one group pretest-posttest design. In this study, only the
experimental class was used without a control class (comparison class) in which a pretest
conducted before treatment and a posttest carried out after treatment. The treatment refers to
the implementation of Learning Cycle 7E model assisted by PhET simulations. The treatment
was given for 2 meetings (3 JP @45 minutes). Table 2 illustrates the one-group pretest and
posttest design.
Table 2. One group pretest and posttest research design
O1: pretest conducted before the implementation of Learning Cycle 7E model integrated with
PhET simulations.
X: Treatment (the implementation of Learning Cycle 7E model integrated with PhET
O2: posttest conducted before the implementation of Learning Cycle 7E model integrated
with PhET simulations.
Enhancing Students' Science Process Skills on Sound Waves Through Learning Cycle 7E
Integrated with Phet
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This study involved 30 students of grade XI in one of the high schools in Bandung City.
The participants comprised 12 males and 18 females with an age range of 15 - 17 years. The
participants were taken from one of the grade XI classes that had not learned about the topic
of sound waves.
The instruments used in this study consisted of science process skills test used to assess
students' science process skills through pretest and posttest. This instrument comprises 23
items that have gone through the process of expert judgment, validity test, reliability test,
difficulty level, and differentiating power. Another instrument was an observation sheet for
the implementation of the learning model which was used to determine the implementation of
the learning model during the lessons. The observation sheet contains the stages of learning
activities that need to be filled in by observers by giving a score of one if the activity stage is
carried out and a score of zero if it is not carried out. In addition, a student response
questionnaire was used to determine student responses to the implementation of the Learning
Cycle 7E model assisted by PhET simulations. This questionnaire sheet contains positive
responses and negative responses that need to be filled in by students after learning was
complete, by ticking the Likert scale column.
The science process skills instrument that used in this study has been tested for validity which
is divided into content validity conducted by experts and empirical validity by conducting
science process skills instrument trials. Content validity was carried out by 3 experts with 2
lecturers and 1 physics teacher. The results of the validation conducted by experts are shown
in Table 3 below.
Table 3. Results of Validation by Experts
Science Process Skills
Highly valid or can be used without revision
Based on table 3, it can be seen that the average value of the results of the three experts
for the science process skills instrument is 94.2%, which means that the question instrument is
in the very valid category or can be used without revision. As for the results of the empirical
validity test are shown in Table 4 below.
Table 4. Results of the Validity Test of the Science Process Skills Instrument
Based on Table 4, it can be seen that the results of validity test the science process skills
instrument which was tested on 32 students before the study. The results showed that there
was 1 question with very high validity, 6 questions with high validity, 15 questions with
sufficient validity, and 1 question with low validity. As for the level of difficulty, there was 1
difficult question, 19 medium questions, and 3 easy questions. While in terms of
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differentiating power, there are 3 questions that fall into the very good category, 9 questions
that fall into the good category, and 11 questions that fall into the low category. So it can be
concluded that the science process skills instrument is valid with very high reliability and can
be used in this study.
Data analysis used in this study includes prerequisite tests consisting of normality tests
and homogeneity tests based on students' pretest and posttest results using IBM SPSS version
26 software. Normality testing illustrates that the samples were drawn from a normally
distributed population (Kasmadi & Sunariah, 2014). The normality test has two criteria: (1) if
the significance value (p) is > 0.05, the sample is from a normally distributed population, and
(2) if the significance value (p) is < 0.05, the sample is not from a normally distributed
While the homogeneity test is a statistical test procedure designed to show that two or
more sample data sets come from a population having the same variant (Dalilah, et al., 2022).
The homogeneity test used is the Barlett test with the following test criteria: (1) if the
significance value (p) > 0.05, then the sample is from a homogeneous population; and (2) if
the significance value (p) < 0.05, then the sample is not from a homogeneous population.
Following the prerequisite test, a t-test was conducted to determine the average difference
between two paired or related samples. Hypothesis testing in this study used the Paired
Sample T-test employing IBM SPSS software version 26. The proposed hypothesis for this
paired sample t-test is as follows:
H0: There is no significant difference in students' science process skills before and after
implementing the Learning Cycle 7E model integrated with PhET simulations;
Ha: There is significant difference in students' science process skills before and after
implementing the Learning Cycle 7E model integrated with PhET simulations.
The basis for decision making is based on the significance value: (1) if the significance value
> 0.05; then H0 is accepted; and (2) if the significance value ≤ 0.05; then H0 is rejected.
Another data analysis used was N-Gain score, to determine the improvement of students'
science process skills after treatment. The formula used to calculate the N-Gain score is as
Ideal score is the highest score the N-Gain score data obtained was then interpreted
based on the categories in Table 5.
