How to cite:
.F. Asiqien Karepesina, Normawati, J.A. Ufie, Hendry Selanno (2024) The Influence of Human
Resources and Infrastructure Competence on the Performance of Licensing Services in the
Investment Office and One-Stop Integrated Services of Central Maluku Regency, (06) 04,
Published by:
Ridwan Institute
K.F. Asiqien Karepesina, Normawati, J.A. Ufie, Hendry Selanno
Universitas Pattimura Ambon, Indonesia
This study aims to determine the Effect of Human Resources and Infrastructure
Competence on the Performance of Licensing Services in the Investment Office and
One-Stop Integrated Services of Central Maluku Regency, both partially and
simultaneously. This type of research is quantitative research. The respondents in this
study were people/business actors who came to the Investment Office and One-Stop
Integrated Services of Central Maluku Regency to apply for permits with the number of
samples obtained as many as 80 people. Data collection techniques using questionnaires
and processed using the SPSS statistical analysis application program. The results
showed that partially and simultaneously the competence of Human Resources and
infrastructure facilities had a positive and significant effect on the performance of
licensing services at the Investment Office and One-Stop Integrated Services of Central
Maluku Regency.
Keywords: Competence of Human Resources, facilities and infrastructure, Service
The government is essentially a public servant, therefore as The government
public bureaucracy is obliged and responsible to provide better and professional public
services (Tipton & Furmanek, 2016). Public service is an activity or series of activities
in order to fulfill service needs in accordance with laws and regulations for every citizen
and resident of goods, services, and/or administrative services provided by public
service providers (Law et al., 2009).
Based on this understanding, it can be interpreted that public services are a form
of service services , both in the form of public goods and public services that are the
responsibility of the government in providing it, both the central government / regional
government and SOEs / BUMDs, as an effort to meet the needs of the community and
in the context of implementing the provisions of laws and regulations.
pISSN: 2723-4339 e-ISSN: 2548-1398
Vol. 6, No. 04, April 2024
.F. Asiqien Karepesina, Normawati, J.A. Ufie, Hendry Selanno
1796 Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 04, April 2024
The purpose of the implementation of public services is to provide satisfaction
and services that are in accordance with the wishes of the community or services in
general. In order to achieve this goal, the quality of service in accordance with the needs
and desires of the community must be the target of every public service provider
Public service is one of the important elements for every public organization
including government organizations (Osborne, Radnor, Vidal, & Kinder, 2014).
Therefore, in public services provided by government apparatus must always be
oriented to the needs of the community. Fulfillment of the needs of the community must
substantively pay attention to the quality of services provided so that the community as
recipients of services can provide positive responses to the results of services provided
by the government apparatus.
The Investment and One-Stop Integrated Services Office (DPMPTSP) of Central
Maluku Regency is an element of implementing local government affairs in the field of
licensing and non-licensing services. The implementation of licensing and non-licensing
services carried out by DPMPTSP Central Maluku Regency began since the issuance of
Central Maluku Regent Regulation Number 22 of 2018 concerning the Delegation of
Authority for Licensing and Non-Licensing Services to the Head of the Investment
Office and One-Stop Integrated Services of Central Maluku Regency. The latest
amendment is the issuance of Regent Regulation Number 47 of 2022 concerning the
Delegation of Authority for the Implementation of Risk-Based Business Licensing to
the Head of the Investment Office and One-Stop Integrated Services of Central Maluku
The presence of DPMPTSP Central Maluku Regency is expected to improve the
performance of quality licensing services to the community/business actors. An
overview of the performance of licensing services carried out by DPMPTSP Central
Maluku Regency can be seen from the progress of the realization of licenses issued.
