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Rachel Krestina Huwae, Fatimah Azis (2024) Handling TikTok App Addiction Behavior in Gen Z
(Case Study on Three Teenagers in Rumah Tiga Village), (06) 05,
Published by:
Ridwan Institute
Rachel Krestina Huwae, Fatimah Azis
Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar, Indonesia
Indonesia is the second country with the most active TikTok users in the world. In April 2022,
active TikTok users in Indonesia reached 99.1 million people. revealed in the latest report
'Media State of Mobile 2024' released by Data.AI at the beginning of 2024, Indonesians are
also starting to get addicted to TikTok. It was recorded that Indonesian citizens spent 64.8
billion hours on TikTok throughout 2023, an increase of 33%. This proves that many people
are addicted to TikTok. Especially Gen Z, which is a generation that is close to technology
(digital native), as they were born in the era of cellphones, are smart, grew up with
sophisticated computer technology, and have an openness to easier internet access compared
to previous generations. So efforts are needed to overcome Gen z who is addicted to the
Tiktok application (Tiktok Syndrome). The aim of this research is to answer the problem of
how to handle children addicted to the Tiktok application (Tiktok syndrome) in 3 teenagers in
Rumah Tiga Village, Teluk Ambon District, Ambon City.
Keywords: Tiktok addiction, addiction handling efforts, Tiktok application.
Indonesia is the second country with the most active TikTok users in the world. In April
2022, TikTok's active users in Indonesia reached 99.1 million people. revealed in the latest
report 'Media State of Mobile 2024' released Data.AI early 2024, Indonesians are also starting
to get addicted to TikTok (Azizah, Gunawan, & Sinansari, 2021). It is recorded that
Indonesians spend 64.8 billion hours on TikTok throughout 2023, up 33%. TikTok app is an
app to create and share all kinds of short videos in a vertical format, which you can play by
simply scrolling up or down. Interestingly, this TikTok application turned out to be the result
of the acquisition of ByteDance, a Chinese media company that acquired for 1
billion US dollars in 2018 (Puspitorini, 2022). Uniquely in China itself, TikTok is called
Douyin. Then after that TikTok continued to grow slowly and began to go global. With
applications that use music without fear of being exposed to the owner's copyright, the
algorithm from TikTok also makes this application more popular, in contrast to Youtube or
Instagram, the TikTok algorithm can spread anyone's user content regardless of the number of
followers by studying the habits of active users faster than other applications, called "For
Your Page (Pineda, 2020).
pISSN: 2723-4339 e-ISSN: 2548-1398
Vol. 6, No. 05, Mei 2024
Rachel Krestina Huwae, Fatimah Azis
2166 Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 05, Mei 2024
Rahmayani, Ramdhani, & Lubis, (2021) The results obtained are researchers found that
intensity, and attractiveness have a significant effect on someone's addictive behavior, while
the content on the use of the Tiktok application does not have a significant effect on
someone's addictive behavior. According to a number of previous studies, Gen Z are those
born after 1995-2010 Francis & Hoefel, 2018; Linnes & Metcalf, 2017; Suyanto, Yulius, &
Djati, (2023) Or often referred to as the post-millennial generation.
Addiction is a continuous involvement with an activity even though it has negative
consequences (Laili, 2015). On this occasion, it is pleasure and satisfaction that are initially
sought, but it needs to be involved for some time with the activity in order for one to feel
normal. Someone who is addicted to the internet can use it for a long time. Gen Z is known as
a creative and innovative generation. According to a survey conducted by Harris Sakitri,
(2021), 63% of Gen Z are interested in doing creative things every day. This creativity is also
formed from the activeness of Gen Z in the community and social media. This is relevant to a
number of studies that identify that Gen Z is a generation that is close to technology (digital
native), as they were born in the era of mobile phones, smart, grew up with the sophistication
of computer technology, and have openness to easier internet access compared to previous
Basically, Gen Z is a unique generation and has extraordinary potential inside. In
Indonesia, in particular, Gen Z was born in a period of severe economic crisis and presents its
own challenges for parents to raise this post-millennial generation in difficult times. The
anxiety experienced by parents, without realizing it, also affects the formation of Gen Z's
character. Growing up in the era of recession, makes Gen Z given more protection, so they
often easily feel anxious if things do not go as they want
The method used is qualitative Descriptive. Sugiyono, (2020) said that qualitative
research methods are often called naturalistic research methods because the research is carried
out in natural conditions; It is referred to as a qualitative method because the data that has
been collected is also qualitative analysis. In addition, the results of qualitative research
emphasize meaning rather than generalization. The type of research used in this study is a
case study. This research was conducted in Rumah Tiga Village, Ambon Bay District, Ambon
City, Maluku Province. On January 16, 2024. Target of Research on 3 Adolescent Children
Generation Z ( Z Generation).
