How to cite:
Mufassir, Abd. Azis Muthalib, Muh. Nur, Rince Tambunan (2024) The Influence of Work
Commitment and Work Discipline on Employee Job Satisfaction and Performance of Bombana
Regency Inspectorate Employees, (06) 07,
Published by:
Ridwan Institute
Mufassir, Abd. Azis Muthalib, Muh. Nur, Rince Tambunan
Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Enam Enam Kendari, Indonesia
The aim of this research is to determine and analyze: (1) The influence of work commitment
on the performance of Bombana Regency Inspectorate employees; (2) The influence of work
commitment on the performance of Bombana Regency Inspectorate employees; (3) The
influence of work discipline on job satisfaction of Bombana Regency Inspectorate employees;
(4) The influence of work discipline on the performance of Bombana Regency Inspectorate
employees; (5) The influence of job satisfaction on the performance of Bombana Regency
Inspectorate employees. The population in this study were all 49 Bombana Regency
Inspectorate employees with ASN status and were also used as respondents in this study using
census techniques. The data analysis method used in this research is descriptive analysis and
inferential statistics, namely Partial Least Square (PLS). The research results state that: (1)
Work commitment has a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction of Bombana
Regency Inspectorate employees; (2) Work commitment has a positive and significant effect
on the performance of Bombana Regency Inspectorate employees; (3) Work discipline has a
positive and significant effect on job satisfaction of Bombana Regency Inspectorate
employees; (4) Work discipline has a positive and significant effect on the performance of
Bombana Regency Inspectorate employees; (5) Employee job satisfaction has a positive and
significant effect on the performance of Bombana Regency Inspectorate employees.
Keywords: Work Commitment, Work Discipline, Job Satisfaction, Employee Performance
The strategic role of human resources in organizations has received great attention in
today's era of globalization. At the macro level, "human capital" is the main factor in
macroeconomic growth. Meanwhile, at the micro level, human capital is the main resource for
sustainable competitive excellence for an organization, both public and private.
This view explains that human resources play a strategic and decisive role in the success
of the organization, so that in human resource management it is emphasized the need for an
integrated process in various dimensions including leadership, openness, employee
participation in decision-making, working conditions, so that it is expected to be able to
produce optimal performance for organizational development. Human resources as a very
pISSN: 2723-4339 e-ISSN: 2548-1398
Vol. 6, No. 07, Juli 2024
Mufassir, Abd. Azis Muthalib, Muh. Nur, Rince Tambunan
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strategic asset require attention oriented to the creation of a unity of view towards the
achievement of the organization's vision and mission.
The same is the case in the government structure with its bureaucracy which is expected
to be a way to solve the development problems of a region. The government is a servant and
servant of the community, in an effort to respond to the dynamics of society and these various
demands, Law Number 32 of 2004 concerning Regional Government and Law Number 33 of
2004 concerning Financial Balance between the Central and Regional Governments was born.
The existence of this law gives great authority to the regions to take care of their own
households and offers various possibilities for the implementation of a new paradigm in
reorganizing the local government system and finding new ways to run the public bureaucracy
efficiently, effectively, responsively, transparently and accountably to the needs of the
community. Regions can develop democratic life, participation, initiative and empowerment
of the community as well as the preservation of regional diversity values which in the end the
local government can determine the right public bureaucratic design and model to respond to
the demands, aspirations and dynamics that occur in the community. Failure to respond to the
demands of change can create a new source of conflict between the government and the
community which can ultimately interfere with the legitimacy and running of the government.
The context of state administration shows that the role of apparatus resources is a very
important element for the continuation of the wheels of government and development. In
Indonesia, this role is played by Civil Servants, who in government are often referred to as the
"bureaucratic machine". The main focus on the creation of good governance and the need to
create a clean and efficient government makes the role of Civil Servants a serious concern.
This means that the improvement of Civil Servants must be the center of attention because it
has a very strategic function.
Performance is the result or output of a process (Utama & SE, 2020). According to the
behavioral approach in management, performance is the quantity or quality of something
produced or a service provided by someone who does the work (Wijaya, 2017). Performance
is work achievement, namely the comparison between work results and set standards (Dessler,
2015). Performance is the result of work both in quality and quantity achieved by a person in
carrying out tasks according to the responsibilities given (Mangkunegara, 2013). Performance
is the result or level of success of a person as a whole during a certain period of time in
carrying out a task compared to various possibilities, such as work performance standards,
targets or objectives or criteria that have been determined in advance have been mutually
agreed upon (Prowse & Prowse, 2009).