Table 1 Development of Licensing and Non-Licensing Realization in Central
Maluku Regency 2021-2022
Type of Service
Realization of
Manual (Non-OSS)
Manual (Non-OSS)
Approval of Fulfillment of Commitment
for Issuance of Trading Business License
Manual (Non-OSS)
Approval of Fulfillment of Commitment
for Issuance of Tourism Business
Registration Certificate
Manual (Non-OSS)
Warehouse Registration Mark (TDG)
Manual (Non-OSS)
License to Sell Alcoholic Beverages
Manual (Non-OSS)
Approval of Commitment Fulfillment for
Issuance of Construction Services Business
Manual (Non-OSS)
The Influence of Human Resources and Infrastructure Competence on the Performance
of Licensing Services in the Investment Office and One-Stop Integrated Services of
Central Maluku Regency
Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 04, April 2024 1797
Type of Service
Realization of
License (SIUJK)
Cattle Slaughter License
Manual (Non-OSS)
Clinic Operational License
Manual (Non-OSS)
Building Permit/PBG
Manual (Non-OSS)
Situ MB
Manual (Non-OSS)
License to Practice Pharmacy (SIPA)
Manual (Non-OSS)
Doctor's License to Practice
Manual (Non-OSS)
Nurse Practice License
Manual (Non-OSS)
Midwife Practice License
Manual (Non-OSS)
Permission Reklame
Manual (Non-OSS)
Business Identification Number (NIB)
Online (OSS-RBA)
Basic Requirements Licensing
Online (OSS-RBA)
Standard Certificate
Online (OSS-RBA)
Online (OSS-RBA)
Business Licensing to Support Business
Activities (PB UMKU)
Online (OSS-RBA)
Source: DPMPTSP Maluku Terngah Business Licensing Realization Report 2022
Based on the table above, it can be seen that the number of license issuance
realizations in 2021 is 496 permits, where the issuance process of all these permits is
carried out manually (Non-OSS). Meanwhile, the number of license issuance
realizations in 2022 is 3,651 permits, obtained through 3,397 permits issued online
(OSS-RBA) and 254 permits issued manually (Non-OSS).
From the data above, it is known that the number of permit realizations in 2022
increased significantly compared to the realization of permits in 2021. This increase was
largely influenced by the increase in the number of realizations on the type of licenses
issued online (OSS-RBA). As for the types of licenses issued manually (Non-OSS), the
number of license realizations has decreased significantly when compared to 2021.
The decline in realization achievement for this type of manually issued license
(Non-OSS) illustrates that the implementation of licensing services in DPMPTSP
Central Maluku Regency as a whole has not run optimally.
This condition is influenced by several inhibiting factors which include internal
and external factors. Internal factors that influence include the competence of available
apparatus human resources is still low both in terms of quantity and quality, this results
in the performance of licensing services is not effective and efficient, the licensing
service process is complicated because there are too many procedures and requirements,
long licensing process times, costs / rates that are felt to be still high, and the
unavailability of adequate infrastructure and service supporting facilities. Meanwhile,
.F. Asiqien Karepesina, Normawati, J.A. Ufie, Hendry Selanno
1798 Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 04, April 2024
the influential external factors are the lack of understanding, awareness and compliance
of the community / business actors regarding the importance of their business licenses.
Based on the 2022 Central Maluku Regency DPMPTSP Business Licensing
Realization Report, there are several problems that become obstacles and obstacles in
the implementation of licensing services carried out, including: (1) Low human resource
capabilities at DPMPTSP; 2) Lack of availability of employees in front office and back
office services; (3) Facilities and infrastructure supporting the implementation of
licensing services are inadequate; and (4) Lack of understanding of the
community/business actors regarding the importance of business licensing.
Resources and age are important assets to support the success of an organization.
In the implementation of all organizational policies, it is necessary to equip human
resources with adequate competence. The competencies in question include the
knowledge, abilities and expertise possessed to complete the work.
The competence of Human Resources (HR) available in a public service
institution is always directly proportional to the quality of services provided. If the
competence of the HR apparatus is high, the resulting service process will be of high
quality and have a good impact. Conversely, if the competence of human resources
possessed is low, it will result in poor services that will be received by the community.
For example, the number of apparatuses available with an unbalanced number of service
recipients will have a bad impact. Not to mention that the competence of available
human resources is very low, for example education that is still inadequate so that it is
not in accordance with service needs.