Case study data collection process According to Yin, (2015) The implementation of
data collection has six sources, namely: documents, archival records, interviews, direct
observations, participant observations, and physical devices". Case study research process
according to Yin, (2015) is :
a. Define and design research. Researchers conduct theoretical or concept development
studies to determine cases and design data collection protocols”.
b. "Preparing, collecting, and analyzing data. Researchers prepare, collect, and analyze data
based on pre-designed research protocols”.
Handling TikTok App Addiction Behavior in Gen Z (Case Study on Three Teenagers in
Rumah Tiga Village)
Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 05, Mei 2024 2167
c. Analyze and conclude. In a single case, the results of the study are used to check back to
the concept or theory that has been built in the first stage of research". The data collected in
this case study are interviews, and direct observation to the field. Also, at least three
members of the organization were interviewed for data triangulation. Data collection in
this study is interviews, and direct observation to the field:
Gen z
Schmidt, (2000) Said generation is a group of individuals who identify a group based on
the year of birth, age, location, and events in the life of the group of individuals who have a
significant influence in the growth phase. In generation theory, positing that the human
generation is divided into 5 based on the year of birth, namely: baby boomer generation born
1946-1964, generation X born 1965-1980, generation Y born 1981-1994, often called
millennial generation, generation Z born 1995-2010 also called (Codrington & Grant-
Marshall, 2004). Generation, iNet generation, internet generation and alpha generation born
2011-2025. The five generations have differences in personality development. Research
Stillman & Stillman, (2017) Generation Z is the latest working generation, born between 1995
and 2012, also called the net generation or internet generation. Based on this research,
generation Z is different from generation Y or millennials. In his book Stillman & Stillman,
(2017) How the Next Generation Is Transforming the Workplace dijelaskan perbedaannya,
salah satu perbedaan gen Y dan gen Z adalah generasi Z menguasai teknologi dengan lebih
maju, pikiran lebih terbuka dan tidak terlalu peduli dengan norma.
Table 1 Generation Differences
Year of birth
Generation Name
1925 1946
Traditional generation
1946 1960
Baby boom generation
1960 1980
X generation
1980 1995
Y generation
1995 2010
Z generation
2010 +
Alfa generation
Source: (Putra, Suwendra, & Bagia, 2016)
Definition of Tiktok Addictive Behavior
addiction in the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI) comes from the word opium which
means something that becomes a favorite and makes people addicted, then addiction is
addiction, dependence or infection to a favorite so that they forget other things. While
according to Soetjipto, (2005) Definition of addiction as a form of psychological dependence
between a person and a stimulus, which is usually not always an object or substance. Based
on the above opinion, researchers can conclude that addiction is a condition in which
individuals feel dependent on something they like on various occasions due to lack of control
over behavior so that they feel punished if they do not fulfill their desires and habits.
Young & De Abreu, (2010) Distinguish the internet that uses social media normally and
addictively. Normal users (Non-Dependent) use the internet to find information and
Rachel Krestina Huwae, Fatimah Azis
2168 Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 05, Mei 2024
knowledge and use the internet within 4-5 hours per week. While users addictively
(dependently) use the internet to make friends and maintain relationships and are used to
exchange opinions and feelings, users use the duration of internet time between 20-80 hours
every week with 15 hours of online time.
