How to cite:
Indah Pusparani, Ayuning Budiati, Rina Yulianti (2024) The Effect of the Effectiveness of the
Implementation of Smart State Civil Apparatus (ASN) ON Bureaucratic Reform in the Era of
Disruption 4.0 in the Regional Civil Service Agency of Banten Province, (06) 06,
Published by:
Ridwan Institute
Indah Pusparani, Ayuning Budiati, Rina Yulianti
Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa, Indonesia
Along with the running of the wheels of government in Indonesia, there are many
developments that occur in various aspects, one of which is in government, economy,
development and politics. Originally in the old order era, the new order until the reform there
were many changes that accompanied the journey of this country, both happy and sad
changes. The type of research used in this study is quantitative research. Quantitative research
methods are one type of research whose specifications are systematic, planned and clearly
structured from the beginning to the making of the research design. Based on the results of
research and discussion on How Much the Effect of the Effectiveness of Smart ASN
Implementation on Bureaucratic Reform in the Era of Disruption 4.0 in the Regional Civil
Service Agency of Banten Province, it can be concluded that the Effect of the Effectiveness of
Smart ASN Implementation on Bureaucratic Reform in the Era of Disruption 4.0 in the
Regional Civil Service Agency of Banten Province has an influence of 64.7%, while the
remaining 35.5% where the rest is influenced by other variables that are in The study was not
analyzed further
Keywords: Smart Civil Apparatus, Bureaucratic Reform, Era of Disruption
Along with the running of the wheels of government in Indonesia, there are many
developments that occur in various aspects, one of which is in government, economy,
development and politics (Saleha, Pamungkas, Sukmawati, & Sukoco, 2022). Originally in
the old order era, the new order until the reform there were many changes that accompanied
the journey of this country, both happy and sad changes. Everything that clashes with the
welfare of many people is always closely associated with government (Khusaini, 2019). The
government in this country began in the colonial period which carried out a rotation of
Western-style government, many things were done by the colonial government at that time.
One of them is to form a regional government, regional government is not made for free, but
is formed to increase the political capacity of the local community what else for the benefit of
developing regional administration democracy. Indirectly, this regional government also gave
pISSN: 2723-4339 e-ISSN: 2548-1398
Vol. 6, No. 06, Juni 2024
The Effect of the Effectiveness of the Implementation of Smart State Civil Apparatus (ASN)
ON Bureaucratic Reform in the Era of Disruption 4.0 in the Regional Civil Service Agency of
Banten Province
Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 06, Juni 2024 2461
rise to bureaucratic governance. It is certain that the bureaucracy functions to facilitate and
optimize the running of the wheels of government.
Civil Servants (PNS) act as planners, implementers, and supervisors of the
implementation of public duties of government and national development through the
implementation of professional public policies and services, free from political intervention,
and clean from corruption, collusion, and nepotism. Bureaucracy is an instrument of the
government to realize efficient, effective, fair, transparent and accountable public services.
This means that to be able to carry out government functions properly, bureaucratic
organizations must be professional, responsive, aspirational to the various demands of the
community served.
Government bureaucracy changes along with the times, it must always change for the
better. Transformation in the government bureaucracy is considered an obligation that must be
carried out in various scales and complexities (Sepriano et al., 2023). Especially when we
connect this transformation with the development of technology and information, with the
emergence of the industrial revolution era 5.0. If we look back at history, the first era of the
industrial revolution began in 1784 which was characterized by mechanized production using
water and steam power. Then it developed into the second industrial revolution in 1870 which
was marked by the start of mass production based on the division of labor, and the third
industrial revolution in 1969 which was characterized by the use of electronic and information
technology for production automation. 234 years have passed since the beginning of the first
industrial revolution, in 2018 known as the era of the industrial revolution 4.0. This is a time
where the industry will focus more on automation, assisted by information technology in the
implementation process. In this era, human involvement in industrial processes may be
reduced. The industrial revolution 5.0 is marked by five technologies that are the main pillars
in developing digital-ready industries, namely the Internet of Things, Big Data, Artificial
Intelligence, Cloud Computing and Additive Manufacturing (Savitri, 2019).