Dwiyanto, (2021) explained that the quality of public services is the result of
interaction from various aspects, namely service systems, human resources service
providers, strategies, and customers.
Barata, (2003) He expressed his opinion that there are four important elements in
the public service process, namely service providers, service recipients, types of
services, and customer satisfaction.
Furthermore, Kasmir & Lainnya, (2014) explained the elements that characterize
good public services include: the availability of good employees, the availability of
good facilities and infrastructure, being responsible to each customer (customer) from
beginning to end, being able to serve quickly and precisely, being able to communicate,
guaranteeing the confidentiality of every transaction, having good knowledge and
abilities, trying to understand customer needs (customers), and able to provide trust to
customers (customers).
Meanwhile, according to Dwiyanto, (2021) that the quality of public services
provided by the bureaucracy is influenced by various factors, such as the level of
competence of the apparatus, the quality of equipment used for the service process,
bureaucratic culture, and so on. The competence of bureaucratic officials is an
accumulation of a number of sub-variables such as education level, number of years of
work experience, and variety of training received. While the quality and quantity of
The Influence of Human Resources and Infrastructure Competence on the Performance
of Licensing Services in the Investment Office and One-Stop Integrated Services of
Central Maluku Regency
Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 04, April 2024 1799
equipment used will affect the procedure, process speed, and the quality of the output to
be produced.
Competence is a collection of human resources that dynamically show intellectual
capacity, quality of mental attitude and capability of a person. Competence is also the
initial capital that must be owned by an employee to be able to carry out work in
accordance with his duties and responsibilities.
Competency consists of a combination of knowledge, skills, and personality
attributes of a person that can improve his performance as well as contribute to the
success of the organization, also refers to the ability of the individual to meet the
requirements of the job in the organization, so that the organization can achieve the
expected results.
DPMPTSP Central Maluku Regency in organizing One-Stop Integrated Services
(PTSP) must provide competent implementing apparatus resources. Based on
Permendagri Number 138 of 2017 concerning the Implementation of Regional One-
Stop Integrated Services, the fulfillment of the human resource needs of PTSP function
providers at DPMPTSP is carried out proportionally to achieve the goals and objectives
of PTSP. Human Resources assigned to PTSP must have expertise and competence in
their fields. Such competencies can be improved through formal education, education
and training periodically.
Currently, human resources in DPMPTSP Central Maluku Regency are 28 people
consisting of 24 civil servants and 4 non-civil servants. For details can be seen in the
Table 2 Number of Employees by Education Level Investment Office and One-
Stop Integrated Services of Central Maluku Regency
Apparatus Resources
Tingkat Pendidikan
Head of
Head of Division
Head of lead
Source: DPMPTSP Central Maluku Regency
Based on the table above, the total number of employees available in DPMPTSP
Central Maluku Regency when viewed based on the institutional structure is inadequate.
The number of employees owned is still less if calculated based on the workload with
the need for service personnel to be filled. The shortage of employees in various
existing service units can cause concurrent position duties in the implementation of
.F. Asiqien Karepesina, Normawati, J.A. Ufie, Hendry Selanno
1800 Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 04, April 2024
service functions due to increased workload, so that this can affect the quality and
quality of licensing services to the community.
To encourage the improvement of licensing service performance to the
community, DPMPTSP Central Maluku Regency needs to make various efforts to
improve the quality of its human resources. All employees in the service unit are
required to attend various formal education or technical training (training) functional
licensing at various levels. This is very important to do to meet the availability of
human resources with adequate service competence.
Table 3 Number of Employees Participating in the Functional Technical Training
of the Investment Office and One-Stop Integrated Services of Central Maluku
Functional Technical Training in the Field of
Training that followed until
2022 years
Technical guidance SPIPISE
Apprenticeship SPIPISE
PTSP Training for First Level Investment
Advanced Investment PTSP Training
PTSP Training for Investment at the Sectoral
Technical guidance PTSP/OSS/SiCantik Cloud
Source: DPMPTSP Strategic Plan for Central Maluku Regency 2023-2026
Based on the table above, it shows that the number of DPMPTSP employees in
Central Maluku Regency who have participated in Bimtek/Functional Technical
Training in the Licensing Field until 2022 is still very small when compared to the
existing service duty load. If the available employees do not have the expected
competence, it will certainly have an impact on the decline in the performance of
licensing services provided to the community.
