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Nur Aida Oktasari, Adisty Ridha Damasuri, Indah Sari, Anita Tanuwijaya (2024), Challenge in
Diagnosis of Eczema Herpeticum in Rural Area in East Nusa Tenggara: a Case Report, (6) 05, _ _
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Ridwan Instute
Adisty Ridha Damasuri, Anita Tanuwijaya, Indah Sari, Nur Aida Oktasari
RSUD dr. R. Soeprapto Cepu, Kabupaten Blora, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia.
Eczema herpeticum is an infection caused mostly by the herpes simplex virus which arises from
an impaired skin barrier that may have a life-threatening bacterial complication. This case report
unfolds the clinical reasoning behind diagnosing and treating eczema herpeticum in a rural area in
East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia, that has limited healthcare facilities in favor of recovery without
any sequelae. We describe a 5-month-old girl who has dry skin with acute extensive itchy vesicles
and papulopustular with crusts starting from the face down to the neck, back, and extremities that
worsened even after receiving antibiotics yet showed improvement after receiving acyclovir.
Keywords: Eczema herpeticum, rural area, East Nusa Tenggara, case report
Eczema herpeticum, also known as Kaposi varicelliform eruption or pustulosis acuta
varioliformis, is a sudden extensive vesiculopustular eruption usually caused by Herpes Simplex
Virus (HSV) which arises from pre-existing skin disease, such as atopic dermatitis (Liaw, Huang,
Hsueh, & Chiang, 2012; Traidl, Roesner, Zeitvogel, & Werfel, 2021). It has been stated that around
3% of atopic dermatitis patients are predicted to develop eczema herpeticum during their lifetime
and 90% of them are caused by HSV-1 (Beck et al., 2009; Damour, Garcia, Seneschal, Lévêque,
& Bodet, 2020; Leung, 2013; Sanga, Darius, Rangga, & Naga, 2018). The diagnosis and treatment
of eczema herpeticum should be concluded rapidly as untreated eczema herpeticum may lead to a
life-threatening infection (Liaw et al., 2012; Satria, Chen, Soebono, Radiono, & Danarti, 2019;
Sharif & McMullen, 2018).
Sikka Regency is one of the rural areas in East Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia, which
still has many health welfare obstacles such as limited healthcare facilities and the existence of
slums area which may contribute to the higher morbidity rate in rural areas compared to the urban
area from the year 2020 to 2022 (Statistik, 2019) This report presents a challenging case of
diagnosing eczema herpeticum in a rural area in East Nusa Tenggara.
Case Report
pISSN: 2723-4339 e-ISSN: 2548-1398
Vol. 6, No. 05, Mei 2024
Challenge in Diagnosis of Eczema Herpeticum in Rural Area in East Nusa Tenggara: a Case
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A 5-month-old girl was brought to Primary Health Care Service (PHCS) Kewapante in
Sikka Regency, East Nusa Tenggara, with vesicles on the face, neck, and left extremities for 3
days. The vesicles started as a single clear blister on the face and spread down to the neck and left
extremities, but there wasn’t any vesicle found on the body. This was the first time for the baby to
experience vesicles as she was a healthy full-term newborn, despite the 2000-gram birth weight.
The vesicles were itchy as the baby scratched them until the vesicles turned into pustules that were
broken into round erythematous collarette crusts. This patient also had intermittent nocturnal dry
cough along with the vesicle eruption. There was no complaint of runny nose, fever,
gastrointestinal tract, or micturition problems nevertheless. At that time, this patient only breastfed
and never had other kinds of foods or drinks, including fortification milk. On the other hand, this
patient, who lived in a water shortage area, bathed twice a day with baby soap and water from a
rainwater tank which rarely cleaned. Moreover, she always had dry skin, which was similar to her
friends who had the same complaint but never sought any medical advice. However, a history of
atopy in the patient or her family was denied. Thus far, her mother gave initial treatment such as
baby oil and powder to the lesions, yet no improvement was seen.
