p�ISSN: 2723-4339 e-ISSN: 2548-1398

Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2023



The Effect of Hypnotherapy in the Management of Scaling in Autistic Children


Dewi Sartika, Supriyana, Tri Wiyatini, Masrifan Djamil, Endah Aryati Eko Ningtyas

Poltekkes Ministry of Health Semarang

[email protected]




According to WHO in Indonesia there are 7-10% of children with special needs. Children with special needs have lower levels of dental and oral health and hygiene than normal children. Based on a survey in Velezuelan and a study in Malaysia, autistic children have calculus with poor criteria. Autism is one of the complex disorders of child development. Autistic children have problems with their behavior, one of which is hyperactivity or hyperactivity. Hypnotherapy is a method of treatment and healing commonly known as hypnosis. Hypnosis is one therapy that is expected to reduce the level of hyperactivity and cooperation in autistic children. This study aims to prove the effect of hypnotherapy in the management of scaling in autistic children by increasing children's cooperative attitudes and decreasing calculus index in autistic children. This research is a quasy experiment pre and post-test design ( Non-equivalent Control Group). Respondents amounted to 20 children divided into 2 groups. The data of the model test results were analyzed using paired t tests and independent t tests. Based on the results of the study, the effect of hypnotherapy on increasing the cooperative attitude of autistic children is with (P = 0.000), and decreasing the calculus index with (P = 0.000). And showed the delta value of the child's cooperative attitude (10.100) which was higher than the control group and calculus index (1.166) which was higher than the control group. The influence of hypnotherapy in the management of scaling in autistic children is characterized by an increase in the child's cooperative attitude and a decrease in the calculus index in autistic children.


Keywords: Hypnotherapy, calculus index, cooperative attitude, autism.



Autism or Autism Syndrome, is a very complex developmental disorder that occurs in children under the age of three . People with autism show various disorders such as communication, behavior, and social interaction (Mansoor, 2016) . Autistic children also have their own world, isolated from human life, because they are unable to build and communicate with normal social relationships (Nugraheni, 2016) . People with autism also have spontaneity and an inability to use their imagination, lack sensory and imaginative functions, are prone to digestive problems such as restricted intake, and have sleep problems, and are picky eaters. (Asrizal, 2016) .

Individuals with special needs have a lower level of dental and oral health and hygiene than ordinary individuals. With a low level of knowledge about maintaining dental and oral health so that caries, calculus and debris have high rates (Motto et al., 2017) .

Dental and oral health is an integral part of overall physical health . starting from the cleanliness of the teeth and mouth of each person (Kusumanto, 2016) . Children with special needs are a group with a very high risk have health problems, so they need help from others to maintain and maintain healthy teeth and mouth. Dental and oral hygiene is very important to support the life of this group of children. So that both parents and teachers are able to understand and know the principles of health care for children with special needs (Octiara et al., 2018) .

Based on a survey by Venezuelan Mariana C, autistic children have OHIS in the bad category with a score of 3.4. According to a study by Archana Singh in Malaysia, 70.7% of autistic children have bad tartar. Based on a preliminary study conducted by researchers, there were 75% of autistic children at SLB N Semarang and SLB N Salatiga also had calculus with poor criteria.

Autistic children have problems with their behavior, namely hyperactivity. (Gidel et al., 2022) Both autistic and hyperactive children have problems with concentration problems. So that autistic children experience difficulties at school, at home, and in the environment. Hypnosis is a field of psychology that studies the benefits of suggestion to overcome thoughts, emotions, and behavior problems. Hypnosis is also known as psychotherapy with hypnosis. Hypnosis can be interpreted as a science that gives suggestions and orders to the subconscious. (Cahyadi, 2017)

Scaling is a treatment used to remove plaque, tartar, and stains from the crown and root surfaces . (Krismariono, 2009) Scaling is a treatment used to remove plaque, tartar, and stains from the crown and root surfaces . The success factors for scaling are accessibility, visibility, tool condition, tool stabilization, instrument grasp, finger rest, tool application (scaler), angulation, lateral pressure. (Krismariono, 2018) So far, the management system for scaling in autistic children uses the same method as normal children, namely the parental approach. So that this research will determine the effect of hypnotherapy in the management of scaling in autistic children and compare hypnotherapy with parental assistance.




" The method used in model testing is quasy experimental pre and post-test design (Non equivalent Control Group). This design is more applicable to test causal relationships between two groups where random selection is not possible. " The pretest and posttest design was used to compare the effectiveness of the control and intervention groups by administering the pretest and posttest. (Hastjarjo, 2019) Idendent variables, namely hypnotherapy and dependent cooperative children and decreased Calculus Index numbers .

The study population was autistic children at SLB N Semarang City as the intervention group and autistic children at SLB N Salatiga as the control group. The sample in this study was 10 in the intervention group and 10 in the control group.