One of the priorities of bureaucratic reform of the Government of Indonesia until 2024
is to realize the competence of world-class State Civil Apparatus (ASN). The mandate of Law
No. 5/2014 concerning the State Civil Apparatus outlines the implementation of policies and
management of the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) carried out based on the principles of
professionalism, proportional, accountable, and effective and efficient so that bureaucratic
performance improvement can be achieved (Mulyadi, Dwisasti, & Rahmanasari, 2023). To
realize this, the government through the Ministry of State Apparatus Empowerment and
Bureaucratic Reform (Kemenpan-RB), has launched the development of "SMART ASN"
2024. This is the foundation for improving the quality of public services, especially in the
digital era and the industrial revolution 5.0. Making civil servants ideal and competitive in the
era of globalization is a public demand and a target that must be achieved. Three main targets
to realize SMART ASN in 2019, namely: First, ASN Planning, by opening the formation /
qualification of ASN in accordance with the direction of national development and regional
potential. Second, the procurement of civil servants that is transparent, objective and fairness
to restore public trust while capturing the best sons and daughters of the nation. Third,
Indah Pusparani, Ayuning Budiati, Rina Yulianti
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Improve professionalism, namely improving competence, qualifications and performance as
mandated by the ASN Law.
The existence of the state civil apparatus / civil servants in the era of bureaucratic
reform and revolution 5.0 has a strategic position, because the smooth or bad or bad
administration of government and public services depends very much on the competence
possessed and mastered by civil servants. Along with the conditions where the use of
technology then becomes a global lifestyle, there is a phenomenon of characteristic gaps in
performance, where the workforce from among the younger generation who grew up with all
technology, collaborated with the previous generation in different eras. Data from the State
Civil Service Agency related to the number of civil servants by age group is known that civil
servants from the younger generation called the millennial generation or generation Y who
have occupied the formation as civil servants. The millennial generation is an agile individual
in utilizing digital technology, the hope is that with the advantages of their competency
characteristics, they can improve their performance as civil servants and participate in
providing public services in a modern way, to improve organizational performance
achievements (Pekei, 2016).
The Banten Provincial Government continues to encourage the implementation of
bureaucratic reforms, one of which is through the Banten Provincial Regional Apparatus
Forum. Bureaucratic reform implemented by the Banten Provincial Government has a vision
of realizing a world-class government. The accompanying mission is to form / perfect laws
and regulations in order to realize good governance, strengthen and organize and strengthen
the organization, governance, apparatus human resource management, supervision,
accountability, quality of public services, mindset and culture, develop effective control
mechanisms, manage administrative disputes effectively and efficiently (Danim, 2012).
The reforms carried out by the Banten Provincial Government, in addition to fulfilling
the programs launched by the government, also aim to create a professional government
bureaucracy with adaptive characteristics, integrity, high performance, free from KKN, able
to serve the public, neutral, prosperous, dedicated and holding the basic values of the state
apparatus code of ethics. The main targets to be achieved from the bureaucratic reform
program are to realize a clean and corruption-free government, collusion and nepotism,
improving the quality of public services to the community, increasing the capacity and
accountability of bureaucratic performance.
The target of developing the competence of employees of the State Civil Apparatus
(ASN) of Banten Province refers to the road map of the Smart ASN program which is
targeted to be realized in 2024. As conveyed by the Deputy for Human Resources of the
Ministry of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform, Setiawan
Wangsaatmaja explained the criteria for Smart ASN 2024 (website of the Ministry of PAN
and RB, August 19, 2019), namely must have competencies: integrity, a high sense of
nationalism, professional, global insight, understanding IT and foreign languages, hospitality,
networking, and entrepreneurship (Hasibuan, 2012). At the same time, the position
competency standards required for each state civil apparatus/civil servant were also
established by the Minister of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform in
The Effect of the Effectiveness of the Implementation of Smart State Civil Apparatus (ASN)
ON Bureaucratic Reform in the Era of Disruption 4.0 in the Regional Civil Service Agency of
Banten Province
Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 06, Juni 2024 2463
2017 through the Regulation of the Minister of PAN and RB No.38 of 2017 concerning
Competency Standards for State Civil Apparatus Positions.