On this examination, this patient didn’t have a fever as it was verified with a temperature
of 37.0
C. However, there were multiple discrete round herpetiform vesicles some of which were
in the pustules and collarette crusts form on the face, a collarette crust on the left palm, and a
vesicle on the left sole (Figure 1-3). Additionally, there were no other physical abnormalities found
on the examination. Hence, there were no laboratory studies ordered at that moment. This patient
was examined by a general practitioner who consulted a dermatologist who was available only at
a hospital in Maumere, the capital of East Nusa Tenggara, via telemedicine. The dermatologist
diagnosed the patient with bullous impetigo which had a good prognosis, accompanied by varicella
and atopic dermatitis as the differential diagnosis. Therefore, the dermatologist prescribed an
amoxicillin drop of 0.7 ml 3 times/day for a week, a chloramphenicol ointment 3 times/day for a
week, and pulverized drugs consisting of 0.6 mg of CTM, 3 mg of ambroxol, 5 mg of vitamin C,
and 1/10 tablet of vitamin B complex, which taken 3 times/day for a week. The patient was also
advised to maintain hygiene, avoid excessive sweating, keep the nails short, not use any
unprescribed oil or powder, avoid scratching, and schedule an appointment for the following week.
On the second appointment at PHCS Kewapante, which was delayed a week after the initial
schedule, the patient's complaint was the reappearing of vesicles together with pustules and
collarette crusts after taking the drugs even though previously showed a temporary mild
improvement. The vesicles spread to the back and right arm in addition to more severe vesicles on
the face, which were accompanied by erythematous patches. The application of baby oil and
powder to the lesions was continued even though it was not recommended. The nocturnal dry
cough remained, and further elaboration showed that the patient was living with heavy smokers.
There were no other complaints.
On this checkup, there were more vesicles and papulopustular with many yellowish crusts
on erythematous bases on the face that extended to the scalp, multiple papulovesicular alongside
erythematous patches on the back, and multiple discrete vesicles with halo erythematous on the
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right arm (Figure 4-6). The worsening condition of the patient made the consideration to figure
out the predisposing factor in this case. The fact that the patient had dry skin which was prone to
infection and her condition might be influenced by her environment, had led to the suspicion of
skin barrier impairment, such as atopic dermatitis. These facts were strengthened by the location
of the primary lesion on the face and the pruritus sensation in the patient. Furthermore, the fact
that the patient was a passive smoker might be suspected as the trigger of allergy sensitization
despite the history of atopy in the patient and her family was previously denied. Unfortunately,
there were no laboratory studies ordered in this case since the inability to perform the Tzanck test
and the unavailable of viral and allergy detectors at the PHCS. Consequently, the dermatologist,
via telemedicine, changed the working diagnosis to eczema herpeticum with suspected atopic
dermatitis involvement based on the clinical judgment, which still had a good prognosis,
accompanied by bullous impetigo as the differential diagnosis. This condition was treated with
120 mg of oral acyclovir 4 times/day for five days as the antivirus, a betamethasone ointment twice
a day for dry lesions, an open compress with NaCl 0.9% twice a day for crusted skin, and
continuing pulverized drugs. Additionally, the patient was advised to schedule an appointment for
the next 5 days.
On the third appointment at PHCS Kewapante, the patient showed improvement and there
was no reappearing of papulovesicular lesions despite the multiple crusts on erythematous bases
on the face and back of the body (Figure 7-8). There were no other complaints or physical
abnormalities. Thus, the dermatologist, via telemedicine, prescribed the same medicines as the
second appointment with an amoxicillin drop of 0.7 ml 3 times/day for a week and advised to
schedule an appointment for the next week. Regardless of how the patient didn’t fulfill the next
appointment, she had fully recovered without any sequelae when we met her a year later (Figure
Figure 1. Multiple discrete round herpetiform vesicles some of which were in the pustules
and collarette crusts form on the face
Figure 2. A collarette crust on the left palm
Challenge in Diagnosis of Eczema Herpeticum in Rural Area in East Nusa Tenggara: a Case
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Figure 3. A vesicle on the left sole
Figure 4. Vesicles and papulopustular with many yellowish crusts on erythematous bases on
the face that extended to the scalp
Figure 5. Multiple papulovesicular alongside erythematous patches on the back
Figure 6. Multiple crusts on erythematous bases on the face
Figure 7. Multiple crusts on erythematous bases on the back
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Figure 8. Fully recovered without any sequelae
Eczema herpeticum (EH) is an infection caused by herpes simplex virus (HSV) mostly
HSV-1 that causes sores around the face and inside the mouth, which also appear on other body
parts. The EH affects people especially infants under 5 years and young children who have severe
inflammatory skin disease - in this case, it is focused on atopic dermatitis which has barrier
dysfunction. EH presents small, dome-shaped, multiple papule vesicles on an erythematous base
that leave punched-out ulcers if they rupture. These vesicles lead to erosions after 2-7 days. The
manifestations are also followed by systemic symptoms such as fever, malaise, and
lymphadenopathies. Predilections of EH are focused on the face, neck, chest, and extremities (1).
