How to cite:
La Ode Muhammad Rickhzal Putra, Abd. Azis Muthalib, Nofal Supriaddin, Muh. Nur, Rince
Tambunan (2024) The Influence of Leadership, Work Culture and Competence on Employee
Performance at the Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Welfare Bureau , (06) 06,
Published by:
Ridwan Institute
La Ode Muhammad Rickhzal Putra, Abd. Azis Muthalib, Nofal Supriaddin, Muh. Nur,
Rince Tambunan
Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Enam Enam Kendari, Indonesia
This study aims to find out and analyze the influence of leadership, work culture and
competence on employee performance at the Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Welfare Bureau.
The determination of the number of samples in this study is by using the census method,
namely the number of samples taken from the entire population of 46 employees. The data
analysis technique in this study uses multiple linear regression analysis using Microsoft Excel,
and SPSS software. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that (1) Leadership,
work culture, and competence have a positive and significant effect on employee performance
at the Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Welfare Bureau; (2) Leadership has a positive and
significant effect on employee performance at the Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Welfare
Bureau; (3) Work culture has a positive and significant effect on employee performance at the
Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Welfare Bureau; and (4) Work culture has a positive and
significant effect on employee performance at the Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Welfare
Keywords: Leadership, Work Culture, Competence, and Performance.
The performance of an organization is largely determined by the performance of each
individual. In organizational performance, the achievement of results lies at the level or unit
of the organization, so that it includes all elements in the organization, one of which is the
individual/individual. Employee performance is considered to have a reinforcing factor for
work performance. So that if employees work effectively, they will gain trust and comfort in
Employee performance according to Bintoro & Daryanto, (2017) is the overall result or
level of success over a certain period of time in carrying out any task or work. Performance at
this level is influenced by job objectives, job design, and job management as well as
individual characteristics. So it can be concluded that individual performance is a determinant
in achieving organizational goals or organizational units. If the organization has good
pISSN: 2723-4339 e-ISSN: 2548-1398
Vol. 6, No. 06, Juni 2024
La Ode Muhammad Rickhzal Putra, Abd. Azis Muthalib, Nofal Supriaddin, Muh. Nur, Rince
2834 Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 06, Juni 2024
individual performance, then automatically the performance produced by the organization will
also be good. And vice versa, if the performance of the individual is less or poor, then the
performance of the organization will be less good.
According to Mangkunegara, (2013) Performance is the result of quality and quantity
of work achieved by an employee in carrying out his duties in accordance with the
responsibilities given to him." According to Fahmi, (2016) Performance is the result of a
process that refers to and is measured over a certain period of time based on pre-determined
provisions or agreements." Employee performance indicators according to Mangkunegara,
(2013) Among others, the quality of work, the quantity of work, the implementation of duties
and responsibilities for work.
Employee performance is influenced by leadership, work culture and competence.
According to Laia & Sinaga, (2022) Leadership is any time a person tries to influence the
behavior of a person or a group, the effort to influence this behavior is aimed at achieving
individual goals, the goals of friends, or together with organizational goals that may be the
same or different".
According to Effendi, (2014) Leadership is an influencing activity with the ability to
convince others to direct the process of achieving predetermined organizational goals”.
According to R.Terry in Fahmi, (2016) There are several indicators in understanding
leadership, namely: emotional stability, human relationships, personal motivation and
communication skills.
Work culture is a process of teaching certain knowledge and skills as well as attitudes
so that employees are more skilled and able to carry out their responsibilities better, in
accordance with standards (A. A. P. Mangkunegara, 2013). According to Dessler, (2015),
that "Work culture is the process of teaching the skills that employees need to do their jobs".
Furthermore, the definition of work culture is simply defined by Dessler, (2015) as a "learning
process designed to change the ability of employees to do their jobs". According to Idris,
Apriani, & Sos, (2017) The indicators of work culture are innovation and risk-taking,
attention to detail, consistency and involvement.
According to Edison, Anwar, & Komariyah, (2016) Competence is the ability of an
individual to carry out a job correctly and have a wealth based on things related to knowledge,
skills and attitudes. Competency indicators according to Edison, Anwar, & Komariyah,
(2016) To fulfill the elements of competence, an employee must meet the following elements:
knowledge, expertise and attitude.