In Banten Governor Regulation Number 20 of 2023 concerning the Road Map for
Bureaucratic Reform of the Banten Provincial Government for 2023 2026. Article 1
Paragraph 9 states that the Bureaucratic Reform Road Map hereinafter abbreviated as RMRB
is an operational form of the Grand Design of Bureaucratic Reform (GDRB) which is
prepared and carried out for a period of 3 (three) years and is a detailed plan for the
implementation of bureaucratic reform from one stage to the next for three years with clear
annual targets ((H.), 2011).
In order to realize good and clean governance, the Banten Provincial Government is
committed to improving the quality of bureaucratic reform implementation. This is in line
with central government policy in order to increase bureaucratic capacity. In this regard, the
Government has issued Presidential Regulation Number 81 of 2010 concerning the Grand
Design of Bureaucratic Reform 2010-2025 which is divided into three periods of the
national Bureaucratic Reform Road Map, namely the Bureaucratic Reform Road Map for
2010-2014, 2015-2019, and 2020-2024. The results of the evaluation of the Ministry of
PANRB regarding the implementation of areas of change in bureaucratic reform in Banten
Province are as contained in the table below.
Table 1 Achievements of Bureaucratic Reform in 2018-2022
63.1 1
66.1 1
Data Source: KemenpanRB Evaluation Results, 2018-2022
Based on the data above, the achievement of the bureaucratic reform index with
predicate B, the implementation of bureaucratic reform in Banten Province shows an increase
in value from year to year. Although there is still an evaluation of the implementation of
bureaucratic reform in the Banten Provincial Government, the purpose of this evaluation is to
assess the progress of the implementation of the bureaucratic reform program in order to
achieve the target of realizing a clean and accountable bureaucracy, a capable bureaucracy,
and a bureaucracy that is able to provide excellent public services (Mardiasmo, 2016). In
addition, this evaluation also aims to provide suggestions for improvements in order to
improve the quality of bureaucratic reform within the Banten Provincial Government.
The progress of the implementation of bureaucratic reform of the Banten Provincial
Government in 2018-2022 can also be seen in the results of the evaluation by the ministry of
State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform in the table below:
Indah Pusparani, Ayuning Budiati, Rina Yulianti
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Table 2 Bureaucratic Reform Index in Banten Provincial Government
Total Components
Data Source : Results of the 2022 RB Implementation Evaluation of the Ministry of Forestry
The results of the leverage component show that the Banten Provincial Government has
made efforts to realize better governance through continuous improvement marked by
increased value in the leverage component. However, in the leverage component in 2021 and
2022 (Nomor, 81AD), there is a similarity in value, this shows that the leverage component is
stable in determining components.
Table 3 Bureaucratic Reform Index in Banten Provincial Government
Assessment Components
Result Components
Financial Performance Accountability
Quality of Public Services
Free and Clean Government Free of KKN
Organizational Performance
Total Yield Components
Bureaucratic Reform Index (Leverage+Results)
Data Source : Results of the 2022 RB Implementation Evaluation of the Ministry of Forestry
The results of the evaluation show that the Banten Provincial Government has strived to
realize better governance through continuous improvement marked by increased value in the
leverage and result components. However, the Banten Provincial Government needs to
increase better efforts in implementing bureaucratic reforms.
The problem of bureaucratic reform of the Banten Provincial Government is based on
the results of the Evaluation of the Implementation of Bureaucratic Reform by the Ministry of
PanRB. However, there are several things that still need to be considered to optimize the
bureaucratic reform program. Among them, the Road Map has not been equipped with a
voluntary quick win, and change agents do not have a real and sustainable change action plan,
so they have not been able to show results in driving changes in the scope of the organization,
socialization and internalization of work culture have been carried out massively, but the level
of employee understanding of bureaucratic reform and work culture has not been measured
has been internalized to all employees, has not been carried out a comprehensive policy
mapping followed by follow-up in an effort to eliminate policies that are obstructive and
disharmonious comprehensively, OPD regional officials have not fully conducted a
satisfaction survey on the services provided to the community to measure the extent of the
effectiveness of the services provided (Sedarmayanti, 2018).
