Consumer Protection in Civil Law
Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 07, Juli 2024 3221
1322, 1473, 1474, 1491, 1504 to 1511. Although with a note, the scope of the material is not
as extensive as the provisions regulated in the UUPK. In the Civil Code in general, if there is
a person who commits an unlawful act (PMH), that person is required to provide
compensation. Article 1365 of the Civil Code requires five conditions for an act to be
included in the qualification of PMH, namely: (1) the existence of an act, (2) the act is
unlawful, (3) the existence of a loss, (4) the existence of a fault, and (5) the existence of a
causal relationship (causality) between the unlawful act and the consequences it causes (Putra,
Budiartha, & Ujianti, 2023).
Legal protection itself, according to Prodjodikoro, 1984; Sembiring, (2023) can be
defined as an effort to protect the legal subject, about what he can do to maintain or protect
his interests and rights only as a legal subject related to security and comfort. In this case,
legal protection for consumers can be explained, namely policies produced by the state as a
form of responsibility to its people to exercise and protect their rights from acts that can cause
losses whether physically, mentally or financially from the purchase and sale transactions
carried out in the form of fulfilling their needs and this is guaranteed by the state as stated in
the 1945 Constitution article 28 which contains the contents of the The outline is a state
guarantee to protect the rights of its citizens, which includes mentioning that citizens have the
right to defend their lives, as well as guarantees of protection of fair legal certainty. The
article explains that the state must participate and be responsible for guaranteeing and
implementing legal protection for its citizens so that citizens in the country can live in an
orderly manner and not harm each other. In this study, the author is interested in raising the
problem of how to protect the law for consumers from a civil perspective?
Research on Consumer Protection in Civil Law is normative legal research (Negara,
2023). As for the type of approach, it uses a legislative approach. The writing of this paper
uses data sources, namely literature research, which is research using existing books or
literature, especially related to the problems raised related to consumer protection.
Consumer Law Resources
In addition to the Consumer Protection Law, the Consumer Law is "found" in various
previous laws and regulations, it has been described that the Consumer Protection Law is in
force one year from its enactment (April 20, 2000). (Christiani, 2016) Thus, and
supplemented by the provisions of Article 64 (Transitional Provisions) of this Law, means
that in order to "defend" the interests of Consumers, all applicable general laws and
regulations must still be studied. However, the general laws and regulations that regulate also
contain various rules regarding consumer relationships and problems. Even though the Laws
and Regulations are not specifically issued for Consumers or Consumer Protection, at least
they are also the source of the Consumer Law and/or Consumer Protection Law. According to
(Prasetya & Rudy, 2020) some of them will be described below:
Policy Law
Consumer Law, especially the Consumer Protection Law, gets its legal basis in the 1945
Constitution (1945 Constitution), Preamble, 4th Paragraph. Generally, until now people rely