Two main underlying conditions may provoke HSV infection into EH such as skin barrier
impairment and immune system disorders. Conditions that could affect the skin barrier in infants
such as Dariers disease, epidermolysis bullosa simplex, pemphigus foliaceous, Hailey-Hailey
disease, pityriasis rubra pilaris, staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome, ichthyosis, atopic
dermatitis, irritant contact dermatitis, burns, or trauma (Traidl et al., 2021). In our case, the patient
had a first episode of sudden onset of itchy vesicles and papulopustular with crusts starting from
the face down to the neck, back, and extremities at the age of 5 months old without any burn or
trauma involved. Thus, atopic dermatitis and irritant contact dermatitis are left for possibilities.
Atopic dermatitis (AD) is one of the most common skin inflammatory diseases that is
related to the incidence of EH. AD is characterized by barrier dysfunction such as Filaggrin
mutation which plays a major role in developing AD as it maintains skin hydration, skin pH,
protease activity, desquamation, and lipid synthesis while also keeping the barrier permeability for
defense against pathogens could facilitate the entry of microorganisms including HSV through the
first keratinized layers of the skin and binding to its receptors at the target cells. Another defect of
skin proteins such as claudin, nectin, and the cadherin-catenin complex could loosen the skin’s
adhesive ability and provide an entrance for viral or bacterial infection. Whenever there’s an
entrance of a pathogen to the skin, the immune system in AD through IL-1, IL-25, IL-33,
macrophage-derived chemokine (MDC), thymus and activation-regulated chemokine (TARC),
and thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TLSP) could activate dendritic cells or directly activate
macrophages to trigger T helper (Th) 2, IL-4, IL-5, IL-13, IL-31, and IL-33 driven inflammation
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which could also suppress the filaggrin and decrease the production of interferon- (IFN-), which
has the function to activating dendritic cells, macrophages, Th cells, and natural killer cells that
play role in antiviral defenses, impaired keratinocytes differentiation and provoke itching.
Additionally, there are altered antimicrobial peptides production in AD such as cathelicidin LL-
37, human -defensins (hBD), psoriasin (S100A7), and ribonuclease 7 (RNase 7), which can
directly kill bacteria or virus (Damour et al., 2020; Kim, Kim, & Leung, 2019; Traidl et al., 2021).
Therefore, the existence of AD could indeed exacerbate HSV infection into EH.
The establishment of AD diagnosis is through the fulfillment of Hanifin-Rajka diagnosis
criteria. This criteria includes at least 3 of the major criteria such as pruritus, typical morphology
and distribution, chronic or chronically relapsing dermatitis, and personal or family history of
atopy. Along with at least 3 of the minor criteria such as xerosis, ichthyosis/ palmar hyperlinearity/
keratosis pilaris, immediate (type 1) skin-test reactivity, raised serum IgE, early age of onset, a
tendency towards cutaneous infection, a tendency toward non-specific hand or foot dermatitis,
nipple eczema, cheilitis, recurrent conjunctivitis, Dennie-Morgan infraorbital fold, keratoconus,
anterior subscapular cataracts, orbital darkening, facial pallor or erythema, pityriasis alba, anterior
neck folds, itch when sweating, intolerance to wood and lipid solvent, perifollicular accentuation,
food intolerance, coursed influenced by environmental or emotional factors, and white
dermographism as delayed blanch (Joji, 2002). Some minor criteria matched our case such as
xerosis skin as the patient had dry skin, a tendency toward cutaneous infection as the patient
showed clustered vesiculopustular with yellow crusts, and a course influenced by environmental
factors as the patient used a rarely cleaned rainwater tank for bathing. However, there are some
doubts regarding the major criteria, as in our case only two things matched the major criteria such
as pruritus as the patient had itchy skin and typical morphology and distribution as the patient’s
primary lesion is on the face, but this was the first skin disorder for the patient and she and her
family had no known of atopy history. Howbeit, further history-taking revealed that the patient
was living among heavy smokers which could trigger allergy sensitization in the patient as a
passive smoker is strongly associated with food allergy sensitization, susceptibility to developing
eczema, allergic rhinitis, and asthma (Wang et al., 2023). Therefore, profound history-taking and
follow-up sessions should be done to make sure of any atopy condition. After all, if there’s any
suspicion toward AD diagnosis in a patient, the definitive diagnosis of AD should be established
as if there’s an infection in an AD patient that has clusters of vesicles and/or punched-out erosions
or 1-3 mm depressed ulcers and keep worsening even after being treated with antibiotics and
topical steroids, rapid diagnosis and prompt management of EH should be put into consideration
(Sun et al., 2019).