The Effect of the Effectiveness of the Implementation of Smart State Civil Apparatus (ASN)
ON Bureaucratic Reform in the Era of Disruption 4.0 in the Regional Civil Service Agency of
Banten Province
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Furthermore, the results of the intermediate areas of change in the Banten Provincial
Government, as many as 10 intermediate results have been measured by leading sector
agencies, with the following details :
Table 4 Results Between Areas of Change in Banten Provincial Government
Intermediate Results
Data Source
System Merit
Professionalism ASN
Implementation SPBE
Kementerian PAN RB
Quality of Procurement Management
of Goods and Services
Quality of Public Services
Ministry of PAN RB
Maturitas SPIP
Capabilities APIP
Compliance with Public Service
Ombudsman Rl
Quality of Records Management
Law Reform
Ministry of Law and
Human Rights
Data Source : Basil Evaluation of the Implementation of Bureaucratic Reform in 2022
When compared to the previous year, there were several improvements in the quality of
intermediate results, namely the Merit system assessment. The quality of procurement
management of goods and services, the quality of public services and the quality of records
management. However, the professional State Civil Apparatus (ASN), SPBE implementation
and compliance with Banten Provincial Government public service standards have decreased
from the results of the 2021 assessment. Furthermore, the Banten Provincial Government has
obtained a good legal reform assessment result of 77.20, which means it has a good one.
In this case, it is also necessary to know that agencies also need to prioritize Smart
ASN because this is a necessity in facing changes in the industrial revolution 4.0. However,
this solution can get stuck in an essentialist mindset, that is, the meaning of the urgency of
Smart ASN that is present without the basis of certain objective conditions. Of course, this
reflects that Smart ASN in Banten provincial bureaucratic reform is still running less
effectively. Epistemologically it is quite problematic because the optimism that the
government is trying to build has not had a deep impact on the implementation of Smart ASN
and has only become a discourse. With the context and background described above, the idea
of Smart ASN needs to be re-examined (Agastia, 2014). Therefore, it is necessary to conduct
this research to explore the roots of the Smart ASN idea, explore aspects that are still lacking
in the Smart ASN concept which is associated with talent management as the basis for ASN
career development. If you can fully understand Smart ASN, including the advantages and
disadvantages of the idea, it can be used as a basis for choosing the right steps in determining
the direction of HR reform policy in the bureaucratic reform of the Banten provincial
government, which is certainly relevant to the era of the industrial revolution 4.0.
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But in this case , the smart ASN that the author wrote does not refer to technology, but
the smart ASN that the author initiated, namely how employees are obedient, professional and
wise in making a decision at work so that they can understand what the boss ordered to do
immediately, so it needs smart ASN who has a dexterous spirit at work. Based on the issues
mentioned above, which can be a research gap and become the basis and reason for this
research to be carried out with the main problem "The Effect of the Effectiveness of the
Implementation of Smart State Civil Apparatus on Bureaucratic Reform in the Era of
Disruption 4.0 in the Regional Civil Service Agency of Banten Province. The purpose of this
study is to find out how much influence the implementation of the Smart State Civil
Apparatus has on bureaucratic reform at the Regional Civil Service Agency of Banten
The type of research used in this study is quantitative research (Sugiyono, 2020).
Quantitative research methods are one type of research whose specifications are systematic,
planned and clearly structured from the beginning to the making of the research design.
Quantitative research methods, as proposed by (Sugiyono, 2013). namely, Research methods
based on the philosophy of positivism, are used to examine certain populations or samples,
data collection using research instruments, quantitative / statistical data analysis, with the aim
of testing hypotheses that have been set. The author conducted research conducted in one of
the Regional Apparatus Organizations, namely at the Regional Civil Service Agency of
Banten Province, precisely in the Central Government Area of Banten Province, Sukajaya,
Curug, Serang City, Banten 42171. At the data collection stage that has been determined
based on the limits of research problems that have been previously set, the data collection
techniques used are observation, questionnaire, and documentation
Table 5 Interpretation of Correlation Coefficients
Implementation Effectiveness
Sig. (2-tailed)
Bureaucratic Reform
Sig. (2-tailed)
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
The Effect of the Effectiveness of the Implementation of Smart State Civil Apparatus (ASN)
ON Bureaucratic Reform in the Era of Disruption 4.0 in the Regional Civil Service Agency of
Banten Province
Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 06, Juni 2024 2467
Based on the significant value of Sig. (2-tailed), from the output table above, it is known
that the value of Sig. (2-tailed) between the Effectiveness of SMART ASN (X)
implementation and bureaucratic reform (Y) is 0.000 < 0.05 which means there is a
significant correlation between the variable of Effectiveness of SMART ASN Implementation
and the variable of bureaucratic reform.
