Syntax Idea: p�ISSN: 2684-6853 e-ISSN: 2684-883X�����

Vol. 3, No. 5, Mei 2021




Rihsan Albahri, Mariana D. Lerik, Anderias Umbu Roga dan Krispinus Nuban

Universitas Nusa Cendana Kupang Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT), Indonesia dan Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan (STIKes) Maranatha Bandung Jawa Barat, Indonesia

Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] dan [email protected]



Anxiety during pregnancy almost occurs in all pregnant women in each trimester of pregnancy especially in Primigravida mothers. Anxiety during pregnancy is caused both physically and psychologically. One of the anxiety lowering therapies is Dhyana meditation or Mind concentration. By practicing meditation or concentration of thought get used to being happy at all times, in all even difficult situations, it will gradually free the dir from posikological problems such as anxiety, disappointment and stress. Purpose: this study is to analyze the influence of Dhyana Education on Knowledge in Lowering anxiety in pregnant women. This study uses quasi experiment method and one group pretest-posttest approach. The samples in this study were taken in total sampling as many as 49 pregnant women. Method: Research tool using Dhyana Education questionnaire in lowering anxiety in pregnant women, statistics test using sample paired T-Test. Result: this study shows there is an educational influence of Meditation on knowledge in lowering anxiety in pregnant women primigravida value p= 0.000 (p-value<0.05). Conclusion: Dhyana education affects knowledge in lowering anxiety during pregnancy.


Keywords: meditation education; knowledge; anxiety; pregnant women



Pregnancy is a Transition Time, that is a period between life before having a child who is now in the womb andlife after the child is born. One of the signs during pregnancy is anxiety (Padila, 2017).

Anxiety experienced by pregnant women is related to physical changes experienced by signs of psychological changes in pregnant women who are irritable and irritable (Icemi Sukarni K, 2013). WHO data (2012) 8-10%.� The pregnant women get anxiety and it will increase just before delivery to 13%. The prevalence of diabetes and African anxiety is 9.7 -30%. Anxiety during pregnancy if not handled properly will adversely affect the mother and the fetus and will complicate the delivery process (Nugroho, 2012).

Yoga can help pregnant women to prepare physically and psychologically during childbirth, this is evidenced by research conducted by (Sari & Puspitasari, 2016), there is a significant relationship (p <0.001) between yoga sports on the physical and psychological preparation of pregnant women during labor (Sari & Puspitasari, 2016).

Based on data taken at the Baumata Puskesmas on July 24, 2020, the number of pregnant women from January to June 2020 was 173 people from 8 villages, namely Baumata village 21 people, East Baumata village 29 people, North Baumata 8 people, West Baumata 28 people, Oeltua village 49 people, Kuaklao 14 people, Oeletsala 7 people, Bokong village 23 people.

One of the therapies in reducing anxiety is Dhyana (meditation or relaxation of mind concentration). In doing Dhyana for pregnant women, the mind of the pregnant woman plays an important role in the development of the baby (Butcher, Bulechek, Dochterman, & Wagner, 2018) It is very important for the mother to remain relaxed, calm and free from anxiety or stress. By practicing meditation, we make it a habit to learn to be happy every time, in all situations, even difficult ones, gradually freeing oneself from psychological problems such as anxiety, disappointment and stress (Ngurah, 2001).

Dhyana (concentration of mind or meditation) is a method of unifying the mind so that it can finally realize God within which aims to develop one's mind towards the realization of purity of mind in the form of cleansing the mind from other hindrances such as lust, tension, anxiety, worry, doubt, evil desire. what is done causes the mind to be more focused and relaxed (Suristyawati, Yuliari, & Suta, 2019).

Based on an initial survey conducted by researchers in Oeltua village by giving a HARS (Hamilton rating Scale For Anxiety) questionnaire to 5 pregnant women, it was found that 2 pregnant women experienced mild anxiety, 2 women experienced moderate anxiety, and 1 pregnant woman experienced anxiety. weight. When interviewed, pregnant women said they did not know how to deal with anxiety they experienced.


