How to cite:
Imah Kardita, Johana Melisa Tobing, Jesika Fatma Sari, Salsa Deviana Puspita Sari (2024)
Implementasi Sanksi Pidana Terhadap Pelaku Penyalahgunaan Narkotika pada Anak, (06) 04,
Published by:
Ridwan Institute
Imah Kardita, Johana Melisa Tobing, Jesika Fatma Sari, Salsa Deviana Puspita
Universitas Bandar Lampung, Indonesia
Drug abuse by children is a deviation of behavior or unlawful acts. In the Child
Protection Law and the Juvenile Criminal Justice System Law, legal protection must be
provided to children who are in conflict with the law. The purpose of this study is to
analyze how the implementation of criminal sanctions against perpetrators of drug
abuse in children. This research uses the theory of liberalism on the basis of freedom
and human rights (HAM). As a vulnerable party in the criminal justice process, even
though undergoing the judicial process, children must still receive protection. Based on
the interview between the author and the investigator, it can be concluded that all legal
processes of convicted drug convicts in children have been running with applicable
legal provisions, it's just that there is one thing that should be an important point that is
needed during the legal process. Then if a minor violates the law, the thing that must be
done is to give sanctions so that the child can realize that the actions he has done are
wrong and can cause violations of the law. The involvement of minors in narcotics is
punishable with a crime based on the Narcotics Law "No. 35 of 2009", in which case
minors are entitled to legal protection under the Criminal Code and Law "No. 11 of
2012". Where a child will get a dry punishment that is returned to his parents or six
months of job training at the Lampung Provincial Social Service
Keywords: Implementation ; juvenile ; narcotics ; crimes
Law enforcement against drug crimes has been carried out by many law
enforcement officials and has received many judges' rulings in court hearings. This law
enforcement is expected to be able to act as an antidote factor against the spread of drug
or narcotics trafficking, but in reality the more intensive law enforcement is carried out,
the more the circulation of narcotics trafficking increases. Narcotics crime based on
Law Number 35 of 2009 Isnaini, (2017), Providing criminal sanctions is quite severe, in
addition to being subject to corporal punishment and also subject to fines, but in reality
the perpetrators are actually increasing. This is because the factor of imposing criminal
sanctions does not have an impact or deterrent effect on the perpetrators.
The criminal act of misuse of narcotics (gequalificeerde diefstal drugs) as
stipulated in Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics (Sari & Anggalana, 2022).
The offender can account for all his mistakes. Criminal acts of drug abuse
pISSN: 2723-4339 e-ISSN: 2548-1398
Vol. 6, No. 04, April 2024
Imah Kardita, Johana Melisa Tobing, Jesika Fatma Sari, Salsa Deviana Puspita Sari
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(gequalificeerde diefstal drugs) still often occur in the Republic of Indonesia. The
juridical basis governing the criminal act of drug abusers (gequalificeerde diefstal
drugs) is Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics. The social phenomenon that
occurs according to Wirjono Prodjodikoro that a drug abuser is caused by several
factors, including the negative impact of globalization, communication and information,
advances in science and technology, lifestyle changes that have brought social changes
in people's lives.
Article 113 of Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics of the Republic of
Indonesia states: "any person who without rights or against the law produces, imports,
exports, or distributes class 1 narcotics, shall be punished with a prison sentence of not
less than 5 (five) years and a maximum of 15 years (fifteen) years and a fine of at least
IDR 1,000,000,000 (one billion rupiah) and a maximum of IDR 10,000,000,000 (ten
billion rupiah)". Drug dealers often use and use minors as liaisons when transporting
drugs from one region to another (Hasan & Firmansyah, 2020; Zanah, Silpiani, &
Hasan, 2023).