Table 6 Determination Coefficient Test
Model Summary
Adjusted R
Std. Error of the
a. Predictors: (Constant), Implementation Effectiveness
Source : Data processed SPSS v.25
The coefficient of determination is used to determine the level of diversity of the
dependent variable Y (Bureaucratic Reform) caused by the difference in the independent
variable X (Effectiveness of the Application of SMART ASN), the magnitude of the
coefficient of determination is the square of the value of the correlation coefficient. Based on
the results of the analysis using the SPSS version 25 computer program, the R-Sq value
(Coefficient of determination) was obtained at 64.7%. This shows that Bureaucratic Reform is
64.7%. While the remaining 35.3% was influenced by other variables that were not studied in
this study.
Table 7 Test t
Std. Error
Effectiveness of SMART ASN
a. Dependent Variable: Bureaucratic Reform
The results of the t test show that the variable Effectiveness of SMART ASN
Implementation has a tcount of 6.190 while ttable at a significant level of 5% with n-2=72 =
1.666 shows that t
> t
6.190 > 1.666). This means that Ha is accepted and Ho is
rejected. With the conclusion that the Effectiveness of SMART ASN Implementation has a
positive influence on Bureaucratic Reform.
Based on the results of research on the Effectiveness of Smart ASN Implementation on
Bureaucratic Reform in the Era of Disruption 4.0 at the Regional Civil Service Agency of
Banten Province, the respondents' responses have a very good response seen from the
implementation of openness in terms of processes, so it is important in realizing bureaucratic
The State Civil Apparatus (ASN) is one of the most important assets in the
administration of a country, especially now that the world is facing an era of technological
disruption until the emergence of the Industrial Revolution 4.0. ASN is an important part of
Indah Pusparani, Ayuning Budiati, Rina Yulianti
2468 Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 06, Juni 2024
government bureaucratic reform so that ASN has tupoksi, this of course can be supported by
the Smart ASN program, namely ASN must have integrity, have a high sense of nationalism,
professional, have a global outlook, understand technology / information and foreign
languages, hospitality, networking, and entrepreneurship.
In the bureaucratic reform agenda, Smart ASN is targeted to be achieved in 2024. The
achievement of Smart ASN 2024 is also in line with the formation of the values of the 2024
State Civil Apartur, namely 1) ethics, 2) strategic thinking, 3) collaborating, 4) making firm
decisions, 5) innovating, and 6) working thoroughly. To realize Smart ASN, Kemenpan RB
and regional levels have 6P strategies, namely 1) planning, 2) recruitment and selection, 3)
capacity building, 4) performance appraisal and rewards, 5) promotion, rotation and career,
and 6) welfare improvement. These strategies are intertwined with each other and have the
same urgency. The digital era as it is today demands capacity in utilizing opportunities for
scientific and technological progress to create new innovations in facing the challenges of the
industrial revolution 4.0. Smart ASN who has the ability to master technology will push the
Banten provincial government system to a bureaucracy that is in line with the spirit of the
industrial revolution 4.0. All types of public services can be held digitally based and
integrated in such a way that public services become more optimal. Specifically, millennial
civil servants who are familiar with technology must take a position that is always hungry for
knowledge to improve insight and skills anywhere, anytime, and any situation.
Furthermore, the Industrial Revolution 4.0 gave birth to disruptions that attacked all
fronts. Not only the business world, but also happens in the bureaucratic world. Governments
around the world are trying to create value using disruptive technologies and strategies.
Disruption is getting stronger in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0. The external
environment of the bureaucracy has changed a lot, but the bureaucracy actually stutters
against these changes. Even though the presence of various technologies and artificial
intelligence forces citizens to operate and apply in various fields including bureaucracy. If
manual and conventional methods are maintained, it will only hamper public services.
