JOURNAL SYNTAX IDEA p�ISSN: 2723-4339 e-ISSN: 2548-1398 |
Vol. 6, No. 3, March 2024 |
Interest in Reading and Writing in Students of SB Kampung Bharu Kuala Lumpur
Malaysia through Image Media
Rohmat Hidayat1*, Aldo Hermaya Aditiya Nur Karsa2,
Septien Dwi Savandha3
1*UNICIMI Universitas Cendikia
Indonesia, Indonesia
2*AMIK Bumi Nusantara Jakarta,
3Universitas Swadaya Gunung
Djati Cirebon, Indonesia
1*[email protected], 2[email protected], 3[email protected]
purpose of this study was to determine the increase in reading and writing
interest of Sanggar Bimbingan (SB) students of Kampung Bharu, Kuala Lumpur,
Malaysia through visual media. This study used descriptive research methods,
specifically using classroom action research. This approach includes four
distinct stages: planning, execution, observation, and reflection. The study
involved a sample size of 10 students. The results of data analysis in cycle 1
showed that children developed interest in reading and writing with the picture
method reaching 58% to 72%, while in cycle 2 of meetings 1 and 2 the level of
interest increased. In reading, writing and counting using visual methods. Reached
95.4%. This shows that the teacher's actions are good.
Keywords: Hobby; Reading; Writing; Visual
Technological developments in the era of globalization make it easier
for humans to obtain information quickly (Keshav
et al., 2022). One of the processes of
finding information that is effective and easiest to do is through reading and
writing activities through image media. In other words, technological
developments demand the creation of a society that likes to read and write.
People who like to read gain new knowledge and insights that will further
increase their intelligence so that they are better able to answer the
challenges of life in the future.
Therefore, reading and writing activities are basic things in everyday
life. Every aspect of life in society will involve reading and writing. Locher (2020) suggests that reading is increasingly important in the increasingly
complex life of society. Reading and writing activities are mandatory abilities
that must be possessed by someone as a member of society living in this modern
era. Nowadays, the delivery of information in written form is increasing. By
reading and writing, one can open one's horizons and expand the world to the
vast amount of knowledge and information that exists. Thus, reading and writing
activities are demands of the reality of everyday life. In the world of
education, reading and writing activities are non-negotiable. Most of the
acquisition of knowledge and knowledge is carried out by students through
reading and writing activities. The success of a student's studies will be
largely determined by his ability and willingness to read it (Hidayat,
Even after students have completed their studies, the ability and
willingness to read and write will greatly affect the breadth of views on
various issues. Therefore, Indonesian language learning which has the task of
fostering and improving students' reading and writing skills through image
media should pay sufficient attention to efforts to improve students' reading
ability and willingness (Hapsari
& Sukavatee, 2018).
According to Fiske (2018)( in everyday life, interest is often equated
with attention, but actually between interest and attention have different
meanings. Attention is temporary (not for a long time) and not necessarily
followed by pleasure. While interest is always followed by a feeling of
pleasure and from there satisfaction is obtained. An interest can be expressed
through a statement that shows that a student shows / likes one thing more than
another. It can also be manifested through its participation in an activity.
Students who have an interest in a particular object tend to pay greater
attention to that object. Interest has a great influence on learning, because
if the learning material is not in accordance with student interests, students
will not learn as well as possible, because there is no attraction for them.
Students are reluctant to learn, and do not get satisfaction from the
lesson. Study materials that interest students, will be easier to learn and
store (Suswandi
& Ripandi, 2024). The seeding of the reading
tradition absolutely needs to be done as early as possible, before the problems
and difficulties of instilling the reading tradition faced are getting worse as
the child gets older. Children must be taught very early through a process of
subtly conditioning to be familiar and become accustomed to the pleasure of
reading and writing. Interests are personal (individual). That is, everyone has
interests that can be different from the interests of others. Interests are
closely related to a person's motivation, something learned, and can change
depending on needs, experiences, and fashions that are trending, not innate
from birth. The factors influencing the emergence of a person's interest depend
on physical, social, emotional and experiential needs (Hidayat
et al., 2022).
