Munawarah, Farid Zaky Yopiannor
1618 Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 04, April 2024
The development of online shopping using marketplace platforms has become the
trend of people's choice when they make transactions to meet their needs (Andika,
Masithoh, Kholiq, Nisa, & Rohmah, 2021). It happens in any part of the world,
including Indonesia, people can easily conduct economic transactions online more
effectively both in terms of time and in terms of preferences for the needs of goods /
services they need (Nasution, Aminy, & Ramadani, 2019). This is increasingly getting
"justification" when the Covid-19 Pandemic hit the world, including Indonesia, "Keep
your distance", making online transactions increasingly get a place to be an option in
transactions (Sudrajat & Ant, 2016).
The development of MSMEs is inseparable from the supporting technology of
development, including the use of technology, communication and information media
Ningsih, (2023), The boom in online transactions is also a momentum for MSMEs to be
able to go public or better known to the public, by entering the marketplace MSMEs can
have the opportunity to upgrade because they have shifted from initially only doing
transactions conventionally (cash) to digital (cashless) (Daga, Gunawan, & Ramli,
Quoted from the press release of the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs
of the Republic of Indonesia Number HM.4.6/81/SET. M.EKON.3/03/2023 that the
MSME sector has a large contribution to the Indonesian economy with more than 64.2
million business units, MSMEs contribute 61.9% to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and
absorb 97% of the workforce (Rabah & Ardiansyah, 2023). This figure shows an
increase in the influence of MSMEs on the economy in Indonesia, previously in 2022
the contribution of MSMEs to GDP was 60.5% with an influence on employment of
96.9%. So it can be concluded that in 2023 there has been an increase in the
contribution of MSMEs to GDP by 1.4% and an increase in employment by 0.1%. The
data on the increase in MSME Contribution to GDP above shows that the development
and empowerment of MSMEs can be one way to increase Indonesia's Domestic Product
(Sofyan, 2017).
One of the ministries that supports the empowerment of MSMEs is the Ministry
of Finance to answer these challenges and needs, the Ministry of Finance in this case the
Directorate General of Treasury with the development of Government Credit Cards and
virtual accounts issued a new policy in the form of a Digital Payment Marketplace or
hereinafter referred to as DigiPay as outlined in the Regulation of the Director General
of Treasury number PER-20 / PB / 2019 concerning Trials of the Use of Money
Inventory Through the Marketplace System and Digital Payment at the Work Unit
(Nuranindita, 2023).
Digipay is a digital payment application system using Government Credit Cards
(KKP) and/or CMS Virtual Accounts developed by the Ministry of Finance in
collaboration with Bank Himbara. The ecosystem is formed from the Satker managing
Money Supply (UP) APBN and vendors / shops / stalls / etc. (MSMEs) based on
accounts at the same bank.
Digital Payment - Marketplace integrates state budget users, MSMEs as providers
of goods/services, and banks in one ecosystem, with the legal basis of the Regulation of
the Director General of Treasury Number PER-7/PB/2022 concerning the Use of
Supply Money Through Digipay in the Work Unit of State Ministries/Institutions
(Mubarak, Akhmadi, & Wati, 2022).