How to cite:
Wulandari Gunawan, Yoyo Sudaryo, Gurawan Dayona Ismail, Andre Suryaningprang, Dadan
Abdul Aziz (2024) The Influence of Work Motivation, Work Environment and Job Satisfaction on
Employee Performance at CV Lanupi Bandung, (06) 05,
Published by:
Ridwan Institute
Wulandari Gunawan, Yoyo Sudaryo, Gurawan Dayona Ismail, Andre Suryaningprang,
Dadan Abdul Aziz
Universitas Indonesia Membangun (INABA), Indonesia
Employee performance is an assessment of work results, and the quality of thinking, behavior
and achievements of individuals or teams in achieving organizational goals. This is important
to determine the effectiveness and performance of the organization to determine the quality,
efficiency and performance of the work carried out by each employee, as well as providing
feedback and direction that can improve their performance. Employee performance can be
influenced by several factors including, Work Motivation, Work Environment and Job
Satisfaction on Employee Performance, The research method used is a quantitative research
method with a descriptive and verification approach. The sample in this study was a total
sample with a total of 30 respondents. In this study the entire population was sampled, so it is
said to be a saturated sample.The research results show that work motivation, work
environment and job satisfaction influence employee performance partially or simultaneously
with a coefficient of determination test value of 0.753 or 75% so it can be interpreted that
75% of CV. Lanupi (Y) employee performance can be explained by variables work
motivation (X1), work environment (X2), and job satisfaction (X3).The research results show
that: (1). Employee performance is in the poor category (2). Work Motivation is in the poor
category (3) Work Environment is in the poor category (4). Job satisfaction is in the poor
category (5). Partial research results show that work motivation influences employee
performance (6).
Keywords: Work Motivation, Work Environment, Job Satisfaction, Employee Performance.
The Challenges and Role of Human Resource Management continues to grow more
complex, flexible and important for company growth, the more complex the tasks that must
be carried out, the greater the environmental impact and the greater the uncertainty faced by
the company, therefore companies must be able to manage human resources (Novyanti,
2015). well and have the right strategy to overcome these various challenges (Hustia, 2020).
Companies must establish clear policies and procedures so that all employees can work
pISSN: 2723-4339 e-ISSN: 2548-1398
Vol. 6, No. 05, Mei 2024
The Influence of Work Motivation, Work Environment and Job Satisfaction on Employee
Performance at CV Lanupi Bandung
Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 05, Mei 2024 2175
effectively and efficiently. Apart from that, companies must also provide training and
development to employees to improve their skills and performance (Kusumayanti, Ratnasari,
& Hakim, 2020).
According to Sudaryo, Aribowo, & Sofiati, (2019) Financial management is all
company activities related to how to obtain funds, use funds, and manage assets in a company
organization to create and maintain company value. Performance management becomes
important when company performance is measured to assess the success of directors in
managing the company (Putri, Nurzaroni, Hamidy, & Hasbi, 2022). One company that is
always motivated to improve its operations is a manufacturing company
According to Suparyadi, (2015) states that: "Human resource management is a system
that aims to influence the attitudes, behavior and performance of employees so that they are
able to provide optimal contributions in order to achieve company goals (Pasaribu, 2019).
Human resources (HR) are individuals who work as drivers of an organization, both
institutions and companies. Human resources (HR) can also be considered as capital or assets
for institutions or organizations, because they have knowledge, skills and creativity that can
be developed and multiplied (Nabawi, 2019). Human resource management (HRM) is the
process of managing people in an organization effectively, which includes planning,
implementation, recruitment, training and development. The aim of Human Resource
Management (HRM) is to manage people as effectively as possible in order to obtain a
mutually beneficial human resource unit. The benefits of Human Resource Management
(HRM) also aim to increase the effectiveness of human resources in the organization and
provide the organization with an effective work unit (Ardianti, Qomariah, & Wibowo, 2018;
Lumentut & Dotulong, 2015).
The purpose of this research is to determine the influence of work motivation, work
environment and job satisfaction on employee performance (Lumentut & Dotulong, 2015;
Susanto, 2019). The unit of analysis used here is CV. Lanupi Bandung, founded in 1990
located in Cileunyi Bandung, as a Digital Media company in the fields of Logo & Branding,
Graphic Design, Printing, Photographers, Websites, Applications and Events. CV. Lanupi has
accommodated more than thousands of clients in creating history by building quality works.
