How to cite:
Cindy Calista, Wilson Bangun (2024) The Influence of Organizational Culture, Job Satisfaction and
Work Motivation on Employee Performance (Study on Shop X Bandung City Branch), (06) 07,
Published by:
Ridwan Institute
Cindy Calista, Wilson Bangun
Universitas Kristen Maranatha, Indonesia
Optimal employee's perfomance support their organization goals. In this research, it is found
that the employee's attendance levels are not yet implemented optimally. The aim of this
research is to determine the influence of the organization culture, job satisfaction and work
motivation on the employee's performance. The population of Shop X employees in the
Bandung city branch is 551 employees, a sample of 232 employees. The research method is
using quantitative approach using SPSS 25. The research result shows that the organization
culture, job satisfaction and work motivation has significant impact towards the employee's
performance. Altogether, organization culture, job satisfaction and work motivation are
important factors in improving the employee's performance.
Keywords: Organizational culture; Job satisfaction; Work motivation; Employee
The Human Development Index (HDI) is a benchmark to be able to determine the
quality of human life as well as measure the success of efforts to build the quality of life of
the nation. This measurement is carried out to classify a country into a developed country, a
developing country, or a backward country (Bangun, 2014). Human resources can be a
measure of a company's success. If a company has employees who perform well or work well,
then the company can be sure to achieve the expected success. In the era of globalization that
is happening today, it requires a company to be dynamic to change in order to be able to
survive and be able to achieve the company's goals.
There are external and internal factors that affect the changes in a company, so a
company must respond to them properly. One of the keys to the success of a company is
employee support, namely employee performance. Good employee performance is an
illustration that the company is successful, both in achieving goals and in employee
Currently, every company is required to always improve employee performance
because of world developments, one of which is in the retail business. This shows that more
and more retail companies are popping up to attract the attention of consumers. The
importance of the role of employees in a company makes some companies pay more attention
to the performance of their employees.
pISSN: 2723-4339 e-ISSN: 2548-1398
Vol. 6, No. 07, Juli 2024
Cindy Calista, Wilson Bangun
3154 Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 07, Juli 2024
In Indonesia, retail stores first appeared in 1963. Then the development of retail stores
began to increase in Indonesia. As the times develop, retail stores continue to experience
development and innovation. Now there have been many retail stores with small to large
scales. So that people can easily obtain goods or products that consumers need.
Seeing these conditions causes companies to have to look again in creating excellence,
this must be supported by human resources, namely their own employees who are an
important part of supporting the success of a company. Quoted from the Human Development
Report (HDR) 2010, The Real Wealth of Nations: Pathways to Human Development, that
human resources are a very valuable asset or a large investment that will be the main factor
that determines the success of a company.
Work that has been completed and in accordance with the conditions of the work is a
performance for a worker (Dessler, 2015). Performance is a concrete tangible evidence, which
can be measured and compared with the standards that have been set, so that it can be known
whether the performance is good or not (Utama & SE, 2020). Performance is an employee's
contribution to the organization, namely doing the job well and according to the rules
(Sudaryo, Aribowo, & Sofiati, 2019). From the statements that have been described,
employee performance is the result of quality and quantity of work that can be completed
individually or in groups in carrying out an activity in accordance with their responsibilities.
This research is limited to three components that affect employee performance.
Organizational culture, job satisfaction and work motivation are elements that can affect
employee performance. According to (S. P. Robbins & Judge, 2015), "if the employee's
perception of the culture in an organization is good, then the employee will feel satisfied with
his job", so that employee performance in a company is influenced by the organization's
culture. On the other hand, employees are less likely to be dissatisfied with their jobs if their
organizational culture is not good.
Every organization has an organizational culture that is the most important part of every
organization'. This is due to the fact that the corporate culture serves as energy to achieve a
high level of performance both for the company as a whole and for the individual
performance of employees. From the statements that have been described, organizational
culture is a guideline that an organization has to achieve organizational goals and is also an
identity carried by employee members in the organization.
The organizational culture greatly influences the effectiveness of employee performance
both in the short and long term. In a business, organizational culture plays an important role in
directing what is and cannot be done, how to distribute human resources, and how to
overcome challenges and opportunities. Organizations with a positive culture will show
positive assessments, and vice versa, if the organization does not function properly it will
show a negative assessment of the organization as a whole.