In addition to aspects of human resource competence, other factors that also have
an important role in efforts to improve the quality of public services to the community
are the fulfillment of infrastructure facilities or service supporting facilities ranging
from road access, buildings or service rooms, operational vehicles, information and
communication technology equipment, office supplies, telephones, internet connections,
and so on.
Every public service provider agency in carrying out service activities to the
community, must have adequate facilities and infrastructure or supporting facilities so
that the public service process carried out can run well and quality. The availability of
good facilities in each service unit will certainly have a positive impact on the
performance of the services provided.
DPMPTSP Central Maluku Regency in providing licensing services to the
community must be supported by facilities and infrastructure or service facilitation in
accordance with service provisions and standards.
The Influence of Human Resources and Infrastructure Competence on the Performance
of Licensing Services in the Investment Office and One-Stop Integrated Services of
Central Maluku Regency
Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 04, April 2024 1801
Based on Permendagri Number 138 of 2017 concerning the Implementation of
Regional One-Stop Integrated Services, the facilities and infrastructure of implementing
PTSP, including :
1. Front office, at least consisting of: reception counter, submission counter, payment
counter, information service room/place, complaint service room/place and
consultation service room.
2. Back office, at least: meeting rooms and processing rooms.
3. Supporting rooms, at least consisting of: waiting rooms, lactation rooms, disabled
and elderly rooms, children's playrooms, archive rooms and libraries, toilets /
bathrooms, places of worship, parking lots, and food and beverage sales rooms /
4. Supporting equipment/facilities, at least consisting of: service uniforms, formulars,
telephones and facsimile machines, computer devices, printers, and scanners,
queuing machines, service satisfaction measuring devices, complaint boxes,
photocopiers, surveillance cameras (CCTV), internet connections, pages/websites
and e-mail, electrical power providers or uninterruptible power supplies (UPS), fire
fighting equipment, air conditioners, televisions, brochures, banners, location
directions, and other supporting tools/facilities as needed.
The existence of service facilities and infrastructure as required in the provisions
above certainly cannot be fulfilled optimally by DPMPTSP Central Maluku Regency.
The facilities and infrastructure of services currently owned are still limited both in
terms of the amount that must be met and from the feasibility of their use. This
condition can result in the implementation of licensing services to the community
cannot be carried out optimally.
From various reality conditions and descriptions of services faced, it indicates that
there are various obstacles or obstacles in the implementation of licensing services in
DPMPTSP Central Maluku Regency. The low competence of the apparatus and the
unavailability of adequate service infrastructure are the main problems that are thought
to affect the overall performance of the organization in providing licensing services to
the community.
Based on the description above, the researcher intends to conduct research with
the title: "The Effect of Human Resources and Infrastructure Competence on the
Performance of Licensing Services in the Investment Office and One-Stop Integrated
Services of Central Maluku Regency.
The objective to be achieved from the implementation of this research is to know
and analyze the influence of HR competence on the performance of licensing services at
the Investment Office and One-Stop Integrated Services of Central Maluku Regency.
Know and analyze the influence of infrastructure facilities on the performance of
licensing services at the Investment Office and One-Stop Integrated Services of Central
Maluku Regency. Know and analyze the effect of human resource competence and
infrastructure significantly on the performance of licensing services at the Investment
Office and One-Stop Integrated Services of Central Maluku Regency.
.F. Asiqien Karepesina, Normawati, J.A. Ufie, Hendry Selanno
1802 Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 04, April 2024
The method used in this study is a quantitative research method, because the data
to be collected is in the form of quantitative data. Quantitative methods are research
methods based on the philosophy of positivism, used to examine certain populations or
samples, collect data, use research instruments, quantitative or statistical data analysis
with the aim of testing hypotheses that have been determined (Sugiyono, 2020). Based
on the nature of the research, it includes descriptive research analysis, which is research
that seeks to tell the solution of existing problems based on data. There is data
presentation, data analysis, as well as data interpretation (Sugiyono, 2017).
