JURNAL SYNTAX IDEA p�ISSN: 2723-4339 e-ISSN: 2548-1398 |
Vol. 5, No. 6, Juni 2023 |
Vian Marantha
Haryanto, Agus Suroso, Mawardi
Teknik Sipil
Universitas Mercu Buana
E-mail: [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected]
This study aims to analyze whether
carbon-sulfur and dirty sulfur solid waste added materials can be used for
concrete manufacturing, obtain and analyze the formulation of a 2% carbon
sulfur mixture with concrete compressive strength, and the cost value. This
research is experimental where this study aims to determine the relationship
between concrete compressive strength and compression testing machine tools.
The test specimen made in this experiment is a concrete cylinder. The data form
of this study is numeric. The conclusions that can be drawn from the discussion
for carbon-sulfur and dirty sulfur solid waste research are as follows: Carbon
sulfur &; dirty sulfur from the results of the laboratory test
determination shows that the toxicity characteristics leaching procedure (TCLP)
value and total concentration (TK) have not exceeded the Category B threshold
according to PP22 of 2021.
Keywords: Concrete, Economics,
PT Vale Indonesia Tbk
(PTVI) is a nickel mining industry located in Sorowako,
South Sulawesi. The product produced by PTVI is nickel matte. As a major
industry that applies environmentally sound technology, PTVI carries out
careful environmental management intending to minimize its impact on the
environment (Timur, n.d.). Waste produced by PTVI can be in the form of
solid, gas, or liquid waste. The solid waste produced by PTVI is carbon-sulfur
and dirty sulfur. Solid waste, carbon sulfur, and dirty sulfur are PTVI's
priority agenda for handling due to limited storage land. Considering the
urgent need related to limited land, it is necessary to conduct a study on the
use of carbon-sulfur and dirty sulfur waste.
Based on the Regulation of the
Minister of Environment and Forestry Number 6 of 2021 concerning Procedures and
Requirements for Hazardous and Toxic Waste Management, the determination of B3
waste status is carried out through characteristic tests which include
explosive, flammable, reactive, infectious, corrosive and/or toxic. TCLP Test,
LD50 Toxicology Test, and Sub Chronic Toxicology Test (Hidup & Nomor, 6AD). Were carried out to
determine the toxic properties of B3 waste. Carbon sulfur and dirty sulfur are
designated as non-B3 waste based on TCLP test results so that further
processing and utilization can be carried out (Indonesia, n.d.).
There are two advanced processing
options, namely solidification for final disposal and cement / concrete
manufacturing for road bases or other concrete products. Processing with stabilization or solidification aims to move solid
waste or relocate it to be stored in the landfill area. Processing into cement
or concrete aims to utilize solid waste as material for civil engineering
purposes, for example in terms of road pavements (road bases) and concrete
products (paving blocks, bricks, canteens, and barriers) (Juliardi AR,
Admixtures are ingredients added to
the concrete mixture during or during mixing. The function of this material is
to change the properties of concrete to make it more suitable for a particular
job, or to save costs. Admixture or added material defined in Standard
Definitions of terminology Relating to Concrete and Concrete Aggregates (Agustian & Ilham, 2021) and Cement and Concrete
terminology (ACI SP-19) is as a material other than
water, aggregate, and hydraulic cement mixed in concrete or mortar added before
or during stirring. Added materials are used to modify the properties and
characteristics of concrete e.g. to be easily
machined, accelerate hardening, increase compressive strength, savings, or for
other purposes such as energy saving. Added ingredients are usually given in
relatively small quantities, and must be with close supervision so as not to
overdo it which will worsen the nature of beton (Ramadhan & Khuljanna, 2021).