There is an aspect or reason between, the provision of wages in return for a
service that is so large and the lack of knowledge related to drugs that causes minors to
be so lightly targeted for drug dealers in circulating drugs thoroughly and privately
(Gukguk & Jaya, 2019). The role or participation of children in a drug crime, as a dealer
or liaison between the dealer and also the user of prohibited goods, this certainly
triggers feelings of worry and anxiety about the activities carried out by the child
(Subandri & Widyarsono, 2021). Melihat anak merupakan generasi selanjutnya dan juga
landasan harapan orang tua dan kerabat bahkan negara Indonesia kedepannya. Kondisi
ini lah yang menyebabkan kemampuan seorang anak menjadi lemah dan berkurang
sehingga mampu mempengaruhi mekanisme belajar mengajar disekolah, mutu dan
kapasitas didalam tumbuh kembang dirinya sendiri.
Regarding children who conflict with legal issues, this must be clarified in Article
59 of the Child Protection Law No. 23 of 2002, which stipulates that "the government
and society have the obligation and responsibility to provide protection to a child who is
in urgent conditions such as children facing the law, children from minority and isolated
groups, children who are exploited economically and/or sexually, child victims of
trafficking, and special protection materials (drugs) for children addicted to narcotics,
psychotropics, alcohol, and other addictive substances), children who are victims of
kidnapping, children victims of sale and trafficking, children victims of physical and/or
psychological violence, children with disabilities and children victims of violence and
Some time ago, one of the special crimes involving minors as couriers and users
was found, namely narcotics crimes which are based on the Narcotics Law. Types of
Narcotics are classified into three groups, namely groups I, II and III as stipulated in the
Narcotics Law, but the highlight is the acquisition of several articles that happen to try
to bring the victim's position closer to certain drug crime perpetrators such as drug
users. As is also known, the enforcement of legal cases against children has a different
enforcement or judicial process than the enforcement of legal cases for adults, in which
the enforcement is also carried out in accordance with Article 1 Paragraph (7) of the
Juvenile Justice System Law, which in that method is a transfer of the case resolution
process. Of course, criminal cases from what originally existed in the justice system to
outside the system by ensuring the values of justice and legal expediency as the purpose
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of the law, but clearly there is legal protection for children who are entangled in legal
cases in Indonesia (Sujana, Dewi, & Karma, 2022).
In order to realize the Indonesian government's drug-free program through the
rehabilitation of addicts is very helpful in overcoming drug crimes. One of the efforts to
overcome drugs by means of drug rehabilitation through music therapy and other
methods. Based on Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics and Law Number 5
of 1997 concerning Psychotropics, both regulate the application of rehabilitation
sanctions as a period of punishment, therefore it is very appropriate if the application of
rehabilitation offered is through music therapy (Hasan, 2017)
The purpose of this study is to analyze how the implementation of criminal
sanctions against perpetrators of drug abuse in children.
Research method is a method used by researchers or designs used to collect
information or facts and use the information obtained for the benefit of a study
(Sabaniah, Ramdhan, & Rohmah, 2021). The research method provides a view of the
plan that will be carried out by researchers (Ismayani, 2019) Among them: Motede and
activities to be carried out, duration of study, sources of information, and using what
Motede the data is obtained which is then processed and described. This research uses
the theory of Liberalism. Liberalist theory is used on the basis of freedom and human
rights. The status of children as victims of drug abuse should not be used as a basis for
treating children who use drugs in a discriminatory manner before the law. Therefore,
states must ensure access to fair and fair juvenile criminal justice without prejudice to
the treatment or process of children who abuse drugs unlawfully because it is in the best
interest of the child as the primary consideration in deciding policies, laws, court
decisions, and other government actions related to children. This research review uses
literature in the form of book reviews, journals and various legal materials and
applicable laws.
And this study also uses normative legal research types. This type of legal
research is research that prioritizes examining legal materials based on books and
applicable laws. Data collection used in this study using techniques including Using
literature study techniques, is a motede of collecting data by conducting a review study
of books, records, related or related to the problem. Using internet research or internet
studies, namely motede collecting data through keyword searches for problems to be
solved (Rifa’i, 2023).
