Ni Wayan Ari Ayu Astiti, Wiriana, Diah Widiawati Retnoningtias
1642 Syntax Idea, Vol. 4, No. 11, November 2022
The differences between Children with Special Needs (ABK) and children are
generally seen from physical, intellectual, emotional, mental, and social
differences. This study aims to design a screening tool for children with special
needs as an effort to recognize whether a child has special needs or not, as a basis
for placement and making individual learning programs at Insan Mandiri
Homeschooling. The type of research used is Research and Development (R&D)
level 1. Data collection techniques use interviews, questionnaires, and
documentation. This research only tests the internal validity of judgement experts
by experts and practitioners. The results of the interview showed that the screening
design consisted of a cover page, foreword, table of contents, procedures for
implementation and scoring, child identity, family structure, identification goals,
medical history, parenting, social environment of the child concerned, a checklist
of child development from the age of 2-17 years including physical, cognitive and
language development, and psychosocial. The five aspects of assessment are the
content or material aspect, the linguistic aspect, the integration aspect, the
presentation aspect, and the graphic aspect. As for the assessment results from
experts and practitioners, it shows that all components of the value are more than
75, meaning that all aspects of the assessment are valid. There are three things that
must be corrected, namely that each statement can be made more specific
according to age level, language simplification in cognitive development systems,
and typing errors. In conclusion, the design of identification tools that are
compiled based on the results of interviews in order are the cover page, foreword,
table of contents, procedures for implementation and scoring, identity of the child,
family structure, purpose of identification, medical history, parenting, social
environment of the child concerned, checklist The development of children from
the age of 2-17 years includes physical, cognitive and language development,
respectively, as well as psychosocial. The creation of each aitem considers
developmental theories as well as pre-existing child development test kits.
Keywords: Identification (Screening); Children with Special Needs; Child Development
to Adolescents
Perbedaan yang dimiliki antara Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus (ABK) dengan anak
pada umumnya terlihat dari perbedaan fisik, intelektual, emosional, mental, dan social
(Sukadari, 2020). Salah satu contoh dari perkembangan fisik anak usia 2 hingga 6 tahun
sudah menunjukkan peningkatan pada pertumbuhan tubuh misal tinggi dan berat badan,
kekuatan tubuh yang dapat menunjang anak untuk lebih aktif mengembangkan
keterampilan fisiknya serta mengeksplorasi lingkungan tanpa bantuan orang tuanya
(Murni, 2017) Selain itu, Piaget seperti dikutip dari (Murni, 2017) menjabarkan bahwa
perkembangan kognitif anak dari usia 2 sampai dengan 7 tahun telah melewati tahap
pra-operasional konkret, yang mana konsep berpikir anak mulai stabil seperti
merepresentasikan imajinasinya melalui kata-kata, tulisan, dan gambar. Dengan
demikian, perkembangan yang terjadi pada anak berkebutuhan khusus akan terlihat
berbeda jika dibandingkan dengan anak-anak pada umumnya.