This study aims to analyze whether
carbon-sulfur and dirty sulfur solid waste added materials can be used for
concrete manufacturing, obtain and analyze the formulation of a 2% carbon
sulfur mixture with concrete compressive strength, and the cost value. The benefits
of this study provide knowledge and information on whether carbon-sulfur and
dirty sulfur solid waste can be utilized and can increase the compressive
strength of concrete. Provide recommendations to PT. Vale Indonesia in terms of
cost and time due to the addition of carbon-sulfur and dirty sulfur solid waste
Identification The problems of this
research are (a) The existence of solid waste produced by PTVI is carbon-sulfur
and dirty sulfur which needs to be utilized due to limited land for storage.
(b) That carbon-sulfur and dirty sulfur waste classified as non-B3 waste can be
further utilized. (c) Further utilization of carbon-sulfur and dirty sulfur
waste may be in the form of solidification for final disposal and
cement/concrete manufacturing for road bases or other concrete products. (d) In
terms of the economic aspect, solid waste can provide benefits for PTVI and the
community environment.
The formulation of this research
problem is; (1) Can carbon sulfur &; dirty sulfur be used as additives to
increase the compressive strength of concrete? (2) How is the relationship
between the formulation of the 2% carbon sulfur mixture and the compressive
strength of concrete and the cost value? (3) How is the relationship between
the formulation of the 4% carbon sulfur mixture and the compressive strength of
concrete and the cost value?
This research is
experimental where this study aims to determine the relationship between
concrete compressive strength and compression testing machine tools. The test
specimen made in this experiment is a concrete cylinder. The data form of this
study is numeric. This research will be carried out systematically following
scientific rules that have been obtained previously.
The author will
conduct research and sampling at PT. Vale Indonesia Sorowako
city, South Sulawesi, and conducted concrete compressive strength experiments
at PT. WIKA Pratama Learning Centre Cibubur. The object of research is to formulate added materials
with carbon-sulfur &; dirty sulfur materials and material costs arising
from aggregate substitution, the use of concrete mix design, and the concrete
encroachment time.
Research data is a
set of information or information from something obtained through observations
or also searches to certain sources where the data obtained before being
processed and analyzed can become a fact or assumption. The data used in this
study are concrete compressive strength test data and material-specific gravity
data. The correct data collection technique will produce data that has high
credibility, and vice versa. This stage of data collection must not be wrong
and must be carried out carefully according to procedures and qualitative
descriptive research.
The collection of
data carried out in this study, especially for primary data collection includes
the following steps; (a) The first stage is to ensure that the sample used has
been tested using the TCLP and LOI methods to find out that the sample is
non-B3 waste. (b) The next stage is the sample aggregation process according to
the filter number to be used and calculating the specific gravity and material
properties of the sample. (c) The formulation Stage is the stage where
researchers formulate formulates formula formulas using a mixture of Cs &; Ds
and the substitution of concrete-forming materials. (d) (d) The next stage is
to justify the compressive strength of the normal sample (Fc) without any added
ingredients to be used as a comparison. (e) The next stage is the manufacture
of concrete samples with formulations determined based on the number of
carbon-sulfur and dirty sulfur samples carried. Optimization of sample use is
needed at this stage so that there are not many samples left. (f) The next
stage is the concrete compressive strength test with a grinding period of
7,14,28,54 and 90 days. (g) The next stage is to analyze the data from the test
results of compressive strength testing of concrete with carbon-sulfur and
dirty sulfur with normal concrete. (h) The next stage is to analyze the costs
incurred due to aggregate substitution to the permeation time. (i) The next stage is to analyze the potential utilization
of waste with a predetermined formulation. (j) The last stage is to calculate
the economic value of this sulfur waste.
Data collection in
this study is the formulation of added materials, compressive strength of
concrete, and the price of materials used in the mix design process. Research
conducted at the WIKA Pratama Learning Center Cibubur Testing Lab.
The research
variables that will be observed and become primary data are as follows: (1)
Formulation of carbon-sulfur-added ingredients. (2) Formulation of dirty sulfur
additives. (3) Formulation of carbon-sulfur + dirty sulfur additives. (4)
Aggregation of filter additives no.30, 50, 100, and 200. (5) The specific
gravity of fine aggregate. (6) Specific gravity of coarse aggregate. (7)
Specific gravity of Portland cement. (8) Normal concrete compressive strength
7, 14, 28, 54, and 90 days (without added materials). (9) Compressive strength
of concrete life 7, 14, 28, 54, and 90 days (with added materials). (10) Price
of cement material. (11) Price of sand material. (12) �The material price of fine aggregate. (13) Coarse aggregate material
price. (14) Economic value of waste.