One of the agencies in the city of Kendari is the Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Welfare
Bureau. Based on the pre-research carried out, it is known that the performance of Employees
at the Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Welfare Bureau has not been running optimally. This can
be seen in terms of organizational commitment, it appears that the willingness of employees
to complete work is low, employee loyalty is reduced, and employee pride in the organization
seems to be lost. In addition, in terms of career development, employees feel that their careers
are not clear, there has been no improvement in the quality of performance and lack of self-
Another phenomenon that occurs is that there are several employees related to work
competence. This can be seen that the competence of employees is that there are still
employees who have insufficient knowledge about their duties and functions, lack of expertise
and a lack of attitude towards the community. This happens due to the lack of awareness of
employees in improving knowledge, expertise and attitudes.
As a reference to support the theory and preposition in this study, an empirical study of
the author is needed, so several research results are adopted. Research conducted by Do Rêgo,
The Influence of Leadership, Work Culture and Competence on Employee Performance at the
Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Welfare Bureau
Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 06, Juni 2024 2835
Supartha, & Yasa, (2017) shows that leadership has a positive and significant influence on
employee performance, meaning that if leadership is getting better, then employee
performance will increase. In line with this, the results of research conducted by (Gurning &
Irvan, 2022; Jumady, Djaharuddin, Ampauleng, Dahrul, & Torano, 2022; Tsauri & Tjahyanti,
2022) shows that there is a positive and significant influence of Leadership Style on
Employee Performance.
Research conducted by Muaja, Adolfina, & Dotulong, (2017) It shows that B work
culture has a positive effect on employee performance. In contrast to the results of research
conducted by Kaesang, Pio, & Tatimu, (2021) shows that work culture has no effect on
employee performance.
Research conducted by Nurraya & Widodo, (2022) shows that competence partially has
a positive and significant effect on employee performance. This is in line with the results of
research conducted by Angin & Ramadhani, (2022) shows that competence has a significant
effect on the performance of employees of the Batang Kuis Sub-district Office. Thus, it can be
interpreted that the better the competence, the higher the performance of the employee.
The purpose of this study is to test and analyze the influence of leadership, work culture
and competence on employee performance at the Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Welfare
Bureau. The influence of leadership on employee performance at the Southeast Sulawesi
Provincial Welfare Bureau. The influence of work culture on employee performance at the
Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Welfare Bureau. The Effect of Competence on Employee
Performance at the Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Welfare Bureau.
This study uses a quantitative approach, namely collecting, compiling, processing and
analyzing data in terms of numbers, which in practice are given certain treatments that are
studied in it (Creswell, 2016). The object of this research is leadership, work culture and
competence on employee performance at the Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Welfare Bureau.
The population in this study is all employees at the Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Welfare
Bureau as many as 46 employees (Sugiyono, 2019). The determination of the number of
samples in this study is by using the census method, namely the number of samples taken
from the entire population of 46 employees. Meanwhile, the data collection techniques used
are questionnaires and documentation.
Figure 1 Classical Assumption Test
La Ode Muhammad Rickhzal Putra, Abd. Azis Muthalib, Nofal Supriaddin, Muh. Nur, Rince
2836 Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 06, Juni 2024
Source : Primary Data Processed in 2024
Figure 2. Heteroscedasticity Test
Source : Primary Data Processed in 2024
From the Scatterplot graph in this study, it can be seen that the dots are randomly spread
and scattered both above and below the number 0 on the Y axis. This shows that there is no
heteroscedasticity in the regression model, so the regression model is suitable to be used to
explain the influence between variables.
Table 1 Multicollinearity Test Results
Collinearity Statistics
a. Dependent Variable: Y
Source : Primary Data Processed in 2024
Based on table 1 above, it can be concluded that from the results of the calculation of
multicolinity, the VIF value is less than 10 and the tolerance value is below 1. So it can be
said that there is no multicollinearity between independent variables in the regression model
of this study.
