How to cite:
Rima Nurul Afifah, Gurawan Dayona Ismail, Yoyo Sudaryo, Dayan Hakim Natigor Sipahutar,
Dadan Abdul Aziz Mubarok (2024) The Influence of Leadership Style, Communication, and
Motivation on Employee Performance at Pt. Fengtay Indonesia Enterprise, (06) 07,
Published by:
Ridwan Institute
Rima Nurul Afifah, Gurawan Dayona Ismail, Yoyo Sudaryo, Dayan Hakim Natigor
Sipahutar, Dadan Abdul Aziz Mubarok
Universitas Indonesia Membangun, Indonesia
This research was conducted for problems that occurred at PT. Fengtay Indonesia Ent. namely
low employee performance, this is characterized by a decline in employee performance which
is assessed through IPT (Individual Performance Targets) and UPT (Unit Performance
Targets) never reaching the IPT and UPT targets. Then the level of employee discipline
decreases. These problems must of course be addressed immediately, because employees are
one of the factors that can determine the success of a company. The aspects examined in this
research are leadership style, work communication, and motivation. This research uses
quantitative methods with descriptive and verification approaches. In this research,
quantitative methods with descriptive and verification approaches are used to test whether
there is an influence of leadership style, communication and motivation on the performance of
PT employees. Fengtay Indonesia Enterprise. The results of this research show that with good
leadership style, work communication, motivation, employee performance will increase and
achieve targets.
Keywords: Leadership Style, Communication, Motivation, Employee Performance
In practice, organizations have a formal, coordinated, structured, organized union
system with the aim of creating cooperation to achieve something that has been mutually
agreed upon. To create maximum results in a company organization. Companies really need
human resources who have the potential to advance and develop the company in a better and
better direction. The human resources needed by the company are a leader and employee who
is tasked with supervising the work of employees in order to achieve the company's desired
The company's success depends on the workforce or human resources managed by the
company. The company tries to prepare the quality of management and the quality of human
resources to be stronger and able to work in new ways, have high qualifications and reliable
work quality. The quality of an organization's human resources is one of the main factors in
whether a company is good or bad. Companies try to take various methods to obtain human
pISSN: 2723-4339 e-ISSN: 2548-1398
Vol. 6, No. 07, Juli 2024
Rima Nurul Afifah, Gurawan Dayona Ismail, Yoyo Sudaryo, Dayan Hakim Natigor
Sipahutar, Dadan Abdul Aziz Mubarok
2988 Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 07, Juli 2024
resources who have high quality, productive work ethic, skills and creativity, professionalism,
discipline, and are able to master and develop human resource technology that functions well
to support the success of the company's organization.
Ministries, government agencies, and local governments are expected to create and
develop an organization culture oriented towards performance improvement (Saebah &
Asikin, 2022) (Sudaryo, Aribowo, & Sofiati, 2019). The development of an organization is
highly relevant, especially for state organizations. Well-developed organizations can bring
many benefits, such as increased efficiency and productivity, achieving employee work
targets, and adapting to environmental changes. On the contrary, stagnant or underdeveloped
organizations may face various problems, including poor performance, loss of human
resources potential, and an inability to cope with change.
According to Dessler, (2015) human resource management is the process of acquiring,
training, assessing, and compensating employees and for managing labor relations, health and
safety, as well as matters related to justice, explaining that companies need employees who
have high job performance.
According to Mangkunegara, (2013), performance is the result of work both in quality
and quantity achieved by someone in carrying out tasks according to the responsibilities
given. Employee performance is very important for a government agency to know the quality
of work, quantity of work, and the time employees spend working. Based on this description,
it can be explained that performance is the real behavior displayed by each person as a work
achievement that is produced both in quality and quantity in accordance with the work criteria
and responsibilities given to him, apart from that, employee performance also determines the
achievement of a goal expected by a person. government agencies.
According to Wayne, Olmstead, Vorobieff, Truman, & Kumar, (2015) a factor that can
influence employee performance is leadership style. Leadership style is something that can
influence an employee's performance so that they are willing to carry out work activities and
improve company performance, with indicators namely charismatic leadership,
transformational leadership. Leadership style is part of the attributes of a leader who knows
and recognizes each individual employee.
According to (Robbins, Judge, Millett, & Boyle, 2013) another factor that can influence
employee performance is the communication created by leaders with their subordinates.
