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Aseptianova, Laura Indriani (2024) Public Knowledge About the Use of Toga as Food to Improve
Health (06) 04,
Published by:
Ridwan Institute
Aseptianova, Laura Indriani
Universitas Muhammadiyah Palembang, Indonesia
Toga is a cultural or maintenance plant that is natural and easy to obtain and easy to
grow in the yard of the house. Toga is used as family medicine, one of which can also
be used by processing toga as food. The purpose of this study is to find out how public
knowledge after being given information about the use of toga as food to improve
health. This study used quantitative descriptive method with pre test &; post test data
collection. Data was collected through interviews with the community, and supported
by documentation. The results of this study stated that public knowledge about the use
of toga as food to improve health in Biology subjects on the subject of Biodiversity,
Toga as food to improve health that the calculated t value (10.850) with a significant
value of 0.000 is greater than 0.05. That is, there is an increase in public knowledge
about efforts to improve health through the use of toga as food.
Keywords: Knowledge, Toga, Improve Health
Indonesia in the eyes of the world is dubbed an agricultural country, various
plants can arise. Although these plants are mostly used for food needs, they can also be
used as natural treatment. Some plants have healing properties of various diseases, so it
is believed to be a medicinal plant which was developed by our ancestors before the
development of chemical drugs as now. Human Resource Health Efforts (UKBM) are
efforts by the surrounding community in improving health. UKBM has been developed
in various ways, one of which is the use of TOGA (Family Medicine Park), because it is
easy to obtain and can be developed by itself in the yard of the house (Sari, Ennimay, &
Rasyid, 2019).
Over time with the development of public knowledge and awareness of the
dangers posed by chemicals contained in medicines, people are encouraged to return to
using traditional medicines. With the development of technology, more and more plants
have proven their efficacy in the laboratory and are guaranteed safe for consumption
and cure diseases without causing side effects. The use of traditional medicine is
pISSN: 2723-4339 e-ISSN: 2548-1398
Vol. 6, No. 04, April 2024
Public Knowledge About the Use of Toga as Food to Improve Health
Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 04, April 2024 1955
increasing with the tendency of lifestyle back to nature. This tendency is very visible
from the rise of herbal products on the market. In addition to the uneven distribution of
health facilities, the high price of drugs and the many side effects of modern medicine
are driving factors for the community to utilize traditional drugs (Marhawati, 2021).
Family medicine park (TOGA) or commonly referred to as a living pharmacy is a
drug garden cultivation activity in the yard or yard in anticipation of prevention and
self-treatment using existing medicinal plants (Nugraha & Agustiningsih, 2015).
Aseptianova, Nawawi, & Pesisa, (2019) revealed that traditional medicinal plants are
often called Family Medicinal Plants (TOGA) which are usually planted by families
such as in gardens and yards with various types of plants that are efficacious and used as
family medicine needs. The existence of medicinal plants in the home environment is
very important, especially for families who do not have easy access to medical services
such as clinics, puskesmas or hospitals. By understanding the benefits and properties
and certain types of plants, medicinal plants become the choice of families in choosing
safe natural remedies. In addition, TOGA is also useful for improving family nutrition
and can be a source of income for the community (Karo-Karo, 2010).
Spices and medicinal plants have great potential as a source of functional food and
beverages along with the increasing public awareness of the importance of maintaining
health. The existence of functional food is very beneficial for the community or
consumers, the food industry and the Government. For consumers, functional foods are
useful for preventing disease, increasing immunity, slowing down the aging process,
and improving physical appearance. For the food industry, functional food will provide
unlimited opportunities to innovatively formulate products that have added value to
society. For the Government, functional food will reduce costs for public health
maintenance (Harini, Jain, Adhikari, Noronha, & Rani, 2015). From the description
above, it is necessary to conduct research on "Public knowledge about the use of TOGA
as food to improve health
The type of research used in this study, the author used a quantitative approach.
Quantitative research examines objects by calculating using units of numbers to
determine the size of the object being studied both real and abstract. Understanding the
basic concepts of quantitative research cannot be understood from one particular aspect,
but must be viewed from several aspects. The basic quantitative concepts are used
several concepts, namely approaches, methods, data, and analysis (Widodo & Sunarti,
This type of research is qualitative descriptive research that aims to determine the
analysis of community knowledge after being given information about the use of toga as
food (Puspitaningtyas & Kurniawan, 2016). The study was conducted on November 24,
2022-December 12, 2023. The use of toga as food to improve public health will be
carried out in the community in the sukarame indah complex. The population in this
study was the community in the Sukarame Indah Palembang complex amounting to 51
Aseptianova, Laura Indriani
1956 Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 04, April 2024
people and the sample in this study was the community in the SukaramI Indah complex
which amounted to 51 people.
1. The data collection method that will be used in this study is pretest and posttest
which are distributed to the community in Sukarami sub-district Palembang. To
obtain the necessary data in this study, namely:
2. Community interviews, Before conducting research where researchers asked
questions related to toga.
3. Questionnaire, which is distributing questionnaires to the community, Before
conducting research where researchers ask questions related to toga.