In this study,
experiments were carried out in the testing laboratory which was carried out
using concrete compressive testing equipment (Compression Testing machine) Data
obtained from testing test objects by measuring the compressive strength value
of concrete. The data analysis method used is a comparative analysis using
tabulations and graphs. The data analysis process of each test result data will
be tabulated based on the number of samples of each formulation and calculate
the costs incurred due to the addition of carbon-sulfur and dirty sulfur
The stages of the
data analysis process are as follows: a) Normal concrete compressive strength
of the amount of load per unit area that causes concrete test specimens to
disintegrate when loaded with certain compressive forces generated by the
pressing machine. b) Compressive Strength of concrete due to the addition of
carbon-sulfur and dirty sulfur then a comparative analysis is carried out using
tabulations and graphs according to their respective formulations. c) Each
formulation has a different grammation related to its
constituent factors i.e. cement, fine aggregate,
coarse aggregate, and water. From this variable incur costs and are adjusted
based on the specific gravity of loss and normality. d) Cost calculation using
the AHSP method (Unit Price Analysis of Work) point A. Making 1 m� of
concrete quality f'c = 26.4 Mpa
(K300). e) Derivatives of formulations and costs are the amount of waste
material used and will be analyzed using rigid pavement models to obtain the
required grams and costs incurred for each formulation. f) Calculate the
economic value of the AHSP calculation results.
A. Testing Carbon Sulfur and
Dirty Sulfur as Non-B3 Waste
Thermogravimetric analysis
techniques are carried out by measuring changes in the weight of the screw
(sample) along with heating on the stagger. This technique can measure, among
others, thermal stability parameters, volatile component fraction, water loss,
solvent loss, plasticizer loss, decarboxylation (removal of carbon dioxide from
amino acids), pyrolysis (combustion in an oxygen-free environment), oxidation,
decomposition, charge rate, amount of metal catalyst residue on carbon,
nanotubes, and ash percentage weight (Ragaert,
Delva, & Van Geem, 2017). All these scalable applications
are often made in the industry. However, there are some tests where information
can be obtained through the cooling process after heating. There are two types
of graphs in this analysis process, namely: (a) Rajah (plot) sample weight
against temperature. (b) Cedar (usually in %) mass loss.
TGA figures for carbon sulfur can
be seen in Figure 1 and dirty sulfur in Figure 2 both in the temperature range
of 25-1000 oC. The estimated loss of ignition (LoI) after the removal process for carbon-sulfur and dirty
sulfur is less than 10%.
Diagram for Terok Carbon sulfur
Source: BRIN Research
(2022) (Nevola et al., 2022)
Figure for Terok Dirty Sulfur
Research (2022) (Nevola et al., 2022)
Total Concentration and
The results of determining the total
concentration (TK) and toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP) for
carbon-sulfur and dirty sulfur are presented following Government Regulation
No. 22 of 2021 concerning the Implementation of Environmental Protection and
Maintenance (Annex XIII) and State Minister of Environment Regulation No. 6 of
2021 concerning Procedures and Requirements for B3 Waste Disposal. presented in
Table 1 TK and TCLP values for both carbon-sulfur and dirty sulfur are below
the total concentration of B (TK B). Even TCLP and TK for carbon sulfur are
below TK C.
However, for dirty sulfur, there is one
parameter, namely nickel, whose value is above TCLP C, and three other
parameters, namely nickel, TPH C10-C36, and total PCBs whose value is above TK
C. The TCLP value of dirty sulfur for Nickel is 2.86 mg / L (threshold TK C =
1.4 mg / L). While the total value of dirty sulfur concentration for nickel,
TPH C10-C36, and total PCBs respectively are 123, 1040, and 0.04 mg/kg whereas
the threshold values of TK Care are 60, 1000, and 0.02 mg / k respectively.