Communication can be said to be effective if superiors motivate subordinates, provide
knowledge, control and coordinate each employee's work activities by providing emotional
encouragement and expression of feelings, with the indicators being downward
communication, upward communication, lateral communication. Communication activities in
the company are always accompanied by achieving the expected goals.
Apart from communication, according to Mangkunegara (2017:93), there is a factor that
can influence employee performance, namely motivation. Motivation is a condition that
moves employees to be able to achieve the goals of their motives. Indicators of motivation
itself are physical protection, protection from threats of danger, communication and
interaction, mutual respect and appreciation and the level of support for self-development.
Providing good motivation can encourage employee enthusiasm to carry out tasks and do their
work better. Providing encouragement as a form of motivation to subordinates is important to
improve employee performance in order to provide work enthusiasm and encouragement so
that employees are more active in working.
PT. Fengtay Indonesia Enterprese is an international Nike shoe production company
that has good quality because the majority of production of these shoes is marketed
internationally. Every day the company produces six thousand pairs of shoes in various sizes
The Influence of Leadership Style, Communication, and Motivation on Employee
Performance at Pt. Fengtay Indonesia Enterprise
Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 07, Juli 2024 2989
for parents, adults and children. The shoes produced include Jordan Nike, Air Force sneakers,
Nike Waffle, Air Max sneakers, Sport Run sneakers, Nike Borge, Nike Daybreak and so on.
The company is located on Jln. Raya Banjaran No. KM 14, Bojongmanggu, Kec.
Pameungpeuk, Bandung Regency, West Java 40377. Work activities at the company are
always accompanied by achieving the expected goals in order to achieve maximum shoe
production targets in accordance with instructions from superiors.
However, recently there have been various obstacles faced, one of which is employee
performance which has not been optimal, in improving the performance of PT employees.
Fengtay Indonesia Enterprise must know the factors that can influence performance.
The method used in this research is quantitative with a descriptive and verification
approach. According to (Sugiyono, 2017). Research methods are: "A scientific way to obtain
data with specific purposes and uses. According to Sugiyono, (2017), this is: "This descriptive
research method is carried out to determine the existence of independent variables, either only
on one or more variables (stand-alone variables or independent variables) without making
comparisons of the variables themselves and looking for relationships with other variables" .
Meanwhile, according to (Sugiyono, 2013), the verification method is as follows: "The
verification method is defined as research carried out on a certain population or sample with
the aim of testing a predetermined hypothesis." In this research, quantitative methods with
descriptive and verification approaches are used to test whether there is an influence of
leadership style, communication and motivation on the performance of PT employees.
Fengtay Indonesia Enterprise.
Normality test
The normality test aims to test whether in the regression model the confounding or
residual variables have a normal distribution. In other words, the normality test is carried out
to determine the nature of the distribution of research data which serves to determine whether
the samples taken are normal or not by testing the distribution of the data being analyzed. The
normality test in this study uses
Kolmogrov Smirnov test, in this test the guidelines used in decision making are: If the
significant value is <0.05 then the data distribution is not normal. If the significant value is >
0.05 then the data distribution is normal
Hypothesis used: Ho: residual data is normally distributed. Ha: residual data is not
normally distributed. The basis for decision making is based on probability, if the probability
value is > 0.05 then Ho is accepted, while if the probability value is < 0.05 then Ho is
rejected. The following are the results of the normality test based on Kolmogrov Smirnov as
Rima Nurul Afifah, Gurawan Dayona Ismail, Yoyo Sudaryo, Dayan Hakim Natigor
Sipahutar, Dadan Abdul Aziz Mubarok
2990 Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 07, Juli 2024
Table 1 Results of One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test Analysis
Normal Parameters, b
Std. Deviation
Most Extreme Differences
Statistical Tests
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)
The test results show a significance value for Unstandardized Residual of 0.200. A sig
value of 0.200 > 0.05 means that the data on the variable is normally distributed, so that the
regression model meets the normality assumption.
Multicollinearity Test
The multicollinearity test aims to detect whether there is not a high correlation between
one independent variable and other independent variables. Correlation between these
independent variables can be detected using the Variance Inflation Factor (VIF). To test the
existence of multiple collinearity, it can be seen through the Variance Inflation value. Factor
(VIF). These two measures show which independent variables are explained by other
independent variables. Tolerance measures the variability of an independent variable that
cannot be explained by other independent variables. So a low tolerance value is the same as a
high VIF value (because VIF = 1 / tolerance). An example value that is generally used to
indicate the presence of multicollinearity is a tolerance value < 0.10 or the same as VIF > 10.