Table 2 Autocorrelation Test Results
Model Summary
a. Predictors: (Constant),X2,
b. Dependent Variable: Y
Source : Primary Data Processed in 2024
The Influence of Leadership, Work Culture and Competence on Employee Performance at the
Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Welfare Bureau
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Based on the table above, it can be seen that the value of D-W = 1.039. This means that
there is no autocorrelation.
Table 3 Simultaneous Effect of Relationship between Variables (Test F)
Sum of Squares
Mean Square
a. Dependent Variable: Y
b. Predictors: (Constant), X3, X1, X2
Source : Primary Data Processed in 2024
Leadership (X1), work culture (X2), and competence (X3) simultaneously have a
positive and significant effect on employee performance (Y) at the Southeast Sulawesi
Provincial Welfare Bureau. This is shown by the results of the F test at a confidence level of
0.95, where the probabality value = 0.000 < 0.05. This means that leadership, work culture,
and competence simultaneously have a positive and significant effect on employee
performance at the Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Welfare Bureau.
Table 4 Partial Effect of Relationship between Variables (t-test)
Std. Error
a. Dependent Variable: Y
Table 4 Partial Effect of Relationship between Variables (t-test)
The results of computer analysis (SPSS program) table 4 can be found that:
1. Leadership (X1) partially has a positive and significant effect on the performance of
employees (Y) at the Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Welfare Bureau. This is shown
by the results of the t-test at the confidence level of 0.95 or real level = 0.05, where
the probability value = 0.003 < 0.05.
2. Work culture (X2) partially has a positive and significant effect on employee
performance (Y) at the Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Welfare Bureau. This is shown
by the results of the t-test at a confidence level of 0.95 or real level = 0.05, where
the probability value = 0.004 < 0.05.
3. Compositivity (X3) partially had a positive and significant effect on the performance
of employees (Y) at the Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Welfare Bureau. This is
shown by the results of the t-test at the confidence level of 0.95 or the real level =
0.05, where the probability value = 0.000 < 0.05.
La Ode Muhammad Rickhzal Putra, Abd. Azis Muthalib, Nofal Supriaddin, Muh. Nur, Rince
2838 Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 06, Juni 2024
Table 5 Results of correlation coefficient (R) and determination (R Square) analysis
Model Summary
Adjusted R
Std. Error of the
Change Statistics
R Square
Sig. F
Predictors: (Constant), X3, X1, X2
Dependent Variable: Y
Source : Primary Data Processed in 2024
The results of the correlation coefficient (R) analysis are based on table 5.15. The result
was obtained that the amount of the Correlation coefficient (R) obtained was 0.926. These
results mean that leadership, work culture and competence are positively and strongly related
in efforts to improve employee performance at the Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Welfare
Bureau. This means that if leadership, work culture and competence are improved, employee
performance will be higher.
The Influence of Leadership, Work Culture and Competence on Employee Performance
at the Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Welfare Bureau
The results of the analysis of the first hypothesis test that leadership, work culture and
competence have an influence on employee performance at the Southeast Sulawesi Provincial
Welfare Bureau were found to be positive and significant. This can be interpreted that the
improvement in employee performance is due to the better leadership, work culture and
competence at the Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Welfare Bureau. According to Effendi,
(2014) Leadership is an influencing activity with the ability to convince others to direct in
the process of achieving predetermined organizational goals". According to Faiz Alan Fahmi
& Qulub, (2017) There are several indicators in understanding leadership, namely: emotional
stability, human relationships, personal motivation and communication skills.
The results of the variable description showed that the leadership variable had been well
perceived by the respondents. This means that the respondents have assessed the leadership of
the Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Welfare Bureau well when perceived from emotional
stability, human relationships, personal motivation and communication skills. Work culture is
a process of teaching certain knowledge and skills as well as attitudes so that employees are
more skilled and able to carry out their responsibilities better, in accordance with standards
(A. A. P. Mangkunegara, 2011). According to Dessler, (2015) that "Work culture is the
process of teaching the skills that employees need to do their jobs". According to Idris et al.,
(2017), The indicators of work culture are innovation and risk-taking, attention to detail,
consistency and involvement.
