p�ISSN: 2723-4339 e-ISSN: 2548-1398

Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2023





Zalfa Melanie Putri

Department of English Literature, Faculty of Administration and Humanities

Muhammadiyah University of Sukabumi

e-mail: [email protected]



Animated films are one of the most popular children's literature, various themes and genres of animated films are of course like friends for children. this study aims to analyze the comparison in an animated film and works adaptation in a manner qualitatively and qualitatively comparative in exposure the entire film The Little Mermaid (1989) and the live-action The Little Mermaid (2023) produced by Disney with the musical-fantasy genre, which study This focus on transfer rides. Animation created _ become A live-action naturally experience change in facet additions, subtractions and also changes vary according to the needs of the film, where topic main in study This is The Little Mermaid (1989) and The Little Mermaid (2023) which have difference Enough big in the characters, and there are some additions which are not present in the animation, and because matter the live-action his Alone have problem like pros and cons.

Keywords: Film Comparison, Transfer of Vehicles, Ecranization, The Little Mermaid


Both in ancient times and today, children are often shown by their parents to watch animated films for their daily entertainment. Animated films are also included in one of the most common children's literatures that parents often give to their children for entertainment media as well as to help with learning contexts, as well as to help stimulate children's creative thinking. According to (Munir et al., 2018) animation comes from English, animation from the word to anime which means "to turn on". Animation is a fixed image (still image) which is arranged sequentially and recorded by the camera media. So, it can be concluded that animation is a group of images arranged sequentially using a camera to make a static presentation come alive and move which is of course very interesting for children. Animation has various kinds of storyboards that will help children to imagine in their development.

Children are natural imitators by nature. That is, if they like something, then they will imitate that thing or want to be something they like. That's because they are always very attentive to events and listen to both from other people and from what they watch. For example, such as jobs, games, or characters in movies they like. According to (Kumar & Kumar, 2022) one of the advantages of cartoon films (animation) is that they are rich in expression, color, accompanied by unique character depictions, so that the media delivered is easier to remember. It should be underlined in the sentence 'easier to remember'. This will certainly be very helpful for parents for give Eat imitative nature _ naturally ' children by exploring things they will really like through animated films as works of children's literature. Likewise, this can also stimulate the growth of children's character when they are mature.

Animated films that they often see continuously, of course, are always loved until they are idolized by children. They remember and also memorize, and even have the desire to look the same as the characters they like, from the character's appearance to his style and characteristics. Lots of animated films around the world are very popular with children, especially animations made by Disney. Most of the animated films made by Disney are famous for their beautiful daughters and full of adventures that will be liked by their target market, namely children to teenagers, and beautiful Disney princesses must be familiar to connoisseurs of artificial animations. Disney. Many popular titles released by Disney, for example, Beauty and The Beast, Mulan, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, and also The Little Mermaid (Bruce, 2007).

The Little Mermaid, who doesn't know this beautiful, iconic red-haired mermaid? Children must have recognized the color of her hair, which is very bright and beautiful when she waves in the sea. The Little Mermaid is a 1989 musical-fantasy animated film produced by Walt Disney Feature Animation and released by Walt Disney Pictures (Elnahla, 2015). This film tells the story of a teenage mermaid named Ariel, Ariel's life is full of imagination and her dream of life as a human after she falls in love with prince Eric, who will lead her to a deal with the black sea witch, Ursula, to become a human. That's the description of The Little Mermaid story that children are familiar with, from the appearance of the character they like to imitate, of course it's very imprinted in their minds (for example, Ariel with her iconic hair). However, what if the characters in The Little Mermaid animation are changed differently from what we imagine about the animation?

Previously, that became a comparison in these two films focus to in A transfer. Vehicle transfer is the process of transferring a work of art into another work of art. According to (Srikandi, 2022) transfer of vehicles in essence cannot be separated from inter-media relations, one can also know and also understand what are the different things in the various media and how the media are connected. The author can conclude that the transfer of vehicles does not only analyze the differences in a literary work in the form of a novel to film, but also from film to other films. Transfer of vehicles is also an adaptation of a work of art to another work of art which can be called ecranization.