The need for reform towards the creation of an efficient Civil Servant is increasingly
felt in line with the changes that occur as a result of development and as a result of external
changes at the regional and global levels. The general tendency in growth in all fields also
gives rise to demands regarding the need for Civil Servants who are more professional,
skilled, open and service-oriented to the community.
Civil servants also still look far from the attitude of "public servants" in providing
public services that are their duty. As an illustration, based on research on local government
apparatus/bureaucracy, the ability of public services carried out only reached 43.98 percent.
However, for bureaucratic tasks that reflect the power or authority of the government (i.e.
regulation and supervision), such as granting permits, implementing rules, and supervising
community activities, at least 75 (Effendi, 2013).
Work commitment is seen as a value orientation towards the organization that shows
that individuals are very concerned about and prioritize their work and organization.
Individuals will try to give all the efforts they have in order to help the organization achieve
The Influence of Work Commitment and Work Discipline on Employee Job Satisfaction and
Performance of Bombana Regency Inspectorate Employees
Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 07, Juli 2024 3063
its goals. Work commitment is shown in an attitude of acceptance and strong belief in the
values and goals of an organization as well as a strong drive to maintain membership in the
organization for the sake of creating organizational goals.
The increasing popularity of the concept of work commitment is based on the belief that
work commitment has implications, not only for employees and organizations, but also for
society as a whole. Work commitment to being an employee is more likely to receive
extrinsic rewards such as income and psychological related to membership
Work discipline is one of the factors that can affect the performance of an organization.
Work discipline is something that must be instilled in every employee. Employee awareness
is required by complying with applicable regulations. Regulations are needed to provide
guidance and counseling for employees in creating good order in the organization. In addition,
the organization itself must strive to make the regulations clear, easy to understand and
applicable to all employees (Hasibuan, 2012).
According to Tongo-Tongo, (2014), A factor that can affect performance is work
discipline. Discipline greatly affects the performance of employees and the organization,
because discipline is a form of training for employees in implementing organizational rules.
Meanwhile, Employee Work Discipline here is the employee's perception of the employee's
personal attitude in terms of order and self-order possessed by the employee in working in the
organization without any violations that harm him/herself, others, or the environment. Thus,
the work discipline applied in the organization is essentially the ability to control the
employee in the form of not doing an action that is inappropriate and contrary to something
that has been determined and doing something that supports and protects something that has
been determined in the organization (Aritonang, 2005).
The phenomenon of low work commitment to job satisfaction in the State Civil
Apparatus (ASN) of the Bombana Regency Inspectorate can be seen from the results of
interviews with several State Civil Apparatus (ASN) who lack employee institutional ties and
involvement in the organization due to their own desires, a low sense of intimacy as a family
to an organization, a lack of employee involvement in work more deeply and consistently, and
the thought of profit and loss obtained by the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) and the lack of
individual confidence in responsibility for the organization. In addition, the State Civil
Apparatus (ASN) lacks the obligation to repay what the organization has given and lacks
loyalty to the agency.
The low commitment to the performance of the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) is
suspected to be due to the low performance in the Bombana Regency Inspectorate, which can
be seen in the lack of self-awareness of some ASN such as dissatisfaction with their work
such as heavy workloads, lack of effort to develop themselves and their abilities and lack of
compliance with existing regulations. In addition, some civil servants lack initiative, plans
that are not mature, and lack a competitive spirit. and always depend on the instructions of the
leadership and the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) lack mutual respect, and individuals and do
not respect the opinions of colleagues, in doing their work less effort to work effectively
Job satisfaction and performance are influenced by work discipline, indications of low
job satisfaction can also be seen from frequent delays in the completion or management of a
file, employees are not at their workplace or the work results achieved are not in accordance
with the standards that have been set, lack of speed of service provided by employees. This is
an indication and there is still a lack of competence in terms of knowledge and attitude at
work, in addition to the problem of competence owned by employees, commitment is also a
problem in increasing job satisfaction, lack of commitment can affect performance, with this
Mufassir, Abd. Azis Muthalib, Muh. Nur, Rince Tambunan
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phenomenon, where employees tend to experience a decrease in job satisfaction and have an
impact on employee performance.