The results of the description of the variables show that the work culture variables
owned by the employees of the Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Welfare Bureau are in the good
category, this shows that the work culture owned by the employees of the Southeast Sulawesi
Provincial Welfare Bureau is assessed in terms of innovation and risk reduction, attention to
detail, consistency and involvement. According to Wibowo, (2016), said that under
competence is an ability to carry out a job or task given such as skills and knowledge and
The Influence of Leadership, Work Culture and Competence on Employee Performance at the
Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Welfare Bureau
Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 06, Juni 2024 2839
supported by the work attitude demanded by the job. The abilities or potentials they have
affect their performance at work, because in the context of the field, employees must have
high potential. Competency indicators according to (Edison et al., 2016) To fulfill the
elements of competence, an employee must meet the following elements: knowledge,
expertise and attitude.
The results of the description of the variables showed that the competency variables
owned by the employees of the Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Welfare Bureau were in the
good category, this showed that the competencies possessed by the employees of the
Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Welfare Bureau were assessed in terms of knowledge,
expertise, and attitude.
Leadership, work culture, and competence have an influence on employee performance.
According to Anwar Prabu Mangkunegara & Prabu, (2016) Performance is the result of work
in terms of quality and quantity achieved by a person in carrying out his or her functions in
accordance with the responsibilities given to him. Government Regulation of the Republic of
Indonesia Number 30 of 2019 concerning Performance Assessment of Civil Servants and
Regulation of the Minister of Internal Affairs or Permenpan RB Number 8 of 2021
concerning the Performance Management System of Civil Servants (Civil Servants). The
indicators in this study are quality, quantity, time, cost, service orientation, commitment, work
initiatives, cooperation, and leadership.
The results of the variable description show that the employee performance variables
owned by employees at the Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Welfare Bureau are in the good
category. This shows that the performance of employees owned by employees at the
Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Welfare Bureau is both assessed in terms of quality, quantity,
time, cost, service orientation, commitment, work initiatives, cooperation and leadership.
The results of the analysis with multiple linear regression showed that there was a
positive and significant simultaneous influence between leadership, work culture and
competence on employee performance. These findings show the importance of leadership,
work culture and competence to improve the performance of employees of the Southeast
Sulawesi Provincial Welfare Bureau. The results of this study are in line with the research
conducted Do Rêgo et al., (2017) shows that leadership has a positive and significant
influence on employee performance, meaning that if leadership is getting better, then
employee performance will increase. Furthermore, research conducted by Wiyanto, Razak, &
Nur, (2023) shows that work culture has a positive effect on employee performance. Next
(Nurraya & Widodo, 2022) shows that competence partially has a positive and significant
effect on employee performance.
The Influence of Leadership on Employee Performance at the Southeast Sulawesi
Provincial Welfare Bureau
The results of the analysis of the second hypothesis that leadership has an influence on
employee performance at the Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Welfare Bureau were found to be
positive and significant. This can be interpreted that the improvement in employee
performance is due to the better leadership of the Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Welfare
La Ode Muhammad Rickhzal Putra, Abd. Azis Muthalib, Nofal Supriaddin, Muh. Nur, Rince
2840 Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 06, Juni 2024
Bureau. According to (Sunyoto, 2013) "Leadership is any time someone tries to influence the
behavior of a person or group, the effort to influence this behavior is aimed at achieving
individual goals, the goals of friends, or together with organizational goals that may be the
same or different”.
According to (Effendi, 2014) Leadership is an influencing activity with the ability to
convince others to direct the process of achieving predetermined organizational goals”.
According to Irham Fahmi, (2017) There are several indicators in understanding leadership,
namely: emotional stability, human relationships, personal motivation and communication
skills. The results of the variable description showed that the leadership variable had been
well perceived by the respondents. This means that the respondents have assessed the
leadership of the Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Welfare Bureau well when perceived from
emotional stability, human relationships, personal motivation and communication skills.
Based on respondents' answers to four indicators of leadership variables, the emotional
stability indicator is the indicator that is rated the lowest by employees including the good
category. This can be interpreted that emotional stability is considered good by employees.