Drug trafficking in Indonesia is usually transported through land, air or sea
package services (Oktaviani & Yumitro, 2022). It is not uncommon for immature or
underage children to act as couriers or intermediaries when carrying drugs. The
innocence of minors is the reason why drug dealers use these children to transport
drugs. In addition, the use of minors as drug dealers is estimated to cover up the true
identity of drug dealers. The rampant use of minors as drug dealers is inseparable from
Imah Kardita, Johana Melisa Tobing, Jesika Fatma Sari, Salsa Deviana Puspita Sari
1630 Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 04, April 2024
the lack of parental attention and control of the surrounding community. Children who
are difficult to control by parents and the surrounding community are often too easy to
believe in the words or requests of people they just know, do not consider the dangers or
risks they will face in the future. Technological advances also worsen the situation,
science and culture that are not developmentally appropriate in children. Which actions
committed by children from early childhood to adulthood are factors causing child
delinquency. The impact of this delinquency is very difficult for many people,
especially for themselves, and the surrounding community. Crimes committed by a
child are not only acts of children who violate the law, in this case they are also
classified as acts or that violate the norms that exist in society.
Some other reasons why children fall into substance abuse are::
1. Parental activities, or lack of parental time, parents are too busy not paying attention
to the life and growth of their children who are still in school
2. Broken home, children lose their way due to the chaos of their families, and are
vulnerable to falling into the abyss of drugs
3. Social changes, sudden lifestyle overuse, children have everything they should have,
and it is easy to bring children into the abyss of narcotics
4. Finding difficulties in his education
5. The flow of young people, usually young people love novelty and adventure, these
trips may be related to groups of people who use drugs
6. Incorrect or exaggerated information People who previously did not know the drug
problem became curious, as a result of the information, but most people still made up
many sensational stories to make people interested in trying.
Factors that cause child delinquency are one form of attitudes or actions carried
out by children from childhood to adulthood, this kind of crime has a negative impact
that many people can feel, especially for themselves, and the surrounding environment.
Juvenile delinquency is not only child delinquency, but also a violation of social norms.
Article 114 paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) of Law "No. 35 of 2009"
concerning Narcotics, in this article children are held criminally responsible as narcotics
couriers as well as the application of the article of adults. In this case, a difference was
found that lies in the implementation of sanctions where sanctions on children are lower
than sanctions for adults. This is based on Article 81 of Law "No. 11 of 2012" related to
the Juvenile Criminal Justice System, including: Imprisonment that can be given to
children is at most 1/2 (half) of the maximum threat of imprisonment for adults. Based
on the Law related to the Juvenile Criminal Justice System, a child who is in conflict
with the law, a child as the object of a criminal act and a child who is sanctioned in a
criminal act is a child who is facing the law. Criminal sanctions imposed on children
have several points of view or perspectives that must be observed, including
psychological or mental health in children and individual personalities owned by
children. In the doctrine of criminal law, there are various reasons why judges do not
convict criminal offenders or defendants who commit criminal acts in court.
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It should also be emphasized that the punishment of children must reflect a
sense of legal justice and a sense of community justice. children with the opportunity to
improve themselves, because in special institutions to guide and direct children and
provide opportunities for the restoration of the system of social order that has been
damaged as a result of the child's behavior and for the community to provide
opportunities and accept children back in the community after leaving the formation
institution (Zanah et al., 2023).
Among the various forms of laws and regulations that define children is the
understanding given to children by the Criminal Code (KUHP) Zanah et al., (2023), in
Article 45 a child is defined as a person who is immature or has not reached the age of
majority. 16 years old. Furthermore, the Civil Code (KUHPer) also provides the
definition of children in Article 330 which stipulates that "an adult is someone who is
not yet 21 years old or unmarried. In addition, the Child Protection Law "No. 23 of
2002" (hereinafter referred to as the "PA Law") and the Amendment "No. 35 of 2014"
to the Juvenile Justice Law" No. 11 of 2012" (hereinafter referred to as the "SPPA
Law") both provide definitions of the article. Article 1 point 1 (PA Law) states that "a
person who is not yet 18 (eighteen) years old, including a child who is still in the womb
is referred to as a child". Meanwhile, Article 1 Paragraph 3 of the Law on the Protection
of the Rights of the Child defines a child as "a child who commits a violation of the law,
hereinafter referred to as a child, is a child who has reached the age of twelve (twelve)
years but has not reached the age of 18 (eighteen) children involved in the crime”.
