Diina Maulina, Krismadies
3098 Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 07, Juli 2024
Thus, the research results show that there is a significant relationship between workload
and work stress experienced by assembly operators at PT. X year 2024. High workload, both
in terms of quantity and quality of tasks that must be completed within a certain time period
because it can increase stress levels in operators which has a negative impact on their well-
being and overall performance. Therefore, the management of PT X.
The research results show that mental workload has a positive relationship with work
stress in assembly operators at PT. X year 2024. Based on the results of the questionnaire, the
data shows that 12 out of 30 workers experience very high mental workload. In terms of work
stress, all respondents felt mild stress in the aspects of role ambiguity and role conflict. In the
qualitative aspect of overload, 5 out of 30 workers experienced severe stress, while the rest
experienced moderate stress. Regarding the career development aspect, 1 person experienced
severe stress and 29 others experienced moderate stress. Finally, in the aspect of responsibility
towards other people, 4 people experienced severe stress, while 26 others experienced mild
stress. This data indicates that high mental workload tends to be associated with varying
levels of work stress, especially in certain aspects that affect the mental well-being of
assembly operators.
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