Challenges of Digital Transformation of Healthcare Industry in Indonesia
Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 06, Juni 2024 2735
transparency in IT fund management to ensure efficient and effective use of budgets. The
focus on data security and privacy should also be increased to prevent leakage of patient
information, through the implementation of strict security protocols and regular audits.
Support from the government through policies, regulations, and incentives needs to continue
to be provided to encourage hospitals in the digital transformation process, including technical
and financial assistance programs for hospitals that are still left behind.
In addition, regular monitoring and evaluation through digital maturity assessments and
regular audits is essential to monitor progress and identify areas that require improvement.
Data from these assessments should be used to adjust existing strategies and policies. With
these steps, it is expected that digital transformation in the Indonesian healthcare industry can
run faster, more effectively, and more evenly, thereby improving the overall quality of
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