This research was conducted at the Office of the Investment Office and One-Stop
Integrated Services of Central Maluku Regency, Jl. Imam Bonjol No.6 Masohi. The
population in this study is the community/business actors who come to apply for
permits from August to September 2023, which is 80 people.
Figure 4. Normality Test Results
One-sample Kolmogorov-smirnov Test
Unstandarized residual
Std. Deviation
Most extreme
Test statistic
Asymp. Sig.(2-tailed)
a. Test Distribution is normal
b. Calculates from data
Source : Data Analysis Results 2023
Based on the table above, it is known the significance value of Asymp. Sig. (2-
tailed) is 0.200 > 0.05. From the resulting value, it can be concluded that the research
data is normally distributed. Thus, the assumption or requirement of normality in the
regression model has been fulfilled.
The Influence of Human Resources and Infrastructure Competence on the Performance
of Licensing Services in the Investment Office and One-Stop Integrated Services of
Central Maluku Regency
Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 04, April 2024 1803
Figure 2 Normalitas Test Result
Based on the figure above shows the points spread around the line and following
the diagonal line, so the regression model already satisfies the normality assumption if
the diagram shows following a straight line flow.
Table 5. Multikolinieritas Test Result
Source: Data Analysis Results 2023
Based on the table above, in the collinearity statistics section , it is known that
the tolerance value for the HR competency variables (X1) and infrastructure facilities
(X2) is 0.279 > 0.10. While the VIF value for HR competency variables (X1) and
infrastructure facilities (X2) is 3.583 < 10. From the results obtained, it is concluded
that there are no symptoms of multicollinearity in the regression model.
a. Uji Heteroskedastisitas
Figure 4. Test Results of Scatterplots
.F. Asiqien Karepesina, Normawati, J.A. Ufie, Hendry Selanno
1804 Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 04, April 2024
Based on the Scatterplots output image above, it is known that the data points
are spread above and below or around the number 0, the points do not collect only
above or below, the spread of data points does not form a wavy pattern widening and
then narrowing. Thus, based on the results obtained, it can be concluded that there is
no heteroscedasticity problem in the data.
Table 6 Multiple Linear Regression Test Results
Std. Error
HR Competency
Facilities and
Source : Data Analysis Results 2023
Based on the table above, it provides an overview of the regression equation and
whether or not there is an influence of HR competency variables (X1) and infrastructure
facilities (X2) partially (individually) on service performance variables (Y). From the
results of the analysis, it was found that the value of the constant (α) was 13.112, the
value of the regression coefficient (β) of HR competence (X1) was 0.350, and for
infrastructure facilities (X2) was 0.377. The regression equation in this analysis or
research is as follows:
Y = α + β1X1 + β2X2 atau Y = 13,112 + 0,350 + 0,377
Based on the above equation can be explained as follows:
1. The constant value (α) has a positive value of 13.112. A positive sign shows a
unidirectional influence between HR competency variables (X1), infrastructure
facilities (X2) and service performance variables (Y). If the competence of human
resources (X1) and infrastructure (X2) is considered constant or does not change,
then the value of service performance (Y) is 13,112.
2. The value of the regression coefficient (β) of the HR competency variable (X1) has a
positive value of 0.350. This shows that if HR competence increases by 1 point,
service performance will increase by 0.350 or 35%.
3. The value of the regression coefficient (β) of the infrastructure variable (X2) is
positive at 0.377. This shows that if infrastructure facilities experience an increase of
1 point, service performance will increase by 0.377 or 37.7%.
4. From the value of the regression coefficient (β) obtained, it shows that the
contribution of the infrastructure variable (X2) is greater than the HR competency
variable (X1) in improving the performance of licensing services in DPMPTSP
Central Maluku Regency.