Table 5. N-Gain score interpretation
N-Gain score
G < 0.7
0.3 ≤ G ≤ 0.7
G < 0.3
(Sundayana, 2014)
The implementation of learning model is analysed from the results of the observers’
assessment during the learning process. The assessment given is processed with a percentage
of implementation which is formulated as follows.
The classification of the implementation of the learning model is presented in Table 6.
Enhancing Students' Science Process Skills on Sound Waves Through Learning Cycle 7E
Integrated with Phet
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Table 6. Classification of Learning Model Applicability
Learning Model Applicability (%)
87.60 < x ≤ 100
Very good
62.60 < x ≤ 87.60
37.60 < x ≤ 62.60
25.00 < x ≤ 37.60
0.00 ≤ x ≤ 25.00
Very low
(Clarisa, et al., 2020)
Meanwhile, the student response questionnaire was given after the learning process or
treatment was completed. In the student questionnaire there are positive statements and
negative statements. Table 7 shows the interpretation of students' answers to positive and
negative statements.
Table 7. Positive and Negative Statement Scores
Positive Statement Score
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Negative Statement Score
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
The formula proposed by Damayanti & Gayatri (2019) is used to analyse student
questionnaires as follows.
P: percentage assessment of each statement (%)
n: number of scores obtained from each statement
N: total maximum score
The results of the total score of each statement of student responses regarding the
implementation of the Learning Cycle 7E model assisted by PhET simulations are matched
with the criteria as presented in Table 8.
Table 8. Student Response Interpretation
Rating Response (%)
86 100
Very Positive
71 85
51 70
Less Positive
P < 50
Not Positive
(Khabibah, 2006)
In analysing the improvement of students' science process skills, the first test carried out
is the normality test and homogeneity test. Normality test and homogeneity test were
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conducted through IBM SPSS 26 with Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. The test results can be seen
in Table 9 and Table 10.
Table 9. Normality Test Results of Science Process Skills
Table 10. Homogeneity Test Results of Science Process Skills
According to Table 9, the normality test, both pre and posttest, shows a significant value
(p) is > 0.05, indicating that all data is normally distributed. Meanwhile, in Table 8, the
homogeneity test, both pre and posttest, shows a significant value (p) is > 0.05, indicating that
the data is homogenous.
The prerequisite test results have shown that the data is normally distributed and
homogeneous. The next step is to test the correlation or relationship between the pretest and
posttest scores of students' science process skills using paired sample correlation. The results
of the paired sample correlation test are presented in Table 11.
Table 11. Results of paired samples correlations test
No relation
Based on the results of the paired samples correlation test shown in Table 11, it can be
seen that the correlation coefficient value is 0.228 with a significance value of 0.226. Because
the significance value greater than 0.05, indicating that there is no relationship between the
pretest and the posttest data.
The next step is to test the hypothesis, namely whether there is a significant difference
in students' science process skills before and after implementing the Learning Cycle 7E model
integrated with PhET simulations. Since the data is normally distributed and homogeneous,
hypothesis testing is carried out using a parametric test, namely the paired sample t-test. The
hypothesis proposed in this study is as mentioned previously.
The results of the paired t-test are presented in Table 12.
Table 12. Paired Sample T-Test Results
Based on the results of the paired sample t-test shown in Table 12, the significance
result is 0.000. It can be concluded that H0 is rejected or in other words there is significant
difference in students' science process skills before and after implementing the Learning
Cycle 7E model assisted by PhET simulations.
The following analysis investigates the improvement in students' science process skills
before and after treatment. This analysis was performed by calculating the normalized N-gain
(g) score based on pretest and posttest scores. The results of the N-gain scores for students'
science process skills are presented in Table 13.
Table 13. N-Gain Score of Students' Science Process Skills
Average score
Enhancing Students' Science Process Skills on Sound Waves Through Learning Cycle 7E
Integrated with Phet
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Table 13 shows that the N-gain score on the student science process skills is 0.63, which
falls into the moderate category.
This result indicates that there is an increase in students' science process skills after
implementing the Learning Cycle 7E model assisted by PhET simulations. In conclusion, the
Learning Cycle 7E learning model, along with PhET simulations, can help students enhance
their science process skills.
Student responses to the implementation of the Learning Cycle 7E model assisted by
PhET simulations were collected through a questionnaire, consisting of a total of 14 statement
items, with 7 positive statement items and 7 negative statement items. The recapitulation
results of the average student response assessment scores are presented in Table 14.
