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Desiana Dian Malasari (2024) Analysis of Training and Human Resource Development to Improve
the Performance ff Employees of Mitra Medika Pontianak Hospital, (06) 05,
Published by:
Ridwan Institute
Desiana Dian Malasari
Universitas Widya Dharma Pontianak, Indonesia
Mitra Medika Pontianak Hospital is a public hospital with private ownership under the
auspices of PT. Hexa Daya Medika. The purpose of this study is to find out how the
Analysis of Training and Human Resource Development to Improve the Performance of
Employees of Mitra Medika Pontianak Hospital. The method in this study is the
descriptive method. Data collection methods with interview guidelines, and note sheets.
The population in this study was all employees of Mitra Medika Hospital Pontianak.
The data analysis used is qualitative analysis. The results of this study are very
important medical and non-medical training is carried out to realize excellent and
quality service in hospitals. Training and development must be carried out regularly by
the hospital. So that every health worker who works in the hospital can work
professionally, according to professional standards, hospital service standards,
applicable operational standards, professional ethics, respect patient rights and
prioritize patient safety..
Keywords: Employee Performance, Training, Development
Mitra Medika Hospital is a public hospital with private ownership under the
auspices of PT. Hexa Daya Medika. The basic advantages of Mitra Medika Hospital
Pontianak consist of modern hospital concepts, superior medical equipment and high
service standards. So that the needs of health services in Pontianak City can be met.
Hospitals are one of the health service facilities (health providers) that have an
important role in realizing public health. This health facility aims to provide health
assistance to the community in the form of prevention (preventive), healing (curative),
and recovery of disability and mental conditions (rehabilitative), as well as improving
the degree of health (promotive) (Haerani & Yulius, 2023). Humans are planners,
performers as well as determinants of the realization of organizational goals (Al-
Mashari, Al-Mudimigh, & Zairi, 2003). Thus, employees in the health sector are
required to have good performance in carrying out their duties.
pISSN: 2723-4339 e-ISSN: 2548-1398
Vol. 6, No. 05, Mei 2024
Analysis of Training and Human Resource Development to Improve the Performance ff
Employees of Mitra Medika Pontianak Hospital
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Improving the quality of human resources in general is intended to improve
services in hospitals. Given that today many new types of diseases appear and spread
relatively quickly, it requires hospital personnel or employees who are experienced and
capable in handling patients. For this reason, it is necessary to develop employee
performance so that they can provide maximum performance in carrying out their
duties. With training and development, it is hoped that it will produce quality human
resources and able to make the best contribution (Daily & Huang, 2001).
The research method used in this study is a descriptive method, in which the
author describes, explains a situation objectively as reality is encountered. By taking the
object of research at Mitra Medika Hospital Pontianak.
In this study the author used survey research method. Where the author conducts
research directly by making observations and then analyzing according to actual
circumstances (Dessler, 2015).
Data Collection Techniques and Tools used in this study are Direct
Communication Techniques, namely conducting interviews with parties who are
considered to play a role in the problem under study. Furthermore, the Documentary
Study technique, which is a data collection technique by studying literature related to
research (Purnawati & Kumoro, 2018).
The Data Collection Tool is the Interview Guideline, conducting interviews with
research-related departments such as HRD of Mitra Medika Hospital Pontianak or
employees who are directly involved in the training and development process at Mitra
Medika Hospital Pontianak. To get an overall picture of the scope as a rationale for
conducting research, the author studies books, not even ruling out the possibility of
magazines and even other references that contain information related to the problem
researched by the author (Nadeak, 2019; Usman, 2012)
Based on this and as described earlier, the total population in this study is all
employees of Mitra Medika Hospital Pontianak, which is as many as 270 people. In this
study, the data analysis carried out was through qualitative analysis and was concluded
and presented in this study, namely analyzing the performance at Mitra Medika Hospital
Forms of Training and Development at Mitra Medika Hospital Pontianak Training and
development for employees of Mitra Medika Hospital Pontianak where the training is as
General Practitioner Training
1. Pelatihan basic surgical skill.
2. ECG Training (Electrokaryogram)
3. ATLS (Advanced Trauma Life Support) Training
4. Abdominal Ultrasound Training.
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5. Training GELS (General Emergency Life Support)
Training for Midwives
a. Technical training kip-counseling for hospital midwives.
b. Training in handling asphyxia and low birth weight babies.
c. Training on early detection and management of cervical cancer and breast cancer.