The purpose of this study is to find out and analyze the influence of work commitment
on job satisfaction of Bombana Regency Inspectorate employees. Work commitment to the
performance of Bombana Regency Inspectorate employees. Work discipline on job
satisfaction of Bombana Regency Inspectorate employees Work discipline on the
performance of Bombana Regency Inspectorate employees. Job satisfaction on employee
This research was carried out in Bombana Regency, especially at the Bombana Regency
Inspectorate with the object of research on the influence of work commitment and work
discipline on employee job satisfaction and employee performance. The population in this
study is all employees of the Bombana Regency Inspectorate which totals 49 with ASN status
and at the same time is used as respondents in this study using census techniques (Siregar,
2021). The data collection techniques used in this study are documentation and
The Effect of Work Commitment on Employee Job Satisfaction
The results of the data analysis stated that work commitment had a positive and
significant effect on job satisfaction with a smaller significance value of alpha value, meaning
that the better the work commitment, the higher job satisfaction would be. The results of this
study are also strengthened by the description of the respondents' answer variables that work
commitment reflected through affective commitment, continuity commitment and normative
commitment make a good contribution to employee job satisfaction.
Field facts prove that work commitment has a positive and significant effect on job
satisfaction, which is characterized by the results of the perception that employees will be
happy if they spend their careers in this office, proud of this organization to others outside the
organization, feel that problems that occur in the agency are problems, have to think if they
quit this job, do not want to leave the organization in the future, getting a job with a good
income like the current job, believing that one should always be loyal to his organization,
moving from one organization to another seems unethical and this agency deserves the loyalty
of its employees.(Hasan, 2012).
Employees are an important resource in the success of an organization because the
failure of an employee in carrying out his duties and responsibilities, will affect the process of
achieving the goals that have been set by the organization. As one of the important
components, employees must have a strong commitment to their duties because employees
must have a high concern and sense of responsibility for the tasks given. This is based on the
idea that the success of employees to achieve their goals describes the success of the
organization as a whole
Work commitment is an important behavioral dimension that can be used to assess
employees' tendency to stay as a member of the organization, the identification and
The Influence of Work Commitment and Work Discipline on Employee Job Satisfaction and
Performance of Bombana Regency Inspectorate Employees
Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 07, Juli 2024 3065
involvement of someone who is relatively strong in the organization, as well as the desire of
the organization members to maintain their membership in the organization and be willing to
work hard to achieve organizational goals. Aula, Hanoum, & Prihananto, (2022) Work
commitment is the degree to which employees are confident and accept the organization's
Work commitment as a situation in which employees take sides with a certain
organization and its goals, and intend to maintain membership in that organization. (Luthans,
2012) Work commitment is defined as a strong desire to remain a member of the
organization, a desire to work hard according to the organization's desires, certain beliefs and
acceptance of the organization's values and goals. It is concluded from the opinions of the
above experts that work commitment is the belief and desire of individuals to accept the
values and goals of the organization. Work commitment can be defined as a psychological
state that binds individuals in an organization.
The results of this study are relevant to the research conducted by Setiawan, (2020)
found that work commitment has a positive and significant effect on employee job
The Effect of Work Commitment on Employee Performance
The results of the data analysis stated that work commitment had a positive and
significant effect on employee performance with a smaller significance value of alpha value,
meaning that the better the work commitment, the better the employee's performance would
increase. The results of this study are also strengthened by the description of the respondents'
answer variables that organizational commitment reflected through affective commitment,
continuity commitment and normative commitment make a good contribution to improving
employee performance.
Field facts prove that organizational commitment has a positive and significant effect
which is planted with the results of respondents' answers regarding organizational
commitment reflected through employees will be happy if they spend their careers in this
office, proud of this organization to others outside the organization, feel that problems that
occur in the agency are also problems for employees, must think if they quit this job, Not
wanting to leave the organization in the future, finding it difficult to get a job with a good
income like the current job, believing that a person must always be loyal to his organization,
moving from one organization to another seems unethical for employees and this agency
deserves the loyalty of employees.
The results of this study confirm the theory of Hasan, (2012) which states that high
commitment will be seriously involved in the organization, loyal to the organization, striving
towards the organization's goals and the desire to stay with the organization for a long time.
There are three forms of work commitment to the Bombana Regency Inspectorate, namely:
Continuity commitment, which is a commitment related to the dedication of members in
carrying out the life of the organization and producing people who are willing to sacrifice and
invest in the organization; Cohesion commitment, which is a member's commitment to the
organization as a result of social relationships with other members in the organization. This
Mufassir, Abd. Azis Muthalib, Muh. Nur, Rince Tambunan
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happens because employees believe that the norms adopted by the organization are useful
norms and Control commitment, which is the commitment of members to organizational
norms that provide behavior in the desired direction. The norms owned by the organization
are appropriate and able to contribute to the desired behavior The results of this study are
relevant to the research conducted by Bagis, Pratama, & Kharismasyah, 2019; Mora,
Suharyanto, & Yahya, (2020) found that work commitment has a positive and significant
effect on employee performance.
