Piyan, Sfenrianto
2096 Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 05, Mei 2024
systems, the availability of data needed comprehensively for all types of data is owned by all
Function Implementers(PF) at the XYZ Embassy and (5) the budget determined by the
Central Government to the XYZ Embassy, especially the budget for the procurement of data
processing and communication equipment is considered very minimal. The relationship
between organizations and IT governance can be measured by ICT evaluation using the
COBIT 5 framework. Evaluation can also be interpreted as the process of giving value to the
impact of a program, object or a series of processes with a predetermined set and
requirements (Fajarwati, Sarmini, & Septiana, 2018). IT evaluation and audit aims to evaluate
and ensure that the IT processes that have been carried out in the organization are based on
the standard operating procedures implemented that are used to maintain and monitor those
processes (Andry, 2016; Sarno, 2009). COBIT 5 very complete, provides a basis for
effectively integrating frameworks, standards, and other practices that have been used, where
the standards reach all scopes of the company/agency (Damayanti & Manuputty, 2019). IT
governance is the responsibility of executive management or directors, and is part of
enterprise governance. Governance is a collection of interrelated and structured processes to
direct and control the organization in achieving goals (Prawira & Darmizal, 2016; Purwanto,
Sumbaryadi, & Sarmadi, 2018). IT governance focuses on two things, namely how IT efforts
provide added value to the business and risk management when they have been implemented.
COBIT 5 can be the right IT evaluation method to find out whether XYZ Embassy has carried
out good IT management and also COBIT 5 is able to help improve IT governance according
to standards and policies in carrying out business processes that are effective (Siregar &
Rustamaji, 2017). COBIT 5 is an overarching framework that can assist organizations in
achieving their goals for organizational IT governance and management. Another
understanding related to COBIT 5 is one of the frameworks in the form of best practices
guidance products that present activities in a managed and logical IT organizational structure,
compiled by experts in the field of IT governance, and more focused on performance
evaluation control (Wulandari, Dewi, Pohan, Sensuse, & Mishbah, 2019). The use of IT in
government agencies, especially in the field of cases, is not only used by employees who
work in the IT department, but is a must for employees who work in all parts such as
administration, finance, criminal, civil and others related to IT (Belegur, Rudianto, &
Sitokdana, 2018). COBIT 5 helps companies create optimal value from IT by maintaining a
balance between gaining profits and optimizing the level of risk and resource use (Hanif,
Giatman, & Hadi, 2020; Ismail & Winarno, 2017) Research using COBIT 5 was conducted to
audit IT governance in the domains EDM04, DSS01, APO07 and APO01 (Adriani,
Mahardika, & Aryani, 2018). In addition, COBIT 5 is also used for evaluation of IT
governance by measuring the level of maturity of Information Systems / IT designs in four
domains, namely APO, EDM, BAI and DSS (Putra, Hakim, Pramono, & Tolle, 2017).