Partnering with several well-known institutions, large companies and government agencies
with creative, professional human resources and experience working together to build
Indonesia's image.
To strengthen the phenomena that occur in work motivation, work environment and job
satisfaction on employee performance, researchers distributed pre-survey questionnaires as
supporting data to 30 employees based on indicators. The pre-survey results can be seen in
Table 1 the following.
Wulandari Gunawan, Yoyo Sudaryo, Gurawan Dayona Ismail, Andre Suryaningprang, Dadan
Abdul Aziz
2176 Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 05, Mei 2024
Table 1 Pre-Survey Results
The facilities and infrastructure provided by
the company for work are good
I am far from noise so I can concentrate
while working
I can work together coworkers as expected
I took the initiative in finishing performance
work without waiting for orders from
Based on the table above, currently 43.3% feel they have a problem motivation at work,
60% feel they have problems regarding noise while working and 60% of employees feel they
have problems working can work together with colleagues according to expectations but due
to lack of communication, things happen outside expectations and 70% of the time I take th
initiative in solving work without waiting for orders from superiors. The obstacle must be
reminded so that the work can be completed quickly. Therefore, researchers are interested in
conducting research on the Influence of Motivation, Work Environment and Job Satisfaction
on Employee Performance at CV. Lanupi Bandung.
The method in this study uses a quantitative method of descriptive and verification
approaches (Vivi Silvia, 2020). Primary and secondary data collection from CV. Lanupi
Statistically, it can be calculated by analysis of determination (R2), t-test and F-test. The
statistical value is called significant if the statistical test value is in the critical area, where H0
is rejected. Conversely, if it is not significant, the statistical test value is within the accepted
H0 area Determination analysis (R2).
Table 3. Results of determination analysis (R2)
Model Summary
R Square
Adjusted R Square
Std. Error of the Estimate
Predictors: (Constant), Kepuasan Kerja, Motivasi Kerja, Lingkungan Kerja
R-Square of 0.753 or 75% shows the influence of independent variables consisting of
motivation (X1), work environment (X2) and Job Satisfaction (X3) on employee performance
(Y) of 0.753 or 75% while the remaining 0.247 or 25% is thought to be influenced by other
factors not studied.
t-Test (Partial)
According to (Ghozali, 2018) "The partial test is used to determine the effect of each
independent variable on the dependent variable, to carry out a partial test (t test) first to
determine the hypothesis." The following are the results of the partial test (t):
The Influence of Work Motivation, Work Environment and Job Satisfaction on Employee
Performance at CV Lanupi Bandung
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Table 4. t-test Results (Partial)
Std. Error
Dependent Variable: Working performance
Source: SPSS data processing (2020)
Based on the t test results above, the following significance values are obtained:
1. It is known that the significance value of the Motivation variable (X1) is 0.159. Because
the Sig value is 0.159 < probability 0.05. While tcount is 1.450 > 2.008 then H01 is
rejected and
2. Ha1 is accepted. That is, there is an influence of motivation (X1) on performance (Y). It is
known that the significance value of the compensation variable (X2) is 0.159. Because the
Sign value is 0.159 < probability 0.05. While tcount is 1.450 > 2.008 then H02 is rejected
and Ha2 accepted. This means that there is an influence of the work environment (X2) on
performance (Y).
3. It is known that the significance value of the performance satisfaction variable (X3) is
0.304. Because the Sign value is 0.304 < probability 0.05. While tcount is 1.500 > 2.008
then H03 is rejected and Ha3 is accepted. This means that there is an influence of job
satisfaction (X3) on performance (Y).
F-Test (Simultaneous)
According to (Ghozali, 2020) "The F test is a test that aims whether all the independent
variables included in the model have a simultaneous effect on the dependent variable.