This means that the leadership provides advice and sympathy for personal problems and
displays determination and responsibility. Furthermore, human relationship indicators are
considered good by employees. This means that the leader is able to maintain good relations
with subordinates and involve all group members in the process of formulating targets and
Personal motivation indicators are rated well by employees. This means that the
leadership is enthusiastic about motivating employees to be active in working and monitoring
employee development in performance productivity. Furthermore, indicators of
communication skills are considered good by employees. This means that the leader always
communicates with subordinates about something related to work and is able to invite
subordinates to do something together. When compared to the average value between the
indicators of the leadership variable stated that emotional stability is the lowest indicator
when compared to other indicators such as indicators of human relationships, personal
motivation and communication skills.
This can be interpreted that leadership perceived by employees at the Southeast
Sulawesi Provincial Welfare Bureau still needs attention and evaluation, especially on
emotional stability such as leaders providing advice and sympathy for personal problems and
displaying determination and responsibility. This can be interpreted that leadership is
perceived by employees at the Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Welfare Bureau still needs
attention and evaluation, especially in the relationship between leaders and members such as
employees have a high level of trust in the leadership, respect and respect for the leadership
and the leadership is able to appreciate every difference of opinion for a better purpose.
Leadership has an influence on employee performance. According to A. A. Anwar
Prabu Mangkunegara, (2011) Performance is the result of work in terms of quality and
quantity achieved by a person in carrying out his or her functions in accordance with the
responsibilities given to him. Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number
30 of 2019 concerning Performance Assessment of Civil Servants and Regulation of the
The Influence of Leadership, Work Culture and Competence on Employee Performance at the
Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Welfare Bureau
Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 06, Juni 2024 2841
Minister of Internal Affairs or Permenpan RB Number 8 of 2021 concerning the Performance
Management System of Civil Servants (Civil Servants). The indicators in this study are
quality, quantity, time, cost, service orientation, commitment, work initiatives, cooperation,
and leadership.
The results of the variable description show that the employee performance variables
owned by employees at the Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Welfare Bureau are in the good
category. This shows that the performance of employees owned by employees at the
Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Welfare Bureau is both assessed in terms of quality, quantity,
time, cost, service orientation, commitment, work initiatives, cooperation and leadership.
Employee performance variables measured through cooperation indicators achieved in
the good category mean that employees always prioritize cooperation with colleagues to
complete work and express opinions in straightforward and easy-to-understand language
based on agreed rules. Furthermore, the cost indicator in the good category means that
employees always prioritize work compared to the costs incurred in carrying out work and the
salary provided is enough for daily living expenses.
Quality indicators in the good category mean that employees have precision in their
work so that the error rate is low and always carry out work according to the established
procedures. Furthermore, the quantity indicator in the good category means that employees
feel that the number of routine work completed is based on the target and always works with a
target orientation in achieving work.
The work initiative indicator in the good category means that employees are given the
opportunity to take the initiative to complete their work and are able to provide creative ideas
for the progress of the Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Welfare Bureau. Furthermore,
leadership indicators in the good category mean that employees are able to place themselves
wherever they are in accordance with the norms and rules that apply to the area and provide a
good example in the implementation of duties and give awards to those who have achieved.
Next, the service orientation indicator in the good category means that employees always
communicate with colleagues in doing their work as an effort to provide the best service to
the community and always provide good service to the community.
When compared to the average value between variable indicators, employee
performance stated that the cooperation achieved was the lowest indicator when compared to
other indicators such as indicators of quality, quantity, time, cost, service orientation,
commitment, work initiative, and leadership.
This can be interpreted that employee performance is perceived by employees at the
Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Welfare Bureau still needs attention and evaluation, especially
in the cooperation achieved, such as employees always prioritize cooperation with colleagues
to complete work and express opinions in straightforward and easy-to-understand language
based on the agreed rules, still need to be improved.
