How to cite:
Reza Maylano F, Wiyaka, Ngasbun Egar (2024) Comparison of Comprehension of English
Language Question Song Based on Audio Listening and Text Reading Activities, (06) 04,
Published by:
Ridwan Institute
Reza Maylano F, Wiyaka, Ngasbun Egar
Universitas PGRI Semarang
This research is research based on the world of education which is related to the
examination process which is usually related to level advancement carried out at the
high school level. This research refers to research on listening tests compared to reading
tests on English language arts works. Participants were given two types of input, where
previously participants were divided into two groups. Listening test group and reading
test group. The listening test group was given the task of listening to audio in the form
of a song being played. The reading group was given treatment in the form of being
asked to read a text containing the lyrics of the song played to the listening group. This
research is quantitative research that uses numerical data in the form of student grades,
the analysis uses regression analysis, namely analysis that correlates variables, the
analysis tool uses the SPSS application and also ANOVA analysis. As a result, the
difference in results from the type of test was not very significant, and it turned out that
personality type had no effect on test results or final test scores.
Keywords: listening test, reading test, personality
Personality is defined by other people as how people apply the way they do
various things in life, including behaving, thinking about related things, and feeling
things subjectively (Holtzman, 2024). Personality is also usually defined as something
that is embedded as the basis for humans to face anything in their lives which includes
characteristics and stability where the way they think will be a product of these things,
then later they will give birth to certain forms of behavior (Jusuf, 2018). In another
source, personality is what is referred to as a person's psychological state, which has an
effect on the state of human feelings, which will give rise to certain behavior with
psychological effects on that person (Allport, 1962). In this regard, researchers
intertwine the issue of human personality with a person's academic world, which has
been reported by research examining the relationship between personality and
adolescent GPA. So it is necessary to carry out personality assessments in secondary
schools when personality traits are identified that have a strong correlation. In this
study, students who were less susceptible to taking action in class were those who
pISSN: 2723-4339 e-ISSN: 2548-1398
Vol. 6, No. 04, April 2024
Reza Maylano F, Wiyaka, Ngasbun Egar
1592 Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 04, April 2024
tended to focus more on learning. It is said in this research that people who are too tired
and lack personal motivation often produce worse schoolwork results. From a
personality perspective, it can be concluded that the schools studied need to pay
attention to students' personalities in terms of emotional intelligence, namely
intelligence in regulating one's emotions (Butcher, 2004).
Based on the statement above that a form of personality has an effect on the
academic world, where it is known that there are various activities (Denden, Tlili,
Essalmi, & Jemni, 2017; Travolta, 2018). In this regard, researchers highlight two types
of activities based on skills, namely reading skills. The issue raised by researchers
relates the personality traits of both introverted and extroverted students to the
comprehension of their reading skills in class X at MAN 1 Pesisir Barat Lampung. This
research uses a correlation research design model. This research took a sample of two
classes, namely class X Natural Sciences 1 and 2 which contained 77 students from
these classes. Researchers used personality questionnaires and reading comprehension
tests. The result was that the comprehension of students' reading skills at MAN 1 Pesisir
Barat Lampung had a correlation with the students' personalities with the correlation of
the variables showing a high and positive value with a correlation coefficient of 0.749
(Pradana, 2022).
Listening comprehension is described briefly as an activity of building meaning
based on the listener’s applied knowledge to the incoming sound that is including both
the linguistic and non-linguistic knowledge. It is supposed that it can be influenced by
some points included speaker’s characteristic and listener’s feeling that can affect
potentially to the comprehension of concluding the message (Hue, 2019).
The term of listening also viewed as something that is more crucial in EFL
classrooms and SLA research. Listening holds an active action of elaborating and
building meaning from both verbal and non-verbal news. Therefore, the stamp of the
term ‘passive skill’ is given to listening is a wrong naming. This confusion may arise
from the evidence that cursory students imply to only place themselves in a language
lab in hush, then they listen to pre-recorded sound, then book the answers based on the
clue of audio. It is obvious one, then that listening is not as inactive as it has been called
to be as it requests some of convolute processes on the part of the learner’s personality
(Gilakjani & Ahmadi, 2011).