The basics for sentencing children who face the law, which are contained in the
Law related to the juvenile justice system, namely Law No. 1. Law "Number 11 of
2012". Regarding the relationship between children used in drug trafficking
intermediaries, there is no clear provision in determining the appropriate criminal
punishment of children, but in general children involved in drug cases will still be
prosecuted in accordance with the provisions of the "Drug Law" and will not affect the
"Drug Law". "Decisions are made in the juvenile justice system." The "Anti-Drug Law"
does not limit the age of criminal conviction, but in criminal justice, children will
receive different treatment, for example detention procedures will not be united with
adults, and the handling process will be accelerated. Paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 119
of the Law state: "Any person who without rights and against the law offers for sale,
sells, buys, receives, intercedes in the sale, exchange, or delivery of class II narcotics.
Then Article 124 paragraphs 1 and 2 read: "Any person who without rights and
against the law offers for sale, sells, buys, receives, intercedes in the sale, exchange, or
delivery of class III narcotics". However, the provisions contained in the Narcotics Law
are not explained related to children as intermediaries in the sale and purchase of
narcotics, but only speak in general terms about "everyone". Therefore, children are
classified as drug dealers under Articles 114, 119 or 124 of the Narcotics Law and the
SPPA Law. The child can be sentenced to imprisonment as stipulated in Article 81
paragraph 2 of Law Number 11 of 2012, hereinafter referred to as the "SPPA Law", that
is, the imposition of punishment on children is at most half of the adult crime.
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Therefore, according to the author's consideration, the child as an intermediary in the
drug trade cannot be completely blamed on the child, on the one hand the child can also
be said to be a victim. Running away from the role of an adult orders him to use the
innocence of the child to gain more profit for the dealer.
Therefore, it is appropriate that a restorative justice approach be used to achieve
the goal of child abuse. The authorities in this matter need to treat children faced with
criminal acts with care or care, and must be based on a sense of responsibility to the
perpetrators, victims and the community (Jambak, 2023).
Imposing crimes on children often causes debate, because this has far-reaching
consequences both in terms of behavior and stigma among society and also in children.
Law No. 11 of 2012 The Juvenile Criminal Justice System adheres to a double track
system, which is a two-track system that regulates criminal actions and sanctions.
Through the implementation of a two-track system, the sanctions imposed will better
reflect justice, both for perpetrators, victims, and the community. So that through a two-
track system, judges can determine the imposition of sanctions on children who are
appropriate and appropriate to be held accountable by children who are in conflict with
the law (Nashriana, 2013).
There are 2 (two) categories of child behavior that make children have to face the
law, namely Offence status (child delinquency behavior which if committed by adults is
not considered a crime, such as disobeying, skipping school or running away from
home), and Juvenile Delinquency (child delinquency behavior which if committed by
adults is considered a crime or violation of the law).
Regarding the provisions of criminal sanctions against children as perpetrators of
narcotics crimes, in Article 71 of the SPPA Law (Juvenile Criminal Justice System)
there are provisions for criminal sanctions that can be imposed on children who are in
conflict with the law, namely:
1. Principal Crime, in the form of :
a. Criminal warning
b. Criminal with conditions :
1) Out-of-board construction
2) Community service
3) Supervision
c. Job training
d. Construction in the board
e. Prison
2. Additional Crimes, in the form of :
a. Deprivation of profits derived from criminal acts
b. Fulfillment of customary obligations.
Freedom and human rights to children are one form of legal protection for
children that can be done (fundamental rights and freedoms of children) (Arief, 1998).