This research has received ethical approval for health research from the Health Research Ethics Committee (KEPK) Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang number 0617/EA/KEPK/2022.


Table 1

Characteristics Respondents in Groups Intervention And Groups Control




Treatment type








Autistic child����������������������������������








12-14 years






15-17 years






Type Sex

















* level test

Table 2

Normality test score CI and cooperative attitude of autistic children before and after treatment






CI Pre Test



CI Post Test



Cooperative attitude pre test



Cooperative attitude post test



*Shapiro wilk

Table 3

CI effectiveness test in groups intervention and control groups

Variables And Groups

Mean � Sd


Mean � Sd




Paired Test*


1.629 � 0.362

0.463 � 0.433




1.490 � 0.513

0.790 � 0.470



Unpaired Test*

Intervention and


0.463 � 0.402

0.790 � 0.247



* paired t tests ** independent t tests


Table 4

Effectiveness test Attitude cooperative child in the group intervention and control group


Variables And Groups

Mean � Sd


Mean � Sd




Paired Test*


37.00 � 5.099

47.10 � 5.174




31.70 � 5.964

41.60 � 5.948



Unpaired Test*

Intervention and


47.10 � 5.174

41.60 � 5.948



* paired t tests ** independent t tests


Based on table 1 it shows that most of the children were aged 12-14 years as many as 6 people (60%) in the intervention group and 5 people (50%) in the control group. Respondents in this study were male, 8 people (80%) in the intervention group and 7 people (70%) in the control group.

A sample of 20 people was tested for normality with Shapiro Wilk and based on table 2, the p-value > 0.05 was obtained, that the data was normally distributed and continued with the parametric test.

Table 3 points results test effectiveness data in pairs show that mark p-values ����������������group Intervention is 0.000 (p<0.05) Which It means hypnotherapy in management of scaling in children autistic effective in lower calculus index of autistic children. The p-value of the control group was 0.002 (p <0.05) meaning that parental assistance also reduced dental calculus in children.��������� The results of the unpaired data effectiveness test showed that the p-value in the intervention group and the control group was 0.042 (p <0.05) meaning that hypnotherapy in management of scaling in children autism is effective in reducing children's calculus index compared to parental assistance.

Table 4.30 points results test effectiveness data in pairs show that mark p-values ����������������group Intervention is 0.000 (p<0.05) Which It means hypnotherapy in management of scaling in children autistic effective in increase attitude cooperative autistic child. The p-value of the control group was 0.000 (p <0.05) meaning that parental assistance also increased the cooperative attitude of the children.

The results of the unpaired data effectiveness test showed that the p-value in the intervention group and the control group was 0.041 (p <0.05) meaning that hypnotherapy in management of scaling in children autism is effective in increasing children's cooperative attitude compared to parental assistance.

Cooperative attitude according to the Big Indonesian Dictionary is an attitude of being willing to help, another meaning of cooperative is cooperative. (Maryati, nd) in this model uses hypnotherapy which gives repeated instructions, a direct approach to the child according to the child's criteria and giving suggestions to the child so that the child's scaling process becomes more calm, and cooperative.

In implementation dental treatments� It is not easy for autistic children because children have obstacles in receiving care. Children with autism have different characteristics from children in general, such as social difficulties, behavioral disorders, hyperactivity, apathy towards the environment and parenting style in autistic children, causing autistic children to be more susceptible to dental and oral disease. Therefore the scaling management used by dental and oral therapists in providing services to normal children is considered less effective for autistic children, therefore innovations in scaling management are needed that are in accordance with the characteristics of autistic children (Đorđević et al., 2016 ) .

Autistic children need continuous care by dental health personnel, therefore it is necessary to develop a scaling management plan specifically made for autistic children (Abougarair & Abosdeal, 2018) . The best implementation of scaling is treatment while the child is at school, because if outside of school the child will have many obstacles to getting good dental health services, such as economic factors, and the child's motivation to come to dental health services. Based on matter these, the author compiled a management of scaling by prioritizing an approach to children both verbally nor non verbal , build connection each other believe in children, and provide suggestions to children, curative service efforts in dental and oral health for children with autism by providing management of scaling in children with autism. This is in line with Ari Andayani's research which states that hypnotherapy and healing touch can reduce the hyperactivity of autistic children because Good soft voice and no _ loud own effect beneficial to the patient temporary treated with maintenance intensive and reduces pain and stress _ in a manner significant . (Andayani & Christiani, 2019)



Based on the research results, it can be concluded that hypnotherapy is more effective in increasing the cooperative attitude of autistic children (P=0.000) and reducing the Calculus Index (P=0.000) in autistic children compared to parental assistance.



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Copyright holders:

Dewi Sartika, Supriyana, Tri Wiyatini, Masrifan Djamil, Endah Aryati Eko Ningtyas (2023)


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