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Dahniar Nur Amalina, Siskha Nur Khasanah, Dandy Yuliansyah, Syarifa Hanoum (2024) Literature
Review of Digital Recruitment: How Effective is Artificial Intelligence in Selecting People? (06)
Published by:
Ridwan Institute
Dahniar Nur Amalina, Siskha Nur Khasanah, Dandy Yuliansyah, Syarifa Hanoum
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Indonesia
The use of artificial intelligence in recruitment can help select candidates according to
company standards through a simple, effective, and efficient process. This paper
investigates how the AI implementation in the traditional recruitment process transform
into the AI-based recruitment and its impact on recruitment processes. We use
systematic literature review and content analysis to obtain information regarding
research gaps, research limitations, and future research opportunities. We analyze 35
articles collected between 2008 and 2022 showing that AI has several benefits,
including increasing the interest of candidates to apply for jobs, increasing efficiency
and timeliness, reducing recruitment costs, obtaining the best candidates, and reducing
bias in the recruitment process.
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Recruitment, Systematic literature review
In a fluctuating environment, organizations are challenged to balance between the
uncertainty in different aspects of economic, social and politics and maintaining the
company growth (Aula, Hanoum, & Prihananto, 2022). Human resource management
(HRM) plays an important role in accelerating company performance (Wedhatama,
Hanoum, & Prihananto, 2021)(Rai et al., 2022). A comprehensive study by the Boston
Consulting Group has shown that the recruitment function, as a part of HRM, has the
most significant impact on companies' revenue growth and profit margins compared to
any other function in the field of human resources (HR) management (Black & van
Esch, 2020).
Unfortunately, recruiting good talent for companies becomes a problem for HR
managers (Albert, 2019). Against the backdrop of the ascending role of human capital,
the technological context of how companies recruit people has to change. As the matter
of fact, today's leading organizations are fully using social networks, analytics and even
cognitive tools to acquire talent in new ways.
Today, companies are at the beginning of what we term Digital Recruiting. At the
heart of this transformation is the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in recruiting
activities (Alic, 2016). AI is likely to change the role of management and organizational
pISSN: 2723-4339 e-ISSN: 2548-1398
Vol. 6, No. 06, Juni 2024
Dahniar Nur Amalina, Siskha Nur Khasanah, Dandy Yuliansyah, Syarifa Hanoum
2706 Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 06, Juni 2024
practices as an effective human resource management (HRM) tool. The AI adoption of
is very useful in recruitment strategies as it has been proven to have drastically reduced
the time and cost of performing these functions (Nawaz, 2019).
Advanced HR practices, such as AI, have been investigated to enhance
organizational performance (Niehueser & Boak, 2020). Prior researchers, however,
have noted a substantial gap between the promise and reality of AI in HRM (Tambe,
Cappelli, & Yakubovich, 2019). Moreover,how far the role of AI can help companies in
the recruitment process is still a question. Therefore, this paper represents a systematic
literature review (SLD), aims to map the role of AI in the recruitment and selection
process, as well as its current development.
The remaining article is structured in five sections. Section 2 discuss the trend of
AI-related recruitment process. Section 3 describes the research methodology adopted
in this study. Section 4 documents results and discussions. Section 5 presents the
managerial implication of AI-based recruitment, whilst Section 6 summarises the
conclusions, and limitations of the study.
AI has been used and implemented significantly in recruiting professionals in
various companies from 2018 and becomes one of the latest trends in the recruitment
industry (Upadhyay & Khandelwal, 2018). There has been recent academic interest in
how organization implement AI within recruitment process. The previous literature
reviews that have investigated the AI-based recruitment process, although similar in
nature, they offer different methodologies and perspective to consider.
For instance, the most recent bibliometric analysis conducted by (Hunkenschroer
& Luetge, 2022), reviewing 51 academic articles that met their specified criteria,
focusing on the extant on the ethicality of AI-enabled recruiting by mapping the ethical
opportunities, risks, and ambiguities between year 2016 to 2020. Second, (FraiJ &
László, 2021) reviews 21 articles collected in 2010 until 2020 analyses the
implementation of AI for evaluating the human bias to find the best fit candidate in
screening process. The similar literature that explores the level, rate and potential AI
adoption for the hiring process (Black & van Esch, 2020).
Our study focuses on how the AI implementation in the recruitment process by
collecting data in year 2001-2022 with the consideration that AI began to be widely
used during this time.
This section will explain the Systematic Literature Review used in the study.
Referring to the PRISMA Flow Diagram presented in figure 1, there are 4 stages of
review process that should be done, including: 1) identification; 2) screening; 3)
eligibility; and 4) analysis. Each stage explained as follows.
Literature Review of Digital Recruitment: How Effective is Artificial Intelligence in
Selecting People?
Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 01, January 2024 2707
Figure 1. SLR Method Using PRISMA Flow Diagram
Identification Process
The identification process begins with defining research questions and objectives
on knowing the impact of AI on the recruitment process. After the boundaries and
research objectives are defined, the second step is the article collection stage. We use
two database sources, Scopus and Web of Science. To get specific articles, we use 3
strings, which relates to AI, HRM, and Recruitment. Details of the string can be seen in
Table 1. The articles extractions using the keyword search in Table 1 resulting 1.110
articles in total.