Training for Nurses
a. Preceptorship guidance pattern training.
b. BTCLS handling training.
c. Infusion insertion training.
Non-medical training (hospital staff)
a. APAR (Light Fire Extinguisher)
b. PMKP (Quality Improvement and Patient Safety Training)
c. MKI (Communication and Information Management Training)
d. BHD (Basic Life Support)
e. APK (Service Access and Service Continuity)
General Practitioner Training
General practitioners are doctors who focus on treating diseases that appear
suddenly (acute) and chronic (chronic), also known as first-service doctors. The
difference with specialists is that general practitioners provide comprehensive services
to patients. General practitioners also play an important role in the field of medicine
because they are often the first to contact patients. General practitioners are not bound
to treat any particular part or organ of the body, so they have extensive expertise that
helps them to help patients of all ages, genders and with various health problems. To
improve their services, the doctor needs to receive further training so that he can serve
patients better. The following are the types of training for doctors:
a. Basic Surgical Skills is an international standard training method applied to provide
basic surgical skills competencies to doctors. This course is intended to convey the
principles and provide training in minor surgical techniques and procedures that can
be applied by any physician in primary care in various healthcare facilities.
Therefore, BSSC is a very appropriate method for doctors who are under their
careers so that they are able to apply basic surgical skills that are of international
standard. Participants can use the competencies gained from this course to develop
knowledge and skills in dealing with trauma and non-traumatic patients, with the best
standards and minimal equipment, without advanced technology.
b. Electrocardiogram (ECG), ECG training is the ability of health workers to know the
anatomy of heart physiology, anatomy of cardiac electrical conduction, cardiac
electrophysiology, potential action, and be able to interpret recordings, operate ECG
devices, and be able to read ECG recordings.
c. ATLS (Advanced Trauma Life Support) is one of the names of training or courses on
handling accident victim patients. This training is a kind of practical review that aims
Analysis of Training and Human Resource Development to Improve the Performance ff
Employees of Mitra Medika Pontianak Hospital
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to enable participants (specifically doctors) to diagnose trauma patients appropriately
and accurately, be able to work on help correctly and systematically and be able to
stabilize patients to get further treatment. ATLS course certificates are increasingly
sought after because most hospitals and healthcare agencies set them as one of the
requirements for hiring a doctor. The Ministry of Health has also established this
training certification as a standard in assessing hospital accreditation.
d. Abdominal Ultrasound Training, Is an ultrasound training specifically for general
practitioners, in this abdominal ultrasound training participants will be guided
directly by Internal Medicine Specialists and what will be obtained by each
participant who takes part in this abdominal ultrasound training is a complete
discussion of material and 90% practice on patients, so that in just a short time all
participants will gain the ability to use ultrasound in diagnosing various internal
diseases, like:
1) Liver
2) Aorta and Abdominal Veins
3) Appendix (appendix)
4) Prostate
5) Bladder
6) Spleen (spleen)
7) Pancreas
8) Both kidneys
9) Gallbladder (Gall Bladder)
e. General Emergency Life Support (GELS) Training, Is training in handling
emergency cases for trauma and non-traumatic cases. This training was formed to
improve the competence of doctors, especially in the field of medical emergencies
Training Objectives
1) Improve knowledge and skills as professional medical personnel so that they can
handle emergency cases.
2) Supporting the implementation of the development of an integrated emergency
management system (SPGDT) both in hospitals and between hospitals.