Organizational culture has a significant effect on organizational performance according
to research conducted by (Noor, Isa, & Mazhar, 2020). The above statement is supported by
the research of Aziz, 2018; Khaliq, 2015; Rosyidah, Fadah, & Tobing, 2018; Suharto, S., &
Nusantoro, (2018) that organizational culture has a significant influence on employee
The attitude or reaction of an employee at work, to what he or she gets compared to
what he or she should get is job satisfaction (Marjorie Robbins et al., 2007). Job satisfaction
will indicate attitudes or actions that make performance high (Bakan, Buyukbese, Ersahan, &
Sezer, 2014), especially in service industry sectors, workers who are satisfied with their work
will contribute to better systems and decision-making.
The Influence of Organizational Culture, Job Satisfaction and Work Motivation on Employee
Performance (Study on Shop X Bandung City Branch)
Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 07, Juli 2024 3155
A wide variety of attitudes toward their job, including pleasant and unpleasant
experiences and expectations for the future, can indicate job satisfaction. A job that is fun to
do can be considered a job that gives satisfaction to its employees. On the contrary,
dissatisfaction will be obtained if a job is not pleasant to do (Yukl, 2008). From the statements
that have been described, job satisfaction is the emotional attitude that a person has about his
job and will feel satisfied according to his job expectations.
Every employee of the company must get satisfaction at work, which can result in
improved employee performance. Increasing performance satisfaction will affect employee
performance because performance satisfaction reflects employee performance. Research by
(Azhari, Resmawan, & Ikhsan, 2021; Sumiati & Purbasari, 2019) shows that job satisfaction
has a significant effect on employee performance. Therefore, the indicators of achievable
satisfaction with employee performance can be used to determine the success of an
In addition to organizational culture and job satisfaction, companies must make their
employees aware because there is a need for motivation, this will make it easier for
employees to adapt to their environment, so that employees will be motivated to improve their
performance again. Every employee must know the principles of everything they do so that
they can understand what is produced. Work motivation is the encouragement given to a
person to do work in accordance with their duties and responsibilities. "Work motivation
means 'a condition that encourages or causes a person to do a job or activity, which takes
place consciously' (Bangun, 2012). Motivated employees will be happier, healthier, and more
interested in working. Lack of employee motivation can have an impact on the level of
employee performance in the company. So employee motivation is an encouragement to work
better to achieve the goals to be achieved. Research conducted by (Supriatin & Puspitawati,
2023; Wulandari & Bagia, 2020), work motivation has a significant effect on employee
However, the existence of a research gap in previous studies serves as the basis for this
study. According to research conducted by (Andre & Hermanto, 2021; Hoang, 2021; Ikhsan,
2020) overall 'stated that organizational culture has a negative relationship' with employee
performance. Another research gap conducted by Augustine, Sunaryo, & Firmansyah, 2022;
Azhari et al., (2021) states that job satisfaction does not have a significant influence on
employee performance and an excerpt from (Garry, 2023) states that a survey on employee
motivation has been conducted by Gallup on 73 thousand respondents from 141 countries in
the world. The results obtained from this survey are 13% who are motivated at work, while
the remaining 87% do not feel motivated at work and research conducted by Wibowo,
Mujanah, & Fianto, (2024) that work motivation does not have a significant effect on
employee performance.
The use of research subjects that distinguish this research from other studies. Based on
the above presentation, this study tries to show how organizational culture, job satisfaction
and work motivation affect the performance of employees of store X Bandung city branch.
Table 1 Achievement of Employee Attendance Level in 2021 2023
Source : Report on the Employee Attendance Level of Shop X Bandung City Branch
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3156 Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 07, Juli 2024
Table 1 shows that employee attendance rates in 2021-2023 are well above realization.
This is what the researcher is interested in and the results of this research can be considered
for companies to achieve good performance.
This study uses explanatory research with a quantitative approach. The population of
this study is 551 employees. Purposive sampling is a method of sampling used. The reason
for the sample collection was due to the time limitations and costs that the researcher had.
Sample withdrawal uses the Slovin formula, which is:
So the sample in the study is 232 employees.