4. Tests, namely pretest and post test are presented in double form which contains
related to basic competency indicators. Researchers distributed pre-test tests then
researchers conducted counseling about toga as a food ingredient, by distributing
moringa mud cakes that had been made before, then a final test was carried out by
distributing post tests.
5. Documentation, which documents activities during the researcher's implementation.
Data Analysis Techniques
This type of research, to help analyze data, it is necessary to use tools, one of
which is using the SPSS program.
Statistical Analysis of Data
1. Descriptive Analysis, This data analysis is presented using an absolute frequency
distribution table that depicts the numbers of percentage, mean, median, range, and
standard deviation.
2. Normality Test, To determine whether data is normally distributed:
a. If the probability value > a significant value of 0.05 then the data is distributed
b. If the probability value < a significant value of 0.05 then the data is not normally
The data normality test serves to determine whether or not the data is normal or
not as a consideration that will be used to test data normality. A normality test needs
to be performed to find out whether the analyzed data is normal or not, because a t-
parametric statistical test or a new t-test can be used if the data is normally
distributed. The normality test used is Kolmogorov Smirnov's One Sample.
To see the normality of public knowledge data about the use of toga as food to
improve the health of the subject of Biodiversity, toga as food to improve health can
be seen in Table 3.2 below.
Public Knowledge About the Use of Toga as Food to Improve Health
Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 04, April 2024 1957
Table 1 Test of Normality of Public Knowledge About
Utilization of Toga as Food
One sample kolmogrov-Smirnov Test
Normal parameters
Std. Deviation
Most extreme differences
Tes Statistic
Asymp. Sig.(2-tailed)
Source: Primary Data Processed, Year 2023.
Based on the table above, it can be seen that Asiymp.Sig (2-tailed) of 0.200 is
greater than 0.05; hence according to the decision-making basis in the Kolmogorov-
Smirnov normality test above, it can be concluded that the data are normally
Hypothesis Testing
Paired sample t-Test is a difference test between two paired samples. Paired
samples were the same subjects, but subjected to different treatments. This difference
test model is used to analyze the research model before and after. The basis for making
a decision to accept or reject Ho in this test is as follows.
1. If the significant value > 0.05 then H0 is accepted or rejected (the difference in
performance is not significant).
2. If a significant value < 0.05 Ho is rejected or Ha is accepted (significant performance
The results of research obtained from community knowledge of the use of toga as
food are presented data collected from the results of research which include: a).
Description of research data which includes the results of learning public knowledge
about the use of toga as food to improve health on the subject of biodiversity, the use of
toga as food to improve public health b). Testing requirements to test the hypothesis,
namely to determine whether there is an increase in public knowledge before and after
in an effort to improve health through the use of toga as food on the subject of
biodiversity, toga as food to improve health.
Aseptianova, Laura Indriani
1958 Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 04, April 2024
Data Description
Table 2 Descriptive Pre-Test of Public Knowledge on the Use of Toga as Food to
Improve Health
Valid Percentage
Cumulative Percentage
Source: (Data processing based on SPPS version 23.00)
In table 4.1 is a table that recaps the pre-test value in the table, it can be seen
that from the number of samples as many as 51 people in knowing how public
knowledge about the use of toga as food can be seen the lowest score is 18.50, the
highest score is 81.25, besides that it can also be seen the range of 62.75, the average
score is 53.50, the standard deviation is 14.934 and the median is 56.25. Histogram, a
description for public knowledge about the use of toga as a food ingredient to improve
health can be presented on the next page of figure 1 below:
Figure 1 Histogram Pre Test
Public Knowledge About the Use of Toga as Food to Improve Health
Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 04, April 2024 1959
From the figure above, it can be seen that the pre-test data follows the normal
curve of standard deviation of 14.935. This means that the highest stack point on the
histogram is at a value of 53.50. Most data will be lower when it is farther than average.
Table 3 Descriptive Post Test of Public Knowledge on the Use of Toga as Food to
Improve Health
Valid Percentage
Cumulative Percentage
Source: (Data processing based on SPPS version 23.00)
In table 4.2 is a table that recaps the post test value in the table, it can be seen
that from the number of samples as many as 51 in knowing how public knowledge
about the use of toga as food can be seen, the lowest score is 50.00, and the highest
score is 87.50, besides that it can also be seen the range of 37.50, the average score is
53.50, the standard deviation is 11.00, and the median is 68.75. In histogram, a
description for public knowledge about the use of toga as a food ingredient to improve
health can be presented in Figure 4.2 below.
Figure 2 Histogram Post Test
From the figure above, it can be seen that the pre-test data follows the normal
curve of standard deviation of 14.935. This means that the highest stack point on the
histogram is at a value of 53.50. Most data will be lower when it is farther than
Hypothesis Testing
Aseptianova, Laura Indriani
1960 Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 04, April 2024
From the calculation above, the value of analyzing public knowledge about the
use of toga as food to improve health on the subject of Biodiversity, toga as food to
improve health the average value of the initial test was 53.50 and standard deviation of
14.93. While the average score of the final test was 67.77 and the standard deviation
was 11.00. The hypothesis in this study is "How is the level of public knowledge about
efforts to improve health through the use of toga as food". By using the two-mean
similarity test: the two-party test, the following formula is obtained.