Liaison of some words are associated to build phrases, which formulate sentences,
then those sentences will create the perfect text, that is called as the written meaning of
which is made by the people called as listeners. In the case of grammatical relationships,
such as stress, rhythm and intonation also considerably supply to this data-driven
processing. Language learners can be schooled to act this processing, for certain cite, by
certain hustles that need them to segregate two sounds or distinguish rising and falling
intonations. The term of top-down processing, assigns to clarify meaning as thought by
the speakers by means of a depicted structures of knowledge in someone’s mind
(Gilakjani & Ahmadi, 2011).
When viewed from a general scientific view of listening, there are as many as five
points that can be said to be things that can affect listening difficulties for a student.
These factors are obtained from various different sources. They deal with listening texts,
listeners, speakers, teachers, and the physical environment. The factors already
mentioned lead the listener towards a message capture and text feature (Trismasari &
Rosnija, 2016).
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Listening and Text Reading Activities
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Those factors that have been mentioned depend on the speed of speech, the
variety of accent variations, a reduction in the delivery, exaggeration, pronunciation,
hesitation, pauses and visual supports. While the factors relating to the teacher regarding
the basis of teaching as asking questions, reinforcement, various kinds of variations,
delivery of material, opening and closing of learning activities, class organization, group
and individual focus. While the factors from the student side are the result of several
points including background knowledge, lack of familiarity with the topics used, low
quality in grammar, lack of knowledge about linguistics, lack of knowledge about
listening strategies, physical and spiritual problems of listeners, and the burden of
thinking. Factors that affect the physical environment can be described by noise, quality
of facilities and infrastructure, devices for visual instructions (Trismasari & Rosnija,
This interpretation emphasizes the outstanding side of background knowledge that
is enchanted by the language learners in building sense of the input in the form of
information that they hear. In the audio perception, the preceding knowledge may help
their action to grip the incoming information by disclosing the intimate object with the
new one, and significant deficiency of such knowledge can hinder their struggles to
understand a particular assertion. For that reason, it is important that the learner
becomes more accustomed to doing this processing as discussed earlier, which the
learner usually does by searching for and extracting the essence of the points gained in
the listening process (Gilakjani & Ahmadi, 2011).
Harianto & Marisa, (2024) explores research on the personality of an introvert on
listening skills in a school. Listening activities are carried out after watching the video.
Data was obtained from the selection process of the students personality type with
questionnaire found that there were only 15% of students who had introverted
personality. The listening test results show that students with introverted personality had
good listening skills with an average score of 90 and the highest was 95.
As a student who lives in a country where English is considered a foreign
language, it is certainly something to be discussed. Countries that have the title of
country with English as a second language could be an object of research but with a
higher level of research than just analyzing students' understanding of listening to
English songs. In Indonesia, as the location for conducting research, there is a value that
a researcher should design a research that is comprehensive but still considers the level
of the point in question. In choosing a location in Indonesia, as a country where English
has a predicate as a foreign language, Indonesia is certainly something that has its own
points to be discussed at the level in a comprehensive way.
Something that has been obtained from one's experience becomes the cause of the
construction of something in a person. The experience that is fundamental does not
mean that it determines what will happen or the decisions a person makes. There is still
a thought that is the basis for consciously deciding something which is the cause of
something being decided. This is what is called consideration.
As in this study, students were asked to listen to an audio played by the researcher
who would be asked to write down the understanding of the song based on the students'
understanding which was considered from the background that affected aspects of
language quality, comprehension, and presentation during the interview with the
researcher. This is the result of the acceptance of things that are received by students
which are referred to as the personal background of each individual.