Learning interest refers to a state of desire and readiness,
accompanied by focused attention and deliberate involvement, which leads to a
sense of pleasure related to knowledge acquisition, attitude development, and
skill acquisition (Rini,
2017). Interest can be defined as
a positive emotional response and enjoyment to something or an activity,
regardless of external influences or enticements. Based on preliminary observations,
researchers suggest that the use of process skills approaches can stimulate
interest in the learning process effectively. This approach helps overcome
passivity and encourages an interactive, dynamic, and motivating classroom
environment (Akmal,
2020). The process skills approach
is rated as an effective method to foster student involvement in learning,
covering cognitive, emotional, and psychomotor aspects. According to (Pangestu,
2019), learning to read and write
is traditionally structured as learning and practice. Learning activities are
currently receiving less attention.
Based on the description above, it can be concluded that efforts have
emerged in increasing interest in reading, writing, in students through the
school literacy movement program. Therefore, researchers use a process skills
approach in order to stimulate interest in the learning process effectively.
This approach helps overcome passivity and encourages an interactive, dynamic,
and motivating classroom environment to recognize the role of literacy,
barriers and efforts made by schools in increasing students' interest in
Purpose this study aims to obtain clear information about
"increasing interest in learning in Sanggar Bimbingan (SB) students of
Kampung Bharu, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia through image media".� The purpose of this study was to obtain
descriptive information on the use of drawing methods with procedural skill
approaches to increase interest and improve learning outcomes of reading,
writing, and arithmetic. Increase interest in learning these dynamics by using
procedural skills approach Increase and encourage interest in learning by using
procedural skills approach. Increase the impact on student outcomes using a
procedural skills approach.
Interest can be shown through statements that indicate that students
will enjoy something or can be shown through participation in an activity
Students who are interested in a particular topic tend to pay more attention to
the topic. Interest is not inherent, but rather develops over time. Interest in
learning is a determining factor for the continuity of learning and the
development of new interests. Educators assert that the optimal approach to
stimulate students' enthusiasm for learning is to leverage their existing
interests and foster new interests (Laila,
2019). Expression of students'
interest in learning: attention, interest and pleasure. Attention indicators
are divided into three parts, namely: Pay attention to the content of the
lesson, study the content of the lesson and solve the lesson questions.
Interest is divided into interest in subjects and how to solve subject
problems. Enjoyment includes the pleasure of knowing the learning material,
understanding the learning material, and problem-solving skills. The
utilization of image media for teaching reading, writing, and numeracy has
emerged as a noteworthy phenomenon (Budiarti
&; Muhammad, 2013). There is growing concern
among parents regarding their children's ability to keep up with school lessons
without early exposure to reading, writing, and numeracy skills through visual
media. As a result, parents may put pressure on their children to engage in
learning activities (Amalia
Yunia Rahmawati, 2020).
Interest is a key factor in encouraging reading (Crystallography,
2016). This defines interest as a
positive tendency, liking, or pleasure towards something. According to Aswan
&; Amirunddin (2020) Defines an interest in
reading as a strong desire accompanied by an effort to engage in reading,
writing, and numeracy skills using visual aids.
In the Big Indonesian Dictionary (Ministry of Education, 2001), the
term "interest" refers to a deep tendency, desire, or desire towards
a particular subject or activity. To develop affection for something, it is
necessary to know and appreciate both internal and external factors. Interest
is an important factor in achieving success as it serves as a motivational
force for individuals to engage in activities.
Interest in learning needs special attention because interest is one of
the supporting factors or supporting success in learning. Permatasari (2019) said that with students' interest and attention to the lessons given,
the content of the lessons will be absorbed properly. Conversely, without
interest or attention to what is given, the teacher will not be heard let alone
mastered, if the individual is interested in something, he will naturally be
attracted to the object and even his soul will be devoted to what he is paying
attention to. Students who are interested in lessons will appear encouraged and
always diligent in learning, in contrast to students whose attitude is only to
receive lessons. If a person's interest is high in learning, then he tends to
be active in learning and will master the subject matter.
Interest is a subjective experience characterized by a sense of
involvement and attraction towards an object or activity, independent of
external stimuli or interactions. Caring involves acknowledging and accepting
the connection between oneself and something external. The level of attraction
is directly proportional to the strength or closeness of the relationship.
Increased student interest is often shown through questions that show students
are more interested in one subject than others (Ati
&; Widiyarto, 2020).
et al., (2021) In the learning process, the
presence of educational media is very important. In this activity, the use of
media as an intermediary can reduce the ambiguity of the material presented.