The decision-making criteria is that multicollinearity does not occur if the tolerance value is
less than 0.10 and the independent variable has a VIF value > 10. Following are the results of
multicollinearity test below:
Table 2 Results of Tolerance and VIF Value Analysis
Collinearity Statistics
Leadership Style
The Influence of Leadership Style, Communication, and Motivation on Employee
Performance at Pt. Fengtay Indonesia Enterprise
Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 07, Juli 2024 2991
a. Dependent Variable: Performance
Source: Primary Data processed using SPSS 23.0
The results of the multicollinearity test show that all independent variables have a
Tolerance value > 0.1 and a VIF value < 10. This means that there is no high relationship
between the independent variables, so the regression model meets the multicollinearity
Heteroscedasticity Test
According to Ghozali (2018: 137), the heteroscedasticity test aims to see whether in the
regression model there is inequality in the residuals or other observations. A good regression
model will not experience heteroscedasticity. Heteroskedasticity is a situation where there is a
diversity of independent variables varying in the data at hand. One of the key assumptions in
the ordinary regression method is that errors have the same diversity in each sample.
Following are the results of the heteroscedasticity test below:
Table 3 Glejser Test Analysis Results
Unstandardized Coefficients
Standardized Coefficients
Std. Error
Leadership Style
a. Dependent Variable: AbsRes
Source: Primary Data processed using SPSS 23.0
The Glejser test results in the table above show that the influence of all independent
variables on the Absolute Residual value is not significant, because the sig value is > 0.05.
This result means that the variance from the residual from one observation to another
observation is constant so that the regression model meets the heteroscedasticity assumption.
Linearity Test
This test is used to see whether the model specifications used are correct or not.
Whether the function used in an empirical study should be linear, quadratic or cubic. With the
linearity test, information will be obtained whether the empirical model should be linear,
quadratic or cubic. Following are the results of the linearity test below:
Table 4 Linearity Test Analysis Results
Relationship Between Variables
Deviation from Linearity
Performance * Leadership Style
Performance * Communication
Performance * Motivation
Source: Primary Data processed using SPSS 23.0
The results of the linearity test between the Leadership Style Variable and Performance
have a significance value of Linearity of 0.000 and Deviation From Linearity of 0.085.
Rima Nurul Afifah, Gurawan Dayona Ismail, Yoyo Sudaryo, Dayan Hakim Natigor
Sipahutar, Dadan Abdul Aziz Mubarok
2992 Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 07, Juli 2024
Because sig Linearity < 0.05 and Sig Deviation From Linearity > 0.05, the relationship
between the Leadership Style Variable and Performance is Linear. The relationship between
Communication Variables and Performance has a significance value of Linearity of 0.000 and
Deviation From Linearity of 0.522. Because sig Linearity < 0.05 and Sig Deviation From
Linearity > 0.05, the relationship between the Communication Variable and Performance is
Linear. The Motivation and Performance variables have a significance value of Linearity of
0.000 and Deviation From Linearity of 0.917. Because sig Linearity < 0.05 and Sig Deviation
From Linearity > 0.05, the relationship between Motivation and Performance is Linear.
Partial Hypothesis Test Results (t Test).
The basis for making t-test decisions is to look at the significance value and compare
the calculated t-value with the t-table value. The error rate used is 5% or 0.05 with a
significance level of 95%. The table is obtained by the formula: t-table = (ɑ = 0.05, nk-1 or df
residual). Following are the results of the partial hypothesis test (t test) below:
Table 5 Analysis ResultsPartial Hypothesis (t Test).
Std. Error
Leadership Style
a. Dependent Variable: Performance
Based on table 5 The results of partial hypothesis testing are as follows:
1. The influence of Leadership Style on Performance has a t-count value of 7.727 with a
significance of 0.000. Because tcount > ttable (7.727 > 1.993), H0 is rejected and Ha is
accepted, meaning that partially Leadership Style has a significant effect on Employee
2. The effect of communication on performance has a t-value of 4.536 with a significance of
0.000. Because tcount > ttable (4.536 > 1.993), H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted, meaning
that partially communication has a significant effect on employee performance.
3. The influence of motivation on performance has a t value of 4.463 with a significance of
0.000. Because tcount > ttable (4.463 > 1.993), H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted, meaning
that partially motivation has a significant effect on employee performance.
Simultaneous Test Results (F Test).
