How to cite:
Resya Myla Libran, Petronela Sahetapy, Aminah Bahasoan (2024) Judul, (Volume) Issue,
Published by:
Ridwan Institute
Resya Myla Libran, Petronela Sahetapy, Aminah Bahasoan
Universitas Pattimura Ambon, Indonesia
This research have two purposes: 1. to learn and explain the quality analysis of licensing
management through the Online Single Submission Risk Based Approach (OSS-RBA)
system at Dinas Penanaman Modal dan Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu Kabupaten
Maluku Tengah and 2. to know and explain what the supportive and impeding factors in
the management of licences through the Online Single Submission Risk Based
Approach (OSS - RBA) at Dinas Penanaman Modal dan Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu
Kabupaten Maluku Tengah. The method used in this research is qualitative with a
descriptive approach, using five dimensions of quality according to Parasuraman,
Zeithaml, and Berry: tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy. In
this research, there were 22 respondents, consisting of 7 (seven) officers at Dinas
Penanaman Modal dan Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu Kabupaten Maluku Tengah and
15 entrepreneurs (14 UMK and 1 non-UMK). In this research, data collection
techniques are carried out with observations, structured interviews, and documentation.
Based on the results of the quality analysis of licensing management through the Online
Single Submission Risk Based Approach (OSS-RBA) system at Dinas Penanaman
Modal dan Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu Kabupaten Maluku Tengah. The researcher
concluded the following categories of results: 1. tangibles with a good category; 2.
reliability with a good category; 3. responsiveness with an excellent category; 4.
assurance with an excellent category; and 5. empathy with an excellent category. In
addition, there are factors that support the process of licensing management through this
OSS-RBA system: ease of requirements, accessibility, rapidity of handling time, and
fee/cost setting. While the factors that hinder the process of licensing management
through this OSS-RBA system are: network and system connections, compliance with
requirements, has not made changes to the AHU for the enterprise/AHU blocked, the
entrepreneur forgot their OSS access rights, incorrectly entered KBLI, still exists the
brokering practice, Identity Card Number (NIK) and Taxpayer Identification Number
(NPWP) having problems and invalid.
p–ISSN: 2723-4339 e-ISSN: 2548-1398
Vol. 6, No. 04, April 2024
Resya Myla Libran, Petronela Sahetapy, Aminah Bahasoan
1900 Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 04, April 2024
Keywords: licensing quality. Online Single Submission Risk-Based Approach (OSS-
RBA). Investment Office
Licensing services are services provided by the government to communities or
companies that need permits to carry out certain activities (Fasyehhudin, Jaya, &
Rahman, 2022). Licensing services aim to facilitate and speed up the process of
obtaining permits to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of public services
(Jayanegara, Suryadi, & Anwar, 2023). Licensing services include various types of
permits such as business licenses, building permits, environmental permits, work
permits, transportation permits, and so on. Business licensing or business license is very
important for business actors, this is because a business license is a form of approval or
permission from the authorities for the implementation of business activities. With a
business license, the business that is run is more credible and can be trusted by many
parties. For example, suppose a business actor wants to apply for a loan through a bank
for business development. In that case, the party will ask about the legality of the
business issued by the party with the authority to take care of licensing . In addition, a
business license is a means of promotion for a business that is run because one of the
requirements in promoting business activities is to have a license.
In providing licensing services, the government must ensure that the permit
management process runs transparently, accountably, and responsively, to the needs of
the community. This can be done by providing and providing complete, easily
accessible information, speeding up the licensing process, and optimizing the use
of technology to facilitate online licensing services (Kalyvas & Overly, 2014).
Online Single Submission (OSS) is an online licensing system managed by the
Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs and the Investment Coordinating Board
(BKPM). In the OSS system, BKPM has the authority to issue principal licensesx and
Business Licenses, as well as coordinate with other government agencies related to
these permits. Meanwhile, the issuance of OSS licenses in the regions is carried out by
the local government or more precisely the local Investment and One-Stop Integrated
Services Office (DPMPTSP). Each region in Indonesia has a DPMPTSP that is
responsible for investment management and one-stop integrated services. In terms of
OSS permit issuance at the regional level, the local DPMPTSP collaborates with BKPM
to facilitate the process of applying for and issuing OSS licenses at the regional level.
Local governments have the authority to issue permits in accordance with applicable
regulations and regulations in their respective regions. However, some types of permits
that require approval from central government agencies or those with special authority,
such as environmental permits, mining permits, and fishery permits, must still follow
the procedures for applying and issuing permits set by the relevant government agency
(Wijaya, 2018).