3) Speed up emergency response time to avoid unnecessary medical effects.
Training for Midwives
Midwives are responsible and accountable professionals, who work as women's
partners to provide support, care and advice during pregnancy, childbirth and
postpartum, facilitate and lead childbirth on their own responsibility and provide care to
newborns. This care includes prevention efforts, promotion of normal delivery,
detection of complications in mother and child, and access to medical assistance or
other appropriate assistance, as well as carrying out emergency measures.
This Kip-Counseling training is one of the media to improve family planning
services to patients, so that it can contribute to efforts to improve the quality of family
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planning services. This training as Micro Skills is training skills and how to
communicate effectively and how to conduct good and correct counseling that can
encourage the improvement of the quality of family planning services, as well as
prepare providers to be able to provide effective and quality family planning services.
Therefore, Midwives as the leading staff are required to be more professional in
carrying out quality and quality contraceptive services, and at the same time can make a
great contribution to society.
Newborn asphyxia management training for midwives was conducted to see the
impact on midwives' skills. The purpose of newborn asphyxia management training for
midwives is to increase the knowledge, attitudes, and skills of midwives and decrease
deaths due to asphyxia after training. The provision of newborn asphyxia management
training to midwives is expected to reduce mortality due to asphyxia. Meanwhile,
BBLR training is to improve the skills and quality of midwives in the management of
low birth weight babies as one of the interventions to reduce mortality in infants and
Training on Early Detection of Cervical Cancer and Breast Cancer is carried out
by IVA (Visual Inspection of Acetic Acid) Examination method, while early detection
of Breast Cancer by SADANIS method (clinical breast examination). This training aims
to improve the quality of human resources, especially midwives, so that they can
perform IVA and SADANIS services well.
Training for Nurses
Nurses are professionals who have the ability, responsibility and authority in
carrying out and providing care to patients who experience health problems.
a. Preceptorship guidance pattern training.
This training is a method of teaching and learning to students using nurses as
role models. Preceptorship is formal, delivered individually and individually within a
predetermined time between an experienced nurse (preceptor) and a new nurse
(preceptee) designed to help the new nurse adjust well and carry out new duties as a
b. BTCLS handling training
This training is an emergency case handling training for trauma and non-
traumatic cases. This training was formed to improve the competence of nurses,
especially in the field of medical emergencies. Increasing daily emergencies and
disasters according to nurses must always be active and always try to improve their
c. Infusion installation training
This training is considered very necessary, because IV insertions often fail and
cause pain, swelling, bleeding under the skin, thus traumatizing the patient and will
refuse if he will be infused again. Even more devastating, if the infusion is a child or
baby who is difficult to find the location of the infusion needle because the blood
vessels appear faint or not visible at all. These things can be minimized if the nurse
Analysis of Training and Human Resource Development to Improve the Performance ff
Employees of Mitra Medika Pontianak Hospital
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who performs the infusion has special skills to perform the infusion, but not all
nurses have this ability. For this reason, intravenous training for nurses is considered
very necessary and is a distinct advantage for a hospital that wants its patients to feel
comfortable and safe when treated in a hospital with nurses who are proficient in
performing IV insertions well.
Non Medical Training
The quality of hospital services itself as a health service provider cannot be
separated from medical and non-medical personnel. It is said that optimal service
quality is synergistic teamwork between medical personnel and non-medical personnel
(medical and supporters).
a. APAR (Light Fire Extinguisher)
Almost all public places and public facilities have the potential for fire.