An ecranization of the original a animation Then made become A live-action Lots experience changes in the storyline or character due to a process of adding, subtracting, and varying changes. Addition means adding some intrinsic elements (such as character, plot, and so on) from the original literary work into the work resulting from an adaptation. Reduction means reducing or even eliminating an element from one literary work into another, if for example in the storyline, reduction is needed so that the duration of the film is in accordance with what is needed. Variation changes mean the occurrence of a variety of changes, meaning changes that occur in the intrinsic elements of the original work and then changed to adaptation works.

The animated film The Little Mermaid (1989) and the live-action The Little Mermaid (2023) underwent several diversion processes, namely additions and various changes in both the characters and what was not in the original animated film became present in the live -action. (In particular about character / character) which was released on May 24, 2023, which is currently officially broadcast and can be seen by all die-hard fans of one of the Disney princesses. But even before the film was officially released, because of these many significant differences and comparisons, there were many pro and con reactions (even until moment this) above adaptation live-action which is considered very far from the expectations of children and even adults about one of these Disney princesses because of the big decision made by Disney for the main character to play the princess. Therefore, research This will focus to the transfer process change variations and additions from both films.



Method study must purposeful as well as useful for analyze topic to be researched in A literary/ art works. So, from it, method research to be writer use is method qualitative characteristic descriptive which is also studied in a manner comparative for analyze comparison of the two works to be writer thorough. Election method qualitative descriptive is method main for analyze the data, which then combined with method comparative or which comparison _ the goal for get data results or material research to be writer analysis more from one record (from both films) to compared. Method qualitative descriptive done with method describe What just what is there and the facts from data source or analyzed works _ Then next with compare more from One object research to be writer thorough.


Changes Vary

1.     Princess Ariel

Figure 1

(Ariel, The Little Mermaid, 1989) (Begum, 2022)


Figure 2

(Halle Bailey, The Little Mermaid, 2023) (WilsoN, 2023)


����������� Ariel in The Little Mermaid (1989) (Moretzsohn, 2023) is described as having the iconic long, scarlet hair, bright white skin, wearing a shell-shaped covering on her chest. One of the children of King Triton is very good at singing. Ariel has a high curiosity, especially when it comes to human life in the world above. Ariel is friends with a fish named Flounder, and a crab named Sebastian who always accompanies Ariel's journey and helps Ariel from the evil witch, Ursula.

Ariel is placed first because her character is often the target of pros and cons during the live- action adaptation trailer released globally on September 10, 2022 by Walt Disney Studios. In adaptation the live- action Ariel is played by actress and singer Halle Bailey through auditions by Disney, after the announcement of the role in June 2019 until the release of the trailer in 2022, the film adaptation received various reactions because Walt Disney cast a black actress as Ariel, who was originally white in the 1989 animated film.

Many counter arguments say that black mermaids are not in sync with historical and mythological accuracy as mentioned by people published by Dickson, EJ (Rolling Stone, 2022), some also mention that an adaptation must be as similar as possible to the original published by (Tukachinsky Forster et al., 2022), or there is also a response that says that mermaids cannot be black because they are underwater as published by (Haraway & Goodeve, 2018). On one occasion, an actor, Lin-Manuel Miranda himself responded to these protests as an expression of racism, and he defended the actress that she was suitable for the role of Ariel's daughter.

�I'm not interested in giving them any oxygen because I know the lives that are going to change. Halle is perfect for the part,� Lin-Manuel Miranda (Varieties, 2022) (Nazarova, 2022)

Then, Stuart Heritage from The Guardian refused or responses target negative _ to the film, he said,

"The boring spat over the Disney trailer makes idiots of us all � whether Ariel is black or white, it is clearly a film that should rightfully be ignored then forgotten forever." Stuart (McCarthy, 2023)

Can concluded from second quote on that all such skin color protests just make us stupid for even before the film adaptation official released too, already Lots very racist protest against the actress.