This method serves as a means of communication. The term "method"
comes from Latin and is the plural form of "medium". An intermediary
is someone who helps the communication process between the sender of the
message and the recipient of the message. The purpose of the researcher was to
determine the increase in interest in reading and writing in students of
Sanggar Bimbingan (SB) Kampung Bharu, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia through image
If students read and write something without having a high interest in
reading and writing, then the reading and writing activities will not be done
wholeheartedly, but if reading and writing are done with their own desires,
then the student will read and write wholeheartedly (Waridah
& Anjelia, 2023). The driver of the rise of
interest in reading and writing is the ability to read, and the driver for the
growth of a culture of reading and writing is the habit of reading and writing.
Interest in reading and writing that is developed from an early age can be used
as a foundation for the development of a culture of reading and writing. Some
factors that affect the low interest in reading and writing students include
(1) lack of student motivation to read books other than subject books, this can
be done by educational institutions, especially teachers; (2) lack of parental
encouragement to children to buy books, they are more interested in buying toys
so they do not understand the type of books that are appropriate for the
development of the child's age; (3) the price of books that are too expensive
makes purchasing power decrease so that the willingness to read also decreases;
(4) the decrease in authors, translators or copywriters caused by low royalties
received; (5) the number of public libraries is still too small; (6) libraries
in mosques or other places that have not been managed properly (Kasiyun,
Interest is one of the aspects of human psychic that can drive to
achieve goals. Someone who has an interest in an object, tends to give greater
attention or pleasure to the object. But if the object does not cause pleasure.
To achieve good performance in addition to intelligence and interest, because
without interest all activities will be carried out less effectively and
efficiently.1 Understanding Interest according to Tidjan is a psychological symptom
that shows concentration on an object because there is a feeling of pleasure.
From this understanding it is clear that interest is as a concentration or
reaction to an object such as a certain object or situation that is preceded by
a feeling of pleasure towards that object. 2 Hamdu et al,3 state that interest
is causal, i.e. the driving force that forces one to pay attention to a
particular person, situation or activity and not another, or interest as a
result, i.e. an effective experience generated by the presence of a person or
object, or from participating in an activity. Learning activities can be
carried out effectively if students grow interest in learning. The problem that
often arises in the classroom is that there are students who lack respect and
focus on learning, while teachers do not understand it.4 Teachers are required
to have qualifications and competencies in order to carry out their duties
professionally. Teacher skills in managing classes become a demand and
necessity in encouraging students to participate in classroom learning.
Researchers use qualitative research methods with descriptive types.
Qualitative descriptive research was chosen in order to describe the
appropriate thing about increasing
interest in reading, writing, in SB Kampung Bharu Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
students through image media, especially using the following research:
Planning (Plan)
Planning is a crucial initial task that teachers must do before
implementing PTK. Teachers who do the right planning when implementing PTK will
feel increased ease in overcoming challenges and encouraging more effective
teacher action.
Action (Taking Action)
Once all action plans have been prepared, the next step involves
implementing the planned corrective actions. Action activities are carried out
based on a predetermined schedule, and then accompanied by observation
This observation is used to see and record the impact that occurs
due to class activities. The results of these observations become the basis for
reflection so that the observations made must be able to show the real
situation. In observation, researchers need to pay attention to the process of
action, the impact of action, the environment and obstacles that arise.
Reflection here includes the following activities: analysis, synthesis, interpretation, interpretation and conclusion (Mundziroh et al., 2013). The result of reflection is in the form of a reassessment of the plan that has been made, which will be used to improve teacher performance at the next meeting. Reflection in PTK includes analysis of events, identification of successes and failures, and evaluation of the effectiveness of corrective actions taken (Hidayat & Alifah, 2022).
Reading and writing are
the most basic habits that any child can learn � not only education, but
reading and writing through the medium of images is essential for your overall
parenting. Unfortunately, the habit of reading books is declining among
teenagers. Teenagers have stopped reading books like they used decades ago. On
the contrary, stories such as Harry Potter, Twilight, training dragons, etc.,
turned into movies, have more followers than actual novels. Reading is an
irreplaceable hobby. Technology has become the main cause of the loss of the
habit of reading and writing through the medium of images among young people
today. Digital gadgets are responsible for distracting children from academics
and their reading and writing habits. Undoubtedly, staying up to date with
technology is essential, but the addiction that this generation creates is
dangerous. A child's health and overall brain growth are at stake, thanks to
digital gadgets. Parents and teachers need to take the forefront in the dying
era of reading and encourage children to recultivate old habits. It is certain
that style will never be the solution when it comes to reading and writing.