Especially in hospitals (Abhishek Shastri, Sivaji Raghav, Sahadev, & Yadav, 2018),
with so many medical equipment connected to electric current, it is very possible for
a fire to occur. So, fire protection is absolutely owned by the hospital. Plus there are
many lives in the hospital that must be protected in case of fire. Therefore, fire
extinguisher SOPs in hospitals are absolutely necessary to be studied and understood
by all hospital members. Training on the use of fire extinguishers and the availability
of fire extinguishers according to fire potential must also be carefully thought out to
avoid casualties during a fire in a hospital (Lovreglio, Duan, Rahouti, Phipps, &
Nilsson, 2021).
b. PMKP (Quality Improvement and Patient Safety Training)
Hospitals as health service institutions that deal directly with patients must
prioritize safe, quality, anti-discrimination and effective health services by
prioritizing the interests of patients in accordance with hospital service standards.
Patients as users of health services have the right to get security and safety while in
hospital. Patient safefty is a term that is currently quite popular in health services.
Patient safety is a system where hospitals make patient care safer, prevent injuries
caused by mistakes due to carrying out an action or not taking action that should be
taken (Pronovost, Thompson, Holzmueller, Lubomski, & Morlock, 2005). The
system includes risk recognition, identification and management of patient risk-
related matters, incident reporting and analysis, ability to learn from incidents,
follow-up and implementation of solutions to minimize risk.
c. MKI (Communication and Information Management Training)
Providing patient care is a complex endeavor and depends heavily on the
communication of information. Failure to communicate is one of the root causes of
patient safety incidents most often (Dayton & Henriksen, 2007). So after this
training, it is expected that participants can identify information needs, be able to
analyze data and process it into information and so on.
d. BHD (Basic Life Support)
BHD or another name for Basic Life Support (BLS) is an ability that must be
possessed by every individual, not only medical personnel, but non-medical
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personnel must also have BHD skills, because BHD is a basic ability that is useful
for helping pre-hospital emergencies. This training plays an important role in saving
the life of someone who is being threatened (Bartlett, 2018). With this training,
everyone can realize how important pre-hospital help is until medical help comes to
the location (Sal & Raja, 2016).
e. APK (Service Access and Service Continuity)
Hospital services consider that hospital care is part of a service system that is
integrated with health care professionals. With the aim of aligning patient care needs
with services available at the hospital, coordinating services, then planning
discharges and subsequent actions to improve the quality of patient care and the
efficient use of resources available at the hospital (Utzumi et al., 2020). The purpose
of this training, employees are expected to be able to align patient care needs with
services available at the hospital, be able to coordinate services, and be able to
provide other services both inside and out of the hospital and the right discharge of
patients home.
Benefits of Training and Development for Employees
The benefits obtained by employees with training are as follows:
1. Discovering potential employees
2. Get out of old practices
3. Increase productivity
Adding and improving expertise in their respective fields while improving the old
way of service (Leonova et al., 2021)
Based on research that has been conducted on training and human resource
development, it can be concluded as follows:
1. Medical Training
a. General Practitioner Training
Basic surgical skills training, ECG (Electrokaryogram) training, ATLS (Advanced
Trauma Life Support) training, Abdominal ultrasound training and GELS (General
Emergency Life Support) training.
b. Training for Midwives
Technical training on kip-counseling for hospital midwives, training on handling
asphyxia and low birth weight babies, as well as training on early detection and
management of cervical cancer and breast cancer.
c. Training for Nurses
Preceptorship guidance pattern training, BTCLS handling training, and infusion
handling training.
2. Non-Medical Training (hospital staff)
a. APAR (Light Fire Extinguisher) Training
Analysis of Training and Human Resource Development to Improve the Performance ff
Employees of Mitra Medika Pontianak Hospital
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b. PMKP Training (Quality Improvement and Patient Safety)
c. MKI Training (Communication and Information Management)
d. BHD (Basic Life Support) Training
e. APK (Service Access and Service Continuity)
Medical and non-medical training is very important to realize excellent and quality
service in hospitals, so every health worker who works in hospitals must be
professional, work according to professional standards, hospital service standards,
applicable operational standards, professional ethics, respect patient rights and
prioritize patient safety.
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Desiana Dian Malasari (2024)
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Syntax Idea
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