Research Methods

a.    Research design

�� The research design that used was a quasi experiment, testing interventions on a group of subjects with or without a comparison group but not randomized to include subjects in the treatment or control group (Saryono, 2013). With the one group pretest-posttest approach where before the treatment of the sample group was carried out a pretest. Thus the treatment results can be found to be more accurate, because they can compare with the conditions before being treated (Nursalam, 2013).

b.    Sampling

A total of 49 respondents who were involved in this study were taken from the population of 49 pregnant women with a total sampling technique. total sampling where all population of 49 pregnant women. Sampling. using the criteria that have been selected by the researcher in selecting the sample. Samples were selected with the following inclusion criteria (1) Oeltua Village Pregnant Women (2) Without Complication of Pregnancy.



c.    Procedure

The procedure that the researcher has done: administer a permit to the Kupang district health office. The researcher arranged for a permit to the Baumata Community Health Center. Researchers select respondents according to the criteria. explain the purpose and purpose of the research, to prospective respondents. If a prospective respondent agrees to become a respondent in the study, the respondent is asked to fill out an informed consent form. After that the researcher distributed a questionnaire sheet about the knowledge of pregnant women about meditation to the respondents and explained how to fill the questionnaire to the respondents. After the questionnaire sheets were collected, the researcher transferred the data to the tabulation table and analyzed the data.

d.    The novelty of the research.

The research with the title Effect Of Dhyana Education On Knowledge In Reducing Anxiety In Pregnant Women, has a difference from previous studies, where in previous studies the variables studied were only the anxiety variable and in this study the variables taken were not only anxiety but educational variables as well as the method being tested is a new kind of satiation therapy. This research was carried out during the Covid pandemic with a new normal situation by establishing a health protocol.


Results and Discussion

A.  Result

1.      Demographic Characteristics of Pregnant Women Based on Age and Knowledge.

49 pregnant women involved in this study who are of Timorese ethnicity. Age data are presented in the form of numbers and presentations (Table 1). Furthermore, the knowledge data were categorized into two parts based on the mean value, namely pre-education and post-education (Table 2,3).


Table 1

Distribution of respondents by age of pregnant women




25-28 year


36,8 %

29-34 year


38,8 %

>34 year


24,5 %





Table 1, the distribution of respondents based on age in Oeltua village, from 49 respondentsfound that most of them were 29-34 years old with a total of 19 respondents (38.8%).





Table 2

characteristics of respondents' knowledge before conducting

dhyana education in reducing anxiety in pregnant women in oeltua village







Pre Education







Table 2 Characteristics of respondents based on prior knowledge of Dhyana education in reducing anxiety in pregnant women in Oeltua village, there are Mean (9.96), Median (9.00), Standard Deviation (2.979), Maximum (20), Minimum (6).

Table 2

Characteristics of respondents' knowledge after conducting

dhyana education in reducing anxiety in pregnant women in oeltua village







Post Education







Based on table 3, the characteristics of respondents based on their knowledge after educating Dhyana in reducing anxiety in pregnant women in Oeltua village have Mean (17.45), Median (17.00), Standard Deviation (2,450), Maximum (20), Minimum (10).


2.      Analysis of the Effect of Meditation Education on Knowledge in reducing stress in pregnant women

Bivariate analysis to find the magnitude of the influence on each of the independent variables and the dependent variable using paired sample t-test. A summary of the results can be seen in table 4 below.


Table 4

The effect of before and after dhyana education on knowledge in reducing

anxiety in pregnant women in oeltua village






p value

Pre Education






Post Education






Based on statistical tests using the paired sample t-test, the value of p = 0,000 was obtained; <0.05, this indicates that there is an effect of knowledge of pregnant women before and after being given Dhyana Education in reducing anxiety in pregnant women in Oeltua village.

B.  Discussion

Identification of Knowledge of Pregnant Women Before Giving Dhyana Meditation Education in Reducing Anxiety in Pregnant Women in Oeltua Village.

The results showed that the knowledge before educating Dhyana in reducing anxiety in pregnant women in Oeltua village contained Mean (9.96), Median (9.00), Standard Deviation (2.979), Maximum (20), Minimum (6).