However, there are also those who don't really care about it like What color skin in live-action such, but they there was a problem with Halle Bailey's hair color, which was not the bright red color they knew very well from Ariel's daughter, and Halle Bailey's hair was also braided into small pieces, not the same as Ariel's real hair. According to them, if you can't adjust the actress according to Ariel's original appearance, at least keep Ariel's original hair color bright red and waving when swimming under the sea.

����������� For the responses of the children themselves, especially those with dark skin who are the same as the live-action version of Ariel played by Halle Bailey, in several reactions shared on social media, the children felt very touched and also happy, some even gave reaction that Ariel is just like him.

2.     Scuttle

Figure 3

(Scuttle, The Little Mermaid, 1989) (de Certeau, 2017)

Figure 4

(Scuttle, The Little Mermaid, 2023) (Pascua Febles & Rey-Jouvin, 2012)


Scuttle (Scully) is a male seagull who is Ariel's friend, Scuttle presents himself as an expert on human objects or goods, he is Ariel's friend who often asks Ariel about human items that Ariel meets. Examples include a fork, which he refers to as a �dinglehopper�, or a smoking pipe as a �snarfblatt�. He is also the one who provides support and helps Ariel in her struggle to get prince Eric.

����������� For adaptation its live action himself, mentioned that Scuttle was not the male seagull that the children already knew as Ariel's best friend, but turned into a female diving bird, and it was stated that the actress Awkwafina played (voiced or voiced over) the character of Scuttle. Here there are changes, namely in terms of Scuttle's gender, which originally was a male gull to a female, and a change in species bird they become one bird divers because film needs for Lots Scuttle scene in the water. However, the overall change in Scuttle's own character doesn't seem to matter much.

3.     Flounders

Figure 5

(Flounder, The Little Mermaid, 1989)


Figure 6

(Flounder, The Little Mermaid, 2023)


Flounder is a juvenile male tropical fish that is brightly colored, namely yellow and blue. Flounder is Ariel's close friend; Flounder has a cowardly nature and is also very easy to panic (because basically he is still very young). Flounder is the only character besides Scuttle that supports Ariel's fascination with the human world.

In the live-action, Flounder's design is like a fish like worked on For made as closely as possible to Flounder's colors and patterns in The Little Mermaid (1989), I think Flounder design created inspired from form of asan fish (sergeant major fish) or pintano (with Name scientific: Abudefduf Saxatilis) or parrot fish species sea, and it is known that will voicing Flounder is Jacob Tremblay. After the release of several film trailers and after the film was officially shown. Lots of people regret the form of Flounder which uses CGI technology with a design that looks strange and not at all similar to the one in the picture. in animation, where Flounder only like a small fish, and many once said that the movement of the mouth of Flounder was very disturbing and also strange. However, the character and nature of Flounder itself are very similar and fun like in the animated film. But it seems No only Flounder is considered _ have design strange, however creature sea especially those with lots of scenes speak, because too realistic and not similar with the animation.

4.     The 6th Sister Ariel

Figure 7

(Ariel's Sister, The Little Mermaid, 1989)

Figure 8

(Ariel's Sister, The Little Mermaid, 2023)


Ariel is not the only daughter of King Triton, on the contrary, she is the last or youngest child. In the animation The Little Mermaid (1989) Ariel has 6 sisters whose names also start with the letter A just like Ariel, namely Aquata, Andrina, Arista, Attina, Adella, and also Alana.

The change in the live action film is that, instead of Ariel's 6 siblings having the same prefix as her name, in the live action all Ariel's siblings have the ending A in their names, not the prefix, namely Mala, Karina, Indira, Caspia , Perla , and also Tamika. Apart from that, the Ariel sisters also found the contra targets. Many fans of The Little Mermaid questioned why the Ariel sisters had different shapes and races, and according to them, this seemed absurd.

Figure 9

(Sister Ariel, who represents the 7 seas)

However, if we look at it logically that the Ariel sisters each represent the 7 seas, of course it makes quite a lot of sense if they have different shapes and also differences in race, such as Mala who guards the Chaine sea, Caspia who protects the Apneic Sea, Indira who guards the the Brinedive sea, Karina who guards the Saithe Sea, Tamika who guards the Fracus sea, Perla who guards the Python Sea, and finally Ariel herself who guards the Carinae sea. Of course, each of the princess�s protector ocean That represent a number of races from the oceans they protect.