The F test aims to see whether all the independent variables included in the model have
a simultaneous influence on the dependent variable. The F test is carried out by comparing the
calculated F value with the F table and looking at the significance value of 0.05 in the
following way: If Fcount > Ftable or probability < significance value (Sig 0.05), then the
The Influence of Leadership Style, Communication, and Motivation on Employee
Performance at Pt. Fengtay Indonesia Enterprise
Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 07, Juli 2024 2993
research model can be used. If Fcount > Ftable or probability > significance value (Sig
0.05), then the research model cannot be used. Following are the results of the simultaneous
test (F Test) below.
Table 6 Analysis ResultsSimultaneous Test (F Test)
Sum of Squares
Mean Square
a. Dependent Variable: Performance
b. Predictors: (Constant), Motivation, Communication, Leadership Style
Source: Primary Data processed using SPSS 23.0
The results of simultaneous hypothesis testing show an Fcount value of 303.753 with a
significance value of 0.000. Because Fcount > Ftable (2.730) and sig 0.000 < 0.05, H0 is
rejected and Ha is accepted, meaning that together there is a significant influence of
Leadership Style, Communication and Motivation on Employee Performance. These results
also show that the regression model can be used to predict performance variables.
The Influence of Leadership Style on Employee Performance at PT. Fengtay Indonesia
Based on the research results, it shows that the leadership style variable influences the
performance of PT employees. Fengtay Indonesia Enterprise, when viewed from the results of
the partial hypothesis test (t test), has a t value of 7.727 with a significance of 0.000. Because
tcount > ttable (7.727 > 1.993), H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted, meaning that partially
Leadership Style has a significant effect on PT Employee Performance. Fengtay Indonesia
The regression test result is 0.325, meaning that Leadership Style has a positive effect
on Performance. For every increase in Leadership Style by 1 unit while the Communication
and Motivation variables have a constant value (0), Performance will increase by 0.325 times.
The influence of leadership style on employee performance is because the role of a leader is
often to give direction and command employees well so as to create more optimal employee
work, apart from that, leaders always pay attention to employees in completing work.
This is in line with the journal (Rosi, Suparman, & Pdi, 2020) which explains that
leadership style influences employee performance. Likewise, Marselina, Al Hafizh, &
Triyana, (2024) explains that leadership style has a positive or significant effect on employee
performance at PT Laksana Karis Industri.
The Effect of Communication on Employee Performance at PT. Fengtay Indonesia
Based on the research results, it shows that communication variables influence the
performance of PT employees. Fengtay Indonesia Enterprise, when viewed from the results of
the partial hypothesis test (t test), has a t value of 4.536 with a significance of 0.000. Because
Rima Nurul Afifah, Gurawan Dayona Ismail, Yoyo Sudaryo, Dayan Hakim Natigor
Sipahutar, Dadan Abdul Aziz Mubarok
2994 Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 07, Juli 2024
tcount > ttable (4.536 > 1.993), H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted, meaning that partially
communication has a significant effect on employee performance.
The regression test result is 0.290, meaning that communication has a positive effect on
performance. For every increase in Communication by 1 unit while the Leadership Style and
Motivation variables have a constant value (0), Performance will increase by 0.290 times. The
influence of communication on employee performance is because employees always convey
work problems they face to superiors, and superiors or leaders accept complaints and work
problems well so that this can improve employee performance in a better direction. Similar to
Adams et al., (2023) which states that communication formed by leaders with their employees
has a positive effect on the performance of PT employees. GranVille Indonesian Shoe
Industry. Likewise, according to the journal (Muhammad, 2022) which explains that
communication built between leaders and employees can have a positive or significant effect
on the performance of PT Adis Dimenson Footwer employees who focus on the Adidas and
Vans brand shoe industry.
The Influence of Motivation on Employee Performance at PT. Fengtay Indonesia
Based on the research results, it shows that motivation variables influence the
performance of PT employees. Fengtay Indonesia Enterprise, when viewed from the results of
the partial hypothesis test (t test), has a t value of 4.463 with a significance of 0.000. Because
tcount > ttable (4.463 > 1.993), H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted, meaning that partially
motivation has a significant effect on employee performance.
The regression test result is 0.338, meaning that motivation has a positive effect on
performance. For every increase in Motivation by 1 unit while the Leadership and
Communication Style variables have a constant value (0), Performance will increase by 0.338
times. The influence of motivation on employee performance is due to the superiors of PT.
Fengtay Indonesia Enterprise always provides motivation to employees to make the company
develop more rapidly with the abilities of its employees. This is in line with the journal Rosi
Dede & Kuşakcı, (2022) which explains that superiors' work motivation can influence
employee performance well. Similar to the journal Marselina et al., (2024) which explains
that motivation directly has a significant influence on employee performance.