Symptoms of Addiction
Weaver III, Thompson, Weaver, & Hopkins, (2009) The stated symptoms of Internet
addiction are :
1. Preoccupation with the Internet and always thinking about it while off-line
2. Always add time online.
3. Unable to control internet usage.
4. Irritability and anxiety when not online.
5. Using the internet as an escape from trouble.
6. Lying to family or friends about the amount of time spent online.
7. Loss of mates, jobs, or educational and career opportunities due to the use of Inter
8. Continue to use the internet even if funds for online are running low.
9. Depression, moodiness, anxiety, and anxiety increase if you don't use the internet.
10. Experiencing sleep disturbances or changes in sleep patterns due to internet use.
11. Feeling guilt and deep regret as a result of internet use.
Picture 1 Sekar Is Following Style On TikTok
Source: Rachel's personal documentation (2024)
Factors Causing Addiction
A person can be said to be addicted to the internet can fulfill certain behaviors. Young
& De Abreu, (2010) mentions some of the factors of internet addiction Some of the criteria
are as follows :
1. Internal factors
a. Stress or depression. Some people use media to relieve their stress, including by playing
games or using social media from the internet
Handling TikTok App Addiction Behavior in Gen Z (Case Study on Three Teenagers in
Rumah Tiga Village)
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b. Lack of self-control, parents who pamper the child with facilities, the effects of
addiction are quite possible. An uncontrolled child will usually behave over.
c. Lack of activity. Being idle is an unpleasant activity, so there is no activity so playing
internet games is often used as a sought-after escape.
2. External factors
a. Less attention, not all individuals get enough attention from the closest people. If
someone gets less attention, then one of the things that will be done is to seek attention
b. Lifestyle, following the trend due to the increasing number of users in the community
who initially only tried and eventually continued
c. Milieu. A person's behavior is not only formed from within the family's behavior, when
at school playing with his friends it can also shape a person's behavior. This means that
even if someone is not introduced to internet games at home, then someone will be
familiar with internet games because of their association.
d. Parenting, parenting style is a very important thing for one's behavior, therefore parents
must be careful in caring for their children. Due to errors in parenting patterns.
This proves that many people have become addicted to TikTok. TikTok is an
application for sharing videos. Everyone can upload videos or just watch. TikTok has become
more popular because of the TikTok for Business feature. The Tiktok application is very
accessible to all people, including children in Rumah Tiga village, where these children when
they play the Tiktok application they tend to imitate what they see and immediately practice it
without them knowing it is good or bad for children.
So there is a need for efforts to overcome children addicted to the Tiktok application
(Tiktok Syndrome). The purpose of this study is to answer the problem of how to overcome
children addicted to the Tiktok application (Tiktok syndrome) in Rumah Tiga Village, Teluk
Ambon District, Ambon City. Tiktok is an application that can also see short videos with
various expressions of each creator. And users of this application can also imitate from other
users' videos, such as making videos with two-finger rocking music that many people also
make This research is a descriptive field research. The method used in data collection
techniques is using observation, interview and documentation methods. The source is primary
data obtained from parents of three adolescents aged 19-16 years who are GEN Z ages in
Rumah Tiga Village, Teluk Ambon District, Ambon City. Data analysis techniques are
carried out by systematization and data editing techniques.
The initial stage carried out by researchers by looking at the condition of 3 adolescents
due to addiction to the Tiktok application which resulted in eating, could not stop playing
mobile phones, and uncontrolled emotions were less in responding to their parents' orders and
less in socializing and clarity of purpose in this activity was to overcome children addicted to
the Tiktok application by guiding children to limit time using the Tiktok application, Find a
new hobby and hang out more with friends.
The middle stage carried out by parents is well proven by continuing to interact with
children such as accompanying children to learn and repeat school lessons, parents also
explain the dangers of using the Tiktok application excessively. Being firm and disciplined
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such as limiting children to use the Tiktok application 2-3 hours a day, after eating and before
going to bed, and also inviting children to do activities outside the home such as taking
children on vacation during holidays, there are also parents who teach to play at a friend's
house or a neighbor's house.
The final stage or supervision carried out by parents is well proven by controlling their
children when playing Tiktok or using gadgets properly. In addition, parents can also find out
what their children see when playing gadgets.
Efforts to overcome tiktok addiction.
Based on the statement above, researchers concluded that the factors causing the
tendency of addictive behavior in 3 adolescents, namely Ciken, Sekar, and Ati, they are
children of Gen Z age want to be noticed in the world of social media by uploading content
content from Tiktok seen by comments from friends and the number of people who watch it,
only focus on one Tiktok application when stressed and do not look for other useful
diversions such as sports, using the Tiktok application because the application has been
widely used by the general public and their peers, when watching tiktok These 3 Teenagers
Ciken, Sekar, and Ati want to follow what movements there are trends that he thinks are fun,
unable to control their use because of curiosity when scrolling down therefore the urge to use
the Tiktok application always appears, using the Tiktok application because many of their
peers have used the Tiktok application even when their peers gather together at Ciken, Sekar,
and Ati's house which is only done watching Tiktok on their respective smart gadgets with
little interaction The author then gives advice to parents and the three teenagers who are
addicted to TikTok, to be able to try some of the things below in order to stop being addicted
to TikTok. With handling efforts like this :
a. Limit Playing Tiktok
Quitting TikTok addiction is not easy. You need time to be able to completely stop.