Some infected individuals who have AD could be grown up with a history of eczema
herpeticum (ADEH+) and without EH (ADEH-). ADEH can happen as a primary infection or
reactivation from latent viruses. Sometimes we must explore more specifically the patient whether
they have a herpes infection history because 20% of EH patients reported recurrent herpes
infections in their medical history. In addition, other factors such as atopy history, food allergens
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history, and house dust are noted in ADEH+ patients (2). Besides that – the literature says the other
factor that is susceptible to appearing EH is Th2 predominance (Beck et al., 2009).
ADEH+ may be susceptible to multiple factors including EH is often diagnosed based on
patient history (AD) and the characteristic skin lesions. It takes viral swabs from the base of blisters
which are analyzed through polymerase chain reaction (PCR) as the gold standard to differentiate
EH from other similar presentations such as impetigo or hand-mouth food disease (HFMD).
Misdiagnosis can lead to severe complications like bacteremia or even death (Vera-Kellet &
Hasbún, 2020) (Nix et al., 2011).
However, eczema herpeticum can be clinically diagnosed when the morphology of the
skin pattern is present, with Tzank smear, direct fluorescent antibody (DFA) testing, and viral
cultures can confirm HSV infection. Neither help nor clinical presentation might be atypical, a
skin biopsy is indicated and the results of laboratory tests are lymphopenia and an increased
erythrocyte sedimentation rate.
The most common organisms that cause complications of EH in bacterial superinfection
are Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pyogenes, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and molluscum
contagiosum virus (Traidl et al., 2021) (Luca, Lara-Corrales, & Pope, 2012). When the cutaneous
HSV infection disseminates systemic infection can occur with fever, malaise, and multiple organ
involvement, which can lead to septic shock, meningitis, and encephalitis (Luca et al., 2012).
HFMD patients presenting papulovesicular, are more febrile and suffer oral stomatitis, it is almost
the same characterized as EH, but in terms of causes it is different, one side is because of Coxsackie
Virus (A6), and the other side is HSV (Chen et al., 2023).
Other factors are some patients who
suffer HFMD are more often known as 1-year-old, and it is truly differentiated from EH
(Chatproedprai et al., 2015). Moreover, complete blood count (CBC) and the Tzanck test have a
role that can rapidly confirm an HSV infection and also can confirm the diagnosis of EH and rule
out some other diseases. In this case, the patient did not have blood drawn because of not needed
yet in the Primary Health Care Service (PHCS). CBC can distinguish the disease in general
whether bacterial or viral etiology and the study said that the patients who suffer EH have
Another possibility for the underlying skin disease in our case besides AD, is irritant
contact dermatitis (ICD). The patient was given baby oil and powder on the active skin lesion by
her mother despite being advised not to. Irritants could damage epidermal cells, the keratinocytes,
which allow increased permeability to irritants and further inflammation. However, in our case,
both AD and ICD conditions could play a role in the development of EH as individuals with AD
are thought to have a higher risk for the development of ICD (Patel & Nixon, 2022) (Gittler,
Krueger, & Guttman-Yassky, 2013).
Treatment for EH should begin with oral antiviral such as acyclovir or valacyclovir. These
medications could minimize the risk of complications and prevent progression to severe
conditions. In this case – the recommended dosage of oral acyclovir is 30-60 mg/kg/d divided into
three doses per day in children and for the most severe cases - we should consider some conditions
that are related to an individual’s immune system like HIV, prolonged diabetes, undernutrition,
Challenge in Diagnosis of Eczema Herpeticum in Rural Area in East Nusa Tenggara: a Case
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and using corticosteroids or other immunosuppressant medications), these conditions should be
addressed with hospitalized and intravenous administration of antiviral therapy (Liaw et al., 2012)
(Luca et al., 2012). Another concern in our case is the use of topical corticosteroids for EH as they
were previously thought to disseminate HSV and worsen the disease. However, a prior study
showed that the use of topical corticosteroids didn’t affect the hospital length of stay, unlike
systemic corticosteroids which increase the hospital length of stay by 18% (Aronson, Shah,
Mohamad, & Yan, 2013).
