Rima Nurul Afifah, Gurawan Dayona Ismail, Yoyo Sudaryo, Dayan Hakim Natigor
Sipahutar, Dadan Abdul Aziz Mubarok
2988 Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 07, Juli 2024
resources who have high quality, productive work ethic, skills and creativity, professionalism,
discipline, and are able to master and develop human resource technology that functions well
to support the success of the company's organization.
Ministries, government agencies, and local governments are expected to create and
develop an organization culture oriented towards performance improvement (Saebah &
Asikin, 2022) (Sudaryo, Aribowo, & Sofiati, 2019). The development of an organization is
highly relevant, especially for state organizations. Well-developed organizations can bring
many benefits, such as increased efficiency and productivity, achieving employee work
targets, and adapting to environmental changes. On the contrary, stagnant or underdeveloped
organizations may face various problems, including poor performance, loss of human
resources potential, and an inability to cope with change.
According to Dessler, (2015) human resource management is the process of acquiring,
training, assessing, and compensating employees and for managing labor relations, health and
safety, as well as matters related to justice, explaining that companies need employees who
have high job performance.
According to Mangkunegara, (2013), performance is the result of work both in quality
and quantity achieved by someone in carrying out tasks according to the responsibilities
given. Employee performance is very important for a government agency to know the quality
of work, quantity of work, and the time employees spend working. Based on this description,
it can be explained that performance is the real behavior displayed by each person as a work
achievement that is produced both in quality and quantity in accordance with the work criteria
and responsibilities given to him, apart from that, employee performance also determines the
achievement of a goal expected by a person. government agencies.
According to Wayne, Olmstead, Vorobieff, Truman, & Kumar, (2015) a factor that can
influence employee performance is leadership style. Leadership style is something that can
influence an employee's performance so that they are willing to carry out work activities and
improve company performance, with indicators namely charismatic leadership,
transformational leadership. Leadership style is part of the attributes of a leader who knows
and recognizes each individual employee.
According to (Robbins, Judge, Millett, & Boyle, 2013) another factor that can influence
employee performance is the communication created by leaders with their subordinates.
Communication can be said to be effective if superiors motivate subordinates, provide
knowledge, control and coordinate each employee's work activities by providing emotional
encouragement and expression of feelings, with the indicators being downward
communication, upward communication, lateral communication. Communication activities in
the company are always accompanied by achieving the expected goals.
Apart from communication, according to Mangkunegara (2017:93), there is a factor that
can influence employee performance, namely motivation. Motivation is a condition that
moves employees to be able to achieve the goals of their motives. Indicators of motivation
itself are physical protection, protection from threats of danger, communication and
interaction, mutual respect and appreciation and the level of support for self-development.
Providing good motivation can encourage employee enthusiasm to carry out tasks and do their
work better. Providing encouragement as a form of motivation to subordinates is important to
improve employee performance in order to provide work enthusiasm and encouragement so
that employees are more active in working.
PT. Fengtay Indonesia Enterprese is an international Nike shoe production company
that has good quality because the majority of production of these shoes is marketed
internationally. Every day the company produces six thousand pairs of shoes in various sizes