The Influence of Human Resources and Infrastructure Competence on the Performance
of Licensing Services in the Investment Office and One-Stop Integrated Services of
Central Maluku Regency
Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 04, April 2024 1805
Tabel 7 Coefficient of Determination Test Results
Model summary
R Square
Adjusted R
Std. Error of
the Estimate
a. Predictiors ( Constant) HR Competency, Facilities and infrastructure
b. Dependent Variable : performace service
Source : Data Analysis Results 2023
Based on the table above, it is known that the value of the coefficient of
determination (R Square) is 0.481. By looking at these values, it can be concluded that
the service performance variable (Y) can be explained by the HR competency variable
(X1) and the infrastructure variable (X2) of 0.481 or 48.1%. While the remaining 51.9%
was influenced by other variables outside this regression equation or variables that were
not studied.
Uji Parsial (Uji t)
Table 8. Uji t
Std. Error
HR Competency
Facilities and
Source : Data Analysis Results 2023
Based on the results of the partial test of HR competence on service
performance, a t-count value of 2.342 > t-table of 1.991 was obtained with a
significance value (Sig.) 0.022 < 0.05. From the results obtained, the hypothesis stating
that partially HR competence has a positive and significant effect on the performance of
licensing services at DPMPTSP Central Maluku Regency is proven and acceptable.
While the results of the parial test of infrastructure facilities on service
performance, obtained a t-count value of 2.298 > t-table of 1.991 with a significance
value (Sig.) 0.024 < 0.05. From the results obtained, the hypothesis stating that partially
infrastructure facilities have a positive and significant effect on the performance of
licensing services at DPMPTSP Central Maluku Regency is proven and acceptable.
.F. Asiqien Karepesina, Normawati, J.A. Ufie, Hendry Selanno
1806 Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 04, April 2024
Table 9. Hasil Uji Hipotesis dengan Uji F
Sum of
a. Dependen variable : performa service
b. Predictors : (constant) HR Competency, Facilities and infrastructure
Source : Data Analysis Results 2023
Based on the results of simultaneous tests of HR competence and infrastructure on
service performance, an F-count value of 35.679 > F-table of 3.11 was obtained with a
significance value (Sig.) of 0.000. < 0.05. From the results obtained, the hypothesis
stating that simultaneously the compatibility of human resources and infrastructure
facilities has a positive and significant effect on the performance of licensing services at
DPMPTSP Central Maluku Regency is proven and acceptable.
The Effect of HR Competency on Service Performance
Based on the results of the partial test of HR competence on service performance,
a t-count value of 2.342 > t-table of 1.991 was obtained with a significance value (Sig.)
0.022 < 0.05. From the results obtained, the hypothesis of this study is proven and
accepted, meaning that partially the competence of human resources has a positive and
significant effect on the Performance of DPMPTSP Licensing Services in Central
Maluku Regency.
The results of this study illustrate that HR competence is one of the important
aspects that affect organizational performance. The higher the competence possessed by
employees related to their duties and job responsibilities can produce maximum
performance in their place of duty. Moeheriono, (2014) explained that a person's
competence included in the high or good category will later be proven and shown when
he has done the work. Conversely, if it has a low level of competence, it will tend to
perform low as well.
High HR competence can be measured from increasing knowledge and skills, as
well as the development of attitudes / behaviors owned. Employees who have high
competence tend to have good knowledge in carrying out work, have the skills to be
able to complete work based on work targets set by the organization, and have good and
professional attitudes / behaviors in building relationships in the work environment.
While employees who do not have high competence, tend not to have the ability to work
well. Hutapea & Nurianna Thoha, (2008) who revealed that there are three main
components of competency formation, namely the knowledge a person has, skills, and
This research is in line with the theories that have been put forward and is also
relevant to several previous empirical research results such as those conducted by
(Yessy Budaya Gultom, 2022; Hariyanto, Susanto, & Sulistyowati, 2021; Muhammad
The Influence of Human Resources and Infrastructure Competence on the Performance
of Licensing Services in the Investment Office and One-Stop Integrated Services of
Central Maluku Regency
Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 04, April 2024 1807
Sabil, 2021) with the results obtained that partial competence has a positive and
significant effect on service performance.