Based on this research, it shows that more respondents did not know the meaning of meditation, the purpose of dhyana meditation, the benefits, and ways of doing Dhyanameditation in reducing anxiety because previously they did not receive health education from health workers.

Dhyana is a method of Yoga or meditation to focus the mind, meditation is a process of focusing attention that spreads into a conscious mindfulness and meditation as self-help which will help when anxious is stricken. The union of soul and mind during meditation will help the mother to a calm point that can calm the mind and mentality of pregnant women during pregnancy. (Putri Suristyawati, 2019) 23.

Identification of Knowledge of Pregnant Women After Giving Dhyana Education in Reducing Anxiety in Pregnant Women in Oeltua Village.

The results showed that after being given Dhyana education in reducing anxiety in pregnant women in Oeltua village, there were Mean (17.45), Median (17.00), Standard Deviation (2.450), Maximum (20), Minimum (10).

(Sari & Puspitasari, 2016) said Pregnant women already understand the meaning of Dhyana meditation, the purpose of meditation, the benefits of meditation and how to do meditation properly so that pregnant women can overcome anxiety during pregnancy by doing good and correct meditation.

(Ngurah, 2001) states that practicing meditation can get used to learning to be happy at any time, in all situations, even difficult ones, gradually freeing oneself from psychological problems such as anxiety, disappointment and stress.

(Yessi Aprilia, 2017) said that the mother's mind plays an important role in the development of the baby. It is very important for mothers to stay relaxed, calm and free from anxiety or stress. With the help of meditation, one can instill harmony in oneself.

The Influence of Before and After Dhyana Education is Given on Knowledge in Reducing Anxiety in Pregnant Women in Oeltua Village.

The results showed that there was an effect of knowledge before and after being given Dhyana education in reducing anxiety in pregnant women in Oeltua village. Anxiety during pregnancy can be caused by physical changes or psychosocial stress (Livana, Keliat, & Putri, 2016). Anxiety during pregnancy almost often occurs in all pregnant women in all trimesters, especially in primigravida (Arifin, Kundre, & Rompas, 2015). Prenatal anxiety can be caused from external factors (external anxiety) or from within (internal anxiety) of the pregnant mother (Rahmawati & Ningsih, 2017). Pregnancy is an uncomfortable condition (dysphoric) which is defined as the imbalance of pregnant women to feel capable or resistant to various changes in their pregnancy adaptation process (Dona Fitri, 2016).

Research conducted by (Suristyawati et al., 2019) the implications of meditating pregnant women are (1) creating a feeling of comfort, calm and happiness (2) thinking positively and (3) improving sleep quality. Based on observations and interviews conducted on six yoga instructors in Denpasar City, it was found that meditation can overcome anxiety and stress in pregnant women.

Suka Yasa 2018, states that meditation is the ability to focus the mind to achieve a state of peace, tranquility and deep relaxation, giving all body organs the opportunity to relax, when meditating all members of the body is suggested with words full of divine power or love, peace and happiness.

Knowledge plays an important role for a mother. If pregnant women already understand and understand and know how to do meditation, it is not difficult for pregnant women to do individual meditation techniques in reducing anxiety during pregnancy (Zulfiana, Cikmah, & Latifah, 2021).



Based on the results of the research entitled "The Effect of Dhyana Education on Knowledge Levels in Decreasing Anxiety in Pregnant Women in Oeltua Village" it can be concluded as follows: 1. The results showed that pregnant women before being given Dhyana education in reducing anxiety in pregnant women had more knowledge (79.6%). 2. The results showed that after being given Dhyana education in reducing anxiety, it was found that more knowledgeable pregnant women (89.8%). 3. The results showed that there was an influence on the knowledge before and after being given education by Dhyana on knowledge in reducing anxiety in pregnant women in Oeltua village. 4. The results of the T-test statistical test showed that there was an effect of Dhyana's education on knowledge in reducing anxiety in pregnant women in Oeltua village.
















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Copyright holder:

Rihsan Albahri, Mariana D. Lerik, Anderias Umbu Roga dan Krispinus Nuban (2021)


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