Table 1. AI, HRM, and Recruitment Keyword Search
Screening Process
(“AI” OR “Artificial
Intelligence” OR “Machine
Learning” OR “Deep Learning”
OR “Neural Network”)
(“Human Resource
Management” OR “HRM” OR
“Human Resource Information
Systems” OR “HRIS” OR
“Human Resource” OR “HR”
OR “Human Resource
Management Systems” OR
(“Recruitment” OR
“Recruiting” OR “Selection”
OR “Selecting” OR “Hiring”
OR “Outsource” OR
Dahniar Nur Amalina, Siskha Nur Khasanah, Dandy Yuliansyah, Syarifa Hanoum
2708 Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 06, Juni 2024
Following (Votto, Valecha, Najafirad, & Rao, 2021), we conduct this review in 2
phases. First phase is called the Journal Demographic Filtration screening process.
Upon screening our databases, we established our inclusion and exclusion criteria for
Phase 1. The criteria consist of 9 factors (4 for inclusions, 5 for exclusions). The article
must be peer-reviewed, written in English; published between 2008-2022, academic
articles or conference proceedings. The exclusion of literature occurs if it is not written
in English, not peer-reviewed or non-academic, and an editorial or simulation piece,
published before year 2001, and duplicated articles between two databased. Out of more
than a thousand articles, only 56 articles pass our screening process.
Eligibility Process
Once the journal verification state is completed, we continue to conduct phase 2:
the content filtration phase. The inclusion and exclusion criteria of this phase consist of
two steps. In the first step, we review the title, abstract and associated keywords of the
articles to see if they match our pre-established definitions of AI, HRM, and
recruitment. In step 2, we do a thorough review on the full paper to ensure all papers are
relevant to the topic. Out of the 56 articles under review, 28 of them are selected to be
included in our study.
All articles that have been selected from phase 2, then will be carried out the
content analysis. The findings will be discussed in the next section, including research
gaps, research limitations, and future research opportunities.
The results in Table 2 shows that 2021 and 2022 are the most productive years,
with a total of 9 papers. While for the second rank in 2020 there were 8 papers, for the
third rank in 2019 there were 5 papers. This evidence suggests that the investigation of
artificial intelligence in recruitment is increasing through years. Based on the number of
papers obtained, it shows that research related to artificial intelligence in recruiting has
not been carried out much.
Table 2. Trends of Publications
Several countries have published studies on artificial intelligence in recruitment.
And we look at the outputs and effects of the most prominent countries between 2001
and 2022. Table 4 displays the publications from the top 4 countries regarding artificial
intelligence in recruitment.
Literature Review of Digital Recruitment: How Effective is Artificial Intelligence in
Selecting People?
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Table 3. The most productive countries and regions
United states
New Zealand
The most active sources in AI research in recruitment are listed in Table 4. Business
Horizon is the top journal, with 3 publications and 111 citations. Decision Support
System is placed in the second with 2 publications and 93 citations, whilst International
Journal of Resource Management is placed in the third with 2 publications and 76
Table 4. Top sources that published Green Production in Agricultural Industry
Journal of
The spread and evolution of research themes can identify research hotspots and research
changes over different periods. Given that keywords are a natural language vocabulary
for conveying subjects and concentrated concepts of the literature, a keyword analysis
can indicate research hotspots and the evolution of trends from applicable study
disciplines. Table 5 shows that next to the keyword "Artificial Intelligence", the
keyword that appears most often is "Human Resource Management", "Recruitment",
"Human Resource", and "Machine Learning". This shows that the keyword is a current
research hotspot.
Table 5. High - Frequency Keyword
Dahniar Nur Amalina, Siskha Nur Khasanah, Dandy Yuliansyah, Syarifa Hanoum
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Organizational recruitment is driven by the goal of attracting qualified individuals and
motivating them to apply for jobs (Breaugh, 2008). In the beginning, almost every
recruitment activity is carried out in traditional fashion, consisting of a screening stage
(involving CVs and standardized tests that HR professionals evaluated) and an
interview stage (in which senior managers assessed candidates based on a group
interview and made final hiring decisions) are done manually (van den Broek, Sergeeva,
& Huysman, 2021). With the introduction of the AI technology, the screening stage is
substituted by software, which can automatically select and predict candidates’ fit with
the organization based on the job specifications. The comparison of traditional
recruitment and AI-based recruitment can be seen in figure 2.
Figure 2. Recruitment Process Comparison
Candidates who will be predicted to be a good fit (i.e., who matched the attributes
of high-performing employee) are selected by the algorithm for the interview stage (van
den Broek et al., 2021). Relevant to that, the interview process now can be done
virtually, with the respect of AI-based interview software. This process involving AI is
known as e-recruiting. E-recruiting is defined as the use of communication
technologies, such as websites and social media, to find and attract potential job
applicants, to keep them interested in the organization during the selection process, and
to influence their job selection decisions (Johnson, Stone, & Lukaszewski, 2020). E-
Recruiting is an extensive of AI used in the traditional Breaugh recruitment process,
specifically in third stage.