Analysis of the Quality of Licensing Management through the Online Single
Submission Risk Based Approach (OSS-RBA) System at the Investment Office and
One-Stop Integrated Services of Central Maluku Regency
Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 04, April 2024 1901
Based on the 2021 DPMPTSP Central Maluku Regency licensing data report, as
many as 205 Business Identification Numbers (NIB) were issued. Where 2021 is the
initial year of launching Online Single. Submission Risk Based Approach (OSS-RBA)
so that business actors do not fully understand the use of OSS-RBA.
Table 1. NIB Licensing Data for 2021 and 2022 based on the type of business
Business Type
Investment Capital below <5
Investment Capital > 5 Billion
Source: Data from the Investment Office and PTSP of Central Maluku Regency in
Table 2 Number of Business Activities (KBLI) in 2021 and 2022 based on risk
Years 2021
Yeras 2022
340 KBLI
Source: Data from the Investment Office and PTSP of Central Maluku Regency in
For more details, please see the OSS-RBA dashboard for 2021 and 2022 below
Figure 1 Dashboard OSS-RBA years 2021
Resya Myla Libran, Petronela Sahetapy, Aminah Bahasoan
1902 Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 04, April 2024
Figure 2 Dashboard OSS-RBA yeras 2022
Source: Data from the Investment Office and PTSP of Central Maluku Regency in
2021 and 2022
Based on the OSS-RBA dashboard in 2021 above, there are 205 (two hundred
five) NIBs issued, 20 (twenty) Standard Certificates, and 1 (one) License with a total of
340 (three hundred forty) KBLI projects or business activities.
In 2022, there has been an increase in the management of NIB business permits,
namely 2,287 NIBs issued with the number of KBLI or business activity projects as
many as 3,146 projects and the number of Standard Certificates as many as 100 (one
hundred) and as many as 21 (twenty-one) permits.
Based on the comparison of the realization above, there was a significant increase.
This is because in 2021 business actors do not understand the terms of use of OSS-RBA
(Tjiptono, 2020). So that business actors still need adaptation to these policy changes.
Business actors who come to provide assistance often experience difficulties, especially
for those who already have access rights before. Business actors who have OSS 1.1
access rights are not a few who forget their account or forget their password. In 2021,
OSS-RBA has not been supported for the help menu, so officers will help by reporting
problems/obstacles faced to the center by making a statement of changes to OSS data
(Andini, 2019).
The government continues to develop the system so that the system used is more
optimal. In 2022, the government made another improvement by adding a need for help
menu that can be used by business actors who already have an account but forgot their
access rights. So that business actors do not need to come to the DPMPTSP office to
make changes to access rights data and can be done independently (Parasuraman,
Zeithaml, & Berry, 1985; Sutedi, 2010)
Not only that, the government continues to make improvements so that the system
used is more optimal in its use. One of them is to create a system for assistance /
helpdesk personnel to see, check, follow up, resend business actor data. In this helpdesk
access right, business actors who have problems forgetting their accounts will be
rechecked by entering NIB/NIK/Mobile Number/username/business actor
name/business name/KBLI/Sector then after entering one of the options above, the
required business actor data will appear (Pramono, 2019).
In addition to the government's challenge to continue to update the system, as a
bureaucratic institution that has the authority to issue licenses, the Investment Office
and One-Stop Integrated Services of Central Maluku Regency also strives to improve
Analysis of the Quality of Licensing Management through the Online Single
Submission Risk Based Approach (OSS-RBA) System at the Investment Office and
One-Stop Integrated Services of Central Maluku Regency
Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 04, April 2024 1903
the quality of its services to provide the needs of the community / business actors
through this risk-based business licensing. Basically, the government continues to strive
to make changes in services to improve service quality and increase public satisfaction
with the government. By providing convenience in licensing management, business
actors will not worry about delays or complicated licensing processes. With the
presence of OSS-RBA, it is expected that business actors will have awareness of the
legality of business licenses needed as protection for the business being run.
In addition, quality is also judged based on what is accepted and felt by the
community. Such as facilities, infrastructure, understanding of officers in explaining the
information requested, easy licensing processes, and solutions to problems provided.
The objective to be achieved in this study is to know and explain the analysis of the
quality of licensing management through the Online Single Submission Risk Based
Approach (OSS-RBA) system at the Investment Office and One-Stop Integrated
Services of Central Maluku Regency. To find out and explain the supporting and
inhibiting factors in licensing management through the Online Single Submission Risk
Based Approach (OSS-RBA) system at the Investment Office and One-Stop Integrated