The results of the analysis with multiple linear regression showed that there was a
positive and significant influence of partial leadership on employee performance. These
findings show the importance of leadership to improve the performance of employees of the
Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Welfare Bureau. The results of this study support the results of
La Ode Muhammad Rickhzal Putra, Abd. Azis Muthalib, Nofal Supriaddin, Muh. Nur, Rince
2842 Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 06, Juni 2024
the research to Do Rêgo et al.,(2017) shows that leadership has a positive and significant
influence on employee performance, meaning that if leadership is getting better, then
employee performance will increase. In line with this, the results of research conducted by
(Gurning & Irvan, 2022; Jumady et al., 2022; Tsauri & Tjahyanti, 2022) shows that there is a
positive and significant influence of Leadership Style on Employee Performance.
The Influence of Work Culture on Employee Performance at the Southeast Sulawesi
Provincial Welfare Bureau
The results of the test in this study prove that work culture has a positive and significant
effect on employee performance. The results of the study can be concluded that work culture
affects the improvement of employee performance. This means that the better the work
culture, the better the performance of employees at the Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Welfare
Bureau will increase. Work culture is a process of teaching certain knowledge and skills as
well as attitudes so that employees are more skilled and able to carry out their responsibilities
better, in accordance with standards (Anwar Prabu Mangkunegara & Prabu, 2016) according
to (Dessler, 2015) that "work culture is the process of teaching employees the skills they need
to do their jobs”. According to (Idris et al., 2017) The indicators of work culture are
innovation and risk-taking, attention to detail, consistency and involvement.
The results of the variable description show that the work culture variable owned by the
employees of the Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Welfare Bureau is in the good category. This
shows that the work culture owned by the employees of the Southeast Sulawesi Provincial
Welfare Bureau is assessed in terms of innovation and risk taking, attention to detail,
consistency and involvement.
The variable of work culture measured through the indicator of consistency in the good
category means that employees maintain order, peace of mind and are committed to doing the
assigned work tasks and maximizing the facilities provided. Furthermore, the indicator of
attention to detail in the good category means that the Leader gives me direction and
communication to pay more attention to details in the work accurately, quickly and carefully
and emphasizes implementing a system that can complete the work appropriately.
The indicator of involvement in the good category means that all employees are
involved in the activities held by the office and problems that arise in the workplace are
always solved together. Next, the indicators of innovation and risk reduction in the good
category mean that the leadership encourages me to increase responsibility so that the work
can be completed quickly and safely and emphasizes to increase innovation and creativity so
that the work can be completed well.
When compared to the average value between the variable indicators of work culture, it
is stated that consistency is the lowest indicator when compared to other indicators such as
innovation and risk reduction indicators, attention to detail, and engagement. This can be
interpreted that the work culture perceived by employees at the Southeast Sulawesi Provincial
Welfare Bureau still needs attention and evaluation, especially on consistency such as
employees maintaining order, peace of mind at work and committed to doing the assigned
work tasks and maximizing the facilities provided.
The Influence of Leadership, Work Culture and Competence on Employee Performance at the
Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Welfare Bureau
Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 06, Juni 2024 2843
Work culture has an influence on employee performance. According to (A. A. P.
Mangkunegara, 2013) Performance is the result of work in terms of quality and quantity
achieved by a person in carrying out his or her functions in accordance with the
responsibilities given to him. Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number
30 of 2019 concerning Performance Assessment of Civil Servants and Regulation of the
Minister of Internal Affairs or Permenpan RB Number 8 of 2021 concerning the Performance
Management System of Civil Servants (Civil Servants). The indicators in this study are
quality, quantity, time, cost, service orientation, commitment, work initiatives, cooperation,
and leadership.
The results of the variable description show that the employee performance variables
owned by employees at the Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Welfare Bureau are in the good
category. This shows that the performance of employees owned by employees at the
Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Welfare Bureau is both assessed in terms of quality, quantity,
time, cost, service orientation, commitment, work initiatives, cooperation and leadership.
Employee performance variables measured through cooperation indicators achieved in
the good category mean that employees always prioritize cooperation with colleagues to
complete work and express opinions in straightforward and easy-to-understand language
based on agreed rules. Furthermore, the cost indicator in the good category means that
employees always prioritize work compared to the costs incurred in carrying out work and the
salary provided is enough for daily living expenses.
Quality indicators in the good category mean that employees have precision in their
work so that the error rate is low and always carry out work according to the established
procedures. Furthermore, the quantity indicator in the good category means that employees
feel that the number of routine work completed is based on the target and always works with a
target orientation in achieving work.