The Implication of AI in Recruitment Process
Enlarging the Applicant Pool
AI helps to enlarge the talent pool and attract applicants who fit with the
organization. By listing openings on recruitment websites, applicants can easily access
them any time of the day or night. Organizations have found that the use of e-
recruitment has led to a much larger applicant pool than traditional recruitment
processes (Chapman & Gödöllei, 2017). For example, collected from (Black & van
Esch, 2020), Johnson & Johnson generated over 1 million applications for 28,000
Literature Review of Digital Recruitment: How Effective is Artificial Intelligence in
Selecting People?
Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 01, January 2024 2711
positions in 2017. In the same year, Google also generated an estimated 2 million
applications for just 14,500 jobs, meaning that it was nearly 10 times more difficult to
get a job at Google than to get into Harvard University (Alic, 2016).
Enhancing Efficiency and Timeliness
(Chilunjika, Intauno, & Chilunjika, 2022) discovers that AI benefits the recruiter
when it comes to cutting down administrative tasks routine like answering the regular
questions. This is possible by using AI-powered chatbots that focus on communication,
implementing predictive behavior, and responding to questions and requests via text and
speech. In that regard, employees can work in more meaningful roles because AI frees
up their time to concentrate on what really needs to be done. Automation does not
replace a team or service but rather supplements it to make it completely user-centric
(Chilunjika et al., 2022). Niehueser & Boak, (2020) concludes that the implementation
of AI di Cielo, a leading outsourcing organization, has significantly reduced the time
taken to process each individual application to the scheduled interview with a hiring
manager, from up to two weeks, when many of the processes are carried out manually,
to an average of seven minutes when using AI. Thus, AI’s ability to reduce time-to-hire
represents not just an efficiency gain but also potentially a strategic advantage in the
battle for human capital, especially in industries in which there is high turnover (Alic,
Reducing Cost of Recruitment
One of the biggest challenges facing organizations is identifying highly qualified
applicants from their large pools (Johnson et al., 2020) and AI recruitment has a dual
effect on total cost minimization. AI-enabled process automation can assist the
screening task by using algorithms to identify profiles of talented applicants and select
the ones who should be invited for interviews. AI can also generate letters to applicants
indicating if they are qualified or not qualified for jobs, and provide them with
information about the next steps in the process. The standardization of the initial
screening process can improve its efficiency, enhance the fairness of the process and
ensure that organizations recruit the most effective applicants (Johnson et al., 2020).
Thus, AI adoption can reduce the production costs of companies by saving on human
capital, because it can perform tasks that would usually require HR professionals (Pan,
Froese, Liu, Hu, & Ye, 2022).
Best Fit Candidate
AI helps to identify and narrow down candidate pool through resume scanning
(Dickson & Nusair, 2010). It also analyzes the turnover rates and accordingly select the
best candidate for the job (Chakraborty, Giri, Aich, & Biswas, 2020). AI also helps in
evaluating a candidate’s performance in a job interview and in choosing the right person
for the job. For example, Unilever is using an algorithm-based recruiting strategy for
prescreening candidates and gathering evidence for choosing the right person before the
interview phase (Stanley & Aggarwal, 2019). AI also can be adopted in virtual
interview process. (Chakraborty et al., 2020) states when audio visual interviews are
taken using AI software, the candidate’s choice of word, speech, body language,
personality traits are assessed. This helps the HR team to easily decide the job role of
that candidate. AI also eases the work of HRM by constantly updating employees about
information, suggestions and feedbacks (Chakraborty et al., 2020).
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AI-enabled Decision Making
The fundamental idea of decision making by AI consists of developing a set of
decision rules based on existing data sets, the so-called training data (Hauer,
Kevekordes, & Haeri, 2021). For example, organizations can merge information
gathered from job applications, employment tests, personality inventories and
interviews, and AI can develop algorithms that weight and combine the information to
make overall hiring recommendations. The use of AI should be very beneficial in this
process because it does not include biases or affect reactions to applicants, which often
mislead decision-making (van Esch & Black, 2019). Industry research supports this
argument, finding that AI enabled hiring decisions result in a 20% increase in employee
performance and a 35% decrease in turnover rates (Johnson et al., 2020). Thus, the use
of AI algorithms may make more effective selection decisions than traditional decision-
making, but research is needed to examine this prediction
The purpose of this research is to review the integration of AI in HRM
components, especially in the recruitment process. The main advantage of using AI is
the speed and quality of work as well and minimizing daily tasks with their use in the
recruitment process. Using AI can help organizations expand the pool of applicants,
improve timeliness, increase efficiency in the recruitment process, increase the
attractiveness of applicants to the organization and can also improve the suitability
assessment between employee candidates and the organization. In addition, recruiting
using AI has a dual effect on minimizing total costs. AI tools also help in evaluating a
candidate’s performance in a job interview and in choosing the right person for the job.
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Copyright holder:
Dahniar Nur Amalina, Siskha Nur Khasanah, Dandy Yuliansyah, Syarifa Hanoum
First publication right:
Syntax Idea
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