5.     Ariel Principle in The Little Mermaid (1989) and The Little Mermaid (2023)

only a few element changes are obtained to characters in live-action The Little Mermaid, but there are also differences in Princess Ariel's principles, why Ariel really wants to go to the mainland and leave the sea, which has been her comfort zone until she defies her own father to complete what Ariel wants, namely to live with her idol.

So far, what we know is that Ariel is very interested in the land and the human world, to the point where she collects a lot of human stuff that she finds. However, her principles are strengthened when she saves Prince Eric from a storm that hits her ship and then falls in love with the prince, until Ariel is willing to change her voice so he can get human legs. In the live-action , princess Ariel has different principles and motivations from the animated version about why she really wanted to go to land and out of the sea, after a collection of human items and also a statue of prince Eric was destroyed by King Triton, Ariel was very sad and also disappointed, he always wants to prove that there is nothing wrong with the land and human life, which has always been opposed by King Triton because it has something to do with the death of his mother by human activity, Ariel with his strong principles wants to prove that there is nothing wrong with went ashore, apart from himself who also fell Love with Prince Eric.



1.     Character new

Figure 10

(Queen Selina, The Little Mermaid, 2023)

����������� Mentioned in the released live -action adaptation of The Little Mermaid In 2023, there will be the addition of a new character who will enliven Ariel's adventures in the human world, namely Queen Selina, played by actress Noma Dumezweni, who is revealed to be the queen in the kingdom where Prince Eric lives. at a time is Mother lift from Prince Eric. Queen Selina is a protective queen to child pick it up, he so knows that Eric experienced crash and make the ship shipwrecked, Queen Selina forbade Eric to sail return marine. Queen Selina also said that creatures _ sea like daughter Mermaid That characteristic wicked Because they Like ensnare man with song they are beautiful, very indicative that of course from party people and parties Mermaid That indeed hostile.

2.     Prince Eric will have their own song

Prince Eric is a prince who is said to live on the ground surface of Atlantica. Eric, throughout his life he did not know about the mysteries of the sea world and he also lived in a royal environment where sea creatures and mermaids were considered dangerous because they were said to be able to influence humans with their beautiful songs, he was saved by Ariel when his ship sank, but Eric did not know that it was Ariel who saved him. Prince Eric is Ariel's idol, so Ariel is willing to swap her tail for human legs. Previously, already is known in a manner widespread that in animated films original Prince Eric enters into the lord the only one that doesn't sing as well as dance in row princes ever released by Disney. In adaptation live-action her, Prince Eric will have song at a time live singing _ Filled by actor Jonah Huer-King himself, it's different with in the animation The Little Mermaid (1989) in which she has no song or singing. Prince Eric will be played by actor Jonah-Hauer King and he will sing the official soundtrack of The Little Mermaid (2023) (Jones, 2022), entitled "Wild Uncharted Waters".


From the discussion above, it can be concluded that Disney itself wants different things regarding work adaptation the live- action, which one live-action itself is nothing new from the works that Disney made, many animated films like the successful Beauty and The Beast without must change in a manner vividly by Disney. But, if remembered before this is also Disney ever release adaptation from an animated film Mulan which also reaps _ various type reaction like the pros and cons, because Disney chooses for displays story Mulan from side history original, no following the original film animation Mulan, so can concluded that reaction like criticism nor Disney has also experienced support before. However, for The Little Mermaids own Disney it seems want to break stereotypes public connoisseur his works that an adaptation That must as accurate Possible specifically in facet election cast and form from the character, who arrived moment even this, still reap various type reaction negative nor positive from the audience. But, if seen from side Disney has been very wise in changing some of the elements that feel right and made in accordance with modernity of the times, like how Disney casts which actress and actor _ No only prioritize visuals only, but also from facet quality and ability sing the actors and actresses, then A little difference Ariel's reasons and motivations for go to mainland, and some changes to the lyric�s song for adapt with marketing targets they that is children as well as youth.




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