The onset of eczema herpeticum and viral infection during atopic dermatitis may be
significantly impacted by dysbiosis of the skin microbiome. Dysbiosis of the skin microbiome has
been linked to atopic dermatitis and corresponds with the severity of the condition (Bjerre,
Bandier, Skov, Engstrand, & Johansen, 2017). The diverse range of bacteria that make up the skin
microbiota varies depending on the environment, and individual, and ecological characteristics of
each body site (Grice et al., 2009). More than 60% of bacteria linked with the skin belong to three
genders: Corynebacterium (Actinobacteria), Propionibacterium (Actinobacteria), and
Staphylococcus (Firmicutes) (Scharschmidt & Fischbach, 2013). Due to their role in regulating
skin immunity, AMP synthesis, neutrophil recruitment, and defense against pathogens, commensal
bacteria including Staphylococcus epidermidis and Propionibacterium spp. are crucial for normal
skin (Yamazaki, Nakamura, & Núñez, 2017). The genus Staphylococcus accounted for around
90% of bacteria in the antecubital and popliteal creases of patients with atopic dermatitis during
untreated flares, compared to only 16% of bacteria in healthy patients, 31% in treated flares, and
20% post flare (Kong et al., 2012).
As evidence of the critical role commensal microbiota plays in viral infections, it has been
demonstrated that a dysbiosis of microbiota caused a more severe HSV-2 infection (Oh et al.,
2016). Patients with atopic dermatitis have an imbalanced lesional skin microbiota due to
significant colonization of S. aureus, which produces toxins such as α-toxin. Together with each
other, these changes promote the invasion, reactivation, and replication of HSV leading to the
development of eczema herpeticum.
Furthermore, because S. aureus produces a large number of virulence factors and may be
linked to an increased risk of viral infections, it is the cause of severe skin infections in people
with atopic dermatitis (Oh et al., 2016). Phenol-soluble modulins (PSMs), another virulence factor
generated by S. aureus, with the capacity to perforate cell membranes (Yamazaki et al., 2017).
Similarly, PSMα can trigger the production of inflammatory cytokines and induce the death of
keratinocytes (Syed, Reed, Clark, Boles, & Kahlenberg, 2015). Given their involvement in α-
toxin-induced eczema herpeticum and atopic dermatitis, PSMs may contribute to viral infection in
eczema herpeticum (Damour et al., 2020)
Sikka Regency is one of the rural areas in East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia, that has a health
issue in sanitation. Around 51% of houses in Sikka regency are considered uninhabitable with only
1.5% of them having access to uncontaminated water (9,33). In our case, the appearance of
yellowish crusts on a patient with sanitation issues directs our concern in determining whether the
lesions resulted from primary or secondary bacterial infection instead. Further, follow-up from the
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inadequate antibiotic response and skin appearance drives our sight to secondary bacterial
infection with a primary viral infection on eczematous skin.
Other health issues that come to mind are hampered health access and lack of competent
health workers (Statistik, 2019). PHCS Kewapante for example, has blood smear equipment for a
malarial test but is unable to perform the Tzanck test because it lacks an experienced worker to
successfully unroof the vesicle and scrape its base to be examined under the microscope. A
thorough history-taking about sanitation aids the diagnosis process in our case despite the lack of
data from medical diagnostic tools in rural areas.
The diagnosis of eczema herpeticum in rural areas could be done by history taking and
clinical appearance. Immediate treatment with acyclovir results in complete recovery and prevents
complications from bacterial infection. A sudden extensive vesiculopustular eruption that doesn’t
respond to antibiotics should be considered as eczema herpeticum with skin barrier impairment
for one of the differential diagnoses.
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Nur Aida Oktasari, Adisty Ridha Damasuri, Indah Sari, Anita Tanuwijaya
2392 Syntax Idea, Vol. 6, No. 05, Mei 2024
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Nur Aida Oktasari, Adisty Ridha Damasuri, Indah Sari, Anita Tanuwijaya (2024)
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Syntax Idea
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