Analysis of Social Media Marketing in Starbucks Indonesia
Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 07, Juli 2024 3089
make content with the song, and Starbucks Indonesia also makes their content with the song
so that their content goes up.
For Instagram social media, they share content on several Instagram features such as
through video content, photos, reels, and Instagram stories every day. By sharing content
every day, it also helps improve the brand quality of Starbucks Indonesia. And for Tiktok
social media, they share photos and video content on Tiktok Starbucks Indonesia. Apart from
promotional content, they also provide content sharing Starbucks Indonesia drink recipes.
And for Youtube social media, they share videos once a week or once a month with a duration
of 1 minute to 3 minutes.
In addition to prioritizing visual quality, Starbucks Indonesia also prepares captions for
each content. Photo or video captions of Starbucks Indonesia content must be meaningful,
brief, and easy to understand. With that, customers can easily understand and often view the
content. Starbucks Indonesia also often replies and responds to comments on social media so
that customers feel close and responded to in discussing about Starbucks Indonesia, and also
useful for improving quality if Starbucks Indonesia has criticism and suggestions from
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