Mufassir, Abd. Azis Muthalib, Muh. Nur, Rince Tambunan
3062 Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 07, Juli 2024
strategic asset require attention oriented to the creation of a unity of view towards the
achievement of the organization's vision and mission.
The same is the case in the government structure with its bureaucracy which is expected
to be a way to solve the development problems of a region. The government is a servant and
servant of the community, in an effort to respond to the dynamics of society and these various
demands, Law Number 32 of 2004 concerning Regional Government and Law Number 33 of
2004 concerning Financial Balance between the Central and Regional Governments was born.
The existence of this law gives great authority to the regions to take care of their own
households and offers various possibilities for the implementation of a new paradigm in
reorganizing the local government system and finding new ways to run the public bureaucracy
efficiently, effectively, responsively, transparently and accountably to the needs of the
community. Regions can develop democratic life, participation, initiative and empowerment
of the community as well as the preservation of regional diversity values which in the end the
local government can determine the right public bureaucratic design and model to respond to
the demands, aspirations and dynamics that occur in the community. Failure to respond to the
demands of change can create a new source of conflict between the government and the
community which can ultimately interfere with the legitimacy and running of the government.
The context of state administration shows that the role of apparatus resources is a very
important element for the continuation of the wheels of government and development. In
Indonesia, this role is played by Civil Servants, who in government are often referred to as the
"bureaucratic machine". The main focus on the creation of good governance and the need to
create a clean and efficient government makes the role of Civil Servants a serious concern.
This means that the improvement of Civil Servants must be the center of attention because it
has a very strategic function.
Performance is the result or output of a process (Utama & SE, 2020). According to the
behavioral approach in management, performance is the quantity or quality of something
produced or a service provided by someone who does the work (Wijaya, 2017). Performance
is work achievement, namely the comparison between work results and set standards (Dessler,
2015). Performance is the result of work both in quality and quantity achieved by a person in
carrying out tasks according to the responsibilities given (Mangkunegara, 2013). Performance
is the result or level of success of a person as a whole during a certain period of time in
carrying out a task compared to various possibilities, such as work performance standards,
targets or objectives or criteria that have been determined in advance have been mutually
agreed upon (Prowse & Prowse, 2009).
The need for reform towards the creation of an efficient Civil Servant is increasingly
felt in line with the changes that occur as a result of development and as a result of external
changes at the regional and global levels. The general tendency in growth in all fields also
gives rise to demands regarding the need for Civil Servants who are more professional,
skilled, open and service-oriented to the community.
Civil servants also still look far from the attitude of "public servants" in providing
public services that are their duty. As an illustration, based on research on local government
apparatus/bureaucracy, the ability of public services carried out only reached 43.98 percent.
However, for bureaucratic tasks that reflect the power or authority of the government (i.e.
regulation and supervision), such as granting permits, implementing rules, and supervising
community activities, at least 75 (Effendi, 2013).
Work commitment is seen as a value orientation towards the organization that shows
that individuals are very concerned about and prioritize their work and organization.
Individuals will try to give all the efforts they have in order to help the organization achieve