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There is an opportunity for some students to understand the content of the song
with different understandings due to different backgrounds of life experiences. It could
also be that there are similarities in the presentation textually but with different
intentions conveyed during the interview. It could also be something similar between
one school and another, considering that the students live in the same district. Of course,
the culture of the students is not too different if there are differences.
A person's ability to catch something, especially in the process of listening to
something, is the result of learning, coaching, and training experienced by the listener's
subject. A person's ability to capture something from the surrounding environment is a
form of skill in learning. Acceptance of these new things is not something that he can
simply realize in the application of his knowledge without going through a selection
process. Hall which is selected by the subject will be selected and sorted based on the
thinking principle of the actor, so that there will be a decision that something will be
done or not.
A person's various backgrounds can affect listening skills, especially in English.
Someone who is often exposed to something will become a person who is familiar with
it and has the opportunity to decide new things spontaneously based on what he is
familiar with. For example, someone who often watches horror films with a lot of audio
playing with the sound of a roaring wolf, will have a tendency to interpret a sound
similar to that as the sound of a wolf's roar. Although in reality it is a clear and concrete
word in conversation.
Furthermore, the added personal knowledge of anything related to English can
make a person influenced by the input that has just been obtained. One's knowledge is
not something that can be ignored which can have an effect on the capture and
understanding of the audio being heard in the listening process. If someone has
knowledge in a certain matter, he has the possibility to interpret something in the input
process he gets.
Like someone who is traumatized by something that has happened in the past, a
person has a challenge to create a context for something new and different to deal with.
In this study, the researcher interprets whether something in the past, as well as the
students' knowledge of the things that they got previously, is misleading the students'
word capture so that the answers from the results of the listening process are in
accordance with the lyrics of the song or not.
The research gap in this case delivered to show what the researcher wants to
explore. The gap is as we said the das sein will be the people who get same questions
should get the same score, and the das solen of the research will be the different score of
some people in the same questions.
The importance of arranging this research is to show the readers that the
personality of English language learner affects the listening ability of learner. A person
will be able to design his future comprehensively in the realm of international reach,
both in the field of business and community service. In Vietnam, students in almost all
universities are required to score a score of 6.5 to 7.0 to be able to use their bachelor's
degree for use in the realm of work. And it is something that burdens students who
study in college (Ling, Landon, Tarrant, & Rubin, 2021).
This research has the background of representing a law that understanding is
considered more important because it describes a situation based on real concepts and is
easy to understand rather than knowledge. In this study, the participants included were
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participants who did not speak English in their daily life. So that this research has a
background on that theory (Danaher et al., 2017).
This study aims to explore the listening talent of students in learning English at
MA Zumrotul Wildan. In discussing English skills, there is one branch of skill, namely
listening skill where students in learning English are required to have competence in
understanding what they hear which must be in accordance with grammatical and
lexical principles. The students selected in this study were high school students. They
will be provided with input in the form of a song in English where the student is asked
to listen to the song and rewrite what they have heard into a song lyric text.
Researchers will examine by analyzing song lyrics written by students that are not
in accordance with the actual song lyrics. The author will analyze and find out what
causes students to write song lyrics that are not in accordance with the actual lyrics.
Students will reveal what familiar things are often faced by students in everyday life so
that they become the background and encourage students to write a text based on audio
that does not match the song being played as a reference. An activity in everyday life
which may be related to a certain context can affect a person's perception of capturing
information, for example in the skill of listening to English songs. Daily activities that
are carried out naturally will affect the input given by other subjects to students which is
referred to as something that is an error because it does not comply with the provisions
or does not match the reference used.
A person's skill for listening influences other skills in that person. Listening is a
passive skill because it is done without any specific effort. Precisely in listening to
someone will be passive. He only listens and catches what other people give in the form
of sound, information, intonation, purpose, use, and others. If someone who has a good
listening talent will convey these points in a good and orderly manner. This will have an
effect on the speaking quality of a listener. What is said and how it is spoken is the
result of capturing an input from the listening process. In understanding what is said,
someone who is listening must be able to distinguish sounds, meanings, and intonations
so as to reach a unanimous conclusion to determine the direction of the conversation
(Xuan, 2017).