LOI and TCLP Test Results
The results of the
determination of laboratory tests show that the toxicity characteristics
leaching procedure (TCLP) value and total concentration (TK) have not exceeded
the Category B threshold according to PP22 of 2021. Thus, carbon-sulfur and
dirty sulfur waste have the potential to be utilized Based on TGA analysis, the
incandescent loss value for carbon-sulfur and dirty sulfur waste is less than
10% if the calculation is carried out after the sulfur evaporation stage from
the waste matrix. Therefore, to avoid confounding the presence of sulfur
against LoI, it is necessary to conduct TGA analysis
on products formulated by CS and DS both for solidification/stabilization and
concrete filler road base.
Formula Job Mix Design Beton
Waste carbon-sulfur (CS) and
dirty sulfur (DS) are used as fillers and substitutes in fine aggregates of
concrete-forming materials. The effect of adding carbon sulfur and dirty sulfur
to the concrete mixture was observed with a squeeze period of 7, 14, 28, 54,
and 90 days. Table 1 shows the design mix plan of CS, DS, and CS and DS
mixtures. The percentage variation of the mixture used is 2%, 4%, and 6% respectively.
CS and DS are 5%, 10%, and 15%. This percentage refers to the number of samples
brought from PT. Vale Indonesia has as much as 425 kg with a combination of Cs
of as much as 200 kg and Ds of as much as 225 kg.
Tabel 1
Mix Design Formulasi Beton F�c 25.
Processing (2023)
CS and DS waste are aggregated first before
mixing. As shown in Table 2 each waste will be filtered using filters No. 30,
50, 100, and 200.
and DS fillers restrained by sieves No. 30, 50, 100 and 200
Sieve size |
Retained weight |
Number |
(mm) |
Carbon sulfur |
Dirty Sulfur |
history |
% |
history |
% |
30 |
0,6 |
50 |
0,3 |
10,053 |
15 |
15,046 |
27 |
100 |
0,15 |
9,109 |
13 |
21,366 |
39 |
200 |
0,075 |
49,000 |
72 |
19,000 |
34 |
Test Results (2023)
Normal Concrete Formulation
This normal concrete formulation becomes a
control formulation for other formulations, as well as for other sample test
results. This normal concrete formulation is also a reference for compressive
strength analysis and cost per m3. The details of the formulation and the
results of the compressive strength test are as follows;
Semen: 366 kg
700 kg
Split/Coarse aggregate:
1047 kg
Air: 205liter
Slum Rencana
����������� : 12 cm
Slump Aktual
: 10 � 2 cm
Concrete Compressive Strength Test Results
Source: Wika Beton
Test Results 2023 (Muhajir & Yuamita, 2023)
Based on
Table 4.6 the 15 samples that have been prepared are categorized into 5 param
periods, namely 7, 14, 28, 54, and 90 days, for every 2 strong params prepared
3 samples are to be tested, this is to see the pattern of concrete characteristics
and the treatment process between sample 1 and others, besides that, it also
serves as a sample backup if the concrete treatment process is not following
the applicable terms and conditions.
Formulasi Beton + Cs 2%
Making concrete with the addition of
2% carbon sulfur has the following material composition: (a) Cement: 366 kg.
(b) Sand: 686 kg. (c) Split: 1050 Kg. (d) Water: 205 liters. (e) Cs as filler:
7 kg. (f) Cs fine aggregate substitution: 14 kg. From the composition of the concrete mix design with
the addition of 2% cs, a curing process of up to 90 days is carried out, and
compressive strength results are obtained as in Figure 4.10 below.