Ho :
= There is no increase in public knowledge about efforts to
improve health through the use of toga as community food
Ha :
= There is an increase in public knowledge about efforts to
improve health through the use of toga as community food
The result data that has been obtained through the initial test and final test, then
analyzed using the Paired Test Sample analysis and the results of data processing can
be seen in Table 4.3 below:
Table 3 Test Results on Public Knowledge about the Use of Toga as Food for
Paired Samples Test
95% confidrnce
internal of the
Nilai pre-
test nilai
post test
Based on the table above, it can be seen that the calculated value (10.850) with a
significant value of 0.000 is greater than 0.05. That is, there is an increase after
counseling on the use of toga as food to improve public health.
Discussion of Research Results
Knowledge is the theoretical and practical understanding (know-how) possessed
by humans. Knowledge can be stored in books, technologies, practices, and traditions.
The stored knowledge can undergo transformation if used properly. Knowledge
contributes to the life and development of individuals, communities, or organizations
(Marlinae et al., 2023). Public knowledge about the use of toga as food to improve
health Based on the data from the evaluation of the implementation of counseling, there
is an increase in public knowledge about the use of toga as food to improve health after
getting information about the use of toga as food to improve health and there is an
increase in cognitive abilities after getting information about the use of toga as food to
improve health. According to Isnandar, Priyono, Wena, & Sutarman, (2009)
Information is a set of facts (data) that are organized in a certain way so that they have
meaning for the recipient.
Public Knowledge About the Use of Toga as Food to Improve Health
Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 04, April 2024 1961
In Biology subjects that are in accordance with the learning material, namely
biodiversity, Toga as food to improve health. Food is a basic need that must be met by
humans every day (Chaireni, Agustanto, Wahyu, & Nainggolan, 2020). Efforts to meet
food needs can be started from the family environment which then also concerns
various aspects from the external as a driver of food needs from related agencies such as
medicines, vegetables, tubers, fruits and medicines, as well as animal materials derived
from fish livestock. The benefits obtained in the use of the land are meeting the
nutritional needs of the family, an additional source of income for families (Ramadhan
et al., 2022). Before conducting the study, researchers conducted an initial test by
distributing pre-tests then researchers conducted counseling about toga as a food
ingredient, by distributing moringa mud cakes that had been made before, Purba, (2020)
revealed that although moringa is known as a very useful plant, there are still many
Indonesian people who have not used it. In fact, Moringa leaves can be processed into
semi-finished ingredients, namely moringa powder, which can then be processed in
various variants of food and beverages that have high economic value such as moringa
pudding, moringa ice cream, moringa tea, moringa sticks, and so on Rohmawati,
Sudargo, & Menarianti, (2019) revealed that making ice cream using flour using
moringa flour is one alternative to diversify processing, And ice cream is one of the
solutions of food choice for the community. Not only moringa but there are so many
toga that can be used as food, according to Melviani, Nabillah, Inayati, & Fakhriah,
(2022) Ginger can be processed as candy, ginger candy is a ginger-based preparation
with other additional ingredients as a complement. As with other processed ginger,
ginger candy also has many benefits that are good for health because ginger can
increase body immunity, relieve inflammation and digestion and reduce symptoms of
colds. The chewy jelly-like ginger candy has a sweet warm sensation that comes from
Next, the final test is carried out by distributing the post test. This is how to find
out information about students' knowledge about toga as a food ingredient. The initial
test showed that from the number of samples as many as 51 people with public
knowledge for the initial test had the lowest score of 18, the highest score of 81, range
62, average score of 53.50, due to the lack of exposure to basic knowledge about the use
of toga as a food ingredient. The standard deviation is 14.934 and the median is 56.25.
While in the final test, it was seen that from the number of samples as many as 51
people with public knowledge for the initial test had the lowest score of 50, the highest
score of 87, range 37, average score of 53.50, because the public has received
information about toga as a food ingredient to improve health, the processed toga made
in this study is simple, the ingredients are easily available and easily ratified by the
community. Toga can be used as food, with this counseling the community and existing
educators can cultivate the toga at home so that it can be used as food. The standard
deviation is 11.00 and the median is 68.75.
Furthermore, based on the results of the t test (t-students) the difference in
knowledge results during the initial test and the final test of the community obtained a
Aseptianova, Laura Indriani
1962 Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 04, April 2024
tcount value = 10.850 In accordance with the decision, if the tcalculate value = 10.850
with a significant of 0.05 which means there is an increase in public knowledge about
efforts to improve health through the use of toga as food. Thus, it can be concluded that
counseling can increase community knowledge
Based on the results of the research that has been done, several conclusions can be
put forward, namely: After getting information about the use of toga as food to improve
health, there is an increase in knowledge about the use of toga as food to improve health
in the community as stated in the subject of Biology in the subject of Biodiversity after
getting information about the use of toga as food to improve health This is evidenced by
the calculated value (10.850) with a significant value of 0.000 greater than 0.05.
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Aseptianova, Laura Indriani (2024)
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Syntax Idea
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