In this connection, the researcher illustrates that a form of listening activity is part
of a skill which is a need of great significance for humans, especially students. In the
learning system there is a form of providing certain treatment for pre-test participants
which is held to test learning outcomes. From the background that has been presented
about what listening is like, in this connection the researcher created a form of research
tool related to a testing system that will reflect the learning outcomes of students in
Indonesia, where in the curriculum there is a demand for having good listening skills.
This will be shown when students become test takers which are usually held in the
school regulations section during the test session.
There are various kinds of tests which have the possibility of these tests having
shortcomings. One of the shortcomings that could potentially exist in a test model is the
detail of the intended object. Usually the test is only designed to be a test with a certain
form. However, the details are not designed whether the test can be used by certain
groups or not. So researchers explore what is different about humans which is related to
humans' own design in dealing with things in their lives. Researchers discovered the
concept of human personality types which bring variations in processing and ways of
dealing with problems.
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In the case faced by the researcher, there is a statement that what path can be
taken (in concluding) which is superior in test scores where the researcher compares
two personality models. The problems identified are problems where the special
characteristics of people who have certain personalities are able to answer certain
questions, at certain levels of difficulty. Researchers identify the problem of whether
there is a correlation between certain personalities and students' ability to answer certain
questions, and which personalities are able to answer certain questions at a certain level
with their own question form. Researchers identify whether there is a correlation
between them, or whether it is just an unanswered hypothesis. Concerning a discourse
conveyed by the question maker, we can take the point that it is not permissible to just
give a certain treatment to each individual, who of course has their own unique
characteristics, in this connection the form of personality. The problems that arise can
be in the form of equality issues, whether people with introverted personalities can be
equalized on the questions and the form of the questions, as well as the weight of the
questions, which we cannot just give them. There are words that make the trigger
questions into questions with a certain level of difficulty that are part of this test.
Researchers identify problems where certain levels of questions have certain priority
demands in solving the problems they face. For example, if someone has the same thing
as another person, but has a different pattern of action towards that thing from other
people's actions towards the same thing. From this statement we can conclude that
something may have the same condition, but there may also be a chance that it will have
different treatment because of the specificity of the person who treats it.
Harianto & Marisa, (2024) explores research on the personality of an introvert on
listening skills in a school. Listening activities are carried out after watching the video.
Data was obtained from the selection process of the students personality type with
questionnaire found that there were only 15% of students who had introverted
personality. The listening test results show that students with introverted personality had
good listening skills with an average score of 90 and the highest was 95.
The researcher conveys something new about the ideas contained in this study,
namely the inclusion of interviews which aims to clarify what causes someone to
experience something or have a perception of something based on the background of
life in the form of the experience of the student himself. Based on some of the research
above, it can be concluded that something new can contribute more when there are ideas
that are poured out responsibly and are certainly useful for human prosperity.
A smelly thing is something that has the opportunity to be used as something
useful, especially in the field of education. For example, by holding research conducted
at this school, it will become a separate reference for readers in providing brainstorming
about how and what can be uploaded to the public domain and how the system that has
been implemented becomes a guide with the status of being a research reference. An
idea can also be applied to a new thing that is more complex and comprehensive in
wrapping up the discussion of a matter. It becomes more complex with analysis from
the perspective of the era of society.
The update in this research focuses on measuring students' ability to answer
questions, word processing, and looking at students' ability to process a series of words
used to answer foreign language questions. The researcher carried out measurements on
the research object which reflected the vocabulary and order of language by the country
object, which was EFL.
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Listening and Text Reading Activities
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The novelty created by the author is in the form of an update that uses a
comparison of the results of working on questions based on songs in English in the form
of listening tests and reading tests. Researchers mapped research participants into
participants with introverted personality types and participants with extroverted
personality types.