Figure 3
Comparison of compressive strength of normal concrete
with 2% Cs composition
Based on
Figure 3, you can see a graph of the increase in compressive strength of
concrete according to the length of the coating period carried out. On day 7
the compressive strength of concrete with a Cs composition of 2% was still
below normal concrete, entering days 14 and 28 there was an increase in
compressive strength of 5.36% and 6.31%. Entering the 54th day, there was a
significant decrease in compressive strength by 14.35%, and rose again in the
90-day compressive period by 13.9% from the compressive strength of normal
concrete. From the composition of the addition of 2% cs, it can be seen that
the content of Cs can increase the compressive strength of concrete on days 14,
28, and 90 days. For details of the test results of each 2 sample can be seen
in Table 4 below.
Table 4
Compressive Strength Test Results of Concrete
Formulation Cs 4%
Wika Beton Test Results
The next calculation after the formulation is
determined is to calculate the costs incurred, for characteristic K, this term
is no longer used in the world of concrete mix design. Currently, the term Fc'
has been used following SNI. A significant difference lies in the type of
concrete test specimen used. If previously the term K 300 was used to refer to
PBI 1971, now the term fc' = 25 MPa is used following SNI 2847-2013. This
quality concrete is usually used in construction projects for the manufacture
of two-story buildings and is one type of ready-mix concrete that is often
used. Table 4.8 is the cost of concrete forming following AHSP PU obtained as a
result of a substitution of fine aggregate substitute material for the 2% Cs
formulation has a concrete forming price of Rp 1,123,728, -.
Concrete Formulation + Cs 4%
The manufacture of concrete with the addition of 4% carbon sulfur has the
following material composition: (a) Cement: 366 kg. �(b) Sand: 671 kg.� (c) Split: 1049 Kg.� (d) Water: 205 liters.
�(e) Cs as filler: 15 kg.� (f) Cs fine aggregate substitution: 28 kg.
From the composition of the concrete mix design with the addition of 4% Cs, a
curing process of up to 90 days is carried out, and compressive strength
results are obtained as in Figure 5 below.
Figure 5
Comparison of compressive
strength of normal concrete with 4% Cs composition
Based on
Figure 5, the compressive strength graph using a 4% Cs composition seems to
continue to increase according to the length of the boiling period, but it is
still far from the normal concrete compressive strength required even though
there is waste absorbed. This shows that the more Cs waste added, the resulting
compressive strength results will decrease compared to the 2% Cs composition.
Table 5
shows details of all compressive strength test results performed up to 90 days.
This composition uses quite a lot of waste material for m3 units of concrete,
but the compressive strength is never above the compressive strength of normal
Results of Compressive Strength of Concrete Formulation Cs 4%
Source: Wika Beton Test Results 2023
Table 5
Cost of Concrete Forming with 4% Cs Composition consists of several variables
that have been determined following AHSP guidelines from the Ministry of Public
Works, namely (1) Power which includes masons, head builders, handymen, and
supervisors, this item as a constant in the calculation because it is fixed for
all formulations that have been determined. (2) Materials which include
Portland cement, sand, split, and water, this item changes their coefficient
depending on the test results of normal aggregate and cornered aggregate. This
coefficient changes based on the specific gravity calculated when the mixture
is mixed with Cs. In this case, the coefficient for coarse aggregate is 0.766
and for fine aggregate is 0.355. (3) Equipment that includes the price of the
equipment used or the rental of the equipment used for the formation of the beton.
Concrete Formulation + Cs 6%
Making concrete with the addition
of 6% carbon sulfur has the following material composition; (a) Cement: 366 kg.
(b) Sand: 656 kg. (c) Split:1047 Kg. (d) Water: 205 liters. (e) Cs as filler:
22 kg. (f) Cs fine aggregate substitution: 42 kg. From the composition of the
concrete mix design with the addition of 6% Cs, a curing process of up to 90
days is carried out, and compressive strength results are obtained as in Figure
6 below.
Figure 6
Comparison of compressive strength of normal concrete
with 6% Cs composition
In Figure
6, the 6% Cs composition also gets results that are not much different from the
4% composition. With a trend of compressive strength that continues to increase
but cannot match or exceed the compressive strength of normal concrete as the
compressive strength control. It can be concluded that the addition of
carbon-sulfur of more than 2% does not make the compressive strength of the
resulting concrete much better. Table 4.10 shows compressive strength details
with a 6% Cs formulation with a shelf life of up to 90 days. At 90 days old,
the composition of this formula reaches a compressive strength of 149.11
Kg/cm�, there is a difference of 5.33% from normal concrete.