Table 14. Average Student Response Assessment Score
Average Assessment Percentage (%)
Based on Table 14, the average score of students' responses to the Learning Cycle 7E
model assisted by PhET simulations is included in the positive category, with an average
assessment percentage of 75.30%.
The implementation of the Learning Cycle 7E which is integrated with the PhET
simulations in lessons 1 and 2 is included in the very good category, this is due to the fact that
the implementation of Learning Cycle 7E model consists of 7 structured and systematic
stages. Moreover, the use of the PhET simulations in learning will make it easier for students
to practice their science process skills.
Students begin learning with preliminary activities consisting of orientation,
apperception, motivation and reference. In the motivation section, students are given a
stimulus in the form of a video regarding examples of the application of sound waves in life,
at this stage students are trained to be able to observe phenomena and are expected to raise
questions about why this can happen. In the core activities, students carry out learning
activities according to the syntax of the Learning Cycle 7E model, namely elicit, engagement,
exploration, explanation, extension, evaluation, and elaboration.
At the elicit stage, students are given a stimulus in the form of an animation of the
vibrating cellphone phenomenon. In the animation, there is a cellphone placed on a table with
the condition of the cellphone with vibration mode only but when there is a notification the
cellphone can make a sound. After that, students are given the question "why does the
cellphone still sound when the cellphone mode vibrates?" Furthermore, students are guided by
the teacher to formulate problems from the stimulus given.
At the engagement stage, students are given stimulation or briefing material delivered
by the teacher in the form of images or video through PPT. Furthermore, the teacher divides
students into 6 groups, each group consisting of 5 students. From these activities, students are
trained to use one of the science process skills aspects, namely observing.
At the exploration stage, students learn to determine the experimental variables. The
teacher explained the definitions of independent variables, dependent variables, and
controlled variables. Furthermore, students formulate hypotheses by looking at the
relationship between quantities from the phenomena and PhET demonstrations displayed.
Students determine the variables and experimental procedures with teacher guidance from the
identification of the problem given. When conducting experiments using PhET simulations,
students make mistakes in carrying out experimental procedures, namely in the step of
changing the value of the amplitude (independent variable). In the practicum, students did not
Lina Aviyanti, Della Merlinda, Amalia Weka Gani
3234 Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 07, Juli 2024
change the amplitude value, but changed the frequency value. Therefore, the teacher guided
students to understand more about the application of the independent variable in the
experiment and told them the mistakes made by students. From these activities students are
trained to use the science process skills aspects of classifying, interpreting, predicting,
hypothesizing, planning experiments.
At the explanation stage, students conduct experiments using the PhET simulations
according to the experimental procedure and record the data obtained. Furthermore, students
process observation data with their group members. From these activities, students are trained
to use the science process skills aspects of observing, interpreting, predicting, applying
concepts and communicating.
At the elaborate stage, students exchange ideas with other groups to develop concepts
that they already have so that they can answer questions on data analysis. Students analyse
data by determining the relationship of quantities in the observation data in a table and
making conclusions. The science process skills trained at this stage are applying concepts and
At the evaluation stage, students representative from each group presented their findings
and then other groups were invited to respond to the results of their friends' exposure.
Furthermore, the teacher verifies the conclusions and adds information that has not been
obtained by students. The science process skills trained at this stage are the communication
In the closing activity, the teacher provides reinforcement by explaining again about the
material that has been learned, giving appreciation to students who have completed the
learning well, giving directions for the next meeting and closing the lesson by praying and
saying greetings.
The results obtained are in accordance with research conducted by (Andani, 2024)
which shows that the Learning Cycle 7E model using a virtual laboratory can improve science
process skills. (Haryadi & Pujiastuti, 2020) also stated that learning using PhET simulations is
37% better than conventional learning because it emphasizes the relationship between real-life
phenomena and the underlying knowledge and can improve students' science process skills.
he learning cycle 7E learning model which contains 7 important stages in the learning process
can improve students' science process skills.
This study suggests that the implementation of the Learning Cycle 7E model integrated
with PhET simulations on sound wave is classified as "very good" category. The paired
sample t-test has revealed a significant difference between students' science process skills
before and after implementing the Learning Cycle 7E model. The improvement in students'
process skills is categorized as moderate, with an N-gain score of 0.63. Furthermore, students
offered positive responses to the model learning they had experienced, with an assessment
percentage of 75.30%. According to the findings of this study, implementing the Learning
Cycle 7E model assisted by PhET simulations can help students enhance their science process
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Copyright holder:
Lina Aviyanti, Della Merlinda, Amalia Weka Gani (2024)
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Syntax Idea
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