The research instrument is in the form of a list of statements compiled based on the
indicators of each research variable. The questionnaire uses a scale with a value of 1 (strongly
disagree), up to 5 (strongly agree)
Data collection by questionnaire was distributed to a closed research sample, where
respondents were only given the opportunity to choose the answers in the questionnaire
according to their respective opinions.
To determine the quality of the data, validity and reliability tests are carried out so that
it is known that the questionnaire is appropriate and suitable for use in a research. Meanwhile,
the data analysis uses classical assumption tests, namely: normality, multicollinearity and
heteroscedasti, as well as multiple regression tests with equations:
Y = a + b1X1 + b2X2 + b3X3
Y : Dependent Variables
a : Konstanta
b1, b2, b3 : Coefficient of Determination
X1, X2, X3 : Independent Variables
Validity Test
The Pearson Product Moment correlation method is used to test the validity of each
statement. If the value of the correlation coefficient of the tested statement item is greater than
the critical value of 0.3, then the statement item is considered valid.
All statement items have a validity coefficient greater than 0.3 critical, making them
feasible to use as a measure in research and can be used for subsequent analysis, as shown on
the appendix page. Based on these results, it can be concluded that all statement items are
The Influence of Organizational Culture, Job Satisfaction and Work Motivation on Employee
Performance (Study on Shop X Bandung City Branch)
Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 07, Juli 2024 3157
Table 1 Reliability Test
Cronbach Alpha
N of Items
Source: Output SPSS 25, 2024
Based on the results of table 1, it is known that the reliability value of each statement in
the questionnaire of each variable being studied is greater than 0.7. These results show that all
research instruments on each variable are reliable.
Classical Assumption Test
Figure 1 Uji Normalitas
Source: SPSS Output 25, 2024
Based on the results from table 2, it is known that the results of the normality test using
the Komogorov Smirnov statistical method. Based on these results, a Sig. value of 0.094 was
obtained. Since the value of Sig. is greater than alpha 5%, it can be concluded that the residual
data is normally distributed.
Figure 2 Multicoloniality Test
Source: SPSS Output 25, 2024
Based on the results from figure 2, it is known that the results of the multicoloniality
test show that the VIF value of each independent variable is below 10 and the tolerance value
of each independent variable is above 10. Therefore, there is no multicollinearity between
independent variables in the model.
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Figure 3 Uji Heteroskedastisitas
Source: Output SPSS 25, 2024
Based on the results of figure 4 it is known that the results of the heteroscedasticity test
using the glacier test. There was no heteroscedasticity problem in the multiple regression
model because the Sig value of each variable was greater than alpha 5% (0.05).
Uji Regresi Linear Berganda (Multiple Regression)
Multiple regression was conducted to determine the influence between organizational
culture (X1), job satisfaction (X2), and work motivation (X3) on employee performance (Y).
By using the help of SPSS 25 software, the output of the calculation results of the
multiple regression test was obtained:
Figure 4 Uji Regresi Linear Berganda
Source: Output SPSS 25, 2024
Based on figure 4, the regression equation is:
Y = 50,940 + 0,248X1 + 0.348 X2 + 0,509X3
The result is known to be Sig. 0.000 or < 0.05, meaning that H0 is rejected and H1 is
accepted, so it is concluded that organizational culture has a significant effect on employee
performance. The job satisfaction variable, Sig. 0.000 or < 0.05, means that H0 is rejected and
H1 is accepted, so it is concluded that job satisfaction has a significant effect on employee
performance as well as the work motivation variable, Sig. 0.000 or < 0.05, meaning that H0 is
rejected and H1' is accepted, so that work motivation has a significant effect on employee
Pearson Product Moment Correlation Analysis (R)
Using the help of SPSS 25 software, the output of the calculation results of the Pearson
product moment (R) correlation analysis was obtained :
The Influence of Organizational Culture, Job Satisfaction and Work Motivation on Employee
Performance (Study on Shop X Bandung City Branch)
Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 07, Juli 2024 3159
Figure 5 Correlation Analysis of Pearson Product Moment (R)
Source: SPSS Output 25, 2024
Based on the results in figure 5, it can be seen that the correlation coefficient (R) is
0.5732, and this value is interpreted according to the following criteria:
Table 2 Correlation Coefficients
Interval keefisien
Correlation level
Very low
Very strong
Based on the table of 7 correlation coefficients presented in the table above, the
correlation coefficient of 0.573 shows a moderate relationship between the variables of
Organizational Culture (X1), Job Satisfaction (X2), and Work Motivation (X3) with the
variable Employee Performance (Y).