Legal protection of the rights of the child itself, intended to provide protection of needs
that deal with the peace of the child. A protective form of children's human rights,
Implementation of Criminal Sanctions Against Perpetrators of Child Narcotics Abuse
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namely children in the judiciary will be given legal protection. In the Convention on the
Rights of the Child, children's rights can generally be grouped into 4 (four) categories,
namely the right to survival, the right to protection (Protection Rights), the right to
growth and development (Development Rights), and the right to participate
(Participation Rights) (Candrawati, 2007; Fahlevi, 2015).
Freedom and human rights to children are one form of legal protection for
children that can be done (fundamental rights and freedoms of children) (Arief, 1998).
Legal protection of the rights of the child itself, intended to provide protection of needs
that deal with the peace of the child. A protective form of children's human rights,
namely children in the judiciary will be given legal protection. In the Convention on the
Rights of the Child, children's rights can generally be grouped into 4 (four) categories,
namely the right to survival, the right to protection (Protection Rights), the right to
growth and development (Development Rights), and the right to participate
(Participation Rights) (Sujana et al., 2022).
Based on the results and discussion of the study, it can be concluded that drug
trafficking in Indonesia is usually transported through land, air or sea package services.
It is not uncommon for immature or underage children to act as couriers or
intermediaries when carrying drugs. The innocence of minors is the reason why drug
dealers use these children to transport drugs The basics of sentencing children who face
the law, which are contained in the Law related to the juvenile justice system, namely.
Law "Number 11 of 2012. Regarding the relationship between children used in drug
trafficking intermediaries, there is no clear provision in determining the appropriate
criminal punishment of children, but in general children involved in drug cases will still
be prosecuted in accordance with the provisions of the "Drug Law" and will not affect
the "Drug Law". "Decisions are enshrined in the juvenile justice system." The "Anti-
Drug Law" does not limit the age of criminal conviction, but in criminal justice,
children will receive different treatment, for example detention procedures will not be
united with adults, and the handling process will be accelerated.
Legal protection for children caught in drug abuse cases is a protection effort
prepared by the government aimed at children entangled in drug cases who are
entangled in Articles 112 and 127 of Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Drugs as drug
owners and consumers, but the government provides protection for minors through
UUPA and UUSPA. But excluding what usually arises from this protection, which is
when a child is entangled in a drug case, the law cannot protect him fully because there
is a gap in legal standards.
Criminal sanctions are applied to children who abuse drugs, where criminal
sanctions are troublesome acts directed at someone who violates the norms prevailing in
society and is prohibited by criminal law. Criminal drug sanctions against children who
abuse drugs must be in accordance with Articles 112 and 127 of Law No. 35 of 2009
concerning narcotics, the law stipulates that everyone who suffers from class I drugs can
be sentenced to a minimum of years imprisonment, and for victims of abuse medical
and social rehabilitation must be carried out. For children who abuse drugs, there are
still no provisions regarding criminal handling of children who commit criminal acts
Imah Kardita, Johana Melisa Tobing, Jesika Fatma Sari, Salsa Deviana Puspita Sari
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and their handling, so that criminal handling of children is regulated in Article 71 of the
However, the length of the crime is limited by Article 79 of the UUSPA which
limits the maximum penalty that can be imposed on a child to a maximum of 1/2 (half)
of the maximum sentence for a child with an adult. The application of crime to children
often causes debate among the community, because in this case it has very broad
consequences both regarding behavior and stigma from society and children's identity.
This has caused pros and cons among the public. On the one hand, many parties
consider criminal punishment for children to be unwise, but there are some who think
that punishment of children is important so that children's bad attitudes do not occur
until adulthood, meaning to have a deterrent effect on the child. Based on the interview
between the author and the investigator, it can be concluded that all legal processes of
convicted drug convicts in children have been running with applicable legal provisions,
it's just that there is one thing that should be an important point that is needed during the
legal process. This is the lack of special protection for convicted minors. Protection of
drug convicts in children is very important to be involved, considering how emotional
and psychological control of children who are still vulnerable. The role of family and
community in maintaining and guiding the family and social environment is also an
important support to reduce this problem.
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Copyright holder:
Imah Kardita, Johana Melisa Tobing, Jesika Fatma Sari, Salsa Deviana Puspita Sari
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Syntax Idea
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