Table 6
Results of Formulation Concrete Compressive Strength Test
Cs 6%
Source: Wika Beton Test Results (2023)
Table 6 Cost of Concrete Forming
with 6% Cs Composition consists of several variables that have been determined
by AHSP guidelines from the Ministry of Public Works, namely (1) Power which
includes masons, head builders, handymen, and supervisors, with coefficients of
each head handyman (0.028), masonry (0.275), worker (1.650), and supervisor
(0.083) this item as a constant in the calculation because it is fixed for all
predetermined formulations. (2) Materials which include Portland cement, sand,
split, and water, this item changes their coefficient depending on the test
results of normal aggregate and cornered aggregate. This coefficient changes
based on the specific gravity calculated when the mixture is mixed with Cs. In
this case, the coefficient for coarse aggregate is 0.764 and for fine aggregate
is 0.347. (3) Equipment which includes the price of tools used or rental of tools
used for concrete forming.
Concrete Formulation + Ds 2%
concrete with the addition of 2% dirty sulfur has the following material
composition: (a) Cement: 366 kg. (b) Sand: 693 kg. (c) Split: 1050 Kg. (d)
Water: 205 liters. (e) Cs as filler: 7 kg. (f) Cs fine aggregate substitution:
7 kg. From the composition of the concrete mix design with the addition of 2%
Ds, a curing process of up to 90 days is carried out, and compressive strength
results are obtained as in Figure 7 below.
Figure 7
Comparison of compressive strength of normal concrete with 2%
ds composition
Figure 7
shows that the compressive strength trend in the 2% Ds formulation increases
according to the length of the 7-day to 90-day press period, but the
compressive strength yield never exceeds the required concrete compressive
strength. At 90 days, the compressive strength of the 2% Ds formulation is
almost close to the compressive strength of normal concrete of 154.9 Kg/cm2.
strength at the age of 7 days has a difference of up to 28.36% lower while at
the age of 28 to 90 days it is almost close to normal concrete figures. At the
age of 90 days, the difference in compressive strength is 1.7%. Table 7 shows detailed variations
in concrete compressive strength test numbers that vary with increasing trends
but never exceed the required normal compressive strength of concrete.
Strength Test Results of Ds 2% Formulation Concrete
Table 7
Cost of Concrete Forming with 2% Ds Composition consists of several variables
that have been determined following AHSP guidelines from the Ministry of Public
Works, namely (a) Power which includes masons, head builders, handymen, and
supervisors, with coefficients of each being head masonry (0.028), masons
(0.275), workers (1.650), and supervisors (0.083) this item as a constant in
the calculation because it is fixed for all formulations that have been
determined. (b) Materials including Portland cement, sand, split, and water,
these items change their coefficients depending on the test results of normal
aggregates and cornered aggregates. This coefficient changes based on the
specific gravity calculated when the mixture is mixed with Cs. In this case,
the coefficient for coarse aggregate is 0.766 and for fine aggregate is 0.357.
(c) Equipment which includes the price of tools used or rental of tools used
for concrete forming.
The conclusions that can be drawn from the discussion for
carbon-sulfur and dirty sulfur solid waste research are as follows: Carbon
sulfur &; dirty sulfur from the results of laboratory test determination
shows that the toxicity characteristics leaching procedure (TCLP) value and
total concentration (TK) have not exceeded the Category B threshold according
to PP22 of 2021.
Based on TGA analysis, the incandescent loss value for
carbon-sulfur and dirty sulfur waste is less than 10% if the calculation is
carried out after the sulfur evaporation stage from the waste matrix. Thus,
carbon-sulfur and dirty sulfur waste have the potential to be utilized and used
to increase the compressive strength of concrete.
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