Determination Coefficient Analysis Test
Based on the result of the R value of 0.573, the determination coefficient can be
calculated using the following formula:
KD = R2 × 100%
= (0.573)
× 100%
= 32.8%
Based on the results of the calculation of the determination coefficient value of 32.8%
which shows that organizational culture' (X1), job satisfaction (X2), and work motivation
(X3) have a simultaneous influence of 32.8% on employee performance (Y), while the
remaining 67.2% is influenced by other factors that are not observed in this study.
Hypothesis Testing
Test F
The F test is to determine whether the independent variable has a significant effect on
the dependent variable simultaneously or simultaneously.
Test criteria:
Reject H0 and accept H1 if Fcal ≥ Ftable; or
Accept H0 and reject H1 if Fcalculate< Ftable.
By using the help of SPSS 25 software, the output of the calculation results of the F test was
Cindy Calista, Wilson Bangun
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Figure 6 Test F
Based on table 8, the Fcal value was obtained of 37.172. This value will then be
compared to the value of F on the distribution table F. For α = 5%, df1 = k = 3, and df= n
= 232
1 = 228, the value of Ftabel is obtained as 2.644.
Therefore, the value of Fcal is greater than the value of Ftable (37.172 > 2.644), then
H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted, meaning that there is a significant influence of
Organizational Culture (X1), Job Satisfaction (X2), and Work Motivation (X3)
simultaneously on Employee Performance (Y).
Test T
T submission to find out whether individually or partially the independent variable has a
significant or no significant effect on the dependent variable.
Test criteria:
Reject H0 and accept H1 if ttable ≥ count; or
Accept H0 and subtract H1 if count< ttable.
By using the help of SPSS 25 software, the output of the calculation results of the T test was obtained:
Figure 7 Test T
Source : Output SPSS 25, 2024
Based on figure 7 the calculation value for the Organizational Culture variable (X1)
was 5,639, Job Satisfaction (X2) was 3,800, and Work Motivation (X3) was 5,750. With α =
5% and df = n
k-1 = 232 31 = 228, the ttable value from the distribution table 't for the test
is 1.652.
Testing the partial hypothesis of the Organizational Culture variable (X1) on Employees'
Performance (Y)
H0 : x1 < 0 : Organizational Culture (X1) has no positive and significant effect on Employee
Performance (Y)
H1 : x1 > 0 : Organizational Culture (X1) has a positive and significant effect on Employee
Performance (Y).
Testing the partial hypothesis of the variable Job Satisfaction (X2) on Employee Performance
The Influence of Organizational Culture, Job Satisfaction and Work Motivation on Employee
Performance (Study on Shop X Bandung City Branch)
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H0 : x2 < 0 : Job Satisfaction (X2) has no positive and significant effect on Employee
Performance (Y)
H1 : x2 > 0 : Job Satisfaction (X2) has a positive and significant effect on Employee
Performance (Y).
Testing the partial hypothesis of the variable Work Motivation (X3) on Employee
Performance (Y)
H0 : x3 < 0 : Work Motivation (X3) has no positive and significant effect on
Employee Performance (Y)
H1 : x3 > 0 : Work Motivation (X3) has a positive and significant effect on Employee
Performance (Y).
This study aims to determine the influence of organizational culture, job satisfaction,
and employee motivation on employee performance. The results of the analysis explain that
organizational culture affects employee performance. Organizational culture is the values,
guidelines that an organization has. If an organization has a strong or positive organizational
culture, it can support employees in improving performance. Similarly, job satisfaction
affects employee performance. Job satisfaction is an emotional attitude towards one's job. Job
satisfaction can be enjoyed at work by getting opportunities to get promotions. And work
motivation affects employee performance, work motivation is an encouragement to someone
to achieve the desired goals. High employee motivation will make employees more
motivated, for example by giving awards.
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The Influence of Organizational Culture, Job Satisfaction and Work Motivation on Employee
Performance (Study on Shop X Bandung City Branch)
Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 07, Juli 2024 3163
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Cindy Calista, Wilson Bangun (2024)
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