Juridical Study of Industrial Relations Dispute Resolution Mechanism Due to Unilateral
Termination of Employment By PT. Bisa Group
Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 05, Mei 2024 2083
business actors and workers in labor relations, namely with the existence of labor law that
regulates various rights, obligations and responsibilities of workers and business actors. In
addition to these facilities, collective labor agreements (PKB), bipartite, tripartite, trade
unions, employers' organizations, and mediation played by the government are manifestations
of the existence of labor law.
Basically, labor law has the nature of protecting and creating a sense of security, peace,
and prosperity by realizing social justice for all people. Labor law in providing protection
must be based on two aspects, First, the law in an ideal perspective is embodied in legislation
(heterotome) and law that is autonomous.
This legal realm must be able to reflect legal products that are in accordance with the
ideals of justice and truth, certainty, and have beneficial values for the parties in the
production process. Labor law does not only concern business actors, but pays attention to
and provides protection to workers who socially have a very weak position, when compared
to the position of entrepreneurs who are quite established.
The law provides benefits to the principle of social disparity and economic level for
disadvantaged workers, such as welfare levels, wage standards and working conditions, as
stipulated in laws and regulations and in line with the meaning of justice according to the
provisions of Article 27 paragraph 2 of the 1945 Constitution, that: "Every citizen has the
right to work and a decent living for humanity" (Usman, 2020).
Similarly, the provisions of Article 28 D paragraph (2) of the 1945 Constitution, that:
"Everyone has the right to work and to receive fair and decent remuneration and treatment in
employment relations"; Second, normative law at the implementation level contributes in the
form of supervision through law enforcement officials and carrying out enforcement against
parties who do not comply with legal provisions.
Labor law (Law No. 13 of 2003) is established as a legal umbrella in the field of
industrial relations and is engineered to maintain order, as well as social control, mainly
providing a basis for rights for production actors (goods and services) hereinafter referred to
as workers and this is stated in the provisions of Article 102 (2) of the Law. No. 13 of 2003.
In essence, workers in carrying out industrial relations are obliged to carry out work for
the continuity of production, advancing the company, and on the other hand receiving rights
as appreciation in carrying out their duties, in addition to carrying out other functions, through
trade unions to fight for the welfare of members and their families while maintaining order
and continuity of production of goods and / or services and trying to develop skills and
advance company (Singadimeja, Latipulhayat, & Singadimeja, 2019).
Where industrial relations itself according to Michael Solomon, what he named
industrial relations itself involves a number of concepts, such as the concepts of justice and
equality, power and authority, individualism and collectivity, rights and obligations, and
integrity and trust. According to Tams Jayakusuma, stated that relationships are a certain
activity that has consequences for other activities. Meanwhile, according to Suwanto, in the
understanding stated industrial relations are defined as a system of relationships formed
between actors in the production process of goods.