Work Discipline on Employee Job Satisfaction
The results of the data analysis stated that work discipline had a positive and significant
effect on job satisfaction with a smaller significance value of alpha value, meaning that the
better the employee's work discipline, the higher job satisfaction would be. This result was
reinforced by the description of the respondents' answers that work discipline which is
reflected through the level of attendance, work procedures, obedience to superiors, work
awareness and responsibility contribute to increasing job satisfaction.
Field facts based on the description of the employee's answer regarding work discipline
have an impact on job satisfaction which is reflected through employees coming to the office
on time, employees return to the office on time, always absent on time, employees always
carry out work in accordance with the responsibilities that have been given, work completed
with procedures will give good results, do work in accordance with the orders of superiors,
Employees obey the orders of their superiors, employees always respect their superiors,
always obey the rules passed by their superiors, employees work with their own initiative,
employees work carefully, never procrastinate on work, employees are always responsible for
the work given, obedience in doing tasks can affect the performance of employees and can
complete work that cannot be completed by colleagues. The results of this study conform the
theory of Fathoni, (2006) that discipline is an attitude to act in accordance with the provisions
or norms that apply in the organizational environment. Discipline is the awareness and
willingness of a person to obey all agency regulations and be aware of their duties and
Discipline can be interpreted as employees always coming and leaving on time, doing
all their work well, complying with all agency regulations and applicable social norms.
Siagian, (2016) stated that: "Discipline is a management action to encourage the members of
the organization to meet the demands of these various provisions
Good discipline reflects a person's sense of responsibility for the tasks assigned to him".
This encourages work passion, work spirit, and the realization of organizational goals,
employees and the community. Therefore, every boss always tries to make his subordinates
have good discipline. A superior is said to be effective in his leadership, if his subordinates
are well disciplined. Regulations are needed to provide guidance and counseling for
employees in creating good order in the organization. With good discipline, employee morale,
work morale, efficiency, and effectiveness will increase. This will support the achievement of
the goals of the organization, employees, and the community. It is clear that it is difficult for
the organization to achieve its goals, if employees do not comply with these regulations. The
The Influence of Work Commitment and Work Discipline on Employee Job Satisfaction and
Performance of Bombana Regency Inspectorate Employees
Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 07, Juli 2024 3067
results of this study are relevant to the research conducted by (Bagis et al., 2019; Yurike
Septia & Asmanita, (2020) which found that work discipline had a significant effect on job
The Effect of Work Discipline on Employee Performance
The results of the data analysis stated that work discipline had a positive and significant
effect on employee performance with a smaller significance value of the alpha value dance,
meaning that the better the work discipline, the more employee performance would increase.
This result is strengthened by the results of the respondents' answers (employees) on work
discipline which is reflected through the level of attendance, work procedures, obedience to
superiors, work awareness and responsibility can improve employee performance.
Field facts show that work discipline has a positive and significant effect which is
characterized by the description of the employee's answer that the work discipline reflected
through the employee coming to the office on time, the employee leaves the office on time,
the employee is always absent on time, the employee always carries out the work in
accordance with the responsibilities that have been given, the work completed with
procedures will give good results, Doing work in accordance with the orders of the superiors,
employees obey the orders of the superiors, employees always respect the superiors, always
obey the rules passed by the superiors, employees work have their own initiative, employees
work carefully, never procrastinate on work, employees are always responsible for the work
given, obedience in doing tasks can affect the work performance of employees and can
complete work that cannot be done completed by colleagues
The results of this study conform the theory of Handoko, (2015) He explained that the
Innatation Leader must be able to recognize and study the behavior and nature of employees.
This can help leaders choose which type of work motivation suits employees. In addition, the
behavior and nature of employees also affect the selection of which type of discipline can be
applied to employees. There are several types of disciplinary activities in the Bombana
Regency Inspectorate, including: preventive discipline is an activity that is carried out to
encourage employees to follow various standards and rules, so that irregularities can be
prevented, corrective discipline is an activity taken to deal with violations of the rules and try
to avoid further violations and progressive discipline is to provide appropriate punishments.
more severe against repeated violations.
The main goal of preventive discipline is to encourage self-discipline among employees.
In this way, employees can maintain their self-discipline not solely because they are forced by
management. Management must have a responsibility to create a climate of preventive
discipline where various standards are known and understood. If employees don't know what
standards to meet, they tend to be misguided. In addition, management should set standards
positively and not negatively. Employees usually need to know the reasons behind a standard
so that they can understand and implement it. Meanwhile, in corrective discipline, the activity
can usually be applied in a form of punishment or also known as disciplinary action. This
disciplinary action can be in the form of a warning or suspension.