The research design created by the researcher is quantitative research (Sugiyono,
2020). There will be three parts in the implementation of the research plan. The first is
the determination of personality, the researcher will use two classes of grade XI. The
first class will be given audio question and researcher will give the another class written
question, then the second part is listening and reading part, the third step is test. The
test will be delivered in listening and reading test. The text is the songs lyrics. The
objects of the research will be the XI grade of Senior High School MA Zumrotul
Wildan Jepara, indicated as the EFL country students. Students will be recruited in this
study. The chosen students live in the same town who have similar culture. Researcher
chooses the grade of XI because of syllabus decision.
The way to collect data in this research is using questionnaires. So that the data
will be collected and assembled by researchers into structured and grounded data.
Grounded data is data that states a form of connection between the behavior of a certain
group and the behavior of other groups, and certain relationships that create a
correlation system that can be explained. This can be called a form of generalization of
theory, from detailed and specific principles to conclusions that are comprehensive and
grand. Specific and detailed things are obtained by the researcher, where these things
are the answers to the points asked in the questionnaire to answer the interests of the
participants, so that a general conclusion is written which becomes a straightforward
theory (Shortt, Rind, Pearce, Mitchell, & Curtis, 2018).
The data analysis technique used is varians analysis which the variables in the
study as a whole are related. The analysis will be using SPSS application and Anova to
make correlation. Data will be adopted and adapted through reflection of words that
stimulate it in a particular context according to the source. In this case the researcher
uses the reference that the significance value in the analysis is at the point 0.5 so that if
the significance value in this analysis is more than 0.5 then the correlation is not
considered real.
Correlation of Students’ Personality, Kind of Question, and Test Result
The implementation of tests by researchers in the form of listening tests and reading
tests is a differentiation of treatment carried out by researchers in which something that
we perceive as an old thing can have an impact on a person's assessment system towards
something. An example is a person's personality that has been with someone for a long
time, where that person lives his days with that personality, of course the things he went
through while he was alive or the things he went through to face anything in the life he
Reza Maylano F, Wiyaka, Ngasbun Egar
1598 Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 04, April 2024
lives are of course based on his personality. A personality that has certain characteristics
is something that humans are able to map. The mapping carried out produces analytical
results that include the characteristics of the person being studied, where these
characteristics are tied to and of course related to the characteristics of the personalities
being observed. Detailed mapping in the concept of understanding the conditions that
exist in the soul of a person being tested can help the person testing the traits embedded
in them.
In the research conducted by this researcher, the researcher included many students
who came from a high school called MA Zumrotul Wildan which is in Ngabul village in
Jepara district. The existing students are students from different classes. They consist of
Science classes, which of course have exacta lessons, relating to numbers and relating to
quantitative data, which require someone to use IQ to process data. How does numerical
data that is usually obtained by students in Science classes change into data related to
linguistics or linguistics, which in the selected school the researchers conducted a test
related to language, namely English, which is not required students to write numbers as
in the Science class material which is normal for that class. This will be a challenge in
itself whether the students are able to answer correctly or not.
Students in this class are required to deal with data that consists of many letters,
even in the class the data is given in the form of spoken letters which is usually referred
to as listening skill, for their talent in dealing with it. Meanwhile, in another class which
is equivalent to this class is the Social Sciences class where they are naturally used to
dealing with texts in languages like their own, but this time the text is written in English
text. In the second year class which is included in the social sciences class category, the
class chosen used a reading test where the participants in this study did not need to
make any effort to pay attention to the discourse in spoken form. The load given is
different between the Science classes, where the Science class will miss the spoken data
played on their respective smartphones if they are not paying attention. However, in this
study the researchers did not set a limit on how many repetitions participants could
listen to this English song. So that in the action they can repeat the song as they want.