The work initiative indicator in the good category means that employees are given the
opportunity to take the initiative to complete their work and are able to provide creative ideas
for the progress of the Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Welfare Bureau. Furthermore,
leadership indicators in the good category mean that employees are able to place themselves
wherever they are in accordance with the norms and rules that apply to the area and provide a
good example in the implementation of duties and give awards to those who have achieved.
Next, the service orientation indicator in the good category means that employees always
communicate with colleagues in doing their work as an effort to provide the best service to
the community and always provide good service to the community.
When compared to the average value between variable indicators, employee
performance stated that the cooperation achieved was the lowest indicator when compared to
other indicators such as indicators of quality, quantity, time, cost, service orientation,
commitment, work initiative, and leadership.
This can be interpreted that employee performance is perceived by employees at the
Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Welfare Bureau, it still needs attention and evaluation,
especially in the cooperation achieved, such as employees always prioritize cooperation with
La Ode Muhammad Rickhzal Putra, Abd. Azis Muthalib, Nofal Supriaddin, Muh. Nur, Rince
2844 Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 06, Juni 2024
colleagues to complete work and express opinions in straightforward and easy-to-understand
language based on the agreed rules, still need to be improved.
The results of the analysis with multiple linear regression showed that there was a
positive and significant influence of partial influence of work culture on employee
performance. This finding shows the importance of work culture to improve the performance
of employees of the Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Welfare Bureau.
The results of this study support the results of the research by (Wiyanto et al., 2023),
dan (Pramudya, Purnama, Andarbeni, Nurjayanti, & Anshori, 2023) shows that work culture
has a positive effect on employee performance. In contrast to the results of research conducted
by (Kaesang et al., 2021) shows that work culture has no effect on employee performance.
The Effect of Competence on Employee Performance at the Southeast Sulawesi
Provincial Welfare Bureau
The results of the test in this study prove that competence has a positive and significant
effect on employee performance. The results of the study can be concluded that competence
affects the improvement of employee performance. This means that the better the
competence, the performance of employees at the Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Welfare
Bureau will increase.
According to (Taufan Bayu Adjie Wibowo, 2018), said that under competence is an
ability to carry out a job or task given such as skills and knowledge and supported by the
work attitude demanded by the job. The abilities or potentials they have affect their
performance at work, because in the context of the field, employees must have high potential.
Competency indicators according to (Edison et al., 2016) To fulfill the elements of
competence, an employee must meet the following elements: knowledge, expertise and
The results of the description of the variables show that the competency variables
owned by the employees of the Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Welfare Bureau are in the good
category, this shows that the competencies possessed by the employees of the Southeast
Sulawesi Provincial Welfare Bureau are assessed in terms of knowledge, expertise, and
attitude. The competency variable measured through the knowledge indicator in the good
category means that the employee has knowledge in using equipment such as computers and
printers and can complete the job well. Furthermore, the attitude indicator in the good
category means that employees in working always comply with the applicable rules and
norms and always be responsive and diligent in carrying out the work given by the leadership.
Next, the skill indicator in the good category means that all employees are able to work
together with colleagues and are able to do their tasks.
When compared to the average value between the indicators of the competency
variable, it is stated that knowledge is the lowest indicator when compared to other indicators
such as indicators of expertise and attitude. This can be interpreted that the competence
perceived by employees at the Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Welfare Bureau still needs
attention and evaluation, especially in knowledge such as employees have knowledge in using
equipment such as computers and printers and can complete the work well.
The Influence of Leadership, Work Culture and Competence on Employee Performance at the
Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Welfare Bureau
Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 06, Juni 2024 2845
Competence has an influence on employee performance. According to Anwar Prabu
Mangkunegara & Prabu, (2016) Performance is the result of work in terms of quality and
quantity achieved by a person in carrying out his or her functions in accordance with the
responsibilities given to him. Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number
30 of 2019 concerning Performance Assessment of Civil Servants and Regulation of the
Minister of Internal Affairs or Permenpan RB Number 8 of 2021 concerning the Performance
Management System of Civil Servants (Civil Servants). The indicators in this study are
quality, quantity, time, cost, service orientation, commitment, work initiatives, cooperation,
and leadership.