The Influence of Leadership Style, Communication and Motivation on Employee
Performance at PT. Fengtay Indonesia Enterprise.
Based on the results of simultaneous hypothesis testing (Test F), it shows that the F
value is 303.753 with a significance value of 0.000. Because Fcount > Ftable (2.730) and sig
0.000 < 0.05, H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted, meaning that together there is a significant
influence of Leadership Style, Communication and Motivation on PT Employee Performance.
Fengtay Indonesia Enterprise. These results also show that the regression model can be used
to predict performance variables.
In accordance with the journal (Ling, Landon, Tarrant, & Rubin, 2021) explains that
there is a significant influence of leadership style and communication on employee
The Influence of Leadership Style, Communication, and Motivation on Employee
Performance at Pt. Fengtay Indonesia Enterprise
Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 07, Juli 2024 2995
performance due to the leadership receiving input from employees and following up on it, as
well as establishing communication, one of which is that superiors always communicate with
their employees, and superiors always give awards when employees can do a good job.
Likewise with the research results of Rosi et al., (2020) which explains that the leadership
style and work motivation of superiors can influence employee performance well or
significantly because superiors or leaders always provide motivation to employees in order to
make the company develop more rapidly with the abilities of its employees so that every
employee able to complete a job well. This is similar to Resya Dwi Marselina (2018) who
explains that leadership style and motivation can influence employee performance well, one
of which is because superiors always trust each employee to do their job well.
Based on the theory expressed by Usman, 92022) suggests that, "Leaders are people
who determine goals, motivation and actions for other people". Furthermore, "Leadership is
the science and art of influencing people or groups to act as expected to achieve goals
effectively and efficiently." Meanwhile, according to Thoha, (2016) "Communication is a
process of conveying and receiving news or information from one person to another." Husaini
Usman, 92022) states that, "Communication is the process of conveying or receiving
messages from one person to another, either directly or indirectly, in written, oral or non-
verbal language."
According to (Robbins, S. P., & Judge, 2015) motivation is the encouragement or
enthusiasm that arises within a person or employee to do something or work, because of
external stimulation from both superiors and the work environment as well as the basis for
fulfilling a sense of satisfaction and fulfilling responsibility for tasks. -tasks assigned and
carried out within the organization.
Based on the results of research and discussion about the influence of leadership style,
communication and motivation on the performance of PT employees. Fengtay Indonesia
Enterprise can be summarized as follows The employee performance variable is based on
respondents' answers. The overall average score for the Performance variable is 2.85 (in the
score interval 2.60 - 3.39) or is in the Fair category. The highest score is found in the results
of the questionnaire regarding the employee's ability to work without having to be supervised
by superiors, which is the item that is perceived the highest with an average score of 3.00 or
in the Sufficient category. Meanwhile, the lowest score was found in the employee's ability to
work questionnaire without having to be supervised by superiors," which was the lowest
perceived item with a score of 2.53. The leadership style variable is based on respondents'
answers. The overall average score for the Leadership Style variable is 2.92 (in the score
interval 2.60 - 3.39) or is in the Fair category. The highest score was found in the
questionnaire results regarding leaders always paying attention to employees in completing
work with an average score of 3.10 or in the Fair category. Meanwhile, the lowest score was
found in the questionnaire results regarding employees who always respect their leaders with
a score of 2.57. The communication variable is based on respondents' answers. The overall
average score for the Communication variable is 2.72 (in the score interval 2.60 3.39) or is
Rima Nurul Afifah, Gurawan Dayona Ismail, Yoyo Sudaryo, Dayan Hakim Natigor
Sipahutar, Dadan Abdul Aziz Mubarok
2996 Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 07, Juli 2024
in the Fair category. The highest score is found in the questionnaire results regarding
employees always conveying work problems they face to their superiors with an average
score of 2.92 or in the Fair category. Meanwhile, the lowest score was found in the
questionnaire results regarding superiors always giving awards when employees can do their
work well with a score of 2.48..
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The Influence of Leadership Style, Communication, and Motivation on Employee
Performance at Pt. Fengtay Indonesia Enterprise
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Copyright holder:
Rima Nurul Afifah, Gurawan Dayona Ismail, Yoyo Sudaryo, Dayan Hakim Natigor
Sipahutar, Dadan Abdul Aziz Mubarok (2024)
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Syntax Idea
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