Table 5. F test Results (Simultaneous)
The probability value is 0.000 with a significance level of 0.05. Because the probability
value is 0.000 <0.05 (α), the research model can be used
The effect of motivation on employee performance at the Horison Ultima Hotel Bandung
Based on the results of the study, it shows that the variable Motivation (X1) has a
positive and significant effect on employee performance (Munir, Arifin, Darmawan,
Sum of Squares
Mean Square
a. Dependent Variable: working performance
b. Predictors: (Constant), working performance, motivation, working enfironment
Wulandari Gunawan, Yoyo Sudaryo, Gurawan Dayona Ismail, Andre Suryaningprang, Dadan
Abdul Aziz
2178 Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 05, Mei 2024
Issalillah, & Khayru, 2022). This is evidenced by the results of the partial Kd (X1) of 25.9%,
changes in performance are caused by changes in motivation and a significant value below
0.05, which is indicated by a t-count value that is greater than the t-table value, namely 2.258
> 2.008 . In addition, the regression coefficient of the variable Motivation (X1) is
Based on the results of research and discussion regarding the influence of motivation,
compensation and organizational culture on employee performance, several conclusions can
be drawn as follows Based on the responses of 30 respondents, it shows that the motivation
variable is classified as good with the total score of respondents' responses to motivation
being 967 in the good category. The highest score in the statement TAble to maintain the
neatness of all work which is a good responsibility is 43 and is included in the very good
category, while the lowest score is found in the statement that always completes work on time
with a total score of 36 and is included in the poor category. This shows that CV employee
motivation. Lanupi Bandung generally has good value and is included in the good category.
Based on the responses of 30 respondents, it shows that the performance variable is rated as
poor with a total score of respondents' responses to performance of 940 in the poor category.
The highest score is found in the statement "The facilities and infrastructure provided by the
company for work are good" with a total score of 41 and included in the good category, while
the lowest score is found in the statement "The need to work in groups" with a total score of
39 and included in the "poor" category. This shows that the performance of Hotel Horison
Ultima Bandung employees motivation has a low score and is in the poor category. Based on
the responses of 30 respo ndents, it shows that the work environment variable is classified as
good with the total score of respondents' responses to the work environment being 675 in the
good category. The highest score is found in the statement "I am far from noise so I can
concentrate while working" with a total score of 36 and is included in the good category,
while The lowest score is in the statement "Relationships between co-workers are very
harmonious and familial" with a total score of 25 and is included in the poor category. Good.
This shows that the work environment at CV. Lanupi Bandung generally has good value and
is in the good category. Based on the responses of 30 respondents, it shows that the job
satisfaction variable is classified as good with the total score of respondents' responses to
organizational culture being 438 in the good category. The highest score is in the statement
"The wages I receive are in accordance with my needs and feel fair" with a total score of 22
and is included in the good category, while the lowest score is in the statement "I can work
together with my colleagues according to expectations" with a total score of 15 and included
in the poor category. Good. This shows that the performance satisfaction of CV. Lanupi
Bandung employees generally has a good value and is included in the good category. The
research results show that the t count for motivation is greater than the t table. It is known that
the significance value of the Motivation variable (X1) is 0.159. Because the Sig value is 0.159
< probability 0.05. While tcount is 1.450 > 2.008 then H01 is rejected and Ha1 accepted. This
means that there is an influence of motivation (X1) on performance (Y). The research results
show that t for the work environment is calculated at 0.159. It is known that the significance
The Influence of Work Motivation, Work Environment and Job Satisfaction on Employee
Performance at CV Lanupi Bandung
Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 05, Mei 2024 2179
value of the compensation variable (X2) is 0.159. Because the Sign value is 0.159 <
probability 0.05. Meanwhile, tcount is 1.450 > 2.008, so H02 is rejected and Ha2 is accepted.
This means that there is an influence of the work environment (X2) on performance (Y). The
research results show that t for the work environment is calculated at It is known that the
significance value of the performance satisfaction variable (X3) is 0.304. Because the Sign
value is 0.304 < probability 0.05. While tcount is 1.500 > 2.008 then H03 is rejected and Ha3
is accepted. This means that there is an influence of job satisfaction (X3) on performance (Y).
The research results show that Fcount is greater than Ftable (26.456 > 2.79). So it can be said
that motivation, work environment and job satisfaction have a positive and significant effect
on performance simultaneously because of the large value of motivation, work environment
and job satisfaction. 0.000 is less than 0.05.
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Copyright holder:
Wulandari Gunawan, Yoyo Sudaryo, Gurawan Dayona Ismail, Andre Suryaningprang,
Dadan Abdul Aziz (2024)
First publication right:
Syntax Idea
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