Reading and writing can be enjoyed and experienced either by example or with
fun elements.
The ability to read and write is considered important for students'
academic success because it is important to understand the concepts and
theories of various subjects taught in school. These subjects often require
students to engage in reading and writing activities, often using virtual aids.
Proficiency in reading and writing using accurate and reliable visual aids is
essential to achieving success in a variety of academic disciplines.
Conversely, lack of proficiency in learning to read and write through visual
media can hinder or even lead to failure in students' academic activities (Fadillah
&; Dini, 2021). Reading readiness and
reading ability. When assessing a child's reading readiness, several factors
must be considered. These factors include physical development, stability or exposure to events tailored to emotional
needs and significance, mental maturity, and the tendency or motivation to read
and write with images and other factors (Kurniawan
et al., 2021).
A person's interest in reading and writing can grow due to intrinsic
and extrinsic factors. Inner motivation is a very important capital for reading
and writing, while external factors can be in the form of support from others,
interesting media, and a comfortable place. Basically, children's reading and writing
skills have an important meaning both in the community and the children's own
development environment. The development
of reading and writing needs serious attention so that the tradition of reading
and writing for children will carry over to the end of adulthood. The promotion
of love of reading and writing is delivered every day with interesting media so
that reading and writing activities are no longer scary things for children,
but become habits that children must do without feeling pressured. So that the
library in the kindergarten is crowded with students, with the usual activities
carried out are looking at colorful pictures and reading the writing listed in
Collect data related to students' reading, writing, and numeracy
interests. Researchers collected data using the questionnaire method. This is
the data of the results of the questionnaire
before the action was carried out. We can see in table 1.
Table 1
Pre-action questionnaire result data
No |
Interest in
Reading, and writing |
Persentse |
1. |
Positive |
58% |
2. |
Negative |
42% |
Based on the results of the pre-intervention questionnaire, researchers
continued, 58% of students were interested in reading and writing The rest,
42%, had little or no interest in reading and writing. The results are shown in
table 2.
Table 2
Data on the results of the questionnaire after the action was carried
out in cycle 1
No |
Interest in reading and writing |
Persentse |
1. |
Positive |
74% |
2. |
Negative |
26% |
Based on the results of the questionnaire
given after the implementation of cycle 1 activities, 74% of students are
interested in reading and writing. The rest, 26%, had little or no interest in
reading and writing. From the results of reflection and data analysis continued
in cycle 2, the following data were obtained:
Table 3
questionnaire result data cycle 2
No |
Interest in reading and writing |
Persentse |
1. |
Positive |
95.4% |
2. |
Negative |
4.6% |
Based on the results of the questionnaire
given after the implementation of cycle 2 activities, 95.4% of students were
interested in reading and writing. The rest, 4.6%, had little or no interest in
reading and writing. Based on the findings of researchers, students' interest
in reading, writing, through image media has increased. In each implementation
cycle we also see quite high improvements.
Results the purpose of this study was to
explore the increase in reading and writing concerns in students of Sanggar
Bimbingan (SB) Kampung Bharu, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia through image media. This
study uses descriptive research methods, specifically using a classroom action
research approach consisting of four stages: planning, implementation,
observation, and reflection. This study used a sample of 10 students. The
results of data analysis in cycle 1 showed that children developed interest in
reading and writing through visual methods reaching 58% to 72%, while in cycle
2 the interest of groups 1 and 2 increased. Enjoy reading. Thanks to the
imaging method, it has reached 95.4%. This shows that the teacher's actions are
good. Interest is one of the aspects of human psychic that can drive to achieve
goals. Someone who has an interest in an object, tends to give greater
attention or pleasure to the object. But if the object does not cause pleasure.
In education, essentially a teacher is tasked with educating the nation in a
form of formal education. Every effort carried out is inseparable from the
inhibiting factors in achieving the desired goals. Teachers are a dominant
factor in determining the success of the teaching and learning process. A
teacher not only acts as a facilitator and mediator, but is also required to be
able to act as a motivator who can arouse the enthusiasm and encouragement of
students in learning by using various appropriate teacher teaching skills and
supporting the formation of better basic competencies of students in terms of
knowledge, skills and attitudes.
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Rohmat Hidayat, Aldo Hermaya Aditiya Nur Karsa, Septien Dwi Savandha (2024) |
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