The results of the variable description show that the employee performance variables
owned by employees at the Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Welfare Bureau are in the good
category. This shows that the performance of employees owned by employees at the
Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Welfare Bureau is both assessed in terms of quality, quantity,
time, cost, service orientation, commitment, work initiatives, cooperation and leadership.
Employee performance variables measured through cooperation indicators achieved in
the good category mean that employees always prioritize cooperation with colleagues to
complete work and express opinions in straightforward and easy-to-understand language
based on agreed rules. Furthermore, the cost indicator in the good category means that
employees always prioritize work compared to the costs incurred in carrying out work and the
salary provided is enough for daily living expenses.
Quality indicators in the good category mean that employees have precision in their
work so that the error rate is low and always carry out work according to the established
procedures. Furthermore, the quantity indicator in the good category means that employees
feel that the number of routine work completed is based on the target and always works with a
target orientation in achieving work.
The work initiative indicator in the good category means that employees are given the
opportunity to take the initiative to complete their work and are able to provide creative ideas
for the progress of the Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Welfare Bureau. Furthermore,
leadership indicators in the good category mean that employees are able to place themselves
wherever they are in accordance with the norms and rules that apply to the area and provide a
good example in the implementation of duties and give awards to those who have achieved.
Next, the service orientation indicator in the good category means that employees always
communicate with colleagues in doing their work as an effort to provide the best service to
the community and always provide good service to the community.
When compared to the average value between variable indicators, employee
performance stated that the cooperation achieved was the lowest indicator when compared to
other indicators such as indicators of quality, quantity, time, cost, service orientation,
commitment, work initiative, and leadership.
This can be interpreted that employee performance is perceived by employees at the
Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Welfare Bureau, it still needs attention and evaluation,
especially in the cooperation achieved, such as employees always prioritize cooperation with
La Ode Muhammad Rickhzal Putra, Abd. Azis Muthalib, Nofal Supriaddin, Muh. Nur, Rince
2846 Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 06, Juni 2024
colleagues to complete work and express opinions in straightforward and easy-to-understand
language based on the agreed rules, still need to be improved.
The results of the analysis with multiple linear regression showed that there was a
positive and significant influence of partial competence on employee performance. This
finding shows the importance of competence to improve the performance of employees of the
Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Welfare Bureau.
The results of this study support the results of the research by Nurraya & Widodo,
(2022) shows that competence partially has a positive and significant effect on employee
performance. This is in line with the results of research conducted by Angin & Ramadhani,
(2022) shows that competence has a significant effect on the performance of employees of the
Batang Kuis Sub-district Office. Thus, it can be interpreted that the better the competence, the
higher the performance of the employee.
Based on the results of data analysis, hypothesis proof, and discussion of research
results, it can be concluded that leadership, work culture, and competence have a positive and
significant effect on employee performance at the Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Welfare
Bureau. This means that every change in the improvement of leadership variable indicators,
work culture, and competencies can improve employee performance. The better the
implementation of Leadership, work culture, and competence can improve employee
performance at the Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Welfare Bureau. Leadership has a positive
and significant effect on employee performance at the Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Welfare
Bureau. This means that every change in the improvement of leadership variable indicators
can improve employee performance. The better the implementation of leadership is able to
improve the performance of employees at the Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Welfare Bureau.
Work culture has a positive and significant effect on employee performance at the Southeast
Sulawesi Provincial Welfare Bureau. This means that every change in the improvement of
work culture variable indicators can improve employee performance. The better the
implementation of work culture can improve employee performance at the Southeast Sulawesi
Provincial Welfare Bureau. Competence has a positive and significant effect on employee
performance at the Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Welfare Bureau. This means that every
change in the improvement of competency variable indicators can improve employee
performance. The better the application of competencies can improve employee performance
at the Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Welfare Bureau.
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La Ode Muhammad Rickhzal Putra, Abd. Azis Muthalib, Nofal Supriaddin, Muh. Nur,
Rince Tambunan (2024)
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