Table 1 Paired Samples Test Questionaire Test
Paired Differences
Std. Error
95% Confidence Interval
of the Difference
From the data that the researcher presents in table form above, the results of the T
test are less than the T table value (1.197 < 2.26) and the significance level (acceptance
of something as real) of the T test is 0.262 which means more than the significance
value (0.262 > 0.05) then this means that things are less and less considered real. So it
was concluded that there was no significant difference between the average score of the
listening test group and the reading test group. From the results of the calculations
above, it can be concluded that there is no difference that can be said to be a clear
difference between the listening test scores and the reading test scores. Furthermore,
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Listening and Text Reading Activities
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there is a T test value less than the T table (1.197 < 2.26) and a significance level of T
count of 0.262 (0.262 > 0.05), meaning that there is no significant difference between
the test results of introverted students and extroverted students. Because the significance
value of the T test is more than the standard significance value (0.262 > 0.05). From this
calculation it can be concluded that there is no significant difference between
participants who have introverted and extroverted personality types. So there is no
correlative conclusion that contains contradictory characteristics (e.g. introverted
participants have higher scores than extroverted participants).
Bellow researcher provides the analysis of correlation between partisipants'
personality with the kind of question.
Table 2 Correlations
The Student’s Personality
The Student’s Personality
Pearson Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed)
Pearson Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed)
From the test results displayed in the table above, the following can be taken: the
significance value between the student's test score and the student's personality is 0.100,
which means it is greater than the standard significance value, namely 0.05. That means
there is no significant correlation between student personality and test results. The
calculated r value is a value that describes how strong the influence of the dependent
variable is on the independent variable. The range is 0-1.
From the table above, the calculated r value is 0.369. r table is 0.422. r count < r
table (0.369 < 0.422), it can be concluded that there is no correlation between student
personality and test results. On the other hand, if the correlation has the data symbol
greater than the reference (>) then the status is that it has a correlation. The r table value
obtained is 0.422, which is the value if the number of respondents is 21 respondents.
Table 3 between kind of question and test result.
Questionary Score
Questionary Score
Person Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed)
Pearson Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed)
From the table above, it can be seen that the significance value for the type of
questions and the test results is 0.226, which is greater than the standard significance
value of 0.05, meaning there is no significant correlation between the types of questions
and the test results. For the r test for the relationship between question types and test
results of 0.226 < r table 0.422, it can be concluded that there is no relationship or
correlation between question types and test results. If it is more than that, it means there
is a relationship.
Reza Maylano F, Wiyaka, Ngasbun Egar
1600 Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 04, April 2024
Table 4 ANOVA
Sum of
Questionary Score
Within Groups
The student’s
Within Groups
So that we can see whether there are differences in scores between the two groups
of participants who took the test, we look at each group, namely the listening group and
the reading test group. We look at the ANOVA table, the P value obtained is 0.226,
which means it is greater than the significance value, namely 0.05, meaning that there is
a significant difference in the average scores of the two groups, namely the listening test
and reading test groups. Meanwhile, we look at the P value of the correlation between
two types of personality on the final test score, introverts and extroverts on the test, we
get a P value of 0.676 which is greater than the standard significance value, which
means that there is no significant difference in test scores between groups of introverted
students with a group of extroverted students. The P value is used for seeing the
probability that H0 is accepted or rejected. The P value is in the range of 0 to 1, and the
standard value used is 0.05. If the p value is smaller than 0.05, then H0 is rejected and
Ha is accepted.
This research with a quantitative design that uses numerical data has strength in
terms of definite and consistent validity. This research presents numerical data where
the data is the result of processing the correlation between the participant's personality
type and the type of test given by the researcher to the research participants. This
research is research that is capable of becoming a research model related to quality
decisions and designing provisions for writing questions in tests in Senior High Schools.
This research states that there is no significant or meaningful difference between the test
results of participants who have an introverted personality and the test results of
participants who have an extroverted personality type. However, if you look at the types
of questions between the listening test and the reading test, there are significant
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Listening and Text Reading Activities
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differences in the test results for each type of test. So what significantly influences the
participant's final test score is the type of test, not the type of personality.
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Reza Maylano F, Wiyaka, Ngasbun Egar (2024)
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Syntax Idea
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