Therefore, in various government information and statements circulating on news portals,
efforts to digitize the bureaucracy are needed. In this case, the meeting point of Smart ASN
with the industrial revolution 4.0 becomes relevant. For current and future public services,
mastery of information technology has become an inherent obligation in the role of civil
The industrial revolution 4.0 is a phase of major change facing the world today. The
Industrial Revolution 4.0 is a change in the mechanism of production of goods and services
characterized by a number of characteristics, namely the use of the Internet of Things (IoT)
and Cyber Physical Production System (CPPS) in the production process of both goods and
services. The Industrial Revolution 4.0 has changed people's lifestyles to be fast-paced. This
is also the case in the field of public service. People want public services that are practical,
responsive and aspirational. By paying attention to the dynamics and development of the
Industrial Revolution 4.0, there are several values that can be adopted by the bureaucracy in
building its bureaucratic culture, namely effective and efficient work processes; integrated big
data-based services; work and information processes with information technology platforms
The Effect of the Effectiveness of the Implementation of Smart State Civil Apparatus (ASN)
ON Bureaucratic Reform in the Era of Disruption 4.0 in the Regional Civil Service Agency of
Banten Province
Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 06, Juni 2024 2469
that are real time; coordination, collaboration and communication, both vertically,
horizontally, internally and externally as well as ease of access to information.
Institutionally, BKN has launched at least six strategic steps in realizing Smart ASN,
namely 1) Recruitment of Civil Servant Candidates (CPNS) using CAT, 2) Development of
career patterns, 3) competency development, 4) career development, 5) promotion through
open selection, and 6) Succession Plan (BKN, 2019). These strategies have basically been
stated in the Minister of Agriculture Regulation Number 38 of 2017 concerning ASN Position
Competency Standards. The work situation is open to the birth of a variety of ideas relevant to
the conditions of the industrial revolution 4.0 which are contingent. The situation can always
change very quickly. Thus, a culture of innovation can be built through the production of
these ideas, so that bureaucracy does not stutter against every change it faces. This culture of
innovation can support the idea of Smart Work as an advanced mode of work to ward off
bureaucratic inertia due to resistance to transition work patterns
From the description above, the Effect of the Effectiveness of Smart ASN
Implementation on Bureaucratic Reform in the Era of Disruption 4.0 in the Regional Civil
Service Agency of Banten Province is very supportive in an institution so that an important
factor, namely the Effectiveness of Smart ASN Implementation, shows a fairly positive
influence in Bureaucratic Reform. In addition, judging from the coefficient of determination,
it can be seen that, it turns out that the level of an outcome is 64.7%, while the remaining
35.5% where the rest is influenced by other variables which in this study are not analyzed
Although from the results of hypothesis testing, it has been proven that the influence of
the Effectiveness of Smart ASN Implementation on Bureaucratic Reform in the Era of
Disruption 4.0 in the Regional Civil Service Agency of Banten Province is quite good, the
influence has not shown an optimal number. This shows that the Effect of the Effectiveness of
Smart ASN Implementation carried out in bureaucratic reform is still not maximum, concrete
steps need to be taken in order to improve the Effectiveness of Smart ASN Implementation on
Bureaucratic Reform in the Era of Disruption 4.0 in the Regional Civil Service Agency of
Banten Province.
Based on the results of research and discussion on How Much the Effect of the
Effectiveness of Smart ASN Implementation on Bureaucratic Reform in the Era of Disruption
4.0 in the Regional Civil Service Agency of Banten Province, it can be concluded that the
Effect of the Effectiveness of Smart ASN Implementation on Bureaucratic Reform in the Era
of Disruption 4.0 in the Regional Civil Service Agency of Banten Province has an influence
of 64.7%, while the remaining 35.5% where the rest is influenced by other variables that are
in The study was not analyzed further. This influence arising from effectiveness means that it
is caused by the quantity dimension where the value is very relatively good, so this shows that
the theory used by the author from Hasibuan, (2012) has good criteria in answering an anxiety
in work.
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2470 Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 06, Juni 2024
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Copyright holder:
Indah Pusparani, Ayuning Budiati, Rina Yulianti (2024)
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Syntax Idea
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