The Effect of Infrastructure Facilities on Service Performance
Based on the results of the parial test of infrastructure facilities on service
performance, a t-count value of 2.298 > t-table of 1.991 was obtained with a
significance value (Sig.) of 0.024 < 0.05. From the results obtained, the hypothesis of
this study is proven and accepted, meaning that partially infrastructure facilities have a
positive and significant effect on the Performance of Licensing Services at DPMPTSP
Central Maluku Regency.
The results of this study illustrate that infrastructure has a positive effect on
service performance. The better the infrastructure facilities owned will improve service
performance to the community / business actors. However, if the infrastructure is poor,
then service performance will also not be optimal. Moenir, (2008) explained that
infrastructure facilities are facilities that indirectly function to support the
implementation of a work process in improving performance according to their duties
and responsibilities.
This research is in line with the theories that have been put forward and is also
relevant to several previous empirical research results such as those conducted by
(Oskar Gultom, 2022; Hariyanto et al., 2021) which show that facilities and
infrastructure partially have a positive and significant effect on service performance.
The Effect of Human Resources and Infrastructure Competencies Simultaneously
on Service Performance
Based on the results of simultaneous tests of HR competence and infrastructure on
service performance, an F-count value of 35.679 > F-table of 3.11 was obtained with a
significance value (Sig.) of 0.000. < 0.05. From the results obtained, the hypothesis of
this study is proven and accepted, meaning that simultaneously the compatibility of
human resources and infrastructure facilities has a positive and significant effect on the
performance of licensing services in DPMPTSP Central Maluku Regency.
While the results of multiple linear regression testing obtained a coefficient of
determination (R Square) value of 0.481. This value gives an idea that the service
performance variable can be explained by the HR and infrastructure competency
variable of 0.481 or 48.1%. While the remaining 51.9% is the influence of other
variables that were not studied in this study.
The results of this study illustrate that the competence of human resources and
infrastructure together affects organizational performance. To provide quality public
services in an agency, competent human resources are needed, and must be supported
by adequate service infrastructure. (Dwiyanto, 2021) explained that the quality of public
services provided by the bureaucracy is influenced by various factors, such as the level
of competence of the apparatus, the quality of equipment used for the service process,
bureaucratic culture, and so on.
.F. Asiqien Karepesina, Normawati, J.A. Ufie, Hendry Selanno
1808 Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 04, April 2024
This research is in line with the theories that have been put forward and is also
relevant to several previous empirical research results such as those conducted by
Hariyanto, (2021), Gultom, (2021), and Ardi (2021) which show that the competence of
human resources and infrastructure simultaneously has a positive and significant effect
on service performance.
Based on the results of data analysis of the research that has been done, it is
concluded that HR competence partially affects service performance. This is shown t-
count value of 2.342 > t-table of 1.991 and significance value (Sig.) 0.022 < 0.05. If the
t-count value > t-table and the significance value (Sig.) < 0.05, then the hypothesis is
accepted. This means that partially infrastructure facilities have a positive and
significant influence on the performance of licensing services in DPMPTSP Central
Maluku Regency. Infrastructure facilities also partially affect service performance. This
is indicated by a t-count value of 2.298 > t-table of 1.991 and a significance value (Sig.)
of 0.024 < 0.05. If and the t-count value > t-table and the significance value (Sig.) <
0.05, then the hypothesis is accepted. This means that partially infrastructure facilities
have a positive and significant influence on the performance of licensing services in
DPMPTSP Central Maluku Regency. The competence of human resources and
infrastructure simultaneously affects service performance. This is indicated by the F-
count value of 35.679 > F-table 3.11 and the significance value (Sig.) 0.000 < 0.05. If
the F-count value > the F-table and the significance value (Sig.) < 0.05, then the
hypothesis is accepted. This means that simultaneously the competence of human
resources and infrastructure facilities has a positive and significant effect on the
performance of licensing services in DPMPTSP Central Maluku Regency. Based on the
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F. Asiqien Karepesina, Normawati, J.A. Ufie, Hendry Selanno (2024)
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