Mufassir, Abd. Azis Muthalib, Muh. Nur, Rince Tambunan
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The results of this study are relevant to the research conducted by Bagis et al., 2019;
Marlius & Vebrian, 2020; Suryo Andrian Prasetyo, Hermawan, & Guspul, (2020) found that
work discipline has a positive and significant effect on employee performance.
The Effect of Job Satisfaction on Employee Performance
The results of the data analysis stated that job satisfaction had a positive and significant
effect on employee performance with a smaller significance value of alpha value, meaning
that the better job satisfaction, the more employee performance would increase. This is
reinforced by the respondents' answers showing that job satisfaction reflected through
satisfaction with work, satisfaction with rewards, satisfaction with supervisor supervision,
satisfaction with colleagues and promotion opportunities can improve employee performance.
Field facts prove that job satisfaction has a positive and significant effect which is
characterized by the results of the respondent's perception of the item of the job satisfaction
variable statement that the employee is satisfied with the work he is currently doing, is
satisfied with the workload that is sometimes delegated to, the work that is currently being
done is in accordance with the educational background, ability, and expertise, I am satisfied
with the basic salary I receive at this time, the salary I currently receive is satisfactory, in
accordance with the workload and responsibilities that I carry, I am satisfied with the income
provided by the agency, my boss has always given directions to my subordinates in every job,
communication between my superiors and subordinates is well established in solving work
problems, My boss is always willing to take the time to help if I have difficulties in
completing work tasks, relationships with colleagues are well established, if needed
colleagues provide direct assistance in an effort to complete the work on time, every task can
be completed well if there is support from colleagues in the office, all employees in this
agency are given the same opportunity for promotion, The fairness of the employee
promotion policy has been well implemented in this agency and the promotions carried out by
the agency motivate employees to develop and advance.
The results of this study confirm the theory of Wibowo (2016) explained that employee
job satisfaction is a phenomenon that needs to be observed by organizational leaders.
Employee job satisfaction is closely related to employee performance. A person who is
satisfied with his or her job will have high motivation, commitment to the organization and
work participation, which will ultimately continue to improve their performance. Likewise,
vice versa, high employee performance will affect their job satisfaction. Job satisfaction will
be related to employee attachment to the organization. If job satisfaction is not maintained, it
is likely to result in a high turnover of employees from the organization. In addition,
employee job dissatisfaction can be identified from low employee productivity, high turnover
at work, and low commitment to the organization.
Job satisfaction is the perception that individuals feel about the work they do. Job
satisfaction is basically something individual. Each individual has a different level of
satisfaction according to the value system that applies to him. The higher the assessment of
the activity that is felt according to the individual's wishes, the higher the satisfaction with the
activity. The high and low level of job satisfaction can have a different impact.
The Influence of Work Commitment and Work Discipline on Employee Job Satisfaction and
Performance of Bombana Regency Inspectorate Employees
Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 07, Juli 2024 3069
The results of this study are relevant to the research conducted by Bagis et al., 2019;
Mora et al., 2020; Ery Teguh Prasetyo & Marlina, (2019) found that job satisfaction had a
positive and significant effect on employee performance.
Based on the results of the analysis and discussion as stated in the previous section, it is
concluded that work commitment has a positive and significant effect on the job satisfaction
of Bombana Regency Inspectorate employees. This means that work commitment reflected
through affective commitment, continuity commitment and normative commitment can
significantly increase job satisfaction. Work commitment has a positive and significant effect
on the performance of Bombana Regency Inspectorate employees. This means that work
commitment reflected through affective commitment, continuity commitment and normative
commitment can significantly improve employee performance. Work discipline has a positive
and significant effect on the job satisfaction of Bombana Regency Inspectorate employees.
This means that work discipline which is reflected through the level of attendance, work
procedures, obedience to superiors, work awareness and responsibility can significantly
increase job satisfaction. Work discipline has a positive and significant effect on the
performance of Bombana Regency Inspectorate employees. This means that work discipline
reflected through the level of attendance, work procedures, obedience to superiors, work
awareness and responsibility can significantly improve employee performance. Employee job
satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on the performance of Bombana Regency
Inspectorate employees. This means that job satisfaction reflected through satisfaction with
work, satisfaction with rewards, satisfaction with supervisor supervision, satisfaction with
colleagues and promotion opportunities can significantly improve employee performance.
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Mufassir, Abd. Azis Muthalib, Muh. Nur, Rince Tambunan (2024)
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