Although it sounds difficult, you can still do it. The first thing you should do is limit
yourself to using TikTok. You should be able to limit yourself in playing TikTok. For
example, you are determined to use TikTok for an hour a day or two hours. You have to be
consistent in doing it every day. If you manage to limit yourself to one hour a day, you can
reduce the time again to half an hour a day.
b. Looking for a New Hobby.
If you have free time to use TikTok, then you should fill that free time with
something else. You can find a new hobby to fill your spare time. By having a new hobby,
you can minimize using TikTok. Use your free time to do these hobbies. If you don't have
any hobbies at all, then start looking for hobbies based on what you like or something that
interests you.
c. Expand Socialization
Too much use of TikTok or social media will make you less directly interacting with
friends or family. Well, to overcome this, you can start to socialize with people directly to
reduce the intensity of smartphone use . You can schedule a hangout with friends or gather
Handling TikTok App Addiction Behavior in Gen Z (Case Study on Three Teenagers in
Rumah Tiga Village)
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with family. Increase socialization so that you are not too glued to social media. That way,
you can reduce the time you use TikTok and even stop being addicted.
d. Have a bedtime routine.
Most people definitely have a routine before going to bed. Are you included? Then
what is your routine before going to bed? If your routine is scrolling TikTok before going
to bed, then you should replace it with another routine. You can change that routine by
reading a book, singing, or listening to a useful podcast. Do it consistently so that the
TikTok scrolling routine can be eliminated.
e. Has rules for Holding Cellphones
Have you ever managed your time to use your cellphone? If not, you should start
setting it up now. You can keep away from your smartphone at certain times. For example,
when studying, working, gathering with friends, doing hobbies and others.
f. Turn off Notifications
Turn off notifications from TikTok or set them to only appear at certain times. This
will help reduce the temptation to open the app every time there is a new notification.
g. Temporarily delete apps.
If you find it difficult to control yourself, consider temporarily deleting the TikTok
app from your device. This can help provide pause and provide an opportunity to feel more
By creating these boundaries, you can slowly overcome your addiction to playing
TikTok. Not only do you keep away from your smartphone , but you also have to commit
to not being affected when notifications come in. With Tiktok Addiction Handling Efforts,
you can apply if you want to really quit TikTok addiction. There are several negative
impacts if you are addicted to playing TikTok, one of which is to direct your personality to
be anti-social. Therefore, From this Research can be a Lesson for these three Teenagers
and Readers To must be able to completely quit TikTok addiction.
From the results of research that the author has done, . The application of tik tok has a
major influence on the attitudes and behavior of adolescents in Rumah tiga village, Ambon
City, Maluku Province. With reference to the results and previous discussions, the
development of the tiktok application no longer has a positive impact, but especially on
children. Due to the functionality of this app, there is no filter (age limit) that restricts the
viewing of videos that are not age-appropriate. Many teenagers today make videos that don't
do it justice. These teenagers give good expressions and can be seen in a positive way, namely
according to them the TikTok application helps to express creativity, especially in making
short videos.
Because the TikTok application itself is one of the gatget programs to produce videos easily and given
unique special effects. Tiktok also provides various music or song features as video accompaniment, making
users able to create videos that are more attention-grabbing. On the other hand, from a negative point of view,
tiktok is indirectly the reason why teenage girls in Rumah tiga village, Ambon City, Maluku Province prefer to
watch videos. This obviously changes their communication style with their elders and those around them. They
tend to be more aggressive in communicating. Parents play an important role in the association and behavior of
Rachel Krestina Huwae, Fatimah Azis
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their children, they must know about the limits of what can and cannot be seen to support their own thought
process. Without the help and proper observation of his parents, there will be a generation of nations that are far
from moral values
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Copyright holder:
Rachel Krestina Huwae, Fatimah Azis (2024)
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Syntax Idea
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